Li Shimin

Chapter 200 The First Case of 'Ancient Ritual'!

Chapter 200 The First Case of 'Ancient Ritual'!
Having said that, the daughter of the Qinghe Cui family's concubine is quite a good match for Xuan Ba!

Thinking about it, Li Shimin nodded slowly.

"This matter, everything is at Aye's will! You are not allowed to meddle in this matter indiscriminately!"

"Yes, Ayer."

Li Chengqian nodded quickly, with Ah Weng and Master watching there, even if they had any thoughts, they didn't dare to move!
Seeing this, a smile flashed in Li Shimin's eyes, and he continued to ask: "Cui Hongmo wants to take away the sheep-free wool from me. Since Xuanba has agreed to this matter, I will also agree."

"On this matter, Cui Hongmo's actions can be regarded as being sincere. I will issue an edict to the Shaofu Supervisor tomorrow, and Cui Hongmo can just go to the Shaofu Supervisor directly!"

"Thank you Aye!"

Li Chengqian was overjoyed, and quickly bowed his hands in salute.

"By the way, did you mention the matter of Li Baoding to Xuan Ba?"

Afterwards, Li Shimin asked again, "New Year's Eve is coming soon. Since Xuan Ba ​​has been resurrected, Li Baoding, as Xuan Ba's heir, can't keep guarding Xuan Ba's tomb in Zhiyang. It's time to come back and meet Xuan Ba!"

Speaking of this, Li Shimin also had a headache.

"Back to Aye, some time ago, the baby was mentioned to my third uncle." Li Chengqian replied cautiously.

"What's Xuan Ba's reaction?" Li Shimin asked quickly with joy in his eyes.

"Third Uncle reacted very strangely..."

After thinking about it for a while, Li Chengqian described Li Xuan's reaction to Li Shimin in detail.

After listening, Li Shimin also had a strange expression on his face.

However, Li Xuan's reaction made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"On this matter, tomorrow you will talk to Xuan Ba ​​about letting Li Baoding return to Chang'an for the Spring Festival, and see what Xuan Ba ​​thinks?"

"Yes, Ayer!"

Li Chengqian's face turned bitter, but he still hurriedly answered.


Day two.

Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde came to Lijiazhuang early.

"Greetings to the Supreme Emperor, I have met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Cui Langjun and Zheng Langjun came quite early!"

When Li Yuan, Li Chengqian and others came to Lijiazhuang, they were already outside the door, waiting for a long time.

Greet each other.

Cui Hongmo hurriedly asked Li Chengqian: "Dare to ask Your Highness, what did you mean by what happened yesterday?"

"Father agrees, today I will issue an edict to the Shaofu Supervisor, and you two can go directly to the Shaofu Supervisor to discuss it!"

Li Chengqian said directly.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde quickly thanked each other.

Afterwards, after Li Xuan came out of the house and greeted Li Xuan, he picked some vegetables in the glass shed and hurried to Chang'an City.

Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi, on the other hand, took advantage of the time when Li Xuan washed and brushed his teeth, lit a fire to cook, and inspected the glass greenhouse, chicken pens, and pig pens.

Now, Cheng Chusi and the others don't eat at their own home. Although they all make the same food with the same ingredients, they always feel that the food at Li Xuan's home is delicious.

Li Yuan went out to sneak Li Xiong.

Perhaps the elderly have a special love for pets at home, and they feed Li Xiong more frequently than Li Xuan.Even the time for inspecting his [-]-acre glass greenhouse was ranked after Li Xiong.

As a result, now, Li Xiong is more than ten catties heavier than when he was brought back by Li Xuan, and he is already a little inflexible when he walks!
After eating, when everyone was sitting slumped at the dining table to digest, Li Chengqian thought of Li Shimin's confession yesterday, his eyes wandered back and forth on Li Xuan's face for a long time, and after looking at Li Xuan, he felt a little impatient.

Then he said slowly: "Master, Gao Ming has something to do, I would like to ask you for advice!"

"Since it's a difficult matter, please go directly to His Majesty!" Li Xuan said directly.

