Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 204 Da Lang's Sao Operation

Chapter 204 Da Lang's Sao Operation
There are many aspects of drone testing, such as maximum flight altitude, maximum endurance time, flight radius, maximum horizontal flight speed, track control accuracy, wind resistance, etc.
However, the Nebula team chose the most inconspicuous delay speed in the first test. If this thing is useful, it is actually useless, but it is not appropriate to say that it is useless.

Because it is related to the actual control experience. Take a mobile phone as an example. A high screen touch sampling rate will be better in daily use or in games. In fact, you can know it with just one touch.

The feeling of not following the hand can be felt immediately, and the same is true for drones. Although the products of Nebula Technology are not all high-end, each product is a boutique in the same price~
With the development of Nebula technology, people's expectations for Nebula products are getting higher and higher. At the same time, the requirements for Nebula products are also getting higher and higher, so that the focus of the Nebula team is also different.

Of course, another reason is that Liu Dalang can only put forward some opinions to the Nebula team from the perspective of consumers. He understands the simple principles, but he is not very clear about more complicated ones.

Professional things are left to professional people. He only needs a product that can maximize the experience while also taking into account performance, battery life, and appearance design. To do it, every aspect must be done well.

Afterwards, Liu Dalang returned to the Xingyun Science and Technology Park, where a new round of construction is still underway, but there is no discomfort like dusty dust in a general construction site.

As long as the funds are in place, not only will the construction be fast, but the environment can also be controlled. Compared with mobile phones, laptops and even electric vehicles, drone products are still a little bit too small.

However, the market is sometimes like this, and products need to be constantly updated, and sometimes some new concepts are drawn to attract consumers' attention, broaden the market, and increase corporate image.

Unlike the orderly development of Nebula Technology, Apple actually withdrew its official press conference time, and announced to the public that due to force majeure internal and external factors, and then...

This is a proper extension!It's a pity that no matter how Apple changes, the time of the Nebula Technology Conference has been fixed, and it is nothing more than an opportunity for a positive confrontation with public opinion.

The real battlefield is after the product is released. Apple still doesn't know anything about the upcoming Nebula products, but Nebula Technology is well aware of Apple's upcoming products.

Apple 7/7 Plus red special edition, canceled 32GB memory version, starting at 6188 yuan, the highest price is 7988 yuan, Apple se, Apple 8/8 Plus, new ipad air, the starting price is tempting enough.

The price of 2688 can indeed make many former Apple users or consumers who have never experienced Apple products excited, but it is really difficult to dream of the appearance design four years ago.

Even so, the ipad air is still one of Apple's "most affordable" products. In comparison, Nebula's tablet products don't have much advantage in price, but that's not important.

The important thing is that offline users still rely on appearance design. It is better to make a good design despite the hype of the manufacturer's publicity and how powerful the performance of a certain product is.

As for Apple's mac... not to mention Nebula Technology, even Lenovo is currently able to beat Apple. On the surface, they are all notebook products, but in fact they are completely different, and there is no threat.

There are also some media speculations that the prices of Apple products may be lowered.

BlackBerry has never lowered the price until its death. They may want to, but they can't. They would rather die standing up than living on their knees. Otherwise, what will happen to the brand image they have worked so hard to build?Except for a near future...

These are all things to say later, with Nebula Technology as a big mountain, it may be difficult for oppo to realize its dream of being the first in China, let alone the sub-brand 1+ that has been serving oppo since birth.

Maybe Cook doesn't have Jobs' technological mind, but he must be a good money maker, otherwise, he can't let the price of Apple products increase every year while the cost is almost the same.

After the leeks are harvested wave after wave, people’s fanatical pursuit cannot be supported. A slight upgrade in material costs will be shared on users immediately. Many Apple users are proud of this:
"Our Apple is the most profitable brand in the world. What is a domestic mobile phone?"

Why isn't Nebula Technology the most profitable?The cost of Nebula products is low!It is because Nebula Technology has never disclosed its profits at all, so it can only rely on the outside world to guess and infer.

In addition to hardware profits, Nebula Technology also has a lot of software profits every year. It only needs to give Star Interactive Entertainment some time, and it is not difficult to become the third domestic game giant.

Next, the warm-up work of the fourth-generation Xingyu products has entered the final finishing stage. Taking Xingyun and Apple's traffic in China, it only needs to make a little guidance.

Then the netizens from all walks of life will scramble under this kind of incitement, which will form a unique publicity effect, because the thinking mode of most ordinary people is relatively simple.

It is obvious that a statement that turns black and white, because these noobs are seeing it for the first time, they will be convinced that it is true, and they will not bother to verify the authenticity, and even use it to refute the truth.

