Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 69 Pineapple Battles Southeast Asia

Chapter 69 Pineapple Battles Southeast Asia

Today's TV is still one of the mainstream media. In a few years, fewer and fewer people will watch TV, and the effectiveness of TV advertising will no longer work.

No way, mobile phones are becoming more and more convenient, and the original TV stations have been unable to meet the needs of users, so fewer and fewer people watch TV.

In addition, the copyrights of mainstream video software are not uniform, and the charges for smart TV programs are too high, and the TV has become a necessary decoration.

There is no way for Nebula Technology to prevent this situation from happening, and there is no need to stop it. The only way is to develop in line with the trend of the times.

TV commercials are no longer available, and other commercials are directly launched, and local buildings in various places are marked with Nebula technology advertisements with lights.

But when the brand influence of Nebula Technology is sufficient, these exaggerated advertising methods will be dispensable and will rely more on users themselves.

There are currently 891 Xingyun counters, and only 1065 Dalang directly-operated stores, which is still not up to Liu Dalang's overwhelming requirements.

However, at this stage, this scale is already close to some mainstream manufacturers in China. There may not be many stores, but the overall shipment volume is very high.

This is enough, because there is still one and a half months before Dalang V8 and Dalang 8 will be listed online and offline simultaneously, hitting the low-end market.

The name of Vitality Good Products has been branded out. It can be said that everything is ready and only owes Dongfeng. Whether it can win the recognition of users depends on Dalang 8!

Both Xingyu and Dalang are showing, and only Xinghuo is being beaten. From the release to the present, the sales have been up and down, and the word-of-mouth polarization is serious.

Xinghuo-Fire has strong performance, fast scheduling, and fast charging speed. With Nebula OS and Nebula applications, it feels silky and smooth. Whoever uses it will know.

Coupled with the cool mecha-style appearance, the recognition is directly full, and it is very cool to take out.

The disadvantages are also obvious: the fuselage is thick, the fan noise is a bit loud, and the heat will be serious if the fan is not turned on. It is still winter, and isn't summer just over?
If you can bear these shortcomings, Xinghuo-chi is a good phone, if you can't bear it...Liu Dalang doesn't understand why they bought it.

"Don't everyone try it offline before buying a mobile phone? It's okay to read the reviews!"

Although most review bloggers are just right, as long as the product is good or bad, what does it matter if it is right or not?

In fact, buying a mobile phone is often an impulsive consumption. When a person wants to change a mobile phone, the original mobile phone is all shortcomings.

I bought a new mobile phone with full expectation, only to find that it was different from what I expected. This kind of gap is really uncomfortable.

"We still have to study our own chips!"

Liu Dalang would not blame these users, he just felt that he was not doing well enough, that Nebula Technology was not strong enough, and that it was still restricted by other companies.

If Qualcomm wants to be bad, it will be bad. One fire dragon after another, the major mobile phone manufacturers still have to use it, and they have to brag at the press conference.

What is there to brag about a broken chip?

This is something that can’t be helped, the sales of Xinghuo-Chi fluctuate up and down, it doesn’t matter, because Liu Dalang still has a limited edition color scheme that has not been released.

At the beginning of the design, Xinghuo-chi had four color schemes. In addition to red-white, silver-white, and blue-white, there is also a limited edition gold powder color scheme.

The back cover adopts a sandblasting process, light gold and light pink. Under the illumination of the light, the visual impact of the two different colors is very strong.

But Liu Dalang won’t show it now, friends and vendors haven’t released the new Snapdragon 810 yet, there’s no rival to set off Xinghuo-Zhi!

He didn't believe that those fellow merchants would heat up their product piles because Xinghuo-chi had a little overturned, because it was too late.

From the establishment of the product project to the present, what should be done has been done. Now let’s redesign the mobile phone and pile it inside to dissipate heat. Isn’t it a joke?
The Xinghuo-Zhi limited edition will not be released for the time being, but you can give Nebula users some list of future adapted applications and games under development.

Ever since, the people who woke up the next day discovered that Star Entertainment had made an announcement!

This made a lot of netizens very excited. After clicking in, it turned out that they were still drawing cakes:
"Star Interactive Entertainment has set up three mobile game project teams, namely moba, fps, and racing. They are currently in production, so stay tuned~"

"At the same time, we will also speed up the adaptation of Nebula applications. The list of applications and games to be adapted is as follows:..."

This time, it stabilized the restless hearts of some netizens, while others couldn't bear it:

"I've been waiting for so long, why are you showing me this? You don't even have a promotional poster?"

"The official is here to draw cakes again! You better do what you say! Otherwise, just abandon the pit!"

"Moba? FPS? Racing? Why are they all competitive games? I like playing cultivation games..."

"Is Nebula technology going to work? Penguin is already in internal testing, and you just started making it?"

"It doesn't matter, which game is more fun to play at that time, Star Interactive Entertainment will give me some help!"

"Hurry up and make it for labor!"


Now Nebula Technology is fully fired, there is really no way to go faster, hardware is their best field, software manpower is not enough...

