Li Shimin

Chapter 651 Li Shimin Plans Sweet Potatoes

It's just that a few people just left the glass greenhouse.

But I saw a group of carriages parked in the square of Lijiazhuang.

Behind the convoy, followed by a team of cold and bright cavalry!

"Xuanjia Army?"

Seeing this, Li Xuan, Li Baoding and others were startled.

"Your Majesty is down?"

"Why is Your Majesty here again?"

The former are Li Baoding, Li Chang and others.

The latter sentence was from Li Xuan who was frowning.

After finishing speaking, Li Xuan quickly lowered his head and looked around, wanting to let Li Baoding, who was carrying sweet potatoes beside him, quickly hide the sweet potatoes.

Unfortunately, I haven't waited for Li Xuan to say it.

Li Baoding, Wang Xuance, and Li Chang and others actually quickened their pace and walked towards the square.

At the same time, Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others also got off the carriage and saw Li Xuan and others coming by the roadside.


Seeing this, Li Xuan subconsciously sighed.

On the side, Li Chenglu raised his head, stared curiously, and asked, "Aye, is that why you don't like His Majesty's visit to our Zhuangzi?"

"how could be?"

Li Xuan was taken aback, and quickly squeezed out a smile.

"However, the moment I saw His Majesty's Uncle, Aye frowned again and sighed!"

Li Chenglu said seriously.

"I sigh because the nest of sweet potatoes we just dug up may not be enough!" Li Xuan quickly explained.

"So it is!"

Li Chenglu glanced at his eldest grandson, and nodded without thinking, "Aye is worried, if there are enough sweet potatoes, you can plan them again!"

"Lu'er is so stingy!"

The eldest grandson held back his heart, and said anxiously: "Yes, your Majesty and these honorable nobles also grow sweet potatoes in their homes, but Lu'er can get into the small shed covered in mud again and help us to peel sweet potatoes. !"

"Well, let's dig ourselves!"

Fang Xuanling replied.

"Let's go back to our own house and plan!" the eldest grandson said slowly.

"it is good!"

Fang Xuanling nodded again.

Seeing this, the eldest grandson finally showed a gleam of joy, and walked towards the square together with Fang Xuanling.

"I have seen His Majesty!"

"I have seen His Majesty Uncle!"

The eldest grandson brought Ling Hanghe to salute Li Chenglu.


Ling Hanghe returned the salute, but before seeing Fang Xuanling's appearance, he was startled.

"What happened to Cheng Lu?"

"Go back to your majesty uncle, you just went to plan sweet potatoes in the glass shed!"

Fang Xuanling replied.

"Shave sweet potatoes, good..."

Li Chenglu replied casually, but just as soon as he said it, he realized that it was right.

The whole person froze, turned his head quickly, and looked closely at the eldest grandson.

"Slicing sweet potatoes? Xuanba, the sweet potatoes under his farm can't be eaten anymore?"

On the side, Ling Hanghe, Li Xuanyouji and others also looked at the eldest grandson with surprise on their faces.

"Here, is that so?"

The eldest grandson pointed to the basket in Ling Hanghe's hand sideways, and also wanted to hide it.

Li Chenglu was startled, only then did he realize that the basket contained sweet potatoes, and there was no fresh mud still sticking under the sweet potatoes, obviously just dug out of the soil.

"It's so small?"

"One seven...four, that means two nests were dug?"

"The sweet potatoes in that basket are so small, they shouldn't weigh more than seven catties!"

Immediately, Li Xuanyouji and Cheng Zhijie, as well as a group of noble ministers who had only heard the name of the sweet potato but had never seen the real thing, all came down curiously, staring at the basket full of sweet potatoes. The color of astonishment.

"Your Majesty, that's a nest!"

The eldest grandson replied.

"A litter?"

Li Chenglu was surprised.

Li Baoding, Li Xuanyouji and others also had expressions of shock.

"How many sweet potatoes can be harvested from one nest?"

