Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 185 What?Out of print! ?

Chapter 185 What?Out of print! ?

It is false to say that it will not be targeted. Why did Dalang Technology issue graphics cards instead of Nebula Technology?That's the reason, graphics card manufacturers sanction Dalang Technology, what does Nebula Technology have to do with them?

However, it is obvious that such clumsy lies can’t deceive Nvidia. Facing the open provocation of Dalang Technology, Nvidia has fully exerted the spirit of an international giant and came to Bosao operation:
"The freighter headed for Huaxia encountered a Level 3 tsunami, all 30 graphics cards on the freighter were damaged, and the compensation to be faced may exceed 20 billion..."


Dalang Technology just announced the Dalang 1050 graphics card, and as a result, Nvidia’s freighter was hit by a level 3 tsunami. The most important thing is that the 30 graphics cards on the wrecked freighter were all from Nebula Technology!
Whether there was a tsunami on the way, you only need to check this point, it really happened, but the freighter encountered a tsunami by such a coincidence, and as an international giant, there is no way to deal with it?
But the fact has already happened. It doesn’t matter whether Nvidia wants to rely on these graphics cards with huge compensation, or what to do. The goods are gone, and there may be no more in the future~

No wonder Liu Dalang is so angry. Xinghuo-Phantom Flame was called the king of cost-effective gaming laptops just after the press conference. As a result, the first batch of 50 units just went out, and the second batch disappeared immediately!
No one can stand it~

It can only be said that Dalang Technology's style of play is very risky. If Nvidia hadn't procrastinated, they would not have been in such a hurry. Such consequences were actually expected by them.

"Don't worry! Stabilize the users first, then find a cooperative manufacturer to get a batch of graphics cards, add the inventory, and replenish the second batch of goods, and the follow-up will proceed according to the original plan! The press conference will continue as usual!
Recently, the promotion of the marketing department is mainly based on Dalang 1050. Firstly, the reputation of Dalang 1050 will be publicized, and then some news about Dalang's all-around notebooks will be released to wash away their low-cost graphics card market! "

In fact, Liu Dalang doesn't quite understand Nvidia's behavior. Nebula Technology's shipments are well known, and they don't make a lot of money. What good is it for them to do this kind of thing instead?
Little do they know that Nvidia can’t do anything about it. Although Nebula’s shipments are high, it’s not enough for them. Moreover, international giants will promote technology without a name next year. Actually?
Putting these aside for the time being, for Nebula Technology, it is enough to solve the problem when it encounters a problem, so what if the Xinghuo-Phantom Flame is out of stock?Don't forget that Nebula is a mobile phone manufacturer first!
Needless to say, the sales volume of the entire Xinghuo-Blame series~ especially the light-packed version of Xinghuo-Yan, which not only meets the needs of game performance parties, but also meets the needs of daily users, and the high price is normal.

After all, more perfect things are always more expensive~ Just as Liu Dalang expected, the offline sales of the Xinghuo-Chiyan tablet exploded again. There is no way, the big screen is too popular.

And the same price ~ so there will always be such situations in offline channels:
"Do I really need a gaming phone? This gaming tablet looks a little better! Bigger screen! Same RAM!
I can use my old phone as a hotspot!Or directly connect to wifi!What?Shared network between Spark devices?What are you waiting for? "

As a result, the sales of the reloaded version of Xinghuo-Yan were directly overwhelmed by the wifi version of Xinghuo-Chiyan, while the sales of the data version of Xinghuo-Redyan were basically the same as the wifi version, reflecting a consumer psychology:
Although it is impossible for most people to buy a special calling card for a tablet, the +300 yuan makes the experience more complete, turning it into a large-screen mobile phone, which is obviously more perfect.

"I don't have to use this function! But I must! What if I use it one day?"


In fact, this is true, but the difference between 8GB and 12GB is very small during use, and even exaggerating a bit, there is no difference between the 4GB and 12GB storage of Nebulas OS!
But if you want to upgrade 256GB to 512GB, you need to pay a price of 700 yuan, so you can see that the consumer group who chooses the low-end version will be much higher than the high-end version.

Even if the Apple ipad is set to 32GB memory and 128GB memory, consumers can’t stop consumers from choosing a low-end version. It’s an obvious consumption trap, and it’s just a trap. Nebula’s strategy is more direct.

They are here to sell the low-end version. As for the high-end version... it is enough to take care of some consumers. In fact, the number of people who buy it is quite small. Anyone who is not short of money will buy the flagship machine~

Who would spend more than 4 to buy a mid-range phone with a poor camera?No matter how bad the light version of Beidou-Tianshu is, it is not a spark that can touch porcelain, and the waterfall screen with a large curvature is really very face-saving!
If it is said that Samsung made the curved screen mobile phone popular, Nebula Technology is pushing the curved screen mobile phone to the peak. After solving the anti-mistouch, green edge, and drop resistance, the curved screen is invincible!

