Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 131 The Six New Manufacturers

Chapter 131 The New Six Manufacturers

I have to say that Nebula Technology's publicity this time is very good. Even the major manufacturers can't find faults. The evaluation in the video is too objective.

However, people are only willing to believe what they believe, and some manufacturers' trolls can directly play black and white regardless of the facts.

In terms of manipulating public opinion, the level of Nebula's marketing department is still a little lower, but not just anyone can come here to mess around.

As a result, a naval battle around the flagship phones of major brands has started again, but these have no impact on the sales of Xingyun mobile phones.

Because Nebula Technology has changed from focusing on online channels to focusing on offline channels, the number of directly-operated stores in Nebula has increased dramatically this year.

Moreover, the coverage area is very wide. Under Nebula Technology's site selection regardless of cost, the locations of Nebula counters and directly-operated stores are very good.

Xingyun mobile phones, especially Xingyu, rely on their good looks, and their offline shipments can be called terrifying, and they can already compete openly with ov.

After the release of Nebula's dual flagships, more and more people went to Nebula's directly-operated stores to order, which also reflects the importance of store location.

If it is ov, they will consider factors such as cost, market, and target users more, and place more stores in underdeveloped areas.

The Xingyun counters and directly-operated stores are all located in places with high consumption and high density, and the target users have relatively high spending power.

In this way, Nebulas Technology avoided direct market competition with ov to a certain extent, and both parties got more development time.

In addition, Nebula Technology has also built a super-large landmark Nebula Mall, as well as countless after-sales service centers, large and small.

It can be said that in terms of after-sales, the current Nebula Technology can at least rank among the top three in China, and the sales growth it brings is also very impressive.

After all, middle-aged people are different from young people. When choosing a mobile phone, young people either pursue the ultimate price-performance ratio or pursue international brands.

Consumers who choose other brands and products in other price ranges are caught in the middle, being sprayed with high prices and low prices on the one hand, and being pulled over by the brand on the other.

So if you want to be in a good mood, you must not pay too much attention to the comments on the Internet, especially if you don’t compete with trolls, you will definitely lose.

Compared with last year, Nebula Technology's shipments this year can be said to have been greatly improved, but the overall development also brings some disadvantages.

In the low-end market, the market share of Dalang mobile phones is shrinking sharply. It's not that they don't want to release new phones to expand the market, but they can't.

The all-round development of Nebula Technology has created many enemies for them, and these enemies all come from major domestic mobile phone brands.

They need to control the market share within a range acceptable to everyone, and wait for Nebula Technology to gain a firm foothold in the domestic high-end market.

At that time, after fighting in the smart phone field, small factories and small brands will be kicked out, and the remaining big factories only need to develop steadily.

This is also the reason why Nebula Technology can enter the cost-effective market, but insists on entering the mid-to-high-end market. To put it bluntly, it is still not strong enough.

Compared with being competitors, major domestic manufacturers hope that Nebula Technology will be a simple supplier, providing chips, screens and other accessories.

But things have come to this point, they have no choice but to find their own development path in the cooperation and competition with Nebula Technology.

It's good that Nebula Technology only stays in the field of smartphones. If it wants to enter other fields, it will encounter great resistance, and there is no way around it.

Xingyu's first thin and light notebook next year is just a water test. It is also an electronic product. In fact, these two fields are not cross-border, and there is no problem.

But there is one thing, when Nebula Technology enters any field, it will adhere to the concept of high price and high allocation, and will not blindly increase the brand premium.

For things like computers, the configuration is too transparent. Just a little understanding can tell whether a manufacturer's pricing is reasonable.

Although some mobile phone manufacturers have crossed into the PC field, they are either doing assembly plants, or harvesting leeks while doing assembly plants.

The same configuration and the same mold are exactly the same in all aspects. Just changing a trademark makes the product more expensive by 1000 yuan, which is a bit unreasonable.

But Liu Dalang would not say anything. After all, how to price each manufacturer's products is their own right, and they can set as much as they want.

Perhaps one day, when Nebula Technology is reduced to relying on selling brands to make a living, it will truly understand what some manufacturers are doing...

However, Liu Dalang believes that Nebula Technology will not reach that day, because there is no manufacturer that can limit their development.

It is not difficult for them to cross the border from mobile phones to the field of computers, but it is a bit difficult if they want to cross the border into the field of electric vehicles.

The competition in the automobile industry is much greater than that in the mobile phone industry. After Liu Dalang made a breakthrough in lithium battery technology, he will not end up making cars himself.

It is not necessary, and it will cause the siege of domestic and foreign auto companies. At that time, the hard work will not be appreciated, and it will also affect the progress of Nebula's technological development.

The best solution is for Nebulas to license patents, or directly provide finished batteries, and let partners build cars to hit the market.

