Li Shimin

Chapter 663

Hearing this, all the patriarchs of the aristocratic families could not help but feel completely desperate.

At the same time, a subconscious feeling of irritability arose in my heart!
There is a vague and urgent desire for the nobles and official positions of the Tang Dynasty.

These titles again!

These offices again!

Because of these, they didn't even have the intention to bid when facing the auction of a quota for the escort team!
Now, even when buying corn seeds, they have to be preempted by these Tang dignitaries and officials!

Think of them one by one, although they are not famous scholars, but as the patriarchs of aristocratic families, these nobles and ministers usually have to be polite when they see them.

As a result, now, they actually want to suffer this kind of grievance from this kind of person?

After leaving Lijiazhuang with those large cars and belongings.

All the patriarchs of the aristocratic families had gloomy faces and didn't say much.

Although these aristocratic families of theirs are not big ones, there has never been a time when they couldn't even send money.

Even if it is for those seven great families, for His Majesty!
No, these aristocratic families seem to have always looked down on Mrs. Li!
After returning, these aristocratic families no longer have the intention to continue visiting.

The next day, they packed up their things and went home.

Anyway, they have already made an agreement with King Jin that after the next batch of sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn are harvested, some of them will be left for these aristocratic families.

At the same time, it took less than a day.

What happened to these aristocratic families in Lijiazhuang spread throughout Chang'an City.

The patriarchs of the aristocratic families who hadn't left were surprised at first, and then they hurriedly ordered their servants to prepare their cars, each carrying a cart of gifts, and ran to Li's Village.

And those honorable ministers were also full of astonishment.

In the same way, he quickly ordered the housekeeper to pull a large cart of money and run to Lijiazhuang.

Immediately, the square in Lijiazhuang was filled with carriages again.

There were still some carriages that couldn't fit, so they had to line up one by one and parked on the roadside of the farmers.

And in the reception hall of Lijiazhuang.

Honorable ministers, sit aside.

Those family heads sat on the other side.

In the past, these honorable ministers, even if they were all nobles, were the Dukes, Marquises, second-rank and third-rank ministers.

Facing the patriarchs of these aristocratic families who control the world's enlightenment, they still feel a little hypocritical.

However, now, the situation is inexplicably reversed.

Honorable ministers, all arrogant.

And those patriarchs of the aristocratic families are all listless.

Who told them that in their family, there were no children who appeared as high officials in the court, and there were no nobles in the court.

Even if they brought a large cartload of belongings, they couldn't take those corn seeds away.

And those noble ministers who sat opposite them, those noble ministers they had looked down upon in the past, could take away a hundred catties of corn seeds as long as they handed over one hundred guan.

At this moment, the patriarchs of these aristocratic families also felt the humiliation of the patriarchs of the aristocratic families who left before.

Become an official!

Must be an official!
No matter what, even if the family will sooner or later attack the vassal states outside the Tang Dynasty, they will be crowned kings and found the country.

However, there must be a large number of their own children entering the court to become officials.

Moreover, one must climb to a high position, even if it is some idle official position, as long as he can enter the circle of King Jin like these ministers, that's enough!

Now, no patriarch of an aristocratic family is any more reserved.

They all understood that only when there are people in the court can things be done easily!
If they are more reserved, within a few years, when the families behind these ministers and dignitaries rise up, it will be the moment when these aristocratic families will decline!
But Wei Zheng, Li Ji, Qin Qiong, Hou Junji, Zhang Liang, Duan Zhixuan and other honorable ministers felt very comfortable.

After digging out a hundred guan and carrying a hundred catties of corn, he bowed his hands respectfully to Li Xuan, then said goodbye and left.

Afterwards, all the patriarchs of the aristocratic families complimented Li Xuan for a long time with bitter faces, and then left with reluctance.

Six stones of grain per mu!

Moreover, there are potatoes with seven stones per mu and sweet potatoes with twelve stones per mu!
Whoever can get these years earlier will be able to take the opportunity to grow stronger.

On the contrary, although there will be no decline, there is absolutely no benefit.

Datang is so big, and there are so many families?
But the seeds of sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn are only so little.

Even if King Jin tried his best to promote it, and His Majesty ordered Sinong Temple to fully promote it, it would take at least five years to fully implement it in Datang!
They can't wait for that!
At least, who told them that no children in their family would serve as ministers or nobles!
In such a big matter as growing a family, no family would care about other families, no matter how good the relationship was!

Therefore, Li Xuan stayed in the main hall of the other courtyard for two consecutive days, receiving batch after batch of aristocratic families.

Reluctantly refused, the belongings were delivered to the door one after another.

"I regret it. When I came back, I gave so many sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn to His Majesty! If they were all planted in Lijiazhuang, how much can I sell them for?"

On the side, Li Chang looked helpless.

Xindao, if you don't pay so much attention, it is not impossible to directly accept the property sent by those aristocratic families as a deposit!

However, he still said slowly: "Your Majesty, I heard that the Zhuangzi of His Royal Highness, and Cheng Xiaolang, Fang Xiaolang and their Zhuangzi have begun to harvest sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn in the past few days.

When those aristocratic families heard the news, they stopped coming to Lijiazhuang! "

"It's just right, they are going to bother these families, so that this king is also clean and clean!"

Li Xuan looked happy.

Then, looking at the burning stove with both eyes, I inexplicably thought of a cup of delicious food that was golden and exuded a strong fragrance and sweetness.

"Housekeeper, how much sugar do you have in Shonai?"

"Back to the king, according to the method you taught, a lot of them have been made in the forge, and now the village has saved more than 1000 catties!"

Li Chang quickly replied.

"so much?"

Li Xuan was taken aback.

Immediately, he asked again: "Where is the vegetable oil?"

"Back to the king, the vegetable oil should be more than 2000 catties!"

Li Chang replied again.

"it is good!"

Li Xuan was overjoyed, stood up directly, and said: "Prepare a clean big iron pot, prepare a catty of sucrose, and two catties of clean corn..."

"Is there any milk? Or goat's milk!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Although he didn't know what his king wanted these for, Li Chang hurriedly replied.

"So, bring me another catty of milk for this king!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Seeing that Li Xuan had no other orders, Li Chang responded and walked out quickly.

Soon, everything Li Xuan wanted was ready.

And when they heard that Li Xuan was going to toss about something, Li Baoding, Wang Xuance, and Li Chenglu all surrounded him eagerly.

"Aye, what else do you want to eat?"


Li Xuan laughed lightly, stretched out his hand to lift Li Chenglu who was lying on the side of the pot a little farther away, and said, "Keep a safe distance from me, this is the first time I've done it, so don't burn you!"


Li Chenglu didn't care at all, but his face was full of curiosity.

"Well, you will know later!"

As he spoke, Li Xuan directly put the pot of corn into the milk beside him, and then poured sucrose into half a bowl.

Take the chopsticks and stir it well.

Then, pour the vegetable oil into the iron pan and start stirring.

Stir a few times, and when the vegetable oil is warm, pour the corn covered in milk directly into it.


Seeing this, Li Xuan directly covered the pot, and at the same time used the shovel on the side to stuff it into the gap and stir quickly.

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