Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 76 I admit that I am a black fan!

Chapter 76 I admit that I am a black fan!
Regardless of the fact that Smartisan mobile phones are not sold much, the combat effectiveness of the Smartisan team has always been strong, and now it has been pulled into its own camp by Liu Dalang.

After all, the storage components of Smartisan are from Nebula Technology, and most of the Nut phones that have been approved use Nebula Technology accessories.

From the screen, to the battery, to various sensors, Nebula’s accessories may not be the best of their kind, but they must be the cheapest.

There are more cost-effective accessories, and the supply is stable. Who would not want to use them?Luo Yulong has set a small goal for himself: turn over the apples!

Be the best mobile phone in the Eastern Hemisphere!But before you turn over the apples, you have to turn over the millet first!

Of course, Luo Yulong also admitted that Nebula Technology has the greatest potential, because they have a lot of their own technology, only one chip is missing.

The current Chang Gung chip is very rubbish, but this is their own chip!Anyone who has trouble with Nebula Technology is going to have trouble with Hammer!

"Give me a hard bang!"

As for Lin Dong's team, Liu Dalang did not hesitate to delay work, but also called them over, just to strip off the underpants of several leaders.

"Frontline Digital? 280 million fans? As a review blogger, it's okay to get money, but you can't even get any bad money!"

The marketing department of Xingyun Technology and Dalang Technology are not weak. If they are combined, they can even rank among the top five in the country, and they can be besieged.

It is conceivable that there must be more than one target on Nebula Technology on the opposite side. If this is the case, then they should not be confrontational at all and find a breakthrough.

So a blogger named Frontline Digital was followed by Lin Dong. Three or 10 minutes later, Dalang Technology posted a post on all major platforms:
"Given that some people with ulterior motives are taking the lead in provoking troubles, Dalang Technology decided to take measures to show someone's true face.

@前线数据, three hours ago, you posted a review of Dalang’s mobile phone, which was not touted or blackened. We are a little confused about this.

Let's not mention your evaluation content first, we just want to ask, Dalang mobile phone has not been shipped in advance, where did your Dalang mobile phone come from?
Could it be that you bought it at Dalang's directly-operated store?We also had this idea at first, but we saw one of your posts yesterday.

You said you were on vacation on a high seas cruise ship, you posted a selfie in the morning, and a party photo at noon, unfortunately this photo is a bit green.

We kindly found the owner for you. The owner of this photo was posted by a girl named Jessica. The location is on the Atlantic coast of Argentina, not on the high seas.

Everyone has a love of beauty, Jessica is a beautiful girl, but you gave her away to P for your own, which is a bit too much!

In the evening, you posted another photo of your luxurious residence. It stands to reason that your living standard is very high. Why would you buy a Dalang mobile phone?
Perhaps the cost-effective Dalang mobile phone has moved you?These are not important, let's look down, you have also registered a special Weibo account.

Before the launch of Dalang mobile phone, you left a message under Dalang Technology and abused it. After being blocked, you changed a batch of Weibo accounts.

Just scolding Dalang's mobile phone is enough. You have left a message to scold Nebula, Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE and other brands, but you have not scolded Apple.

Maybe you have a soft spot for Apple mobile phones, and you are looking forward to living overseas?These are your personal pursuits, we have no right to interfere.

However, the mobile phone you are using is Honor 1999 with a starting price of 6. We suggest that you reduce your travel and buy yourself a better mobile phone!

We also found that at 8:42 p.m., you logged on to a well-known website on the Internet to register a VIP, and browsed the little day actress...

Twenty minutes later, you logged in to your account in Ionia, played for five hours in ranking, and advanced from platinum to gold!

At three o'clock in the morning, you registered a social software VIP again, and added two women through the nearby query, after the video chat...

You have been blackmailed for 15800 yuan!
We are deeply saddened by this. When you are sad and sad, a big V under a certain brand sent you a review video of Dalang's mobile phone...

After you follow the requirements, the account balance will be +20000 yuan. The following is the detailed record! "

Now, Dalang Technology directly shocked a group of people who eat melons. The exquisite life of a blogger with millions of fans is actually fake?
But when the detailed evidence was presented, they had no choice but to believe that Lin Dong and others even contacted the parties directly in order to collect evidence.

Even the chat records of the promotion match from platinum to gold were dug up. I dare to say that this guy didn't go on vacation at all, but stayed up late at home to score points!
He didn't buy Dalang's mobile phone either, and the review video was sent to him by someone else. As for who sent it and why, it is unknown.

But as long as you are a normal person, you can judge what is true and what is false.

Afterwards, they posted @前线商品 in the comment area, wanting to eat another wave of melons, but the frontline digital seemed to be invisible, and there was no movement.

Little did he know that Frontline Digital was still asleep, but a phone call woke him up:

"Damn it! What the hell are you still sleeping!? Look at what you did! You were asked to keep it secret, but that's how you kept it secret?"

The sleepy-eyed front-line digital player shuddered when he heard it, and he pulled the computer next to him before he could put on his clothes.

