Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 63 Spark - Has the car rolled over?

Chapter 63 Spark - Has the car rolled over?

As a result, the Xingyun counters around the world became lively again, and the Xinghuo-Zhi open-close hexagonal prism packaging was very eye-catching on the counters.

Liu Dalang is not afraid that users will go to buy mobile phones offline, but he is afraid that they will not go, because whether a product is good or not is not obvious on paper.

Selling mobile phones online, you can only fight for the parameters, who has a good copywriting, who has a good video promotion, and whose navy is more powerful.

When I got to the line to touch it, once I got started, and the salesperson gave me a lot of hype, I didn't want to buy a mobile phone, but I couldn't help but buy it.

Nebula Technology has always been selling online and offline simultaneously after the press conference, and it has almost never been out of stock. The only time out of stock is not the mobile phone.

At the beginning, the price of Dalang TV T13 was too low. At its peak, the inventory of 50 units was sold out in one and a half days, so it was out of stock.

As for mobile phones, from Dalang Special Commemorative Edition, to Dalang 5, Dalang 6, and Xingyu-Mu, there is never a shortage.

This is the advantage of owning a factory. You don't have to worry about the supply chain and capital chain every day, and you don't have to release it and never go public.

Rebs' Mi 4 was released in July, and it was only launched in September. As a result, it was not available yet, and I couldn't buy it if I wanted to.

If you can’t buy it online, you have to buy it at a higher price if you find a dealer offline. Otherwise, you can only wait slowly until batch after batch are finished. If you are lucky, you can grab it.

If you are unlucky, if you grab it, it will soon be off the shelf, or you can’t get it from the beginning to the end. Is Xiaomi really out of stock, or is it going to play hunger marketing.

All this is unknown, Liu Dalang only knows that Xiaomi users can wait, Nebula users can't wait, and they will see the goods after the press conference is over!
The Nebula counters have to be open as soon as they say they are open, and they have to be delivered within a day if they are out of stock. The Nebula Technology Marketing Department seized this point and started vigorously publicizing it.

For a while, Nebula and Xiaomi seemed to be two extremes. The fans and trolls of the two brands caused a new wave of public opinion wars on the Internet.

In terms of the number of fans, Xiaomi must have more than Xingyun. After all, they have accumulated for four generations, but the quality of the navy is different.

Nebula Technology and Dalang Technology's naval army, one establishes a positive image and attacks with reason and evidence, and the other directly does not talk about martial arts.

If Liu Dalang hadn't banned the marketing department from making personal attacks, their navy's combat effectiveness could have been improved to another level, but the nature would have changed.

Everyone is not an enemy, it is unnecessary, and it is not good for Nebulas to build the brand image, and it will offend many ordinary consumers.

Xiaomi users can also buy Nebula phones, and Nebula technology users can also buy Xiaomi phones, as long as there is fair competition.

Seeing that the situation was gradually becoming uncontrollable, Liu Dalang immediately stopped the public opinion war. The specific reasons for it were not important.

Then, as the chairman of Nebula Technology, he posted a post on social media:
"Ningyun Technology doesn't want to touch anyone, and we don't want to be touched by anyone. We just want to make our own products. Low-quality introversion is useless!"

As soon as this post came out, it was reposted hundreds of times immediately, and there were many people in @雷布斯, but Rebs didn't read any of it.

At the same time, many people were asking what the meaning of "involvement" was. For a while, the word "involvement" spread, and Liu Dalang also had a headache.

If possible, he doesn't want to contact Xiaomi in this way of public opinion warfare.

This is because Xiaomi is so good. Under their marketing, every time other mobile phone manufacturers release a mobile phone, they can't help but compare it with Xiaomi.

Compared with the past, other mobile phone manufacturers can't get any cheaper, and they will give Xiaomi a wave of publicity, thus losing their own users.

Liu Dalang doesn't want to engage in this kind of confrontational public opinion war, but that doesn't mean he won't fight back. Nebula Technology has its own way of drainage.

Xinghuo-Chi, Xingyun OS, Xingyun App, Xingkong Interactive Entertainment, etc. won’t be used for publicity?No matter how bad it is, you can still promote Limeng's long legs!

Just do what you say, on the night after the Starfire press conference, the screens of all major mainstream media are full of Nebula Technology's mobile phones, copywriters and beauties.

Limeng and Mingyue's looks needless to say, Mingyue is more conservative, but Limeng is not conservative at all, and the photos of the press conference have been spread like crazy.

This is the drainage fast!There is also a blogger with a million fans, worried that Limeng will freeze, so he made a special post to crowdfund long johns for Limeng.

People who didn't know about Nebula Technology also knew about Nebula Technology, and those who already knew had a deeper understanding of Nebula Technology.

After the Xinghuo press conference, at the same time, Xinghuo-Blazing sold nearly 15 units online and offline, [-] units more than Xingyu-Mu.

It seems that Xinghuo-Chi sold more, but in fact it cannot be counted that way, because Xingyu-Mu only had 500 Xingyun counters at that time, and the shipment volume was not enough.

The current Nebula Technology has nearly 2000 Nebula counters. On the whole, Xinghuo-Zhi is not as good as Xingyu-Mu.

