Li Shimin

Chapter 629 Starting to Plant Potatoes

"This businessman!"

After listening, Li Shimin looked gloomy.

"These aristocratic families are really greedy. I have followed Xuan Ba's suggestion, allowed them to go out to build a country, and crowned them kings. They still want to harm the people of my Tang Dynasty?
Could it be that you really think the imperial court is so easy to bully? "

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

Changsun Wuji's heart trembled, he was afraid that Li Shimin's anger would directly make those grain merchants' heads roll.

"How can I appease my anger?"

Li Shimin took a deep breath, and then looked at Changsun Wuji.

What he didn't expect was that Changsun Wuji still had a faint smile on his face, and he couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Your Majesty, those aristocratic families are huge and have many houses, and there will always be some bastards who don't obey discipline and are blinded by interests!"

Changsun Wuji laughed lightly, and said, "They dare to be so reckless, probably because they think that my Tang Dynasty has no more food left, so they all made a mistake!"

"Auxiliary machine?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin's heart moved, and he asked subconsciously.

"Your Majesty, in a few months, my Tang Dynasty can buy more than 100 million shi, or even 2 million shi of grain!"

Changsun Wuji smiled and said, "Also, the sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn and other gods brought back by King Jin from America, this winter, we can also test how much they can produce per mu?"

"Now, the more those grain merchants earn, the more they will lose at that time! Moreover, my Tang Dynasty is not the Tang Dynasty a few years ago, with salt, cement roads, and foreign conquests. You have to borrow weapons and equipment from the imperial court.

If those grain merchants have done too much, how His Majesty wants to deal with them, just move a little on these, it will definitely hurt them! "

Hearing this, the corners of Li Shimin's mouth turned up slightly.

"In order to prevent these grain merchants from jumping over the wall in a hurry, we must keep an eye on the grain in their hands, and we must not let them smuggle all the grain out of Datang!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely show them how many stone grains they have purchased. Don't even think about transporting a grain of grain out of my Tang Dynasty!"

Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui hurriedly cupped their hands in salute.


Li Shimin snorted coldly, got up and walked outside.

Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui hurriedly followed.

"How about the sweet potato seedlings grown at home?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the sweet potato seedlings we cultivated at home have broken through the ground and are an inch high!"

"It's only one inch high? I'll take you there to see, the sweet potato seedlings in my small pond are already two inches high!"

Hearing this, a smug look flashed in Li Shimin's eyes, and he took Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui to the imperial garden.

For this, the two congratulated each other again and again.

And in Lijiazhuang.

Li Xuan also brought Li Chenglu along, and went to the backyard every two days to take a look at the sweet potato seedlings in those ponds.

The two-inch sweet potato seedlings are squeezed together in a green way, which makes people happy.

Li Xuan first tried to cultivate sweet potato seedlings in six ponds, and after they germinated, he dug a few large pits and cultivated more than 200 catties of sweet potato seedlings.

Moreover, some pepper seedlings and tomato seedlings were also cultivated.

At the same time, in the fields outside Lijiazhuang, a group of farmers in Lijiazhuang, led by some old farmers, fertilized the fields and restored them.

half a month later.

In the entire Lijiazhuang, large-scale construction of glass greenhouses has begun.

Similarly, there is one glass greenhouse per acre of land.

Such a major event is like plowing in spring and harvesting in autumn. The whole family, men, women, old and young, all set out to work.

Less than ten days of work.

In the entire Lijiazhuang, [-] glass greenhouses were built.

Neatly lined up on the wide field, all the farmers in Lijiazhuang looked at these glass greenhouses with light in their eyes.

"This winter, I will be able to make more money again! At that time, I will find a mother-in-law for the little boy in the family, and I will be able to have a baby next year!"

An old man with a purple and black face stood at the door of his house, looking at the seemingly endless glass sheds in the distance, grinning happily.

"Old man Li, don't think too much!"

The sixth uncle appeared beside him for some unknown reason, also looking forward to it.

"This year, there are still two glass greenhouses in each family to grow vegetables, and the remaining glass greenhouses seem to be used by the king to grow the gods brought back from overseas!"


On the side, several farmers also came over with expressions of interest.

"The housekeeper only said it was overseas, but didn't say where it was, so don't guess!"

Seeing this, Uncle Six hastily explained with a solemn expression on his face.

"Yes, yes, that is overseas!"

Hearing this, several farmers on the side also responded repeatedly.

They didn't dare to quarrel with the villager of Lijiazhuang. If they lost the quarrel, it would be fine. If they won, the housekeeper would definitely make trouble for them if they made the old man angry.


Sixth Uncle glared arrogantly at the kids around him, and prepared to go to the other courtyard.

This year's glass greenhouse was built so early, shouldn't we start planting some fruits and vegetables in it earlier?

There are also sweet potatoes and potatoes that the king wants to plant, and how to plant them, the sixth uncle is very concerned.

"The glass greenhouses in charge of each family will be planted and managed by each family. As for the remaining glass greenhouses, those boys who went to sea with the king will be responsible for planting and managing them.

But for every greenhouse, a farmer needs to learn how to plant and manage those fetishes with those cubs! "

Li Chang said.

"Those bastards are in charge of planting? Those bastards have rough hands and feet, and the crops are so delicate. Wouldn't it be a waste of the king's important business to let them toss and break?"

Hearing this, Uncle Six couldn't help feeling a little worried.

At this time, Li Xuan walked out with Li Chenglu, followed by Li Baoding and Wang Xuance.

He said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, Sixth Uncle, those guards have already planted two crops at sea. They may not be as familiar with the vegetables as you old farmers, but they are the most familiar with the sweet potatoes and potatoes.

However, they all planted it once, after teaching the farmers how to plant it.

From next year, it will be all planted by you! "

"I see!"

The sixth uncle nodded slowly, and then said to Li Xuan: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, those bastards in the Zhuangzi will definitely study hard!"

"With Uncle Six here, I can't be more relieved!"

Li Xuan chuckled again.

"Sixth Uncle, please call those farmers and start planting potatoes in a while!"

"Planting potatoes?"

The sixth uncle was taken aback, then went out without asking any further questions.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, those bastards in the Zhuangzi have been waiting in the Zhuangzi!"

After going out, the sixth uncle greeted a group of little bastards in the village, and started calling people from door to door.

Soon, the square was filled with dark crowds.

And the guards who followed Li Xuan out to sea, carried the two hundred catties of potatoes that Li Xuan brought back, and walked towards the glass shed.

The potatoes that Li Xuan brought back to Lijiazhuang were about 240 catties.

They ate more than ten catties.

Now, there are 230 catties left.

According to the estimates of Li Xuan and others, one hundred catties of potatoes can be planted on one mu of land.

So, just bring two hundred catties, and you can plant two acres of land.

The remaining [-] catties should be preserved first, in case something happens to the [-] catties of potatoes and they are not planted.

Can be planted a second time.


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