Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 23 Geek Players, K-Series

Chapter 23 Geek Players, K-Series
Rebus: "???"

He already knew the origin of Xingyun Technology. The original Dalang Technology just changed its name, which is not what it advertised on the Internet.

The reason why it was able to make a comeback is because it went abroad in advance to seize the mobile phone market in India, and it may have obtained some key technologies.

Most likely, Nebula Technology has a stronger say in the supply chain, or has a way to manufacture key components at low cost.

Xiaomi dismantled the special commemorative edition of Dalang, and they didn't know how many units. They had never seen the storage components inside, and they didn't know where they came from.

There is also a screen. The screen of the Dalang special commemorative edition has a mediocre appearance, but they can't find out who the screen supplier of Nebula Technology is.

The power behind Nebula Technology is unknown, and it is very likely to be an international giant. There is no need to worry about this, after all, this is Huaxia.

I don't know how many international giants have fallen into the sand on this land. Regardless of Samsung's current prosperity, it will end in the same way sooner or later.

The major domestic manufacturers are still accumulating strength, and they only need an opportunity to join hands to drive Samsung out of the Chinese mobile phone market without hesitation.

Now there is another spoiler, what is the position of Nebula Technology, Rebs is not clear, he only knows one thing:
"We must make more competitive products! While competing, we can also cooperate!"

If Nebula Technology really has exclusive technology, it’s okay for Xiaomi to cooperate with Nebula Technology. Who stipulates that friends must be rivals?

Other manufacturers have also noticed the emergence of Nebula Technology. I don't know what strategy they will adopt next, including whether to make a full-screen mobile phone now, and Rebs is still hesitating.

Xiaomi has just gained a firm foothold, unlike Nebula Technology, which has a stronghold in India. It does not follow the market and rushes out new products. If the market does not accept it, this kind of risk cannot be taken at all.

"Wait and see, look at the market feedback, after exceeding our target, let the technical department immediately speed up the development of full-screen mobile phone technology!"

In addition to the product packaging process, the system and software adaptation are the most important. This is not good. When a new product with a different screen size is released, the software has to be re-adapted again.

Fortunately, the rice noodle festival press conference went smoothly, and the response was very good. Mi 2s was very cost-effective, and the price in 1999 continued the traditional pricing.

The press conference was a success, but Rebs was a little flustered. He didn't have the same excitement as before. He always felt that Nebula Technology would make some big moves.

"No, you have to prepare in advance!"

At the same time, the R&D department of a certain factory:

"I want you to analyze the operation principle of the interconnection function of Dalang OS for a month!"

"The new product is redesigned, and the infrared module is installed in it! After the universal remote control function is made, we will conduct all-round experiments as soon as possible!"


In Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park in India, Liu Dalang knows how strong the strength of domestic friends is. If a manufacturer is able to make new functions, it will be copied by other manufacturers within a year without even leaving their underwear.

Hammer was the worst victim, but the Hammer phone hasn't been made yet, but Hammer OS has already started warming up on Weibo.

Brother Long is now young and energetic, and the Wenqing team with a hammer bombarded the major manufacturers. Nebula Technology does not plan to contact them in a short time.

The Nebula4 series is fully launched, the offline Nebula directly-operated stores continue to expand, and online marketing requires a lot of investment.

Some people speculated on Twitter that Nebula Technology will start its first round of financing in a short time, but there is no news on the official website.

Liu Dalang didn't intend to raise money at all, and Nebula Technology didn't lack the money at all, so he would be limited in his actions if he gave up the shares for the money.

Nebulas Technology's online network marketing focuses on hype marketing on Facebook and Twitter, two major social media.

At the same time, Nebula Technology has also entered into TV commercials. On some local TV stations, it has invested wildly in commercials, and attached online purchase tutorials.

In addition to purchasing products in the two major e-commerce platforms, Nebula flagship store and Nebula Technology official website, Nebula Technology has also launched TV shopping.

Through TV commercials, one phone call to Nebula Technology can directly order Nebula4 series mobile phones and Nebula AE 13 TV sets.

The time is ripe, Star Express immediately took the opportunity to open the cash on delivery function, online users can place an order first, and pay after receiving the goods.

When other courier companies in India were afraid to use cash on delivery, Star Express and the influence of Nebula Technology became famous in one fell swoop and expanded wildly.

Relying on the Xingyun branch and the Xingyun directly-operated store, the delivery speed of Star Express has reached the top three in India, and it has begun to receive other businesses.

"Star Express! It will arrive in three days! If you arrive 1 minute late, you will be compensated three times the full amount!"

"Cash on delivery! Inspect the goods in person!"

"Where there are Xingyun mobile phones, there is Star Express! More efficient! More convenient!"


The power of advertising is reflected. Although cash on delivery sometimes encounters hooligans who refuse to pay and evade bills, such things are rare after all.

As long as more than 95% of them are normal people, Star Express can't lose money, and can still make a lot of money. The profit of the express delivery industry is actually not low.

Because the labor cost in India is too low, express delivery is a job that many Chinese people don't want to do, and some people here are rushing to do it.

It’s also selling labor. Compared with others, express delivery is simply too easy. It also comes with electric tricycles. The more you deliver, the more you earn!
For a while, Starry Sky Courier became a sought-after job position in various regions, and even the employees of other courier companies jumped ship one after another!
Just kidding, Star Express provides each employee with a Nebula2s as a work machine for free. Which company can compare to this kind of treatment?