Seeing that the curved screen has become a symbol of high-end mobile phones, domestic manufacturers have also followed up and launched mobile phones with curved screens that are more cost-effective, but the final result seems to be doomed...

Without powerful system support, the curved screen may only be good-looking. Nebula Technology can even solve more than 98% of the false touches on the surround screen, let alone a small curved screen phone.

Of course, Spark products still have their unique competitiveness. The lower price + powerful performance + game controller make them quickly become the new favorite in the game industry. If you ask me, just one word:

What about Nintendo without a switch?Star Interactive Entertainment's ability to develop games is not vegetarian!One company may not be enough, so... plus all the game companies in Huaxia?
The price of the matching game controller is not expensive, only 199, the price/performance ratio is still very high, coupled with the promotion of the Spark channel, such as inviting some well-known people in the game industry to do promotional advertisements, etc.~

The reputation was quickly spread out. The most intuitive manifestation is that the first thing that primary school students think of when they think of a mobile phone is the Nebula mobile phone instead of Apple. This is a kind of success!

At least Apple's attempt to subtly change the minds of minors has been completely shattered, but the word-of-mouth of the Xinghuo game mobile phone is not very good among parents... It doesn't matter!

They have other products too!

What's interesting is that although Dalang Technology's first notebook computer product uses Dalang 1050 graphics card and is an entry-level gaming notebook, it is called Dalang's all-round notebook when it is advertised!

No way, the main users of Dalang products are middle-aged and elderly people. They can’t hear the word game. The title of Almighty Book will make them innately fond of it.
Actually do nothing...

But what surprised many people is that some digital bloggers mentioned a key information: the screen of Dalang Almighty is a matte screen, the size is 15.6 inches, and the A side is metal!

This made some users who just bought a gaming laptop couldn’t help complaining, why the big-name gaming laptops in their hands are still made of plastic, and Dalang’s all-around laptops are all made of metal. This seems a bit unscientific!

How much is metal actually worth?The reasons why major manufacturers are unwilling to use metal materials are nothing more than those. Plastic is cheap and convenient, and consumers don’t care about the quality of the game anyway!

Wouldn't it be enough to be strong?

The only thing left is the price... Dalang Technology has never held a press conference. This unprecedented Dalang conference has attracted the attention of many people. As for who will host the conference...

"What! Me?"

Zhang Jianzhi was dumbfounded when he received the news. If possible, he wanted to refuse. Although the A side of Dalang Almighty Book is made of metal, the prominent Dalang portrait on it is a bit strange~
In order to solve this problem, in the packaging box of Dalang Almighty Book, they also thoughtfully placed a large sticker, which can directly stick Dalang's head portrait, with the Nebula logo on it.

The feeling of cottage is full~

"I'll just be me! I can do it!"

for work!No shame!Dalang Almighty Ben has only one purpose!Completely spread the reputation of the Dalang 1050 graphics card, and then launch an ultra-low-cost discrete graphics card to make a lot of money.

At the same time, the low-end product lines of some graphics card manufacturers were blown away. Since they did not choose to cooperate with Nebula Technology, they will do it themselves. This time they are not going to take the initiative to counterfeit graphics cards~

Instead, he was forced to be helpless!

Under the vigorous publicity of the Xingyun/Dalang marketing department, Dalang 1050 has high expectations. At the same time, the popularity of the Xinghuo-Phantom Flame game notebook is getting higher and higher. The second batch of products was sold out in seconds.

Although there are only 30 units, Nebula Technology has limited scalpers!Even so, all versions of Xinghuo-Phantom Flame were gone in the first place, and those who couldn't get it all wailed:
"How can people play with this! I waited for half a year! Half a year! Do you know what kind of grievances I have suffered in the past six months! What kind of pain?

Now you say no, it's gone!Don't you play monkeys?Goods!You TM are taking out the goods and selling them!What's the difference between this and a void machine! "

"I've been ordering offline for so long! I ran through twelve Xingyun directly-operated stores! I finally got one! It's a pity that only the silver and white color is left..."

"The first user sent a congratulatory message! Xinghuo-Phantom Flame is really delicious! It slapped the faces of major computer manufacturers! It's so cool!"

"Quality control is invincible! I heard that all the products of Nebula Technology are fully automatic assembly lines, no wonder the product repair rate is so low..."

"The only downside is that it's hard to grab! It's really hard to grab! Nebula Technology doesn't have a graphics card! A second-hand Xinghuo-Phantom Flame needs to add 2 to buy it!"

"I'm convinced! Nebula Technology's restrictions on scalpers have restricted loneliness! Wait... this news... I'll go, don't!!!"

With a heart-piercing wail, many consumers discovered that Nebula Technology's official website has released a message that the third batch of Spark-Phantom Flame will be postponed, but when will it be launched...