If you can't become fat with one bite, even if Xingyun users come over with a knife, they will not be fast.

Since the appearance of Nebula OS and Nebula App, other mobile phone manufacturers have followed suit immediately.

Xiaomi released an MI app, and Huawei released a Huawei app...For a while, other brands of mobile phones also became two app stores.

Rebs claims that all the apps in the MI app have been adapted by the MIUI team, which is more than 50% faster than the original running speed.

The slogans promoted by other manufacturers are similar. Can it have the effect they say?

Liu Dalang doesn't know, but the advantages of Nebula OS are gone, because no matter it is true or not, what Nebula OS has, others also have.

Ordinary consumers don't know so much, how can they tell who is genuine and who is pirated?
On the other hand, the situation of Nebula Technology in India is not very ideal. Jain is eager to explore new markets and is still waiting for Liu Dalang to get the product.

Liu Dalang can understand Jia Yin's thoughts, but it's not so easy to fool a big dog, and it requires a lot of planning.

Because before this, big dogs already have Rittal mobile phones, which are standard equipment for the upper class, unless Nebula Technology can come up with a new technology.

Liu Dalang has no shortage of technology, but it took a long time from the technology to mass production.

So in order to find something for Jain to do, he first asked Jain to open some Xingyun directly-operated stores in places where big dogs are concentrated to test the waters.

At the same time, we will cooperate with Pineapple Technology, which has already reached other countries in Southeast Asia, to win the low-end mobile phone market in Southeast Asia.

Speaking of Pineapple Technology, after Zhang Bo approached Liu Dalang last time, he directly led the people of Pineapple Technology to develop new markets in Southeast Asia.

Zhang Bo didn't want to compete with Nebula Technology, but to cooperate with Nebula Technology to knock down other mobile phone manufacturers first, and then make money together.

The current Pineapple Technology can be regarded as Nebula Technology's own family. It is better for the family to make money together than to let manufacturers like IMI make money.

Moreover, the positioning of the Pineapple mobile phone and the Nebula mobile phone are different. The Pineapple mobile phone is a fake Apple, from the packaging to the system.

It's a bit shameless, but Liu Dalang doesn't mind. Since Zhang Bo said he was sure, let him do it with Pineapple Technology.

Now Jia Yin was busy again, but Liu Dalang did not relax because of this, but set up a Xingyun Communication with great fanfare.

And released the news: "Ningyun Communication will be committed to the research and development of 5G mobile communication technology!"

As soon as this remark came out, several domestic communication giants laughed, isn't this a joke?
Although 4G mobile communication technology has just appeared, they have already started the research and development of 5G, and even obtained many patents.

Mobile communication technology is Huawei's strength, and it is also one of their three core businesses, and they have a solid foundation in this regard.

As a result, a hardware company that has just been established for a few years wants to enter 5G. Isn't this a joke?Who gave Nebula the courage?

"Some manufacturers, after making low-end chips, they can't find the north, and they will soon pay the price for their stupidity!"

"5G is not a castle in the air. May I ask what foundation do you have? Or do you have any patents?"

"If domestic technology companies are all like this, when will they develop?"

"If Xingyun Technology does this again, it will be completely different, and there will be no one who is good at it!"

"I didn't understand the hardware, so I came to play 5G. Do you know what 5G is?"


For these remarks, Liu Dalang ignored them. He didn't want to show any achievements now, but to use this to send a signal to the outside world.

Nebula Technology is going to develop 5G, and it is serious!So no matter what breakthroughs Nebula Technology has made in the future, don't question it!
Those who ridicule Nebula Technology are nothing more than some self-media, who want to use Nebula Technology to create a wave of popularity for themselves and attract some fans.

Take a look at several domestic technology companies, which one is mocking?Not only did it not ridicule, Huawei also sent an invitation to jointly develop 5G...

If there is an opportunity for cooperation, Liu Dalang will definitely not miss it. Just taking advantage of this opportunity, he can also sell the accessories of Nebula Technology to Huawei~
Of course the best accessories will not be sold, and Huawei will not share their 5G technology, everyone knows this.

But low-end accessories, 720p large fruit screen, Huawei will definitely need it, after all, future Changxiang, Maimang, etc. will need large fruit screens.

Not only to sell to Huawei, but also to sell these accessories to various domestic friends, so as to highlight the value of Dalang products~

Dalang V8 uses a 1080p screen, and Dalang 8 uses a 1080p oled screen!

Although the parameters have not been adjusted, it is definitely better than the 720p screen that has not been adjusted. When the time comes to compare, won’t the reputation of Vitality and Good Products come?

Liu Dalang's ideal is very beautiful, but Huawei does not accept the move. They would rather support new domestic screen manufacturers than buy screens from Nebula Technology.

On the contrary, OV, who just kicked Nebula Technology away, came to the door again, wanting to buy a batch of accessories from Nebula Technology.

Including the screen, lithium battery, and the same storage components as the Smartisan T1 Plus.

(End of this chapter)

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