Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 110 Purifying the Network Environment

Chapter 110 Purifying the Network Environment

Of course, whether to put it on the two Nebula folding screen flagships in the end depends on the specific situation, and no one can say for sure now.

Liu Dalang wants to take out all the good technologies at once, and then overthrow Samsung and Apple, but the risk of doing so is relatively high.

If an impact fails, it will not be easy to come up with something new later, so they will definitely hide their hands when designing products.

It is not only necessary to design this generation of products, but also to take into account the next generation or even the next generation of product upgrades, and have a long-term plan.

But for Nebula Technology, their development speed is a bit too fast, so fast that many people don't know what they will do next.

Take the public diss Samsung as an example, no manufacturer in the whole country dares to do this to Nebula Technology, unless they don't want Samsung's products.

If you dare to publicly diss Samsung, Samsung may turn its back on it and cut off the confession immediately. At that time, you have to go to Samsung to renegotiate, which is not a wise choice.

Therefore, at the press conferences of major domestic mobile phone manufacturers, they rarely compare Samsung products, and most of them focus on Apple.

This also shows from the side that although Nebula Technology is not as good as Samsung in terms of overall strength, it is very determined and confident to compete with Samsung in the market.

Cut off the confession?There are not many Samsung products used by Nebula Technology. Even if Samsung cuts off the supply, they can find replacements or independently develop and produce them.

Liu Dalang is not afraid of these at all, his only worry is that Nebula Technology will not be able to buy some products for a certain period of time, which will be very troublesome.

After Nebula's NIL technology broke through to the 14nm process, it has not even been fully announced to the outside world, including patent applications.

Just kidding, let’s forget about the previous technology application, and apply for a patent for this very influential technology. Isn’t that an initiative to give away the head?

The reality of the patent system is to exchange technology disclosure for legal protection. Can Nebulas Technology disclose NIL technology?That is of course impossible.

The actual situation is more complicated, but Nebula Technology's approach has won more room for development, but it has also given up some benefits.

For example, the interests of OEM, apart from the official, there is currently no other manufacturer willing to use Nebula's NIL technology for OEM production.

Although the cost of NIL technology is lower, but there are no manufacturers to use it, Nebula Technology's revenue will be cut again, and Internet revenue...

Add up, Nebula Technology has cut at least about 15% of its overall profit, and if it has given up these incomes, it has to rely on other aspects to make up for it.

Like Android and IOS, Nebula OS charges a fee for Internet applications, but overall, the fee is lower than that of IOS.

Therefore, in the future, the two companies Star Interactive Entertainment and Nebula Investment will continue to make efforts in the Internet industry to create revenue for Nebula Technology.

Fortunately, the product positioning of Nebula Technology itself is flagship-level positioning in the eyes of consumers, and the same situation as Meizu will not appear.

Meizu broke the boat to build the [-] system, which was doomed from the beginning. They believed that consumers needed a mobile phone without advertisements.

In fact, it's not that consumers don't like ads on their mobile phones, but they don't like ads on their phones. This is just a simple complaint.

When Meizu really made the ad-free Flyme and ad-free Meizu mobile phones, it was surprising to find that Meizu's sales did not increase.

Meizu's three-zero strategy is to change the long-term sale into a one-shot sale, focusing on short-term gains, and users would rather buy their own mobile phones at a cheaper price.

To sum it up in one sentence, mobile phone sales have nothing to do with whether there are too many advertisements.

Nebula Technology's three-zero strategy is carried out on the premise that they do not lack sales.

Nebulas OS is now more for gaining recognition from users. At the same time, the relatively high product pricing also staggers the price range from domestic competitors.

Now that you have chosen the mid-to-high-end road, you must do everything to the extreme, do half and put half, what's the matter with hesitation?

The ultimate goal is the same as that of Xingyu products with a 90hz high refresh screen, first to maximize the experience of Xingyun users, and then to harvest.

The positioning and sales volume of Nebula products are here, and the three-zero strategy is undoubtedly the icing on the cake, which can once again enhance the reputation of Nebula OS.

Of course, when Nebulas OS promotes 0, there are only four focuses: 0 pre-installation, 0 push, [-] advertisement (open screen advertisement), and advertising assistant.

The advertising assistant is not a panacea, it can detect most of the advertisements and include them, but the definition in the middle is very vague.

For example, when entering a shopping platform, is the product poster that pops up on the homepage considered an advertisement?Strictly speaking, but it is impossible to really remove it.

Therefore, when promoting, they will also deliberately blur this point to prevent friends from picking up words, and then optimize the algorithm of the advertising assistant.

Users can also use the Ad Assistant to make some customization options, open or close the app's advertising permissions, except for some illegal ads...

Originally, this behavior of Nebula Technology was already challenging the rules of the industry. If it were to be wiped out again, it would probably encounter a lot of opposition.

If Xingyun products dare to play like this, Dalang products will definitely not dare to play like this. If the main cost-effective model is [-], isn’t that just asking for a dead end?
If you don't rely on advertising revenue, you can't make money from hardware. Some manufacturers even make the cost-effective price lower than the cost of mass production.

