Chapter 145

Judging from Apple's thinking, the products produced by Nebula Technology can be sold at a higher price, but they only sell for less than 5000 yuan.

"Do you understand what business is?"

Cook was speechless. Apple SE was about to be released, and suddenly such an unreasonable opponent blocked the Huaxia market. He was really upset!
But Apple's spring conference is imminent, and they don't only have China as a market, so it's good to solve China's problems at that time.

As everyone knows, the Nebula marketing department has already prepared, and sent a large number of sailors, ready to catch Apple's hammer and hack Apple by the way.

At the same time, they have not forgotten to vigorously promote the third-generation Xingyun just released by Xingyun Technology, especially the first laptop Xingyu-Phantom.

After the Xingyu press conference, within 1 minute of the simultaneous launch of the entire network, there were 10 Xingyu-Phantom online, and there was no one left in the four color schemes.

If Xingyun's offline channels are added, the shipments of Xingyu-Phantom will be even higher. This is the first time for major computer manufacturers.

A laptop made by a mobile phone manufacturer surpassed them in sales on the first day. They certainly didn't believe it before, but now they do.

"You guys say, if we start unlimited, can we sell Nebula Technology?"

"Sure! But..."

"but what?"

"There is no limit for the first launch, if there is a problem with the product, it will be very troublesome to deal with..."

Unless...unless you have absolute confidence in your products, and have a huge shipping capacity, and are willing to give up lasting popularity while selling well.

Obviously, Nebula Technology has the first two points, but they don't plan to explode all the Xingyu-Phantom's inventory at once.

In just one hour, with the help of Nebula Marketing Department, Xingyu-Phantom has become "the most beautiful laptop"!
At the same time, the starting price of 6999 is not high, and the target user group is very clear, that is, college students and office workers who often go out.

The thin and light design of Xingyu-Phantom is doomed to miss high performance, but this does not mean that the performance release of Xingyu-Phantom will be poor.

Because Nebula Technology is a manufacturer that pays great attention to stack heat dissipation, inside the Xingyu-Phantom fuselage, all large and small heat sinks are fully exhausted.

Within the scope of one's ability, make the product to the extreme, what's wrong with thin and light books?Thin and light should not be synonymous with poor performance release.

But even if it is full of heat dissipation, the performance release of Xingyu-Phantom is only at a satisfactory level, and it is far from being able to run the full CPU.

In the future, Nebulas may introduce more configurations, such as replacing the CPU with a low-voltage processor, or making a small upgrade to the memory capacity.

But these all need to be decided based on market feedback, which is why Nebula Technology has a very high production capacity, but does not release a large amount of inventory.

In terms of product appearance and exquisiteness, Nebula Technology is the only one on the market, but when it comes to building laptops, they have no experience.

As for the specific performance of Xingyu-Phantom, we only need to wait for the first batch of goods to be shipped out, and then wait another ten days and a half months before we can be sure.

Of course, as a new laptop manufacturer, Nebula Technology will be criticized in some aspects even if it uses the same configuration.

The most common ones are professional doubts and a single configuration of 512GB. Many consumers said that the configuration can be reduced to 256GB.

The same goes for other products, which do not require such a high memory combination. If the configuration is lowered first, the price will be lowered again, and the sales volume will double immediately.

But they don't know that the cost of Nebula's large memory and small memory is almost the same, and reducing the combination of memory will not allow them to save costs.

As for those who think that Xingyu-Phantom is not worth the price, they will know what is expensive when Apple's Macbook Pro comes out this year.

Regardless of whether some people think Xingyu-Phantom is worth it or not, 10 units are out of stock online, want to buy?Either go offline, or wait slowly.

It’s okay to go to the official offline channel of Xingyun Technology, and there will be no price increase for Xingyu-Phantom, but if you go to some dealer channels, you will have to increase the price.

As we all know, the more expensive Nebulas products are, the higher the price-performance ratio!Those who have a little knowledge of computers will know that Xingyu-Phantom is not expensive.

With the same appearance and the same design, other computer manufacturers will sell it for at least 9000+, but Nebula only sells it for 6999, which is already very polite.

This is related to their product positioning. In the view of Nebula Technology, as a mid-range series, Xingyu's thin and light notebooks should not be too expensive.

6000~8000, they think it is the extreme price range of a mid-range notebook, if it reaches 8000+, it does not meet the product positioning of Xingyu.

