Li Shimin

Chapter 153 The Art of Steelmaking

Chapter 153 The Art of Steelmaking
Very early on, there were already blacksmiths who could forge steel.

However, they all use charcoal as fuel.

However, the method is different. The first method is the block smelting method, which is to use pig iron blocks to forge continuously, and finally to forge steel. However, the production efficiency of this forged steel is low, and the quality of the steel obtained is not very good.

Later, in order to improve the quality of steel, craftsmen invented steelmaking.It is to heat the steel that has been initially tempered repeatedly, fold it and forge it repeatedly.

The hundred-refined knife that soldiers are most fond of is obtained after repeated folding and forging a hundred times.

Then, those generals and emperors, seeing the benefits of pure steel, had more and more demands for pure steel, so they forced the craftsmen to invent the method of burning and frying pig iron in a furnace to obtain better steel.

This is the emergence of the method of frying steel.

In the end, the best method of pouring steel appeared.

But now, the craftsmen of the Military Weapons Supervision are using the method of pouring steel!
The steel pouring method is actually to use high-quality iron ore to smelt high-quality pig iron, and then pour the pig iron that is still in a solution state on the wrought iron, and the pig iron and wrought iron are sympathetic and fused together.

Afterwards, it was repeatedly tempered with a hammer several times, so that the pig iron and wrought iron were completely and evenly fused together, and then the iron was obtained, that is, steel.

However, because of the charcoal poison of burning coal, craftsmen have no way to overcome it, so they still use charcoal as fuel. In Li Xuan's view, the production efficiency is still very low.

And now, he has connected all the furnaces in the forge with iron chimneys, that is, they can directly burn coal to make steel.

Thinking about it, Li Xuan's face was full of joy.

Suddenly, Li Xuan thought of the source of wrought iron explained by Ying Qi and Wu Fu.

It seems that wrought iron is also made from pig iron.

Moreover, in the process of frying wrought iron with pig iron, many times of stirring are required for oxidative decarburization, and this process also takes a long time.

Then, when the pig iron is decarburized, the molten iron of the pig iron is allowed to cool down at a certain time when the carbon content is high. Isn't it low-carbon steel or high-carbon steel?

Thinking about it, Li Xuan's heart moved and he stood up directly.

Come quickly to the forge.

And this time, Ying Qi and Wu Fu had already started forging pig iron.

Li Xuan directly explained what he had just thought to the two of them in detail.

Ying Qi and Wu Fu are obviously not the masters of peace, or in the past few months in Li Family Village, under the influence of Li Xuan, these two craftsmen have also learned to tinker with some weird things.

After listening to Li Xuan's narration, the two of them immediately brightened their eyes, patted their chests, and said firmly:

"Master, don't worry, now coal is used as fuel, and it takes half an hour to calcine a furnace of pig iron molten iron. I'll try it out for a few days, and then I can verify whether the smelting method Master said will produce hard steel. !"

"So, I will trouble the two craftsmen!"

Li Xuan also had a happy expression on his face, "The two of you have worked hard these past few days. You can pick five catties of vegetables from my glass greenhouse in a while, and bring them home to taste with your wives and children. Wait until the cement and steel burn When it is finished and a house can be built, the two of you can also build a house in the Li Family Manor and bring your wives and children here!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Now, Ying Qi and Wu Fu were even more excited.

What a great thing it would be to settle down in a prince's village. They knew it all too well after spending all these years in prison!
Immediately, he was full of motivation.

"Master, don't worry, even if you try a hundred times, or even a thousand times, the two of us will definitely burn that steel!"

"Very good!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

Then, he went out.

Cement and steelmaking have been arranged, and the rest of the time is to wait slowly.

He believed in the talents of Ying Qi and Wu Fu.


"Everything is arranged?"

As soon as he entered the room, Li Xuan found that Li Yuan was sitting on the sofa with a smile on his face, looking at him quietly.


Li Xuan smiled lightly and sat on the sofa.

Li Chongyi on the side had already poured a cup of hot tea.

"I heard that you are going to build a house?"

Li Yuan asked, his eyes flashed with splendor.

"Exactly, this room is already a bit small!"

Li Xuan looked up at the house he had lived in for two years, and said with emotion.

"Indeed, this room is fine if you live alone. However, if there are more family members, it will be cramped!"

Li Yuan nodded repeatedly.

After listening, Li Xuan was taken aback, feeling as if what Old Man Xiong said did not mean the same as what he said!
However, I didn't think much about it.

However, Li Yuan on the side didn't intend to stop, and his face was still full of interest.

"Xuanba, I don't know how big a mansion you want to build? Do you have any blueprints and plans? Would you like me to call the general supervisor, Gongsun Nian, to give you a detailed plan?"

"For this matter, I already have plans and drawings, and then I just need to send some craftsmen to build the house!"

Li Xuan directly refused.

Just kidding, after seeing so many buildings in later generations, he had a fantasy about his house deep in his heart.

It's just that the 100-square-meter house in later generations has been sold at sky-high prices. Even if he struggles for [-] years, he still can't afford it.

Now, he wanted money and money, but he still couldn't spend it all.If there are craftsmen, and they are all the top craftsman team in Datang, he must turn the fantasy in his mind into reality.

"I see!"

Hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed in Li Yuan's eyes, but he soon returned to normal.

Afterwards, he asked again: "In the past few days, the news that the old man has grown vegetables in Li's Village has spread throughout Chang'an City. Even the surrounding families have also received the news, and they are riding here in a carriage day and night. .”

"Does Xuanba have any regulations regarding which nobles and officials from aristocratic families come in to watch the glass greenhouse?"

"I'm not familiar with any of those people. Moreover, the more than 200 glass greenhouses are all yours. You can let whoever you want come in!"

Li Xuan said slowly.

He really didn't know anything about these things.

However, the old man Xiong in front of him is definitely an old goblin who hides his secrets.

According to so many days of getting along, he could tell that although the old man in front of him often had a gentle face, he was by no means an incompetent king who was soft and indecisive, and whose rewards and punishments were unknown.

But a resourceful, wise and foolish old goblin.

Seeing that Li Xuan was not interested in what he said, Li Yuan stopped asking.

After drinking the tea, Li Xuan stood up and walked towards the glass greenhouse.

It seems that he has been in a very busy state these days, and has no chance to calm down and inspect his vegetable garden carefully.


the next few days.

As Li Yuan said, the convoys drove into Chang'an City from all directions.

Even, some people have already started wandering outside Li's Village despite the cold wind blowing through.

In the Tai Chi Palace, Li Shimin was also busy walking around. After a while, the patriarch of a certain big family asked to see him, or an official asked to see him.

Even, some Tang envoys also entered the palace to ask to see Li Shimin!

Anyway, no matter who they are, what topics they talk about, or their final intentions, they can all be related to those glass sheds in Lijiazhuang!

(End of this chapter)

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