Li Shimin

Chapter 170

Chapter 170
Hearing this, Li Xuan felt as if he had opened a Pandora's Box, and couldn't help but feel regretful.

Sure enough, the more Li Yuan talked, the more energetic he became.

"Look at Erlang, who is only two years older than you, Gao Ming is so big, and you don't even have a princess!"

"Since the news of your resurrection spread, people have been looking for this old man every day, and handed him the birth date of the woman of the right age at home! Even some powerful families have come to the door."

"However, don't worry, this is your princess. This old man will definitely check it out for you. Those with poor figure and appearance will not be seen! Those with bad character will not be seen! Even those with low family status will not be seen." ..."

Li Xuan's mouth couldn't help but grow slowly.

"Old man, don't you think I'm still a little young now?"


Li Yuan was startled, "You're almost out of doubt, why are you so young?"

"Not confused?"

Li Xuan's eyes widened, and he pointed at his own face, "Old man, look, this face is not confused, it's obvious!"

"You eighteen?"

Li Yuan also stared wide-eyed, "Isn't this old man better than you at how old you are?"

"However, when I died, I was only 16 years old, and I have only been alive for two years!"

Li Xuan was anxious and quickly explained.

Hearing this, Li Yuan froze there.

It seems that Li Xuan is right!
"Even if you are only eighteen, at your age, you should have a concubine. At Erlang's age, Gao Ming would already be running around everywhere!" Li Yuan continued.


Seeing that Li Yuan finally stopped adding age to himself, a slight smile appeared on Li Xuan's face, and he nodded slightly.

"You don't object?"

Seeing this, Li Yuan was taken aback.

"Why should I object?" Li Xuan was also taken aback.

Immediately, thinking of something, he quickly said: "However, the aunt you find for me may not necessarily have a good family background, but her appearance must meet my aesthetic standards, and she must not be too plump. Moreover, the woman's personality must be Virtuous and virtuous!"

"Haha, Xuan Ba, don't worry, the old man will naturally find you a virtuous, virtuous and beautiful princess!" Li Yuan said with joy on his face.

Seeing this, Li Xuan also nodded in satisfaction.

As for Li Xuan, who Li Yuan was worried about, he was like a child of a family in Chang'an City, and he was unwilling in every possible way, but there was nothing at all.

In his previous life, although he wanted to fall in love, due to his mediocre appearance, no girls took the initiative to chase him.Moreover, he has a very inner personality, doesn't know how to chase girls, and his family situation is not very good, so he can only look at those girls and drool in his heart.

Now, in this life, after two years of seclusion in Lijiazhuang, it may be extremely difficult to find a satisfactory mother-in-law.

As the Supreme Emperor, Old Man Xiong personally used all his connections to find him a wife and aunt. This is equivalent to the country giving a wife and aunt.

Thinking about it, Li Xuan actually found that he was still a little happy in his heart.

As for Li Yuan, when he saw Li Xuan, he really didn't have any resistance in his heart, and the wrinkles on his face couldn't help but deepened.

In my heart, I began to think about whether the Wang family in Taiyuan had a suitable daughter-in-law, whether the Cui family had a daughter-in-law of the right age, Lu family, Zheng family, Webster family, Pei family...

For all the big and powerful families that can be thought of, Li Yuan has lived through it again in the depths of his heart.

Seeing this, Li Xuan also left silently.

Anyway, if he stays this time, he won't be of much help.

Li Shimin and the others left in a hurry after inquiring about Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi, Ying Qi and Wu Fu in the forge.

As for Cheng Chusi's horse lance, Cheng Zhijie and others, after hearing that within a few days, they could forge a horse lance and steel crossbow, threw the horse lance in their hands to Cheng Chusi and others with a look of disdain.


inside the car.

Changsun Wuji and Du Gou all looked pensive.

After an unknown amount of time, Changsun Wuji first bowed his hands to Li Shimin.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"Why is there joy?"

Li Shimin asked.