In contrast, the sales of Xingyu-Xi and the new Xingyu-Qingling are quite satisfactory, but their mediocrity can make some domestic manufacturers feel ashamed, which is too outrageous.

From the end of the Xingyu press conference to 12 o'clock in the morning, about three hours in the middle, the sales of the standard version of Xingyu-Xi exceeded 10 units, and the same is true for the new Xingyu-Qingling.

Only Xingyu-Xi's light version sold around 8 units, and they all reached the price range of 4-5. Many people don't care about the 300 yuan.

The 6.2-inch tidal screen is obviously more exciting than the 5.5-inch straight screen. Under the deliberate publicity of major manufacturers, curved screens = high-end, not to mention curved screens with large curvature.

The S7/S7 edge released by Samsung in Barcelona last month should have been a hot model, but overall it is not as strong as the previous generation S6.

Now Samsung's market share in China has dropped to ninth place, and even ZTE and Lenovo can't beat it, which makes Samsung very uncomfortable now.

In addition, the Snapdragon 820 chip is still a fire dragon. As a last resort, they had to put more energy into the polishing of Samsung note7.

"Feel something, do something!"

"Samsung note7 must be a success!"


At this time, Nebula Technology is focusing on Apple's spring new product launch conference. As soon as Apple SE comes out, they know that this wave is stable!

At first glance, the Apple SE is the latest iPhone, and the price is quite cheap. In fact, it is the replacement version of the Apple 5s two and a half years ago.

There are also certain improvements in other aspects, which can be regarded as an upgraded version of the Apple 5s, but compared with Xingyu-Xi, it is stretched in all aspects.

The new ipad pro is something to watch, because Nebula Technology has not had a large-size tablet until now, and it actually does.

However, comparing the Dalang Pad2 with the ipad pro, it is a bit too contemptuous of Apple. The price difference between the two is ten times, and there is no comparison at all.

There is also Carekit, an excellent nursing software, which is Apple's effort in humanistic care. Regardless of the product itself, this is a good software.

But at the node where Nebula Technology is targeting Apple, a nursing software can't change anything, and it is deliberately suppressed.

Apple's spring conference is not yet over, there have been countless comparisons between Xingyu-Xi and Apple se on the Internet, and the results needless to say.

Xingyu-Xi won the victory with an overwhelming advantage, but Liu Dalang was not very excited, because this time Xingyu-Xi won based on cost performance.

To win an Apple SE, of course, his goal is even bigger. In the second half of this year, he will take out the first flagship of Xingchen to compete with the iPhone 7.

And during this period of time, Nebula Technology will do its best to expand the international market. It can limit mobile phones, but not notebooks!

On the second day after the Xingyu press conference, the competition between the third-generation Xingyu and Apple rushed to the hot list of major mainstream social media.

There is no suspense, the sales volume of the light-packed Xingyu-Xi has crushed Apple SE, the hardware gap is too big, and the software is half a catty, how to compare?
Some people who wanted to complain about Apple for a long time also took the opportunity to vent a wave of sulking. Didn't they say that Apple A9 slams everything?Where did Hang Da go?
I'd rather buy it!Why no one bought it?
Oh~ It turns out that Apple SE hasn't been on sale yet...

Don't worry, just wait until the Apple SE goes on sale on March 3. They want to see how many people will buy the Apple SE under these conditions.

Of course, in less than ten days, not only the marketing department of Xingyun was promoting Xingyu, but domestic manufacturers also took the opportunity to suppress Apple.

Now Nebula Technology is in the same camp as them, and everyone will have a wave of new phones in April, so it is natural to grab Apple and beat them to death.

Why does Apple appear?They are very clear in their hearts, on the one hand, resurrecting old molds to clear a wave of inventory, on the other hand, suppressing Android.

Use a lower price to seize Android's market share, but now that Nebula Technology is taking the lead in fighting against Apple, you still want to suppress Android?Can you hold it down?
Strictly speaking, Nebula Technology is a remnant of the old era. Xiaomi's hardware is free, and the model of making money from the Internet is more suitable for today.

However, Nebula Technology not only cut off a portion of Internet revenue, but also expanded its market share through hardware, earning high profits, and allowing Nebula OS to have some unique value.

As long as there is a large and stable user base, Nebulas OS will not be less profitable than Android, which is flooded with advertisements, even if it is a [-] system.

