Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 67 Unique Promotional Methods

Chapter 67 Unique Promotional Methods

Liu Dalang claims to open 5000 Dalang directly-operated stores within a year, how can ov bear this?So he directly kicked out the Dalang mascot.

Most of the Dalang directly-operated stores opened next to ov no longer do activities together, except for some individual dealers who sell ov mobile phones.

Because these individual dealers are not official stores, their stores not only sell ov, but also sell Xiaomi, Huawei, Gionee, Coolpad, Lenovo...

Can ov still expect individual dealers to be so disciplined?Making money is their goal, and it doesn't matter what mobile phone users buy.

It doesn't matter to Liu Dalang, there are many ways to attract traffic, peers are enemies, since ov wants to do this, just compete directly.

Can't you live without ov?Liu Dalang directly found Chasing Light Animation, which had just started in China, to make animation for their mascot.

"We have two mascots, Xiaoxing and Superman. I hope to make two animations around these two images!"

Wang Wei, the founder of Chasing Light Animation, is a little confused. They have just completed the B round of financing and are preparing to enter the field of 3D animation. They are even ready for the project.

"Sorry, we've already…"

"Will you please listen to my request?"

Wang Wei nodded. Nebula Technology has developed rapidly recently, and the chairman even came to the door in person. It's not good for him to refuse directly.

"I hope that the animation you make for the two mascots of Nebula Technology is easy to understand and has a strong storyline, suitable for broadcasting in public.

The number of episodes is more than one hundred, and it will be serialized for a long time. If you refer to it... directly follow Kung Fu Panda, the pictures and details must be in place!
At the same time, we also need to promote our products, so that consumers can think of our products when they see two animation images!

Don't rush to refuse, this is our funding for the first ten episodes, do you think it's suitable? "

Liu Dalang directly took out his trump card, without giving Wang Wei a chance to refuse.

Wang Wei really wanted to refuse, because the financing has already been completed, and the little door god has also approved the project. They are really unhappy to make other animations!

But when he saw Liu Dalang's funding...

! ? ?

"Appropriate! It must be appropriate! Do you have any other requirements? Style, character setting, main plot, it doesn't matter if you don't have it now!

Afterwards, if you have any requests, you can contact us at any time. It happens that we are not very busy during this time, so we can devote ourselves to the production! "

Wang Wei's attitude directly took a 180-degree turn, and Liu Dalang also upgraded from a hateful Party A to an amiable Party A's father.

"Not yet. If you have any ideas, you can talk to our Star Entertainment staff. By the way, try to get the finished product out as soon as possible."

"no problem!"

After Liu Dalang left, several small executives from Chasing Light Animation came up and couldn't help asking:
"Chairman, why did you agree to him? We don't have that much time now!"

Wang Wei shook his head: "At first I wanted to refuse, but he gave too much..."

"How much... hiss!?"

When a small executive saw the budget handed over by Wang Wei, he immediately gasped and made a big contribution to global warming.

No wonder Wang Wei's attitude changed directly, they couldn't bear the blow of money ability even if they were in it!

"Done! Bring in more experienced people! Everything is done to the highest standard..."

On the other hand, Liu Dalang's idea is very simple. The expansion plan of Dalang's directly-operated store has already started, so he needs a publicity point of his own.

It is obviously not enough to rely on the two mascots to break dance at the door, so just take this opportunity to make a serial animation for them.

At that time, put the next-generation 62-inch Dalang TV T15 equipped with an oled screen at the door, and start playing two animations in a loop.

There will also be some small mascot gifts, together with activities such as signing in, forwarding the circle of friends to receive mascots, and lucky draws. Are you afraid that the elderly will not take the bait?

But there is one thing, although Liu Dalang earns the money of the elderly, he is not a little sloppy in Dalang 8 and future Dalang products.

At the same time, Nebula Technology can also use the two animations to enter the animation and film industry, and maybe even win the Chasing animation...

Wang Wei is the founder of Tudou and Chasing Light. He may not be outstanding in terms of ability, but there will be no major problems. He is very suitable for Star Interactive Entertainment.

To solve this problem, the most important thing is to adapt Nebula applications, develop Nebula games, and enhance the brand power of Nebula Technology.

The promotion method of Nebula Technology is also very unique. Every time a software is adapted, it will be promoted on the Nebula community and official account.

In just one month, Nebula Technology has adapted 35 applications for Nebula OS, with an average of one application per day, and the overall progress is quite good.

Especially in terms of games, mainstream casual games have been adapted to Nebulas OS, which has made a qualitative leap in the fluency of use.

However, the most direct beneficiary is not Xinghuo-Chi, who focuses on games, but Xingyu-Mu, who focuses on appearance, and its sales are increasing every day.

You must know that Xingyu-Mu has been released for three months. If other mobile phones continue to supply for such a long time, the diving session will have already started.

Only Xingyu-Mu can maintain the popularity all the time, because the Xingyun app brings Xingyu-Mu the greatest experience improvement and the best effect.

