Li Shimin

Chapter 631 Li Tai and Li You also want to attack Goguryeo?

In the end, he turned over and stood up, and put on clothes on his body in the dark.

"Dalang, what are you doing here?"

"Thinking about the glass in the field, I can't sleep, I have to go and see it!"

"I'll go with you too, I'm worried too!"

"No, it's too dark to walk at night, I'll just go!"

After finishing speaking, the farmer opened the door and walked out.

However, what surprised him was that after the wooden doors of the next rooms creaked a few times, several figures came out one after another.

Obviously, he also has the same thoughts as him.

Several people said hello to each other, and then walked towards the field together in the dark!
Those glass houses are their money-making holes, and there are absolutely no surprises.

half a month later.

On the [-] mu of fertile land in Xuejiazhuang, [-] glass greenhouses were built.

Coincidentally, there are forty households in Xuejiazhuang.

Each farmer can take care of two glass greenhouses.

Since the completion of the glass greenhouse, the farmers have lived in the glass greenhouse basically every night.

at the same time.

Cheng Zhijie, Duan Zhixuan, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, and Li Xiaogong, who were sent by Li Shimin to Henan and Hedong for disaster relief, also began to return to Chang'an city one after another.

Similarly, Sun Simiao and other doctors also returned with the army.

The catastrophe that affected more than 500 million victims, the people in Guanzhong and Guannei have not recovered their senses, so they solved it so plainly.

For a moment, all the people in Guanzhong and Guanzhong couldn't help being a little surprised.

The entire family of the Tang Dynasty once again saw the horror of Li Tang!
At the same time, they all made up their minds to move out.

At the same time, in the cities of Henan and Hedong in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, there were officials sent by Li Shimin to organize the officials in the cities to neglect the waterways of the Yellow River, build dams on the Yellow River, and then distribute the land on both sides of the Yellow River to the common people. them.

The only thing that didn't go well was that in the south of the Yellow River, there were some Turkic people who were migrated by Li Shimin.

These Turkic people don't pay much attention to the land, so they can only be arranged to go nomadic.

Of course, it's not Li Xuan's turn to worry about these things, and Li Xuan doesn't know.

Li Shimin came to Lijiazhuang again.

This time, Li Shimin's reason was that he heard that Li Xuan had bought [-] mu of land and built a house for his future son-in-law Xue Rengui, so he came here to take a look.

"A courtyard that is only five mu in size?"

After hearing Xue Rengui's introduction, Li Shimin's expression sank.

"Return to Your Majesty, the five-acre courtyard is already very big for a villain!"

Xue Rengui hurriedly replied.

Now, to be precise, he is the only one in the entire Xue family.

The five-acre courtyard and dozens of houses are all a waste to him alone.

"Five acres is too small, build ten acres!"

Li Shimin waved his hand, and said directly: "Tomorrow, I will send master craftsmen from the Shaofu Supervisor to come over, just to build a foundation, and let them expand it to ten acres for you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xue Rengui quickly cupped his hands to thank him.

Although he is dumb, he is not stupid.

Your Majesty is obviously building a courtyard for Princess Xiangcheng!
Then, Li Shimin looked up again, and nodded slightly to Xue Rengui's [-] mu of fertile land and [-] mu of wasteland, without saying anything.

However, as long as the sweet potatoes are planted, you can directly give this son the title of a county man and reward a thousand acres of fertile land!
Afterwards, Li Shimin took a group of people and headed for Lijiazhuang not far away.

"My boy, it's only been two years since I've seen you, but you can snatch Princess Xiangcheng from Xiao Yu's shameless hands, it's really not a loss for us to be a military commander!"

Behind him, Cheng Zhijie patted Xue Rengui on the shoulder appreciatively.

However, Cheng Zhijie's complexion couldn't help changing after the filming went on. Xue Rengui, who looked up and down without shaking, grinned and looked even more satisfied.

"The boy is physically fit. He is a good man who leads soldiers to fight. If you want to join the army in the future, come to the old man's right guard, and the old man will directly give you a school lieutenant and let you lead the army independently!"

"Cheng Heizi, don't be so shameless, Zuo Xiaowei is suitable for the Xue family boy!" Duan Zhixuan, who came over from the side, shouted.

"Hmph, the Xue family boy is proficient in water warfare, and he will definitely enter the navy from now on!"

Li Xiaogong also refused to accept.

For this, Xue Rengui could only thank him repeatedly, not daring to talk to anyone.

Cheng Chusi and Li Chongyi, who were behind him, looked resentful.

Xue Rengui is lucky, he is going to soar into the sky!

Why are they not treated so well in the eyes of Aye?

Xuejiazhuang is only a cup of tea away from Lijiazhuang.

After the crowd entered the gate of Lijiazhuang, they went straight to the sweet potatoes and potato greenhouses planted by Li Xuan.

"These sweet potatoes have grown so big?"

As soon as they entered the glass shed, Li Shimin, Li Xiaogong and others were shocked.

A lot of sweet potato seedlings have grown more than a dozen branches and leaves.

Compared with the sweet potatoes grown in their home, they were obviously one size smaller.

Next, there are glass greenhouses for potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, corn, pumpkins, etc.

What makes them envious is that everything grows better and more than what they planted!

After a lap, the comparison in Li Shimin's heart was completely wiped out.

Sighing, he came to Li Xuan's courtyard.

Inside the room, Li Xuan just glanced at it, then understood in his heart, chuckled lightly, and said slowly.

"You don't need to do this, the sweet potatoes and potatoes I planted are earlier than those planted at your home, so they will naturally grow much better than the ones at your home!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, Li Xiaogong and the others couldn't help being one-sided, exposing their faults face to face, and not being sons of men!


Seeing this, Li Xuan chuckled again.

Li Shimin resisted the urge to turn his head and leave, and said slowly: "Xuanba knows that Ke'er has already captured Goguryeo's Pingguo, Jian'an, Anshi and other cities, and now those bastards like Li Tai and Li You , I have to ask you all day long, wanting to lead troops out to attack Goguryeo!"

"Li Tai, Li You?"

Li Xuan was stunned, and asked with a strange expression: "Your Majesty, are these two boys the ones who lead troops to fight?"

"Qingque likes to read, and spends all day with those civil servants, but because of her perverse personality, she is also weak and sick..."

Li Shimin didn't say much about the latter, but it was already obvious.

The two small wastes, wanting to lead troops to fight, or to attack Goguryeo, are obviously out of their minds.

"Does your majesty feel that it is the people around these two boys who saw Li Ke expanding its territory in Goguryeo, thought that Goguryeo was weak and deceitful, and wanted to encourage these two boys to ask for some soldiers from your majesty so that they could attack How many Goguryeo cities to enjoy the glory and wealth?"

Li Xuan sneered and guessed casually.

Unexpectedly, Li Shimin nodded with a gloomy face, "Xuan Ba ​​is right, there are indeed a few bastards who stretched their hands to my prince's side!"


Li Xuan was startled, he didn't expect him to guess right!

"Your Majesty, just kill those bastards!"


Li Shimin gave Li Xuan a depressed look, he had long wished to chop up those bastards one by one and feed them to the wolves.

But if he could kill people at will, would he use it to find you?

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