Li Chengqian was stunned, his mouth slightly opened.

After a while, he smiled and said, "Master, this matter is not difficult. However, the New Year's Day is coming soon, and Li Baoding is still living in Zhiyang as your heir. Do you need to take that child over?" , let him meet you!"

"Exactly, Master, Li Baoding, as your heir, according to the etiquette, should come to pay respects to you from the day you were named King of Jin!" Li Chongyi also said hastily.

"Why do you want to visit me? Zhiyang is such a big palace, how comfortable is it for him to live alone?" Li Xuan's face froze.

"Master, Li Baoding is your heir, so he should come to see you and serve you at your knees!"

Li Chongyi said.

"Who stipulated this etiquette?"

Li Xuan's face became angry.

"Ah!" Li Chongyi's expression froze.

I can't help but think to myself, you are the first prince in all dynasties who died early and then came back to life, who would have specially stipulated this kind of etiquette.However, according to the etiquette and law of the heirs guarding the prince's tomb in the past, after you are resurrected, Li Baoding has to come to see you.

Thinking about it, Li Chongyi and Li Chengqian couldn't help but look at each other, and said in unison: "Master, this is how ancient rituals are!"

"Old man, is there really such etiquette?"

Li Xuan inexplicably felt something was wrong.

"The ancient rituals are probably like this!"

Li Yuan was slightly taken aback, but nodded again and again.

"If that's the case, then bring Li Baoding to Chang'an, and come here with you on weekdays, but let him live in the palace first, I don't have any extra rooms in this small courtyard, let him live there!"

Li Xuan nodded helplessly.

"Thank you, Master!"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian hurriedly bowed his hands to Li Xuan to thank him.

Li Chongyi also looked happy.

Seeing this, a hint of suspicion flashed in Li Xuan's eyes.

Immediately, he stared at each other, "Today you two wash the dishes and feed the chickens and hogs!"

"Yes, Master!"

Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi responded quickly.

"Hmph, you are the two who feed the chickens and hogs!" Li Xuan's eyes flashed a gloomy look.

"Ah, Master?"

Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi felt something was wrong.

"Ah? After feeding, my master will practice with you!" Li Xuan stared.

These bastards dared to deceive themselves.

"Master, I'm going to wash the dishes!"

Feeling that the master had already noticed, Li Chengqian and Li Chongyi quickly stood up, cleaned up the dishes on the table, and ran to the kitchen next to them.

Cheng Chusi and the others also lowered their heads tightly, wishing to get into the cracks in the ground so that the master could not see them.

"You have seen bastards, you have not practiced martial arts with you for many days, and you are so loose, come out with me!"

"Yes... master!"

Hearing this, Cheng Chusi and the others couldn't help trembling in their hearts, but they still walked out slowly.

Master at this time, they don't dare to provoke him randomly.

As for Li Chengqian, they didn't dare to expose it. It's a shameless disaster for them to be blamed for the affairs of the royal family.


Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde, who returned to Chang'an City from Lijiazhuang, put some vegetables bought from Lijiazhuang at home, and then carried the remaining two catties of vegetables to the Shaofu prison.


Outside the Shaofu Prison.

"Cui Hongmo from the Cui family in late Qinghe has seen Zheng Shaofu!" "Lansheng Zheng Mingde from the Zheng family in Xingyang has seen Zheng Shaofu!"

"Meet Cui Wulang and Zheng Balang!"

Shaofu supervisor Zheng Ye returned the salute slightly.

Although they both share the surname of Zheng, Zheng Ye is a small family in Jinyang, and has an inseparable relationship with the Zheng family in Xingyang.

"Young Master Zheng is polite!"

Cui Hongmo and Zheng Mingde hurriedly bowed their hands together.

Although Zheng Ye is a third-rank Shaofu supervisor, the Shaofu supervisor is in charge of all kinds of affairs, and it is also a department with real power, and the two of them dare not neglect.


 Thank you Mo for writing Jinghong and Feng's Eight Thousand Miles for your broken silver!
(End of this chapter)

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