Even in some value-added services, the profitability of Nebula OS far surpasses that of Android, which is close to that of IOS, and it has already shown signs.

More and more Internet companies are willing to join the Nebulas ecological chain and develop products for the Nebulas OS, and the Nebulas OS is also becoming stronger.

During this period of time, Jia Yin asked Liu Dalang to get a lot of goods, not only Xingyu mobile phones, but also Xingyu-Phantom. He thought that Xingyu-Phantom would not be able to exert its power in the Chinese market.

"BOSS! You give me 100 million units, and I can help you deal with them all within three months!"

Liu Dalang:? ? ?

"Where do I go to get 100 million units? China's supply is in short supply. The first batch will get you 20 units. If there are no more, you can figure it out!"

Jain: (-_-)!

"Then 20 units will come first, but I can't guarantee that 20 units of Xingyu-Phantom can give us the name of Nebula Technology..."

Good guy, he still threatened, Liu Dalang decided to ignore him, and directly changed the subject: "How is the specific situation over there?"

Jain made a brief statement: "Our two foldable screens have 1 units per week. The cracked version of Nebula-Andromeda has been sold for $1 in the black market. The cracked version of Cepheus is a bit more expensive. Each starts at $3.

There are still many people who buy goods from Huaxia and sell them at low prices to crack dealers in the black market. Boss, you have to speed up your progress. You can't let so many manes slip away from Nebula Technology for nothing!
In Dubai, we have opened 32 Xingyun directly-operated stores and 3 Xingyun after-sales service centers. This generation of Xingyun products is estimated to be more popular!

Especially the Xingyu-Qingling and Phantom, the Wi-Fi version of Xingyu-Qingling is in short supply. Our price for 256GB is 2899 US dollars, and this time there are already 30 orders for the new model in advance.

Xingyun-Phantom can only be purchased by Xingyun members. To obtain Xingyun membership, you must spend 1 US dollars in Xingyun Technology's official channels.

Even so, the number of reservations for Xingyu-Phantom has exceeded 10 people, so don't worry about the price, I can guarantee that every payment made by Xingyun Technology is legal!Pricing is also very reasonable...

In the next stage, we will continue to go west and north. After our research, Nebula products are very popular in European countries! "

After listening to Liu Dalang, he has never been so speechless. Damn it, the price of Xingyu-Qingling is three times the price in China, and the price is still very reasonable?

"I will prepare the goods for you as soon as possible, first lay out the official channels of Nebula Technology, and then collect some demands from different markets..."

"no problem!"

Liu Dalang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. The international situation of Nebula Technology seems to be gradually improving, but he can't go out at all now.

Some international giants have invited him several times, but he didn't agree even once, sending others, and the international giants were not very willing.

Every time the roll call is Lin Dong and other engineers with high status in Nebula Technology, it is impossible for them to agree to let the core technicians go abroad to participate in academic research, so they have been procrastinating.

Of course, this does not mean that the engineers or technical staff of Nebula Technology do not have their own learning channels. On the contrary, in Nebula Technology, Liu Dalang has prepared a lot of materials for them.

All of them are redeemed from the [Technology Collection]. If you want to participate in the academic exchange meeting, you can just hold the exchange meeting directly in Huaxia.

The ones who really go abroad are Nebula's public relations team who go abroad the most. They are working hard to let Nebula enter the international market legally.

It's just that the hope will be relatively slim, but apart from Jain who is overseas, there is also Pineapple Technology Zhang Bo who is on the same line with Nebula Technology.

After the Xingyu press conference, Zhang Bo contacted Liu Dalang immediately, asking for goods: "Brother, I need a batch of Xingyu!"

"What? How much?"

"Xingyu-Phantom 3 units, Xingyu-Xi Standard Edition 6 units, Light Edition 3 units!"

"I'll send it to you in 7 days, but your pineapple mobile phone is not low in shipments right now?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Zhang Bo was very proud: "It's not just cheap! You don't know that Pineapple mobile phone is a big brand now!"

Good guy, when will the fake pineapple mobile phone with pure blood become a big brand?

"As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one! Our pineapple mobile phone is now the largest mobile phone brand in the Philippines! Market share..."

 Thank you book friends for your rewards, monthly tickets and recommended tickets!You are not diamonds but you shine brightly, you are not the sun but warm my heart, thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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