Isn’t that what the well-known accountant LeEco Jia does?Rely on the income from the software ecology to make up for the lack of profits or losses on the hardware.

It's a pity that I got too involved and killed myself. Some time ago, Accountant Jia invited Liu Dalang to visit FF's concept electric car conference.

After being rejected, Accountant Jia was not discouraged, and described to Liu Dalang how advanced the concept of FF Automobile is, and what will happen after it is realized...

It has to be said that the concept is still very advanced, but when it is actually implemented, it faces too many difficulties, and the reasons are too complicated.

If you want to build a new energy vehicle, the resistance you face is not only a technical problem. Think about it, even Apple's car-making team was later disbanded.

Of course, Apple's situation will be different. The two are not comparable, but it can be analyzed that it is difficult to make new energy vehicles.

It is an inevitable trend for new energy vehicles to replace traditional vehicles, but there is no way to really replace them before some key technological breakthroughs.

The most indispensable thing in the [Technology Collection] is breakthrough technology, but after obtaining these technologies, how can Nebula Technology dominate the situation?
These are all questions that Liu Dalang needs to consider. When Nebula Technology is not strong enough to come up with breakthrough technology, can it still be their own?
But for now, Nebula Technology has won a lot of support for its three-zero concept and its ability to do what it says it will do for the world.

Especially Hammer and Meizu, who live on their feelings, almost slapped the table and followed Nebula Technology to do [-] when they heard the news.

After careful consideration, they still gave up this idea. Instead of relying on the Internet for revenue, the two companies simply eat dirt.

What Liu Dalang didn't expect was that the latest version of Nebula OS has received a lot of feedback from users in the Nebula community in just a few days.

Among these feedback content, it is no longer all praise, but has become——

"After updating the Nebula OS version, the advertisements are gone, but the security is too strong!"

"I used to be able to watch some websites over the wall, but now I can't even get in..."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong! I admit that I spoke a little loudly before, and I regret it!"

"It's a good thing I didn't update! Support Nebula Technology! Cleaning up the network environment starts with me!"

"Why did the Nebula OS update delete several apps in my phone!?"

"Are those applications serious?"


Liu Dalang:? ? ?

Then he posted a new update on his personal accounts on major social media:
"Okay, I worked hard and under great pressure to make the three-zero system for you, but what are you thinking about!?"

As soon as this remark came out, the distance between him and Nebula users was suddenly shortened. Netizens left messages below asking Nebula OS to reverse upgrade:

"When the water is clear, there will be no fish. I advise you to return the simplest happiness to us!"

"Exactly! Why can't I find the filtered ones in Ad Assistant?"

"@刘大郎, give me face, otherwise the next scene will be ugly!"

"Did you hear our boss questioning!"

"Don't hide, come out and get beaten!"


Liu Dalang smiled slightly, who would dare to ask him to save face?So he posted a new update on his personal account, which read:
"In order to maintain a green network environment and your physical and mental health, it is recommended to reduce the number of times, thank you for every meeting, I hope you can live up to your time!"

In the comment area, netizens posted a series of question marks, but Liu Dalang had already turned off his social media and ignored them.

Now he has a new goal. Since Nebula users are so enthusiastic, Nebula Technology will not only make Nebula OS into a [-] pure system, but also a green and healthy system.

"Hey, Nebulas users are really happy to have such a considerate chairman like me! Even I was moved to tears by myself, hahaha~"

Of course, ridicule is just ridicule. In fact, the solution to this kind of problem is very simple. Turn off the security protection of Nebula OS and it will be no problem.

These users who followed Liu Dalang's personal account from the Xingyun community also knew that they just didn't want to give up the security protection function.

After all, no one knows whether their mobile phone will encounter risks when browsing some information.

At the same time, the reactions of netizens also proved that there are quite a few young people among Nebula users, because they are no longer interested in such things when they reach middle age.

As soon as he thought of this, Liu Dalang put his hands behind his back, his eyes revealing the vicissitudes of life, hiding his achievements and fame...

It's a pity that the support of Nebula users can't protect Nebula technology much. The three-zero strategy of Nebula OS still brings them many enemies both openly and secretly.

Among the major platforms, the navy of Nebula and Dalang's marketing department were already overwhelmed, and it was only by cooperating with Nebula users that they could not be breached.

There are copywritings and posts against Nebula Technology everywhere, unscrupulous marketing accounts are crazy and rhythmic, and some people are bad-mouthing Nebula Technology.

The benefits involved are too great, and this is based on the high price of Nebula products. If the price is lower, the situation will be even more difficult.

Liu Dalang was very stubborn. First, he made it clear that Nebula Technology would not give up the three-zero strategy, and then devoted himself to the research and development of new products.

 Thanks to Chihuang Yunwu, You Xingshen, and GUNZFCL for their rewards!Thanks to Chihuang Yunwu, Lie down and don't move, Tianshang Love Song, 00 Ding Man 00, Don't Want to Sleep, Leo Huanyu, Si Fan, The Little Monkey at the Foot of Wuzhi Mountain is just a monthly ticket for a salted fish!Thanks for the support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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