The eyes of the masses are discerning. During this period of time, Nebula OS has gained a large number of fans. It has already defeated MIUI in terms of word of mouth, and is close to IOS.

This is MIUI in its heyday!MIUI, which claims to be as smooth as silk, can't stop Nebula OS's support for the smoothness of Nebula applications.

However, MIUI is still the best Android UI in China, because Nebula OS is no longer an Android system in a strict sense.

Seeing this, fans of some manufacturers began to appeal to their own manufacturers to stop using Android and switch to Nebula OS, can they also enjoy blessings?
The answer is no, not because Nebula OS cannot run on other brands of mobile phones, but because other brands will not choose Nebula OS.

Nebula OS is not an open source system, Android is open source, and they are in a competitive relationship with Nebula Technology, of course it is impossible to use Nebula OS.

If it is not your own system, there will always be problems in terms of security, and you will always be restrained.

To give the simplest example, after Gionee collapsed and Boss Jia left, LeTV mobile phones were directly bombarded by large-scale advertisements.

It stands to reason that debt repayment is justified, but for ordinary users of LeTV mobile phones, this kind of treatment is a bit too unfair.

Why should LeTV users pay for Jia Yue’s good deeds?This is the fact, and it also exposed LeTV's system problems.

Once the company collapses, the security risks left to ordinary users are very large, which is why it is often not recommended to buy mobile phones from small manufacturers.

If you are lucky, the system can be updated and maintained. If you are unlucky, some functions will be cut off directly. After the manufacturer crosses the platform, users will be devastated.

As a new force, Nebulas OS has great potential and is naturally favored by many users.

It's a pity that the games that Nebula Technology promised users to develop have not been found yet.

Some users who bought Xinghuo-Zhi went to the official accounts of Nebula Technology and Xingkong Interactive Entertainment to ask where the game is.

where is it?
Did you pass the level by defending the radish, or is it enough of Asphalt?So why rush!
Liu Dalang was a little helpless, but it was understandable. He bought a phone called "the strongest game phone in history", but he didn't play any games?

No one can bear this feeling!

The problem is that Star Entertainment has just set up three project teams, one for moba games, one for fps, and one for racing games.

They are all competitive games. As for the open world games like Yuanshen, Liu Dalang doesn't plan to do it now, it's a bit too strenuous.

When the time comes, just recruit Big Viagra and the Yuanshen team. In addition, Star Interactive Entertainment also sent an out-of-town action team.

Specifically find some popular game companies with IP, get authorization, and carry out mobile game transformation.

Their first goal was to Taomi, but it was a pity that they got off to a bad start. Taomi was not willing to cooperate with Xingkong Interactive Entertainment at all, and was very arrogant.

They directly opened their mouths, and the Star Interactive Entertainment's outing action team immediately gave up. It was obviously inappropriate for a web game.

Anyway, Taomi is destined to be cool, and when they play themselves to death, it will not be too late for Liu Dalang to take down some of Taomi's popular IPs.

There are so many good games, and the game industry is still booming, why hang on a tree?
While the action team was on a business trip, Liu Dalang came to Xingkong Huyu and began to check the progress of the three project teams. As a result, he saw...

"Hey, I'm going! What is this thing?"

Liu Dalang looked at the moba game design draft in front of him, and almost couldn't help scolding his mother:
"Giant dragon? Beast clan? Dwarf king? Are you going to start a racial chaos? Look at the name you gave, a foreign name, long and hard to remember!
Also, the skill mechanism is too complicated. This is not a PC game, but a mobile game. What we want is for users to get started quickly. Do you understand?

Also, this character is so ugly!You are making games for Chinese people, not for foreigners, please don’t use this kind of international aesthetics?
There is nothing wrong with the map, the overall style should be more simple, wait, this crystal... even if it has a defensive layer, can it be resurrected?
Let me say it again, this is a mobile game, don't design it according to the end game, try to keep a game within 20 minutes, and the pace must be fast!
Let our game users, as long as they have spare time, they can play a round with their hands. Don't worry about the competitiveness, and then slowly improve later!
I will design a rough game plan for you, just follow the above ideas! "

Originally, Liu Dalang planned to cooperate directly with Penguin to optimize the game for the king, but then he thought about it, why did he give up this big cake?
The battle of freedom, vanity, etc. lost to the king, because they all have more or less flaws, but the king has fewer flaws.

Coupled with the natural advantages of Penguin Chat, the king can reach the top of the moba mobile game, but Nebula Technology also has its own unique advantages:
"No matter how good your game is, you still have to rely on mobile phones to develop it, but we are in the hardware industry, and we know more about game adaptation than you!"

 Thanks Hailong Yiming and You Xingshen for their rewards!Thanks to Brother Yi, Hailong Yiming, Heichai Shao, Shaoqing's memory, Outubaia, book friend 160902093912877, book friend 20210420064349073, book friend 130831223619807 for the monthly pass!Thanks for the support!In the process of finishing the outline, there will be four updates tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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