Chapter 71 Health Management
Dolby's authorization fee is really expensive, and it is not a one-time settlement. It is calculated according to the number of products, and each Bluetooth headset has to be paid.

There is no way, time is not enough, Nebula Technology will need some time to develop itself, and at the same time, the first generation of Bluetooth headsets need to borrow their name.

Once the reputation is established and Nebula Technology has its own technology, Liu Dalang will no longer cooperate with Dolby Studios.

However, the Xingyu Bluetooth headset, as the first Bluetooth headset of Nebulas Technology, must be very simple and smooth in matching with Nebulas OS.

This point is the most important and the most difficult. In addition to the Xingyu Bluetooth headset, the Xingyu bracelet is also being uniformly debugged by Lin Dong.

Compared with the Bluetooth headset, the design of the wristband is much simpler. In terms of hardware, Nebula Technology does not lack at all, but what is lacking is in software.

Custom watch face, 24-hour heart rate monitoring, sleep monitoring, exercise mode, call notification, SMS notification, alarm clock, weather, etc.

These are the necessary functions on the wristband, and at the same time, it must be well connected with other Nebula products through the Nebula OS.

For example, when playing music on a Bluetooth headset, it can be played and paused through the mobile phone, or operated through the bracelet to realize interconnection.

At the same time, the exercise data and 24-hour heart rate on the wristband will also be recorded on the mobile phone and tablet, which is convenient for Nebula users to check daily.

For the sports model, Nebula Technology directly invested 500 million in keep, which even exceeded the angel investment that the keep team received.

Liu Dalang also said that he would participate in the fourth round of investment in Keep in the name of Nebula Investment. Wang Ning visited Nebula Technology directly after receiving the news.

Then the keep team conducted a series of negotiations with Nebula Technology, and finally the investment of Nebula Technology was changed to a strategic investment.

The specific amount has not been announced, but keep will be released on Nebula OS in advance, and some functions will be adapted to Xingyu bracelet.

The internal beta version of Nebula Technology has been obtained, and it is ready to be adapted into a Nebula application, which will be launched directly after keep completes the first round of financing.

Lin Dong, who was in charge of this, was so busy that he even put aside the strategic tasks assigned to him by Liu Dalang, and focused on developing Nebula Internet.

The last time Liu Dalang approached Lin Dong to adapt the tablet horizontal screen application, and with the efforts of Indian nebula technology engineers, the development is almost complete.

Liu Dalang got a Xingyu tablet sample and tried it out, and found that some applications could be forcibly changed to horizontal screen in some way.

Although he couldn't understand how it was done, he was still shocked. Lin Dong is indeed a genius, and he can easily solve this kind of problem!

Of course, after some applications are forcibly changed to landscape applications, the screen ratio is a little out of balance.

But it doesn't matter, these apps that require forced adaptation are not Nebulas apps.

However, Nebula Technology does not have time to adapt to so many Nebula applications, so it can only use this forced adaptation method to make a transition.

In order to distinguish the difference between Nebula apps and ordinary apps, the Nebula OS team also put the Nebula logo on the lower right corner of each Nebula app.

The stylus of Xingyu Tablet is also ready. Liu Dalang tried it and found that the delay is quite high, at least 15ms or more.

Fortunately, this shortcoming is covered up by the 90hz high refresh screen of the Xingyu Tablet. When the ipad first came out, the delay of the stylus was also high.

It's a pity that the first-generation Xingyu Tablet is only equipped with a stylus, not a capacitive pen, and the gameplay and functions will be much less.

In order to match this stylus, Liu Dalang specially found handwriting software from the Indian headquarters, and asked the R&D department to modify the stylus.

The current pen only needs to double-click the screen twice, and it will automatically open the handwriting software, which is convenient for Nebula users to record at any time during use.

At the same time, this is also a small selling point of Xingyun Tablet. Through the demonstration, it can also create demand for Xingyun users and make them want to buy.

Actually think about it, how many people will use the function of notes?How many people use the tablet you bought?Either cover instant noodles or eat ashes.

The Xingyu Tablet is only 8.2 inches. It seems that it is not as big as some mainstream tablets, but this small size increases more usable space.

The next generation of Xingyun mobile phones, tablets, bracelets and Bluetooth headsets is the first time that Xingyun Technology has truly built the Xingyun ecological chain since its establishment.

After that, the smart home of Nebula Technology will really start preparations, and the ecological chain of Dalang and Nebula digital series can be used in the low-end market.

Liu Dalang will turn them into a Nebula ecological chain experience voucher, which can be used, but it is not very good to use, and it is not so good.

It's not that their low-end products are not good, the price is right there, and the limitations of hardware conditions can't bring out the advantages of Nebula OS.

If you want to truly experience the Nebulas ecological chain, you must at least choose the mid-range products of Nebulas Technology, which may not reach the top level, but the experience will not be bad.