In the Dahengping video, Nebula Technology has offended major manufacturers over and over again, but these are all minor problems. Do you have the ability to do Nebula Technology?

If you can't fight head-on, you can only complain on the Internet by relying on the navy. Unless they unite, they really dare not confront them openly.

The main enemy of Nebula Technology is Apple. Samsung's market share has dropped a bit this year, and there is no way around it.

The product is expensive, but the sense of experience is not up to the level that should be in the high-priced segment. Sales will naturally decline, but Samsung's international sales are very high.

This is another matter. The international situation is different from the domestic situation. It is very difficult for domestic manufacturers to gain a foothold internationally.

To sum up, there is only one reason. I don't have enough core technologies. Nebula Technology does not lack core technologies, but it is also the most severely restricted.

But this is not a problem. Although the expansion speed of Nebula Technology is slow, the effect is very good, and many models are very popular.

After the release of Xinghuo-Jhin, it not only caused the last wave of small replacements this year, but also many foreign users are also paying attention to this mobile phone.

Not to mention India, the sales volume of Spark k in India is not higher than that, but those who can afford it will consider buying such a mobile phone.

Among other things, the screen is big enough to play games. Although Xincheng Industry and Nebula Technology have canceled their cooperation, Spark K has a high reputation in the game circle and is more popular than models of the same price.

Jain immediately got [-] Xinghuo-Jhin units at a price of nearly [-] rupees, and only sold [-] units a day after the release.

The domestic Xinghuo-Jin sold more than 20 units in the first week. This achievement is definitely incomparable with Xingyu-Ning, and the gap is a bit big.

However, as we all know, Nebula products have a very long development cycle, Xinghuo-Jin is a niche game mobile phone market, and December is another off-season...

All kinds of factors add up, the sales of Xinghuo-Jin are reasonable, and the most important sales of Nebula Technology this year are concentrated on Xingyu.

Xingyu-Ning is the first model of Nebula Technology whose sales exceeded [-] million units. Similarly, the sales of Xingyu-Qingling also exceeded [-] million units.

However, the sales of tablets cannot be counted among smartphones. It can be said that the tablet market has been forcibly driven by Nebula Technology.

In the case of Android tablets collectively stretching across, Xingyu-Qingling has become the first existence that can shake the ipad market on its own.

At the same time, it also proves that only by focusing on the user experience can we make a good tablet, which is a good lesson for major Android mobile phone manufacturers.

In fact, the development time of ipad and Android tablet is about the same. Android tablet has countless opportunities to grab the market in previous generations of ipad.

But they failed. The reason is that when the iPad focused on the software ecology and user experience, the Android tablets were collectively busy with one thing:

Comparing who has a higher running score, it seems that the running score can determine the quality of a tablet. Later, more and more Android manufacturers engaged in running scores...

When Nebula Technology first entered the domestic market, some manufacturers also approached them to form a scoring alliance, serving as both athletes and referees.

After Nebula Technology refused, among the two mainstream running score software, the running score of Nebula mobile phone was the lowest, and it was not changed until later.

There is no way, Nebula mobile phone is recognized as the king of domestic products in the market, and now the benchmark software says it is rubbish. Doesn’t this make consumers stupid?

Even so, the ranking of Nebula mobile phone in the two major benchmarking software is very low, but such an approach cannot change the status of Nebula.

On the contrary, spending more time focusing on the software ecology and user experience has allowed Nebula to widen the gap with competitors in just one year.

Liu Dalang still remembers that when the Nebula app first came out, major manufacturers also launched a dual app store model, but they gave up after a while.

Only Nebula Technology persisted until the end. So far, Nebula App has been adapted to 1+ apps and 1000+ games.

The word-of-mouth of Nebula OS among users is skyrocketing, not to mention changing the Android skin, the current word-of-mouth of Nebula OS is even stronger than IOS.

Because Nebula Technology does not do those inexplicable things, and its hardware level is stronger than that of Apple mobile phones, the experience is naturally better.

In the last month of this year, through the online and offline channels of Nebula Technology, the sales volume of Xinghuo-Jin broke through 50 units.

This sales volume was within Liu Dalang's expectations. Unlike last year, this year's Huaxia mobile phone market has undergone a new ranking change.

Nebula, Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi, oppo, and vivo have become the largest mobile phone manufacturers in terms of shipments, and the others have to lag behind.

Some mainstream media call it the "new six major manufacturers", which means that the era of China Cool Union is completely over, and even Samsung is gradually declining.

 Criticism: The author is short

  Suggestion: The author is short, it is recommended to increase the word count and update more!

  PUA: The author is short, other readers hate it, only us readers don't!

  True Love: We just love the short ones!
(End of this chapter)

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