Although Xinghuo-Chi did not sell much, it miraculously boosted the sales of Xingyu-Mu, because offline consumers pay more attention to actual experience.

After getting two mobile phones at the same time, comparing them, it is obvious that Xingyu-Mu's appearance is higher, more attractive, and has a unique subtle beauty.

Coupled with the thin and light feel and exquisite accessories, some people who originally wanted to get started with Xinghuo-Chi directly defected to the Xingyu camp.

The remaining buyers also struggled for a long time between Xinghuo-Chi and Xingyu-Mu, and finally chose Xinghuo-Chi with a more powerful processor.

It stands to reason that Xinghuo-Chi's initial sales were not bad, and this momentum should continue, but something went wrong in less than three days.

Could it be that Xinghuo-Chi overturned?

Many users gave negative comments, saying that if you don’t turn on the fan when watching videos, the Xinghuo-chi’s heat is a bit strong, and it’s always warm if you don’t need it.

After turning on the fan, the phone does not heat up, but there is noise, and the power consumption is relatively fast.

This is very uncomfortable, because Xinghuo-Chi does not fully take into account daily use. As a game phone, there are not enough games for it.

The Nebula app is not sprayed, because after some blogger tests, the Nebula app does run faster than the unadapted app.

The Dabai evaluation of the Nebula Technology Marketing Department also made a video specifically for the Nebula application, directly benchmarking the Nebula OS and IOS.

Xinghuo-Chi vs Apple 6 Plus, it is logically said that this is a showdown without any suspense, but the actual test results are beyond everyone's expectations.

Turn on the performance mode of Xinghuo-chi, the temperature soars directly, and the fans can hardly hold it down. It can be seen how fierce the scheduling of the chip is.

Under such conditions, the speed of Xinghuo-Chi running Nebula applications is almost the same as that of Apple 6 Plus running IOS native applications.

Even if there is a gap, the gap is within 0.1 second, and it is impossible to perceive it. The price difference between the two phones is nearly 5000 yuan!
It's a pity that when Nebulas OS is running unsuitable applications, the gap will appear immediately, while the running speed of IOS has not changed at all.

Although Nebula OS is still being rubbed against the ground by IOS as a whole, the test results have caused quite a stir.

It can be understood that the peak performance of the Snapdragon 810 is not weaker than that of the Apple A8 processor, and it can also be understood that the Nebula OS is as smooth as IOS.

Of course, the price paid for fluency is unstoppable heat generation, loud fan noise, fast power consumption, diabetes insipidus on battery life, and bulky hand feel.

How to interpret it depends on personal understanding. At least from the test results, Xinghuo-Chi’s performance is fully worthy of its price.

Whether the Xinghuo-Chi overturned or not, it is still hard to draw a conclusion. Its certainty can be strong, but the price behind the high performance is not small.

Do you want to choose Nebula Technology and Nebula OS?Or give up Nebula OS, give up Android, and devote yourself to the embrace of Apple IOS?
Every consumer has a different opinion. After all, the price paid in the process from Spark-Chi to Apple 6 Plus is more than 5000 yuan.

Why?Because Apple 6 Plus is scheduled to be purchased on the official website until next year, offline purchases will cost an additional 1000, and Xinghuo-Chi is always in stock!

In order to create momentum for Xinghuo-Chi, the marketing department of Nebula Technology promoted the test video of Dabai's evaluation, as well as the previous mobile phone evaluation.

To Liu Dalang's surprise, Xinghuo-Lie and Xingyu-Mu became the biggest winners, and the increase in Xingyu-Mu's shipments is a good thing.

But the production of Xinghuo-lie has been discontinued, and now it is mainly used for second-hand transactions. A Xinghuo-lie that is more than 95 new can be sold for 1600!

This has almost caught up with the inventory clearance price some time ago. The reason is that the Xinghuo-Zhi polarization is serious, which is a bit unbalanced.

As for Xinghuo Lie, in addition to not having 4G, the processor is the current mainstream Snapdragon 801, and it can also update the Nebula OS and have Nebula applications.

The most important thing is that the second-hand price is still cheap, 1300 yuan lower than Xinghuo-Zhi. Comparing the two, you must choose Xinghuo-Zhi!

Of course, not everyone can accept that their mobile phone is a second-hand mobile phone. They would rather spend money on a new one than buy a second-hand one.

The concept of consumption is different. It doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong. As long as you can buy the products you really need with money, it is a good thing.

Limeng said at the press conference that 500+ nebula applications and 50+ large-scale games should be adapted or developed, which were repeatedly publicized.

For a time, Nebula Technology, Nebula OS, and Nebula App became famous and their popularity skyrocketed.

So what if Xinghuo-chi is a little overturned?Still can't hide the light of Nebula OS.

At the same time, many people are concerned about whether the Dalang mobile phone, which is a brand of Nebula Technology, will have a Nebula application, or similar applications?

After getting the affirmative reply from Dalang Technology, the popularity of Dalang V8, Dalang 8, and Dalang Direct Store directly reached a new peak.

Compared with Xinghuo-Chi, which starts at 2899, Dalang V599, which starts at 8, and the low-end flagship Dalang 999, which starts at 8, are the choices of more people.

What's interesting is that those people who sprayed Dalang's mobile phone before seem to have disappeared collectively.

(End of this chapter)

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