"Go, where is it, do you want to go and have a look later?"

Before that, Li Chenglu said.

Seeing this, Ling Hang sighed silently again.

"Dare to ask Your Majesty how late this time, but why did you come here?"

"Big deal, big deal!"

Li Chenglu waved his hand casually, ignored the eldest grandson, and directly pulled Fang Xuanling to the glass shed.

"These are big things, besides, sweet potatoes are important for small things!"

In front of him, Cheng Zhijie, Li Baoding and the others also had expressions of deep agreement.

We will go to see the sweet potatoes grown in the glass shed in our home every day.It's just that these sweet potato vines are still green, so we also feel that sweet potatoes cannot be eaten by planing.

I thought that after that time, we would meet our eldest grandson digging sweet potatoes, and we would be able to dig out so few sweet potatoes in one litter.

Seeing this, the eldest grandson is helpless.

I had no choice but to follow.

My son is very small, but don't let Li Chenglu dig out all the sweet potatoes in the whole glass shed.

"The vines of those sweet potatoes must still be green?"

Still in this small glass shed, Fang Xuanling led Li Chenglu and others before retreating.

Looking at the green sweet potato vines in the small shed, Li Chenglu, Li Baoding and the others were full of astonishment.


Fang Xuanling picked up my exclusive large steel shovel from the ground, shoveled it twice, and said: "If your Majesty is a scholar, you can't use that shovel to dig a nest of sweet potatoes to have a look.

If His Majesty's Uncle knows how to plan, Cheng Lu can't do it for him! "

"Chenglu knows how to slice sweet potatoes?"

Hearing this, Li Chenglu, Li Baoding and others were shocked again.

"Naturally, the nest of sweet potatoes just now was dug out by Chenglu himself!"

As he said that, Fang Xuanling pointed to Li Chenglu's feet, there were no fresh sweet potatoes in this pile of soil.

Li Chenglu, Ling Hanghe and the others knew at a glance whether Fang Xuanling had lied, and subconsciously praised him.

"Chenglu is really powerful!"

Li Chenglu said again, "That's right, you want to do that nest of sweet potatoes yourself!"


Hearing this, Fang Xuanling directly handed the steel shovel in his hand to Li Chenglu.

"Aye said, do it yourself, you will have enough food and clothing."

"When your Majesty Uncle digs sweet potatoes, you have to start digging one foot away from the roots of the sweet potatoes, and quickly go back. If you do, you will hurt the sweet potatoes in the soil!"

"Chenglu knows so little!"

Li Chenglu glanced at Fang Xuanling without any surprise, then took the big steel shovel directly, squatted down on the ground, and finished shoveling under Ling Hanghe's guidance.

Around, a group of little Tang nobles looked at the serious but faceless Fang Xuanling, and their expressions gradually changed.

What were we doing when we were Fang Xuanling's age?
Maybe even the enlightenment book has been memorized?
As for King Jin's son-in-law, he couldn't utter the classics, but he spoke clearly and logically, and he didn't even know anything about farming.

At that time, the eldest grandson finally rushed down.

Squeezing back in front of the small glass shed, I saw Li Chenglu holding a steel shovel and shoveling a sweet potato seedling on the guidance of his own son.

My heart hurts again.

The eldest grandson felt distressed for a long time, so Li Chenglu dug out the nest of sweet potatoes.


After counting the sweet potatoes on the ground, Li Chenglu frowned slightly.

"Why aren't there four?"

After speaking, Li Chenglu continued to search in the soil.

"Your Majesty, don't look for it any more, that nest is not four! If you dig it again, it will hurt the nest of sweet potatoes!" The eldest grandson had no choice but to say aloud.

Before hearing this, Li Chenglu also sighed slightly, and put down the shovel in his hand.

On the side, Li Baoding, Ling Hang Youji and the others passed the four sweet potatoes one by one without using their hands, with surprise on their faces.

"Your Majesty, those four sweet potatoes are very small, they must not weigh more than seven catties!"


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