The first personal tweet that Jain wakes up every day is: "Today we solved the employment of many people in a certain city in a certain state!"

Huaxia's express delivery model is so strong that Liu Dalang didn't expect that the first industry that Nebula Technology will soon rule is actually express delivery!
However, the risk of courier and mobile phone binding is also great. Nebula Technology's mobile phone market share is not enough, and Star Express will also be hit.

At the same time, what Liu Dalang didn't expect was that the first domestic manufacturer has come now, not Xiaomi and ov, but Nubia under ZTE!

When Jiang Fei, vice president of Nubia, came to the Indian market for the first time, he was stunned by Nebula Technology's almost crazy promotional model.

The streets and alleys of New Delhi are full of posters of Nebula 4 series mobile phones, and there is a Nebula directly-operated store in two streets on average.

Some mobile phone stores of other brands hang the two-color logo of Nebula Technology on the door, and there are ubiquitous TV advertisements beside it.

"Xingyun mobile phone is going to dominate the low-end market! Except for counterfeit mobile phones that can compete a little bit, Samsung and Nokia can't stand it?"

What Jiang Fei didn't know was that Mumbai Electronics City, India's largest copycat mobile phone market, was also owned by Nebula Technology, accounting for half of the copycat market.

Nokia itself is at the end of the road, and it can't withstand the double blow of Nebula Technology offline and online. Only Samsung has reacted.

But Samsung itself will not give up its own brand advantages, and make low-end phones to compete with Nebula Technology. In the end, they will also make mid-range phones.

At the same time, Jiang Fei also discovered that Nebula Technology couldn't afford such a large market. It advertised vigorously, but its shipments were not high enough.

In several Nebula directly-operated stores, he saw that Nebula4 series mobile phones are hard to find. After asking, he found out that Nebula Technology's daily offline and online supply is very small.


After a period of market research, Nubia decided to increase investment to enter the low-end mobile phone market. Why low-end?
Because they can't lower the cost so low, but they are definitely cheaper than Samsung. They are called low-end, but they are actually grabbing the mid-end market.

It is better to grab the mid-range product market of Nokia and Samsung, first carve up Nokia's final share, and then free up hands to deal with Samsung.

Liu Dalang is not afraid of domestic manufacturers coming to India, but he is afraid that they will not come. Sometimes there is not enough competition and the market vitality cannot be stimulated.

Mobile phone manufacturers must introvert with high quality. While stimulating consumption, they can also promote technological innovation and kick out other competitors by the way.

In the Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park, Liu Dalang arranged the latest layout and prepared to go back to China.

Now that he has 30 points in hand, the most urgent task is to produce the core production line of Nebula Technology to prepare for new products!
The Nebula 5 series mobile phone is the next one, which is a normal replacement machine. The biggest highlight this time is the upgrade of the processor and Nebula OS.

There are too many things to prepare, especially in terms of software, there are not enough programmers in Nebula Technology, and the asking price of outsourcing companies is too high.

In addition, Satyam made a wave of false accounts in the past few years, which directly led to continuous problems in the entire industry.

The salary of programmers has doubled several times one after another. The money Nebula Technology makes from making mobile phones and selling hardware is not enough to invest in software.

Fortunately, Xingyun Technology has the support of Xincheng Industrial, and most of the software development is from Xincheng Industrial, but they are also very ruthless.

There's no way, Nebula Technology is on other people's territory, so they can't even eat soup, meat and bones, and they have to leave a chance for others to make money.

Moreover, the main research and development in the Indian market is not the native application of Nebula OS, but some entertainment, social, game and other applications prepared for the future.

Nebulas OS upgrades and native application research and development are all focused on the country. After the production line upgrade is completed, the core production line is also placed in the country.

In this case, the cost of Nebula Technology in the Indian market will definitely rise, and various taxes will further increase, and there will be certain risks.

The Nebula5 series mobile phones are still being updated normally, but Liu Dalang has prepared two new series of mobile phones to enter the mid-end market.

Ambani, the richest man in India, is very concerned about the game industry. Some games that are not allowed in China can be made here, and the market potential is huge.

Liu Dalang knows that Indians prefer cricket and football, and Xincheng Entertainment is developing several real-money games around these two sports.

In addition to cricket and football, he also knows that there is a card game with a high degree of completion, which has already started internal testing and can be launched at any time.

Ambani doesn't like casual games. Competitive games are too expensive to make, and they don't make money.

The game market in India is almost a blank sheet of paper. I have to say that Ambani's moves are really ruthless, and the first move is this kind of money-absorbing monster-level game.

Naturally, Nebula Technology will not miss such a good opportunity. The headquarters has established a project and is preparing to create the first mid-range series featuring high cost performance:

Spark! K series!Why the K series?Because if it is named with the initial letter S, it may conflict with the future flagship series.

The promotional slogan is "Geek Gamer". From the name, we know that the K series is a mid-range gaming phone that Nebulas is planning to focus on with high cost performance.

It is also the first attempt of Nebula Technology to enter the mid-range mobile phone market in India. In India, it is the K series, and in China it is named Spark.

For the same model, in China, Liu Dalang plans not to name it with English letters and numbers, but to change it to a single Chinese character naming method.

This time I returned to Huaxia Xingyun Science and Technology Industrial Park to upgrade the production line, mainly to prepare for the core accessories of the K/Xinghuo series mobile phones.

 Thanks to You Xingshen for the reward and monthly pass!Thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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