Li Shimin

Chapter 168 Understanding the Assembly Line Process

Chapter 168 Understanding the Assembly Line Process

At this time, Li Chengqian, who was outside, watching Cheng Chusi and the others leisurely, humming and chopping trees, didn't know that he was implicated in this way.

"Gao Ming, the Xuanhua ax is such a mighty weapon, do you want to play for a while?"

"Exactly, Xuanhua ax and horse lance are magic weapons that a man should use!"

"Gao Ming, it's better to be happy alone than to be happy together. Cutting down trees is such a wonderful thing, why don't you try it together!"

On the side, Cheng Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi bewitched Li Chengqian while cutting down the tree.

"This matter is Master's punishment to you, I dare not help you!"

Although he was a little moved by what he heard, Li Chengqian still shook his head firmly, "Besides, if you want to test the Xuanhua ax and the horse lance, I can use them tomorrow!"

"Gao Ming, I'm sore all over. I want to restore the tree stump outside the Master's Court to its original state. I don't know how much I have suffered. You can't just ignore death!"

Seeing that Li Chengqian was not fooled, Li Chongyi and Changsun Chong were all anxious.

Among them, only Cheng Chusi and Yuchi Baolin, who were often practiced by the elders at home, coupled with their rough skin and thick flesh, their bodies had already adapted to the impact of strenuous exercise.

So, while it's a little sore, it's not a big deal to cut down a tree.

But Li Chongyi and Changsun Chong felt sore every time they waved their arms.

According to this kind of progress, if you want to restore the row of tree stumps to their original state, you will have to work until the year of the monkey.

But now, among them, Li Chengqian, the only one in good health, didn't even help them.

"It's not that I don't want to help, it's that the master doesn't allow it!"

Li Chengqian shook his head repeatedly and refused.

He is not stupid, if he helps these people, then he will be punished next time.

He didn't dare to test the master's temperament of vengeance.


Seeing this, Chang Sun begged all over his face.


At this time, there was an angry shout in the distance.

Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi couldn't help looking over.

Suddenly, everyone panicked.

Those who had just left for a short time rushed over in a hurry, especially His Majesty, who still had a hint of anger in his eyes.


"His Majesty!"

Li Shimin glanced at Li Chengqian and the others, and then let out a cold snort.

"I heard that you actually have a crossbow whose whole body is forged from fine steel?"

Li Chengqian was startled, and quickly replied: "Aye, my child has such a steel crossbow!"

"It really is!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin became anxious for a while, "Prodigal, where is the crossbow?"

"Aye, wait a moment!"

Li Chengqian didn't dare to delay. Under Li Shimin's glaring gaze, he hurriedly ran to a small tree not far away, and with some difficulty picked up a dark and shiny steel crossbow from the root of the tree. The whole body was made of fine steel. Looking at it from a distance, you can tell that this is definitely a weapon for killing on the battlefield.

Immediately, the eyes of Li Shimin, Cheng Zhijie and the others shone.

It's just that such a powerful crossbow was thrown under the tree root so casually!
Thinking about it, Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian with an unfriendly expression.

Seeing this, although Li Chengqian didn't know why, he didn't dare to ask questions, and hastily handed the crossbow to Li Shimin with eyes full of reluctance.

"Hmph, only crossbows, no arrows?"

Li Shimin asked coldly.

"Yes, baby, go and get it now!"

Li Chengqian quickly replied, and trotted under the tree again.

Soon, he grabbed a handful of steel arrows with one hand and walked over!
"Are these arrows also forged from fine steel?"

As soon as he got started, Li Shimin felt that something was wrong and his face was full of surprise.

"Back to Aye, that's right!"

Li Chengqian replied.


Li Shimin snorted again, then lowered his head, carefully inspecting the steel crossbow in his hand.

The more I look at it, the happier I am.

Looking up and looking around, looking at the woods in the distance, his eyes lit up.

Picking up a steel arrow, putting it on the steel crossbow, and aiming at a small tree in the distance, with a crisp sound, the steel arrow has half of its body inserted into the tree trunk.

"Your Majesty is brave!"

Beside them, Cheng Zhijie and Li Chongyi quickly offered a bunch of rainbow farts.

However, everyone's two eyes were fixed on the still trembling steel arrow, and their faces were full of longing.

"Haha, it's really a powerful crossbow, but it's a pity that making one is too time-consuming, and it also consumes fine steel!"

Li Shimin said with some regret.

"Aye, it won't take too long to build such a powerful crossbow!" Li Chengqian said hastily.


Li Shimin was startled.

"Ying Qi and Wu Fu have already forged the mold for this steel crossbow. As long as there is enough molten steel, one person can forge more than ten steel crossbows in one day!"

Li Chengqian said.

"Is that so?"

Li Shimin quickly looked at Li Chengqian.


Having successfully attracted Aye's attention, Li Chengqian let out a soft breath.

"Just like horse lances, both Ying Qi and Wu Fu have forged molds, so in one day, seven horse lances can be forged!"

"Master said, this is the assembly line process. Any weapon can be forged in this way as long as the mold is forged in advance. It is more than ten times faster than those craftsmen forging weapons one by one..."

Li Chengqian explained in detail the assembly line process that Li Xuan said.

After hearing this, Li Shimin and Changsun Wuji couldn't help being shocked.

"Molds, using molds to forge weapons, such a simple matter, no one can think of..."

"It only takes half an hour longer to smelt these fine steels than iron smelting. And forging these steel crossbows and horse spears, there are also forging molds, just pour molten steel. In this way, from iron ore to smelting horses The speed of the lance is already faster than smelting a furnace of pig iron!"

"If the Shaofu Supervisor and the Military Weapons Supervisor all learn this procedure, then why worry that our soldiers in the Tang Dynasty will not have enough ordnance and weapons!"

"Hey, Your Majesty, then all the soldiers in my right guard must have a steel knife and a steel spear! This kind of steel crossbow also needs a thousand pieces! All generals above the school lieutenant must have a horse and a spear. Steel helmet..."

"Old guy Cheng, I can't even have a steel knife and a steel spear each in the imperial army, so you want it?"

"That's right, Mr. Cheng, how much fine steel can be smelted in a year in the Tang Dynasty, you just want to give you the right guard, and every soldier is equipped with steel knives and steel spears..."

In an instant, Cheng Zhijie, Li Shimin and the others were directly waiting for the faces of Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi, grinning and dreaming.

"Your Majesty, my old Cheng also wants to try the power of this steel crossbow!"

As he spoke, Cheng Zhijie quietly put his hands on the steel crossbow in Li Shimin's hand, and took it over while Li Shimin was not paying attention.

After Li Shimin reacted, Cheng Zhijie had already taken a crossbow arrow from Li Chengqian's hand, put it directly on the steel crossbow, and aimed at the tree trunk in the distance. , have already got into the trunk, leaving only the tail of the arrow, still trembling.

Seeing this, Cheng Zhijie directly grinned, laughing all over his face.

"Haha, it really is a strong crossbow. This strength is already stronger than that of a six-stone strong bow. If the arrow bodies of these steel arrows are replaced with willow branches or bamboo, then I, Lao Cheng, only need two thousand pieces of this steel arrow. With a crossbow, you can lead the right guards to shoot the head of the boy Jieli, and play it as a kick!"

"Okay, Mr. Cheng, it's time for me to try it!"

On the side, Li Xiaogong curled his lips, and abruptly snatched the steel crossbow from Cheng Zhijie's hand.


(End of this chapter)

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