The best way to play this trick is undoubtedly Apple. Even the standard version of the Apple mobile phone is very expensive, beyond the affordability of many people.

So what to do?So Apple released an Apple se, a product assembled from leftover materials, with a starting price of 3299.

It can be said that apart from the A9 processor, the other configurations of the Apple SE are very stretched, but such a mobile phone is sold out of stock in China.

The price of 3299 is also called "high cost performance" and "conscience price" by people.

On the contrary, Xiaomi, a brand that focuses on cost-effectiveness at the beginning and has a relatively low price, will be scolded bloody for a slight price increase.

Of course, if Xiaomi can really do a good job in hardware and software while raising prices, perhaps not so many people will care about the price.

Nebula Technology's current products feel a little overwhelmed, so the next generation of Xingyun Technology can determine the short-term future of Nebula Technology.

It is estimated that it will take another three months for the Nebulas OS team to adapt the four products and complete mass production, and the launch event is scheduled for early March.

It is now the beginning of December, and the few months in between are enough for Nebula Technology to do a lot of things, and it can also do a wave of warm-up promotion for Xingyu.

Liu Dalang first released the news of Nebula Technology's investment in Keep, and while many people didn't understand why, he also put out some promotional slogans:
"Self-discipline sets me free!"

"Nebula Health, coming online~"

"Health management at your fingertips!"

This official news from Nebula Technology directly makes all the people who pay attention to Nebula Technology full of question marks, not knowing what they are going to do:

"Ask if you don't understand, what is keep?"

"Health management? Is it possible that I can use my mobile phone to help me detect where I am sick?"

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and develop the game, we are all waiting to play!"

"Self-discipline gives me freedom! Fire it up! Starting tomorrow, I will also start self-discipline!"

"Why tomorrow?"

"I'm sleepy today..."

"Let's talk tomorrow..."


Liu Dalang has already formed the habit of leaving after posting announcements and updates, leaving the rest to the Nebula Technology marketing team.

Coupled with Wang Ning's marketing team and millions of Nebula users in China, it is still very simple to create momentum for keep before it goes online.

Keep develops well, Nebula Technology can not only earn back its capital, but also make Nebula Health and Nebula Bracelet famous, killing two birds with one stone!
At the same time, the R&D Department of Nebula Technology has also started a series of research on OLED screens, and folding screen technology has also been put into daily life.

Everything is ready, Nebula Technology just needs to wait for the harvest.

What Liu Dalang didn't expect was that it took only one week for Chasing Light Animation to complete the script creation of the two mascot animations.

"Mr. Liu, this is the script outline of Xiaoxing animation, combined with the various images of Xiaoxing you gave before, we think it is very malleable!
Therefore, the design of the plot is more suitable for all ages. Take a look. If there is no problem, we will continue to improve the outline of the story. "

Liu Dalang opened the little star animation that Wang Wei had sent him and saw that the boxer little star on it was very conspicuous, and the overall style had changed.

Originally designed by Qu Xiangqun, Xiaoxing was more inclined towards children's cartoons, but now Xiaoxing already has the feeling of a hot-blooded anime hero.

After reading the whole script, Liu Dalang suddenly had the illusion that he saw Star Journey, but after a closer look, he found that it was very similar to the anime style.

Passionate, passionate, full of adventures and opportunities, Xiao Xing and some main characters have a very good personality, and the Nebula logo is also very conspicuous.

Obviously Wang Wei has not forgotten Liu Dalang's request to promote Xingyun technology, and then read another book, Cooking Cake Superman, the style is somewhat different.

"About Cooking Cake Superman, we portrayed him as a positive image of justice and saving the world, and the overall plot is dominated by unit dramas.

The story of each episode is different, and each episode is only 10-15 minutes long. The Dalang Direct Store in the plot is a landmark building.

The story is simple, the characters are vivid, and it can attract the attention of passers-by in a short time, which has the effect of promoting Dalang technology! "

Looking at it as a whole, Superman's animation is more juvenile. If you have to describe it, Liu Dalang thinks the script is a bit like Electric Shock Boy.

Although the roles and abilities are different, the personalities are somewhat similar. It seems to be a unit drama, but in fact there are some main plots interspersed in it.

It just so happens that Dalang's directly-operated stores are all opened in counties and towns, which can bring some joy of life to the elderly and children in these places.

Because the more remote the place, the more the elderly take care of their children, and the young people have gone out to work, leaving only the elderly and children at home.

While promoting Dalang Technology and Nebula Technology, the two animations can also enrich the spiritual life of the elderly and children in remote areas.

As for the sales volume of Dalang's directly-operated store... Liu Dalang is not worried, because the price of Dalang's products is completely acceptable even for the elderly.

In another two years, even the elderly in remote areas will be able to accept some electronic products worth more than [-] yuan. After all, the times are developing...

 Thank you Hailong Yiming for your reward!A monthly ticket named Shenfan, Yang Mei, Book Friends 20201129183433706!Thanks for the support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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