"Your Majesty, it is my Great Tang's blessing to have a master. First, the iron-making method is enough to strengthen the national power of the Tang Dynasty for more than ten years. How long has it been since this time, and the steel-making technique, plus the assembly line The process, as long as the Shaofu Supervisor and the Military Weapons Supervisor are given a year, everyone in the Tang Dynasty can wear armor, and the military strength will be greatly enhanced."

As he said that, Changsun Wuji's face became more and more joyful.

Beside them, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui also congratulated Li Shimin with joyful expressions on their faces: "Besides, the objects such as glass and sofa invented by that master have brought nearly one million guan to the imperial court in just a few months. .”

"Wait until next year, after these objects start to be sold in the entire Great Tang, it will only take one year, and my Great Tang will definitely have a rich treasury!..."

"When we get there, I will personally conquer!"

Li Shimin shouted with excitement all over his face.


"Your Majesty, be careful with this matter!"

"Exactly, it's just a few small barbarian countries, and my Tang Dynasty is like a cloud of fierce generals, so why bother Your Majesty to go out in person!"

Unexpectedly, just saying some excited words gave His Majesty the idea of ​​a personal conquest. Immediately, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and the others couldn't help but their faces changed drastically, and they hurriedly tried to dissuade them.

"Everyone, please be at ease, I am not a reckless person, let's talk about next year's matter next year!"

Li Shimin said with a light smile on his face.

However, the more they heard what Li Shimin said, the more worried Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuanling became.

However, before a few people had time to think about the countermeasures again, what Li Shimin said next made the expressions of the few people change slightly.

"Now that Xuanba's identity has been confirmed, it's time to give Xuanba the king. But, you all talk about, what title should be given to Xuanba, and where should the fiefdom be? This matter, let Zhen Ye I couldn't sleep, I thought about it for several days, but I couldn't come up with a good title and fief!"


Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and the others couldn't help being startled.

Hastily hand over.

"Your Majesty, the matter of Saburo is His Majesty's family matter, and I dare not intervene rashly!"

"Exactly, Your Majesty, regarding the matter of Saburo, we, as subjects, dare to speak nonsense..."

Hearing this, Li Shimin glanced at these old rascals speechlessly.

Don't you dare to intervene in the matter of the prince becoming king?
However, fortunately, Li Shimin just asked casually, so as not to let these old bastards talk about him.

Now that Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuanling were all quiet, Li Shimin stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Now, more and more aristocratic families are sending people to look for the old man.

Regarding this, Li Shimin can guess without even thinking about it, these people are looking for the old man, not for the glass shed, but for Xuanba!

At the same time, in Lijiazhuang.

Not long after Li Shimin and the others left, Li Yuan also left Li Xuan behind and ran into Chang'an City.

Back in Tai'an Palace, directly called Li Chong, the chief manager of Tai'an Palace.

"Go and call Erlang!"


Hearing this, Li Chong saluted quickly, and then ran to Tai Chi Palace.

Soon, Li Shimin also came to Tai'an Palace full of doubts.

However, Li Yuan's first sentence made Li Shimin feel relieved.

"I want to choose a concubine for Xuanba, but Xuanba has not been formally crowned king so far, do you have a suitable title?"

"Father, what do you think of King Jin?"

Li Shimin quickly replied.

"King Jin?"

Li Yuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then gradually revealed a smile.

"Very good!"

Seeing this, Li Shimin quickly said again.

"It's just my father. Regarding the matter of becoming a king, my son and Xuan Ba ​​mentioned it. Xuan Ba's words are very firm. I don't want any fiefdoms, nor any titles. Therefore, I am afraid that according to Xuan Ba's temperament, if I directly give Xuan Ba When Ba makes an order, Xuan Ba ​​will resist the order and not obey it..."


 In the future, there will be three shifts every day!

  I found out that Saturday and Sunday were updated, but I didn’t recommend it~~Top! =====( ̄▽ ̄*)b
  Just try to fix three times a day, almost 7k words, you should give a recommendation~~

  Otherwise, it would be too miserable~

(End of this chapter)

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