But if they find that one day their cognition is wrong, they will fall to the other side without hesitation, and become new fanatical believers, and the effect will be very good if they make good use of it.

The return of the Spark game, the full pre-sale of the fourth generation of Star Rain, and the postponement of the Apple conference,

However, if Nebula Technology does not change the time of the press conference and does not continue to fight with Apple, is it self-confidence or dare not follow?In the eyes of some people, it has completely evolved into Nebula Technology:

"What do you mean by Nebula Technology? Floating? Don't you care about Apple?"

"Hehe, so what if you don't pay attention to it? Can Apple's Mac play games?"

"Mac is a productivity tool for business/professionals, not for playing games!"

"Sorry, I really don't need any productivity, I just want to play games!"

"A life without struggle has no future! Playing games at a young age! Hey!!!"

"I knew that Nebula Technology was plotting something wrong when it was making games, sure enough!"

"What's wrong with playing games? Did you eat your rice? Is Xingkong Huyu evil?"

"The Nebula of the dog day! My children are addicted to games, and it's useless for me to report it!"

"My child is also clamoring for a game phone every day! It really pissed me off!"

"??? Your child is disobedient, shouldn't you look for problems from yourself?"

"It's the game that hurts! If you want me to say, games and game phones should be banned earlier!"

"Then what phone are you using!?"

"Dalang's mobile phone!"


All of a sudden, the netizens who participated in the war of words lost their confidence. Isn't Dalang's mobile phone a brand of Xingyun Technology?I quickly checked and found that there is no full separation!
Even if Dalang Technology claims to be separated from Nebula Technology for independent operation and development, in fact all the technologies of Dalang Technology are Nebula Technology's. How can it really be independent?

What's more, the so-called independent operation is completely different from independence and should not be confused with each other. Although parents have some complaints about some products of Nebula Technology, most of the available products are Dalang mobile phones.

Regarding this matter, Liu Dalang has been thinking about how to solve it. As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell needs to be untied. Improving the basic cognitive level is the key, and it happens to be able to take advantage of Dalang~
As a result, many middle-aged and elderly Dalang users were surprised to find that in the apps that come with Dalang's mobile phone, entertainment information has become much less, and all serious information has been replaced.

From international affairs to people's livelihood, and then to common sense of life, there are many questions about basic education interspersed in the middle. The purpose should not be too direct, but should be hidden, through subtle influence.

This trick is what Nebula Technology is best at, and it can be used with a high degree of proficiency, and it will also help to further enhance the brand image by rectifying the information flow that comes with Dalang's mobile phone.

Of course, rectifying the information flow is not without disadvantages, that is, the profits of Dalang Technology will be relatively less, but this does not matter, the purpose of Nebula and Dalang is not only to make profits.

And from a long-term perspective, rectifying the information flow is conducive to the sustainable development of Nebula Technology, so no one can tell whether it is voluntarily giving up profits or striving for greater profits.

Many places always like to use "permanence" as an important point of publicity when promoting, but how many permanent things are there in the world?It may even take only a few years for a complete change.

The memories of middle-aged and elderly people are relatively short, but they are very aggregated. They are more inclined to share what they have seen and heard recently with the people around them, including the news they browsed from Dalang's mobile phone.

So, just three days after Dalang Technology launched the new information flow, you can see this scene in many less developed township information network sharing centers (village entrances for short):

"By the way, have you read the information about the reform of the college entrance examination? It will be our turn in at most five years!"

"This is a good thing. There are many ways to choose. The times have developed and it is different!"

"Xinghua Miov teamed up to suppress Apple, and Apple will be the same as Samsung in at most two years!"

"This year is almost the end of this year, and the era of Apple is over!"

"The education of dolls should be grasped from an early age, but don't push too hard, or it will backfire!"

"That's right! I suspect that the kid from Erdan Liu's family just went crazy due to too much pressure!"

"As the saying goes, filial sons are born under the stick, if you don't beat them, you won't be successful, so what if you put some pressure on them?"

"That's right, which of us didn't come here like this? Don't believe in those things!"

"This is scientific research!"

"Experience is still useful!"

The old man and the old lady talked about the international situation in the sharing center, and the basic education in the next.

The young man who only came back to the village once in a while was stunned: "What's going on!?"

A group of old men at the entrance of the village were analyzing the international situation. They not only talked eloquently, but also analyzed clearly, which almost made him doubt his professional knowledge. It was simply too outrageous!
If it's normal for a group of old men to talk about these things, after all, men are still teenagers until they die, and it's understandable to talk about national affairs and the universe, then what's the matter with the old ladies?

(End of this chapter)

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