Then open it and take a look...

"I must be dreaming! I must not be awake! Otherwise how could they know?"

Frontline Digital slapped himself, and then the hot touch told him that what happened in front of him was not fake, but real!

"Ouch I'm going!"

The front-line number's eyes went dark, and he almost fainted. The person on the phone was still roaring:

"I don't care what you do in your private life, you have to settle this matter! One last thing to remind you, keep your mouth shut!"


It's over!

The frontline digital body softened and collapsed on the bed. He knew that the fans he attracted after working so hard to package would be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Just at this time, he saw again that Dalang Technology had @出来 and attached a message:

"@前线数字, here is a browsing record of your login to the extranet that night..."

Frontline Digital: ! ! !
"Wait! I admit that I am a black fan! I was bought! Someone gave me 2 yuan to hack Dalang's phone! Sorry, I was wrong!"

Frontline Digital directly deleted the activity of Hei Dalang's mobile phone, and sent a screenshot to the official account of Dalang Technology while apologizing.

This wave of operations directly stunned netizens:

"Good guy! I call it good guy!"

"666! The front line is also a ruthless person who can bend and stretch! But I want to see the browsing history..."

"Hey, Dalang Technology also deleted the news just now, but fortunately I have already taken a screenshot!"

"Wait! Dalang Technology has @ a few digital bloggers who took the lead in blacking Dalang's mobile phone!"

Other digital bloggers saw that the front lines were all killed in battle. Wouldn't they give away their heads if they went up again?
So he quickly deleted the activity of evaluating Dalang's mobile phone just now, and then pretended that it had nothing to do with him, as if nothing happened.

Although the post has been deleted, netizens have already taken screenshots. Lin Dong and others are looking for these problematic bloggers, and they don't look for normal ones.

So one @one quasi, these bloggers also know that they have a problem, and are afraid of being exposed to something shameful, so they quickly delete the post.

It doesn't matter if you apologize or not, Liu Dalang is just giving these people a warning, don't think that hiding on the Internet can be unscrupulous.

As long as they want to find them, they can take out the underpants of these sunspots at any time. The Internet is not a place of lawlessness, so we must also pay attention to personal words and deeds.

Ordinary people's influence is limited, so it's okay to scold and scold them. After all, there are things that people don't like to eat and brands they don't like to buy.

But those who have a certain fan base and want to take the lead in doing this kind of thing, Liu Dalang can't stand it anymore, he must deal with them first.

In fact, the people in the marketing department can also do these things, but they are busy fighting against various navy forces, so it is better to ask Lin Dong to come over and make a clean move.

"Unless it is necessary, try not to look for us, chairman, you also know how difficult the task you give us is..."

"This time is an exception. You did a good job. I wrote it down for you. Just go back!"


In less than a day, the public opinion was reversed, a few generals were missing, and some of the remaining sailors wanted to make trouble, but the effect was mediocre.

In addition, their own company also has a lot of things to deal with. If the rhythm of a wave is not up, they immediately retreat and wait for the next wave of opportunities.

As for the sales of Dalang's mobile phone...it hasn't received much impact. Those who want to buy online have already bought it, and those who want to buy offline will not look at it.

Moreover, the Dalang directly-operated store also drove the sales of Xingyu-Mu, while the sales of Xinghuo-Zhi, which is also a mid-range phone, were dismal because it is a gaming phone.

There is no way, parents buy mobile phones for themselves, most of them buy Dalang mobile phones, and those who bring their children to buy, all choose Xingyu-Mu.

Xinghuo-Chi’s exaggerated appearance, coupled with the title of game phone, parents will immediately ignore it, what game phone to buy?
Even if it is to increase the price to buy Xingyu-mu, they can accept it, but the word game is like poison, and they are afraid to avoid it.

Unless it's at the Xingyun counters in first- and second-tier cities, Xinghuo-chi can't be bought at all, and even in the first- and second-tier cities, Xingyu-mu can't be sold.

Logically speaking, Xinghuo-Chi’s configuration should be stronger, but whether the configuration is good or not is only one aspect, and it’s not just the configuration that sells mobile phones offline.

Of course, for Liu Dalang, whichever mobile phone he sells is also a matter of selling. He is happier if Xingyu-Mu sells more, because Xingyu-Mu's profit is high.

Meizu mx4 with the same processor only sells for 1799, while Xingyu-Mu sells for 3399 at the lowest, with a difference of 1600 in between, and the profit margin is very large.

Calculated, even if the external cost of Xingyu-Mu is high, it is still difficult to compare with Xiaomi 4 and Meizu mx4 in terms of cost performance.

However, when buying a mobile phone, it’s not just about the price/performance ratio. Xiaomi and Meizu can’t imitate Xingyu-Muguang’s appearance, and of course they don’t want to.

The Nebula mobile phone is not a weather vane, Samsung and Apple are, and copying their homework is the correct answer.

 Thank you Hailong Yiming for your reward!Thank you book friend 20210808150627592 for the monthly pass!Thanks for the support!

(End of this chapter)

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