Anyone who knows a little bit knows that it is probably impossible, that is to say, the Xinghuo-Phantom Flame game is out of print~ it has become the shortest-lived product in the history of Nebula Technology!
Some Nebula users who waited from June to December almost passed out with black eyes, this TM is too pitiful!And the major computer manufacturers who heard the news let out a sigh of relief!

"Huh~ Nebula Technology is nothing more than that! It doesn't even have its own graphics card!"

"Shh... that's too much to talk about! It's not been a day or two for Nebula Technology to develop graphics cards!"

"Hehe, do you really think graphics cards are so easy to make? So what if it takes 5 years of research and development?"

"That's right! How many years has Nvidia been researching? How many years has Intel been researching? Nebula technology can't catch up at all!"

"We still have time! Learn from Xinghuo-Phantom Flame's experience! Prepare to release new products!"


These manufacturers are still immersed in their dreams, but they don’t know that Dalang Technology’s big move has come. The parameters and running scores have completely suppressed GTX1050, and the data looks quite beautiful!
It's a pity that it can only play 70-80% of the level in the practical process. Even so, with a good CPU, it is enough to meet the needs of most mainstream online games on the market.

"Sure enough, the PC field is not so easy to enter! There is still a lack of technology! Don't worry, just polish our products!"

Liu Dalang can take it seriously, it doesn't matter if the Star Wars series is temporarily stranded, and it doesn't matter if consumers who can't buy Spark-Phantom Flame scold every day, this is not related to Xingyun Technology!Scold Nvidia!

Although Nvidia is not the only graphics card manufacturer in the world, the cards of other manufacturers either come from the same division as Nvidia, do not cooperate with Nebula Technology, or the overall level is not high enough~

Coupled with the restrictions of game manufacturers, Nebulas still has a long way to go in terms of gaming notebooks. Of course, with the foundation of Dalang 1050, they will have new mid-range cards soon!
It's hard to say who will be more fierce at that time~ So what if there is no game manufacturer to adapt?Liu Dalang's idea is simple and direct, let Xingyun Technology develop first, and then directly acquire them!

More importantly, they are not stingy with their own investment. Star Interactive Entertainment has become the Internet company with the fastest development momentum in just two years, and its strength is naturally needless to say.

"Instead of passively waiting for foreign games, it is better to actively develop your own games and promote your own games to the world!"

This is more of a sense of accomplishment!
The Xinghuo-Phantom Flame has come to an end for the time being, and it has become a pain in the hearts of many Xinghuo users, while the sales of other products of the fourth generation Xinghuo remain the same.

It is still impossible to catch up with Xingyu, but the overall sales volume is much better than that of the third-generation Spark, and the improvement of the ecological chain brings more ways to play. Some people have put forward new opinions on this:

"Isn't Nebula Technology going to produce an electric car? Can it produce a Xinghuo game electric car! The kind that can be operated with a handle!"

As soon as this remark came out, the netizens were stunned!Needless to say, this will definitely not work!Reality is not a game, it is too dangerous!But looking back, it seems really good?

Naturally, it is impossible for Liu Dalang to engage in this kind of thing. Xingji Electric Vehicle is already at its limit. In the future, they will also prepare a vehicle that can subvert people's cognition and change society:
The principle is very simple, you only need to think of this aircraft as a large drone that can be stepped on and can automatically maintain its balance, but the specific structure is different.

At present, Nebula Technology does not even have a test product, because they lack a key technology: a battery that is both light and long-lasting, and the vehicle, such as an aircraft, is very dangerous.

There are protective airbags in the event of a car crash, and the aircraft has to peel off its skin if it falls from a height of more than 15 meters with people alive. Therefore, there are many factors to be considered in the specific research and development process.

Qu Xiangqun's purpose of going out to study before is also very simple, in order to design a beautiful low-altitude manned aircraft to attract users when the aircraft technology is perfected in the future!

Of course, as long as this product is put on display, it will be a huge selling point. A very exaggerated price can be set for a manned flight with a battery life of more than 20 kilometers. After all, this is the first in the industry!

There is another way of thinking is the jet pack, but the jet pack requires high-pressure nitrogen and various pressurization technologies, which obviously do not match the scientific and technological achievements of Nebula Technology.

In order to save time, the aircraft is the best choice. In the era of the gradual development of the sharing economy, it may be possible to launch a shared manned aircraft that scans the code and rides on the street...

Simply perfect!
Looking back, what is the mere loss of Xinghuo-Phantom Flame?The things of Nebula Technology are never so easy to take away. If you engage in Nebula Technology, you will regret your choice sooner or later!

Dalang 1050 is a good example. Although the major computer manufacturers say they don’t care, they are still very honest. They all paid attention to this card on the day of the press conference.

"What if it's cheap?"

"It's cheap, you don't make money, you bastard!"

 ヽ(#`Д)! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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