Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 101: Godly Game Machine?

Chapter 101: Godly Game Machine?

In terms of the low-end mobile phone market, Dalang mobile phones are well-deserved No. 38.7. In the past three months, the total sales accounted for [-]% of the [-]-yuan mobile phone market.

This data is quite terrifying, and it also reflects the potential of the middle-aged and elderly market from the side, and their spending power is not bad.

Of course, after one consumption, it is impossible for them to change their mobile phones in a short time. Maybe a mobile phone can be used for more than three years.

There are also some middle-aged and elderly people who use mobile phones that their children have withdrawn. In the spirit of saving, it is impossible for them to buy Dalang mobile phones.

Therefore, expanding the product line is very important for Dalang Technology. The profit of Dalang itself is low, and it can only rely on sales to make up for the single profit.

Small profits but quick turnover, relying on quantity to win, especially in the field of TV sets. Once the Dalang T15 was launched, it triggered another wave of TV sets.

"42-inch version, 999 yuan!"

"52-inch version, 1399 yuan!"

"62-inch version, 1899 yuan!"

And put out a slogan: "Let ordinary people enjoy the fun brought by technology!"

This wave is equivalent to declaring war on Redmi again. Our TV is out, and the 62-inch price is only 1899. Where is your TV?

Dalang only targets red rice, and nothing else, because he really can’t beat it. In the field of TVs, Dalang only has price and size.

It is useless in other aspects, because it cannot compare with configuration, quality, design, overall price, and ecological subsidy hardware.

Dalang TV does not have it, and neither does Redmi, so Dalang T15 is only for Redmi, and only the price of Redmi TV is within [-] yuan.

But the Dalang T15 is still the largest smart TV that can be bought on the market under 2000 yuan, which is completely worthy of the price.

You get what you pay for, and it is definitely unrealistic to want to have the experience of a super TV that costs 2000 yuan for a TV set that costs less than 5000 yuan.

In fact, Liu Dalang was under a lot of pressure to continue to take the low-price route, because some voices of opposition had already appeared within Dalang Technology.

In the beginning, in order to expand the market, Dalang Technology took the low-price route, and they could understand it, but if they kept on low-price, the profits would only get lower and lower in the end.

Because Dalang Technology is going in a different direction from Redmi, the cost of expansion, maintenance, and after-sales of Dalang’s directly-operated stores is very high.

But at least from the current point of view, Dalang's directly-operated stores are still making money, and the total profit is not low.

As for the follow-up development, Liu Dalang hopes to build Dalang's directly-operated store into a miniature smart home market based on Dalang's mobile phone.

Through the cooking cake OS, some simple, economical and affordable products are sold to the bottom. What kind of technology is technology that ordinary people can't afford?

Perhaps in the future, Dalang's products will no longer be able to make a profit on the hardware, or even lose money, and Liu Dalang will not let it fall.

At the same time, he will also find ways to use other methods to create more benefits for Dalang Technology.

Because Dalang Technology is not just for him to make money, it also carries part of the ideals and beliefs of Nebula Technology.

For ordinary consumers, especially bottom-level consumers, they don't know these things, and they don't know what Dalang's future is.

They don't need to know, all they can see is that the Dalang T15 is on the market, and the 62-inch TV only sells for 1899, which is enough.

Tell them about backlight, screen material, display effect, color depth, they can't understand, and they don't care about these things.

Don't they know that four or five thousand TVs are better?Can afford it?If the high-end is hard power, the low-end depends on conscience.

Liu Dalang cannot guarantee how good the products of Dalang Technology are, but they are certainly not that bad!
Sure enough, on the day when Dalang T15 was launched, Dalang’s directly-operated stores and Dalang’s flagship stores set off another wave of upsurge, and the first sales were astonishing.

The 42-inch version of Dalang T15 sold more than 62 units in one day, while the [-]-inch version only sold about [-] units.

For cost-effective users who pursue the ultimate low price, the 42-inch version is enough, and the price of 999 will not hurt even if it is worn out.

The sales of other products, such as smart water dispensers, air purifiers, etc., are within the normal range, and these are OEM products anyway.

If I have to say the difference, these products are equipped with the Bibing OS, which is a simplified version of the Nebula OS, and can also be connected to the Nebula OS.

The 62-inch version of the Dalang T15, Liu Dalang didn't plan to sell much. They have a more important purpose: for advertising.

On the side of Star Interactive Entertainment, the animation of Cooking Cake Superman and Xiaoxing has already produced the first five episodes, each episode is 21 minutes, and it has entered the review process.

Theoretically speaking, it takes 50 working days to complete the final review, and Star Entertainment added a little more money, and the review can be completed in 30 working days.

During the review process, Star Interactive Entertainment has already released promotional videos in advance. As soon as the promotional videos of the two animations were released, they immediately attracted countless eyeballs:
"Fuck! Two animation promotional videos have come out? Nebula is trying to make trouble!"

