Li Shimin

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

"No, no!"

Li Xuan couldn't help shivering, "Old man, is there an older woman?"

"Yes, this daughter of the Pei family in Hedong is thirteen years old..."

"do not want!"

"This is a woman from the Li family in Zhao County. Even though she is only 13 years old, her body and appearance are similar to those of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl..."

"This is the Cui family..."

After a circle, Li Xuan can all look up to the faces in the album, except for a very few.But as long as Li Yuan mentioned his age, Li Xuan couldn't help shivering and refused directly.

He felt so guilty, even if it was allocated by the state, and a legal mediator was marrying back, he couldn't do it.

"How old are you, Xuanba?"

Li Yuan also had a helpless expression, and let out a long sigh of relief.

It never occurred to him that he had spent such a long time carefully selecting so many women who were of the right age and had a good figure and family background, but this bastard thing was actually stuck in age.

"Old man, no matter what, he must be 16 years old!"

Li Xuan thought about it, but didn't dare to report more.

"16 years old?"

In an instant, Li Yuan felt a surge of energy and blood rushing from the spine to the back of the head, and the blood vessels were throbbing.

Unable to bear it, his eyes widened.

"Xuanba, do you know that women in Tang Dynasty started to marry at 12 years old, married at 14 years old, and all women at 16 years old are widows!"

Li Xuan: ...

He didn't dare to report his age too much, because he was afraid that all the people of the right age would be widows. He didn't expect that he still couldn't escape this catastrophe!
"Old man, why don't you take this matter for a while?"

Li Xuan said in a low voice.

"How can this matter be slowed down?"

Li Yuan's tone couldn't help but improve.

Li Xuan opened his mouth, sighed lightly, and did not speak.

Who would have imagined that the state's allocation of mothers-in-law and aunts, which everyone was happy with, could develop to such a point in the end?

At this time, the door curtain was suddenly lifted.

Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde walked in from the door with happy expressions on their faces.

However, after feeling the dull atmosphere in the room, the expressions on the faces of the two quickly converged.

Hastily stepped forward to say goodbye.

"Greetings to the Supreme Emperor, the Great King!"

"I don't know why the Supreme Emperor and King He are worried, maybe the two of us can help a little!"

Looking at the album on the coffee table, Zheng Mingde asked curiously.

Li Yuan snorted coldly and ignored him.

As for Li Xuan, he smiled embarrassingly, and at the same time subconsciously turned over the top album, blocking it from reading.

Seeing this, Zheng Mingde was taken aback, and then quickly smiled embarrassingly, not daring to say more.

"Huh? Master, the Supreme Emperor, whose family is my teacher's wife?"

Suddenly, Cheng Chusi and the bastards came back from the outside, and they started shouting before they lifted the curtain.

Hearing this, Li Xuan was furious.

Li Yuan snorted again.

Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde couldn't help but looked at each other, their eyes were full of curiosity, they stared wide-eyed, and looked back and forth between Li Xuan and the pile of albums on the tea table.

"Master, my wife..."


Cheng Chusi and Li Chengqian, who came in, were about to ask again, but when they saw this situation, they immediately shut up.

"I don't know what kind of woman Your Majesty wants to find, but my Qinghe Cui family has quite a few women of the right age to marry!"

"Exactly, Your Majesty, there are many people of the right age in my Zheng family, and there are many famous scholars, scholars and young ladies who are looking for husbands!"

"Is there an older woman?"

Li Xuan asked.


Hearing this, Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde were startled.

After so many years, this was the first time they encountered such a request. Could it be that the king has a special hobby?

Thinking about it, the two couldn't help but glanced at Li Xuan strangely.

"I don't know what age the king is referring to?"

"16 years old!"

This time, Li Xuan said calmly.


Both Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde were taken aback, and somewhat understood why the Supreme Emperor had such an expression.

Cheng Chusi and Li Chengqian were also surprised.

"Your Majesty, most of the young ladies at this age are already married, and the rest are either ill or widows. You are the King of Jin, and the princess must be clean!"

After thinking for a moment, Cui Hongmo spoke.


Inexplicably, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he put away the album on the coffee table and prepared to put it in the back room.

The paper used in these picture albums is all good paper, and they are all paintings by famous masters. They are all priceless treasures that are passed down to future generations.

What Li Xuan didn't expect was that he had just come out of the bedroom and hadn't sat down yet.

Cui Hongmo's expression changed, and he actually spoke, "Your Majesty, Qinghe Cui's family has a younger sister who is also 16 years old, but some ordinary people can't accept it!"


Li Xuan was startled.

As for Li Yuan and Zheng Mingde, their expressions changed slightly.

Staring at Cui Hongmo closely, his eyes were full of anger.

"What's so weird?"

Li Xuan asked curiously.

"Back to the king, there are some restraints!" Cui Hongmo gritted his teeth, and said hastily: "But don't worry, Master, the Patriarch has asked many fortune tellers to calculate, and my little sister can only restrain two husbands-in-laws in her life!"

"Then how many times have you been defeated now?" Li Xuan asked with a strange expression.

"Back to the king, exactly two terms!"

Cui Hongmo hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Besides, the king happens to be a resurrected person, and a person with the physique of my younger sister, when facing the king, can just turn from restraint to prosperity!"

"Your little sister is really Kefu?"

Li Xuan looked curious.

Hearing this, Cui Hongmo's expression changed for a moment, and he sighed softly.

"Your Majesty, this is indeed true! My little sister was betrothed to Fan Yang's Twelfth Lang of the Lu family before, but although that Twelfth Lang of the Lu family was famous, he was ill in bed since he was a child and drank medicine all the year round. My sister died before she entered the door!

Afterwards, she was married to the Liu family in Hedong, but not long after that, the Liu family's Saburo was on a boat trip, and the boat leaked and died!

So far, the notoriety of my younger sister Kefu has been spread among the major families, and no one dares to marry her anymore.Pity my little sister who is virtuous and virtuous, with a blue quality and a heart.

Suffering such a notoriety that cannot be washed away, the younger sister was so angry that she never married again! "


Hearing this, Li Xuan was startled.

Stared at Cui Hongmo blankly for a while, and said: "Are you sure, your little sister is not secretly in love with some expert who has been secretly protecting your little sister. Whoever dares to marry your little sister will be assassinated by that expert." ?”

"Your Majesty, there is absolutely no such thing!"

Cui Hongmo's face changed drastically, and he quickly explained: "Although my Qinghe Cui family does not have much power, it is not something small people can bully! Especially it is about my little sister Qingyu. The head of the family sent people to investigate for a long time. Saburo Liu, died of natural causes!"

"Don't be nervous, this king is just joking!"

Li Xuan quickly sneered.

"My lord, is it okay to know my younger sister's age?"

Cui Hongmo asked quickly.


Immediately, Li Xuan blushed.

In the end, he was still an old and pure man, and he had never experienced these things, and he had been wanting to wait for the old man to introduce him forcibly, but in the end, he would have to do it himself.

However, Li Xuan could write ink, but Cui Hongmo could not.

He quickly turned his head and looked at Li Yuan who was opposite him.

"This matter, please let the Supreme Emperor decide!"

"The master?"

Li Xuan was startled.

What did you do?Want the old man to call the shots?
"There's no rush on this matter, first present the picture album of the lady of the Cui family!"

Li Yuan said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Cui Hongmo was overjoyed, "After I go back, I will send someone to report this to the Patriarch!"


Li Yuan nodded lightly.


(End of this chapter)

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