Li Shimin

Chapter 192 Wang Hui is relieved

Chapter 192 Wang Hui is relieved

In the forge, Ying Qi and Wu Fu heard Li Chongyi's words, and there was a flash of excitement in their eyes.

They have stayed in Lijiazhuang for so long, the king can finally let them recover once, their status as carpenters!

As for Prince Jin's Mansion, Li Chang and Chu Suiliang who had just returned, upon hearing Li Xuan's request, hurried to Li's Village with two tailors and some fine cloth.


In Chang'an City, Yongningfang, and Wang's Bieyuan, there are all the stewards of the major families in Chang'an City gathered in Chang'an City!
The Cui family of Boling, the Lu family of Fanyang, the Liu family of Hedong, the Yang family of Hongnong...

"Huh? Why didn't Cui Hongmo, Qinghe Cui's steward, come?"

"I heard that they seem to be taking a cart full of white stacks to Li's Village!"

"Tsk, what a Qinghe Cui family!"

"Hmph, it seems that Hachiro from Zheng's family has also gone to Li's Village!"

"I didn't expect that the stewards of the two aristocratic families with five surnames and seven sects could not wait to go to Lijiazhuang to find that King Jin!"

"Isn't it just a piece of clothing, it's really sad that two stewards of the aristocratic family are so shameless!"

"Hey, what does Mr. Lu Lang mean?"

"The king of Jin collected the white folds just to make clothes, it seems to be called cotton clothes!"

"Cotton clothes?... Hehe, a dignified king of Jin is so keen on female celebrities..."

"The Cui family and the Zheng family are the most foresighted, and they directly pulled a cart of white stacks and delivered them to their door!"

"Everyone, my family has been passed down for thousands of years, and I have always passed on the fragrance of books to the family. I have never asked about merchants. Don't be like the Zheng family and the Cui family..."

"Huh, thank you Wang Langjun for reminding me about this, my aristocratic family's bones are not so soft, and it's for a piece of clothing, and it's casually sewn with white folds..."

"Is that so?"

"It's absolutely true. After the king of Jin took back the Bai Dizi, he just adjusted the Bai Dizi casually, and let the seamstress use it to sew clothes..."

"Hahaha, that's the case, and I don't know what kind of expressions Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde will have when they learn the truth..."

After learning the truth, Wang Hui and all the housekeepers were relieved.

In the past, everyone lost their faces together.

However, now there is someone even stupider than them.

Moreover, there are still two!
In comparison, they didn't make such a big mistake, so they can finally breathe a sigh of relief!


It's just, in Lijiazhuang.

In the small workshop that hadn't been started for a long time, Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde were staring at the movements of the two busy seamstresses with their eyes full of surprise.

They have never seen that large wooden bows, mallets, and wooden grinding discs are used to sew clothes.

Under Li Xuan's command, the two old tailors first put a pile of white silk from the white pile with the black seeds removed, next to the string of the big wooden bow, then picked up the mallet, and quickly struck The tendon strings of a large wooden bow.

And with the trembling of the beef tendon strings, the white stacks next to the beef tendon strings gradually became loose and messy, and finally mixed together, no longer distinguishable from each other.

Then, the two old tailors used a piece of yarn to criss-cross the white folds and press them together.Then, use the wooden disc on the side to grind it, and finally the white stack will magically turn into a white block.

The subsequent process is very simple, just as King Jin said, put these processed white folds on the already cut fabric, and sew them up.

"Come on, you two have a try!"

Under the resentful gazes of Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi, Li Xuan directly handed the sewn cotton coat to Zheng Mingde.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zheng Mingde's face was overjoyed, and he quickly put on the cotton padded jacket in a flattered manner.

It just felt like I was wrapped in a thick layer of clothing.However, after feeling it carefully, it is not so heavy.

Plus, it's soft, comfortable and warm.

For a while, some actually didn't want to take it off.

"Zheng Balang, please let me try!"

On the side, Cui Hongmo saw that Zheng Mingde was still wearing a cotton padded jacket for such a long time, and he had no intention of taking it off, so he couldn't help urging him.

"It's just a cotton coat, why should Cui Wulang be so urgent!"

Zheng Mingde glanced at Cui Hongmo with disdain, and carefully took off his cotton coat.

Seeing this, Cui Hongmo was speechless.

However, after taking the padded coat, his face was full of joy.

Oh~ hiss...

On the other side, Zheng Mingde suddenly shuddered, and his forehead felt cold for a while.

After touching it with my hand, I realized that after such a short time, I had already started to sweat. This cotton padded coat really deserves to be the most important item of clothing for the King of Jin!

"The cotton coat sewn with white folds is really comfortable!"

At this moment, Cui Hongmo also tasted the cotton-padded clothes carefully, and hurriedly took off the cotton-padded clothes with a look of reluctance.Because Li Chengqian, Cheng Chusi and the others in front of him couldn't wait for a long time, they were staring at him angrily, so Cui Hongmo didn't dare to delay.

"Your Highness, please!"

With that said, he quickly handed the cotton coat to Li Chengqian.

"Thank you!"

Li Chengqian thanked him.

Cui Hongmo was startled, and hurriedly replied: "Your Highness can't do it, you can't do it!"

"What Master taught, I'm used to it!"

Li Chengqian said something softly, and quickly put on his cotton coat.

"Gao Ming, how about this cotton coat?"

"How is it? Is it comfortable? Is it warm?"

Cheng Chusi, Li Chongyi and others have already reached out and touched it.

On the side, Cui Hongmo felt a chill for no reason, and subconsciously looked at Zheng Mingde on the side.

Seeing Zheng Mingde behave in the same way, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He quickly turned around and bowed down to Li Xuan.

"Qinghe Cui Hongmo thanked King Fu for teaching!"

Zheng Mingde also quickly bowed to Li Xuan and saluted: "The Zheng family, Zheng Mingde, thank you for your teaching!"

"You two don't have to be like this!"

A smile flashed in Li Xuan's eyes.

You know, respecting teachers is the most serious thing in this society, especially for aristocratic families like the Zheng family and the Cui family.

When Zheng Mingde and Cui Hongmo said these words, it represented their true recognition of Li Xuan's teaching them how to sew cotton-padded clothes with white folds.

From then on, needless to say in other aspects, but in the field of Baidiezi's cotton-padded clothes, the two of them must regard Li Xuan as the leader.

On the side, Li Chengqian and Cheng Chusi also froze in place, their faces full of astonishment.

However, Zheng Mingde and Cui Hongmo looked happy after seeing that Li Xuan did not object.

"Your Majesty is being polite. If your Majesty doesn't show it to me, I'm afraid we will never know that we need to deal with it like this when we use white folds to sew clothes!"

Zheng Mingde and Cui Hongmo said quickly.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the two of us will never pass on this secret recipe without your Majesty's permission!"


Li Xuan nodded slightly, and did not continue to speak.

Seeing this, Zheng Mingde and Cui Hongmo couldn't help being stunned, the king is really different from ordinary people!

Afterwards, after pondering for a while, he continued to salute.

"My lord, the padded clothes made by Bai Dizi are so comfortable and warm. Does Your Majesty have the idea of ​​buying a large number of clothes made by Bai Dizi?"

"This matter, of course, has happened, but there are not many Baidiezi installed in the Tang Dynasty, so it is impossible to buy a large number of Baidiezi!"

Li Xuan spread his hands helplessly.

Hearing this, Zheng Mingde's eyes lit up, and he hastily cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, in fact, there are still many vagrants in Datang."


(End of this chapter)

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