"Isn't their activity too high this month? Do you want to let other manufacturers live?"

"After launching the Xingyu mobile phone, the Dalang TV was released, and even animations were made!"

"What's next? A game?"

"Yes! There are also games, the game that Nebula Technology promised us has not been produced yet!"

"Look at the promotional video... Hey~ It seems interesting! It's still a 3D animation!"

"This style of painting! This special effect! This action! You tell me this is an advertising animation?"

"It's just a promotional video! I bet a spicy stick, the feature film is definitely not as good!"

"I heard that these two animations are free, I don't know if it's true..."

"it is true!"


Not only is it true, but it's also free, not only free, but also of very high quality. Every time an episode of animation is produced, the funds are burning like crazy.

Once the review is over, the two animations will be uploaded to Xingyun Video, and will be played on the Dalang T15 at the entrance of Dalang's directly-operated store.

The 62-inch version of Dalang T15 is equivalent to an advertising space. In the middle of two episodes of animation, there will be various short advertisements.

On the one hand, it can bring some blood back to Xingkong Interactive Entertainment, and on the other hand, it can also promote the products of Dalang Technology and Nebula Technology in a more intuitive way.

Liu Dalang's ultimate goal in making these two animations was not to make money, but to enhance brand awareness and influence.

Through these two animations, the different concepts of Dalang Technology and Nebula Technology are conveyed, and the effect will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Among other things, Nebula Technology's spirit of doing what it says and doing it well has already been recognized by many Nebula users.

Including the Nebula application, the Nebula OS team has never stopped adapting, with an average of more than 3 applications being added to the Nebula application every day.

In order to distinguish it from ordinary Android apps, there is also a small Nebula logo in the lower right corner of the Nebula app, which can be distinguished at a glance.

In addition, the Nebulas OS team has also created a one-click sorting function. When you press and hold the screen, a simple small mark will appear on the top.

Click, Nebula OS will automatically distinguish Nebula apps from Android apps, and also group similar apps together, which is very convenient.

A simple function can not only solve problems, but also improve user experience. In the new round of surveys, Nebulas OS has a very good evaluation:

"Starting with Xingyu-Ning for the first time, it is the first time to experience Xingyun OS, and the fluency is nothing to say!"

"Many people on the Internet said that the fluency of Nebula mobile phones is very poor when using Android applications, but I tried it and found that it is not the case at all!"

"On the Xingyun mobile phone, the fluency of using the Android application is poor, because there is a comparison of the Xingyun application, and try to compare it with other mobile phones?"

"What's interesting is that other manufacturers have followed Nebula Technology's example and built two app stores, but only the Nebula OS team is adapting it every day!"

"That's right, when the systems of other brands of mobile phones were updated, one of them was louder than the other, and it's been a long time since they stopped updating!"

"I quit Xingyu-Ning because of the obvious contrast between the Xingyun app and the Android app. I changed to another phone and found that every app on the other phone is not very smooth!"

"Yes, I have to choose. IOS and Xingyun OS animations are the most comfortable, but only Xingyun has a high brush, so I bought a Xingyu-Ning!"

"Once I use the high-swipe screen, I can't go back. I look at my previous mobile phone and think it's stuck..."

"Has become a fan of Nebula Technology, the small functions are simple and practical, looking forward to future updates~"


Sometimes, the system does not need to pursue any complicated functions and playability, as long as the most basic fluency and animation are done well.

On this basis, slowly add simple and practical functions to the user experience, which is not difficult.

Every mobile phone manufacturer can do it. If they can't, it's either to save money, or to save time, or engineers have been poached.

After the Xingyu press conference, the sales of Xingyu-Ning have been very stable. Among them, the sales volume of Baishuang is the highest, because white is the most attractive.

According to this momentum, even if Xingyu-Ning is overheated and sales decline, the probability of reaching tens of millions of sales in the Chinese market is very high.

In the same period, the sales of Xingyu Tablet did not fall but rose, and it was even evaluated by some mainstream media as the most worthy choice of gaming machine.

Liu Dalang was full of question marks when he saw it. When did Xingyu Tablet become a game artifact?
After taking a closer look, I found that what these media said is not unreasonable. Games adapted to the Nebula OS have a high fluency. With a 90hz high refresh screen, whoever uses it will know the silky feeling.

In addition, Xingyu-Qingling has a larger screen size, a wider viewing area, a larger battery, better heat dissipation, and a straight-up experience.

However, in the Xingyun community, the most active users are Xingyu Tablet users of the data version, hoping to open the phone function for the tablet:
"Ningyun Technology actually cut off the phone function, it is too much!"

 Thanks Hailong Yiming and You Xingshen for their rewards!Thank you Menghui Chuhe for the monthly pass!Thank you brothers for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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