Li Shimin

Chapter 653 Auction dispatch order?

Li Xuan raised his head, looked around the dark group of ministers, and nodded slowly.

"Li Baoding, Wang Xuance, you two hurry up and break the corn for the ministers!"

"Yes, Master!"

Li Baoding and Wang Xuance hurriedly responded, each carrying a basket, and began to check one by one.

All the honorable ministers were immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed their hands in salute.

Li Xuan just nodded lightly, and then walked back with Li Chenglu.

While walking, Li Shimin still had some thoughts.

"Xuanba, according to this situation, how much corn can be produced per mu?"

"It should be able to produce six or seven stones per mu!"

Li Xuan replied casually.

"Six or seven stones?"

Li Shimin and the noble ministers behind him were shocked again.

Immediately, he trembled all over.

Because, they all remembered just now, Li Xuan said that sweet potatoes cannot be used as a staple food, but corn is fine!
A kind of corn that can be used as a staple food like rice and pasta, and the yield is still so high?
The blessing of the Tang Dynasty!
"Xuanba, how does the corn taste?"

"Your Majesty will know after a while!"

Li Xuan said directly.

"Haha, that's exactly..."

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

Li Xuan was speechless, and asked with some disgust: "I don't know what is the purpose of His Majesty's visit this time?"

"This time I..."

Hearing Li Xuan's question, Li Shimin recalled why he took the group of ministers and nobles, why did he run so far in such cold weather to come to Lijiazhuang.

Immediately, everything was said again.

After finishing speaking, all the people also came to the main hall in the other courtyard.

A reception hall surrounded by four walls, with single sofas or double sofas.

The spaciousness and solemnity made the eyes of all the nobles who saw this kind of upright hall brighten for the first time.

In the main hall, there are also four huge iron stoves.

The fire inside was burning vigorously, and a chimney extended from above the stove to the outside of the house.

Entering the main hall, it was immediately warmed up a lot.

Li Xuan took off the heavy fur coat casually and hung it on the hanger beside him.

Then, take advantage of the opportunity to sit on a sofa.

Soon, Li Chang, the housekeeper, came in with a group of maidservants carrying a kettle and hot tea.

Li Xuan took a sip slowly before speaking.

"Your Majesty, this matter couldn't be easier!"


Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and others all looked directly at Li Xuan.

"Your Majesty, you provided the guards, and you set the price for the guards."

"Originally, these prices are the prices for helping those aristocratic families attack the city under normal circumstances. But now, each of those aristocratic families wants His Majesty to send them troops first.

As such, this situation is a special case.

Moreover, in the final analysis, these aristocratic families can all have something to do with His Majesty and the noble ministers of the court.

In order not to put His Majesty in a dilemma with the honorable ministers, and for the sake of fairness, we can only conduct an auction! "


Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and the others couldn't help but be taken aback subconsciously.

Sending troops to attack the city, can it be auctioned?
"It's the auction!"

Li Xuan nodded lightly, and said: "Based on the price originally set by His Majesty, the auction will start. Whoever bids the highest price will be the first to lend troops to that family!"

"But Xuanba, I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and those are all the troops of the Tang Dynasty! Does this damage the prestige of the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Shimin said quickly.

At the same time, all the honorable ministers below had strange expressions on their faces.

Auctioning the army?

Or the Datang Emperor Auction?

This His Royal Highness King Jin is really ingenious and different from ordinary people!

"Your Majesty, that is the Lei Ting Shop Guard. When did it become the Tang Army?"

Li Xuan glanced at Li Shimin in astonishment, and continued: "Besides, what does this matter have to do with Datang Weiyi?"

"As long as the Tang Dynasty is strong and the people have enough clothes to wear, food to eat, a place to live, and behavior to follow, the majesty of the Tang Dynasty will last forever!"

"Clothing to wear, food to be sufficient, shelter to live in, behavior to follow..."

Hearing this, the eyes of Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling and other nobles all brightened.

When he looked at Li Xuan, his expression changed.

They all suddenly discovered that this His Royal Highness King Jin often looks like a jerk, but there is such a lofty ambition hidden in his heart!
Moreover, it seems that from the very beginning, His Royal Highness King Jin has been moving towards this ambition non-stop!

"So, hold an auction?"

Li Shimin said tentatively.

"Of course it will be auctioned!"

Li Xuan looked at Li Shimin, who still had some ink smears, speechlessly, "Your Majesty, my fleet currently only has three giant steel ships. How about your Majesty earn some money from those aristocratic families, or earn some acres of land, and want to build one?" When will the fleet of steel giant ships be completed?"

"If Your Majesty can't lose face, I'll preside over it. I'm familiar with this matter!"

Li Shimin was startled, why can't you let go of your face?
However, he is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so he really can't come forward to do this in person!
Thinking about it, he nodded slowly.

"Since that's the case, the Duke of Hejian will be responsible for this matter!"

"Ah? ... Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Xiaogong, Prince of Hejian County, who had been sitting on the sidelines watching the play, never expected that a black pot would fall from the sky!

"Your Majesty, when borrowing soldiers from those noble families, Your Majesty needs to clarify the rules in advance!"

Li Xuan said again.


Li Shimin and all the nobles were startled, and then they all looked puzzled.


Li Xuan nodded solemnly, "No rules, no rules!"

"Besides, for such a big matter, the villain must be put first before the gentleman! Explain clearly to those aristocratic families in advance, and give them the requirements of being a king and building a country. If they agree, it's okay to say, if they don't agree, then less effort!"

This is the Jin Wang Li Xuanba they are familiar with!
Hearing this, everyone nodded subconsciously.

"Xuanba, what's the rule?" Li Shimin asked.

"First, they enshrine the king and establish the country, and they can govern freely in their kingdoms, and the laws must be the same as those of the Tang Dynasty;
Second, their taxes must be handed in truthfully;
Third, just like Tuyuhun and Goguryeo, which control the commercial routes, those feudal states must always protect the coming and going Tang caravans;
Fourth, my Great Tang only helps each aristocratic family attack four cities. If those aristocratic families want more cities, they need to attack them by themselves; Don't ask about all the affairs of these cities!
Fifth, for all the cities that my Great Tang helped them conquer, those aristocratic kingdoms are not allowed to fight each other.Even the succession of the king of each aristocratic kingdom needs to pass the examination and canonization of my Great Tang. If not, it will be regarded as disrespect to my Great Tang, and my Great Tang can send troops to conquer;
Sixth, at the time of the auction, all the families of the honorable ministers of our Tang Dynasty can give priority to borrowing the guards when their respective bids are equal based on the titles of the honorable ministers in their families. , can get a privilege for their family! "

After Li Xuan finished speaking, Li Shimin and the other nobles nodded subconsciously with joy on their faces.

This approach is reasonable and they all agree.

"Just do what Xuan Ba ​​said!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Xuan nodded slightly.


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