Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 88 New Year's Planning

Chapter 88 New Year's Planning
In the end, this batch of folding screen phones was taken away by Walker at a price of [-] US dollars each, and a new agreement was signed.

What Walker will do with these folding screen phones next, Jain has no idea, anyway, this phone is not important to them.

Zhang Jianzhi made hundreds of millions of dollars every time he came and went. It has to be said that folding screen mobile phones are still making money, but they do not have the potential to become a hit.

Because the folding screen mobile phone is limited by the manufacturing process and cost, it is not suitable for mass production, and the folding screen market is relatively small.

Therefore, later domestic mobile phone manufacturers did not stock too much when making folding screens, but sold one and produced one.

Except for the Samsung folding screen, after all, the brand influence is there, and most of the components can be produced independently, so there is no need to worry about the backlog of inventory.

Liu Dalang is also not worried. The first batch of folding screen mobile phones are just testing the waters. He also knows about Walker, so let them explore the way first.

If these mobile phones can be remade and hyped up to become a fashion trend, Nebula Technology will mass-produce them immediately.

Around the Spring Festival, Nebula Technology gave employees a total of 15 days of annual leave. This holiday time can already beat all kinds of capitalists in China.

While waiting for the employees to return to Nebula Technology one after another, Liu Dalang couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, the student years were the most relaxed.

Think about it, every year when the college entrance examination ends, a group of children will throw away their books and start going crazy all night, surfing the Internet, shopping...

They thought they were finally freed, but they didn't realize that the paradise they left was because there would never be such pure hard work again.

Summer vacation, winter vacation, statutory holidays, after leaving school, I seldom look forward to it like when I was studying, and I have no time to spend it.

Of course, everyone is different. Liu Dalang believes that while pursuing the material foundation, we must remember to improve our spiritual cultivation.

When Nebula Technology returned to China, it reached a height that many manufacturers could not reach within a year, and many problems were exposed.

That is, the core cohesion is not strong enough, so Liu Dalang must plan an achievable goal for Nebula Technology in the new year.

So, on the first day after the new year, he gathered the high-level executives of various departments in the Nebula Conference Center:

"Now that everyone is here, I won't engage in any formalism, what I want to say is: no matter what achievements you have had in the past year, it has become a thing of the past, and it is not good enough!

Our goal was not to become an ordinary technology company from the very beginning. Whether it is Nebula Technology, Star Interactive Entertainment, Nebula Communications, or Nebula Investment, they are still far from the top of the industry.

Standing in front of us are not only major domestic manufacturers, but also international giants. Their strength is strong, and they have already started to make moves one after another! "

Liu Dalang pressed his hand, and data graphs suddenly appeared on the big screen behind him:
"As of now, there are more than 39 suppliers who are unwilling to provide us with raw materials, including some key components!

Especially as the supply of semiconductor silicon wafers decreases, our chip production will drop significantly. I will announce the specific solution later!
This situation may get worse in the future, we must take precautions and develop the technology before they actually do it!
5G is the best opportunity for us to achieve cornering overtaking, but Xingyun Communication has not made any substantial breakthroughs since its establishment.

I believe you all know the specific reasons, so this year, we will increase investment in the research and development of Nebula Communications and start A round of financing. "

When Nebula Communications was established, it received angel round investment, but it was only a few million. It was the same as nothing, all thanks to the investment of Nebula Technology.

However, as Nebula Technology is responsible for more and more things, the investment in Nebula Communication is obviously not enough, and 5G is too expensive.

The investment of hundreds of billions may not necessarily achieve substantial results, but Liu Dalang has the [Technology Collection], and the investment will be much less.

The full version of 5G communication technology only needs 3000 million credits, which translates to 300 billion. He can't even change to the castrated version of 5G technology.

The purpose of Nebula's financing is money, and together with Nebula's investment, it will take at most one year to develop 5G communication technology.

Among other things, at least it has more patented technologies than Huawei and Laomei, and then arrange a few NPCs to take the R&D personnel to play by themselves.

Through the guidance of the NPC, they thought that the 5G of Nebula Communication was developed by themselves.

After grabbing some patents, several rounds of financing will bring more bigwigs into the game. The more supporters of Nebula Communications, they will earn a lot.

In the new year, Star Interactive Entertainment will focus on games, film and television, and sports, while other entertainment fields will be solved by Nebula Investment.

Of course, all of this needs money to support it. After all, apart from Nebula Communication and Star Interactive Entertainment, Nebula Technology also needs money very much.

Chip design, image sensor design, testing laboratory, as well as exchange for high-grade production lines, marketing promotion, salary, after-sales, etc.

These all require a lot of money, and there are only two most direct ways for Nebulas to get money: official investment and consumer terminal business.

They haven't gotten involved in the carrier business yet, and the accessories don't make enough money. The breakthrough of nanoimprint technology has brought them new development.

Many chip design companies have obtained the patent authorization of the astral structure, and have invested in the embrace of nanoimprint technology to prepare for a big fight.

After all, this part of the income is a minority, because the vast majority of chip design companies still use the public architecture of international giants.

Unless the future NIL technology can really compete with the top EUV lithography machine, it will take three years to reach this level, conservatively estimated.

According to Liu Dalang's plan, from 2015, that is, this year, until 2018, Nebula Technology must at least reach the first place in China.

Only when it reaches this level, will it be able to deal a heavy blow to the arrogant Apple when the 5G era opens, and grab some of the high-end market.

"According to the analysis of Nebula's team of appraisers, the marketing department's expenditure this year will be 357% of last year's, so don't worry about it.

Because our products are strong enough!Nebula Technology will launch [-] new products this year!There are twelve mid-range Xingyu and Xinghuo, namely:
The two generations of Xingyu have a total of three Xingyu mobile phones, two Xingyu tablets, one each of small and large sizes, and one each of Bluetooth earphones, wristbands, and watches.

The first-generation Spark has two Spark phones, one Bluetooth headset, and one watch. This year’s second-generation Star Rain and the first-generation Spark are both in the second half of the year.

In addition, we have also prepared two heavyweight flagships of the Nebula series. This is the first time that Nebula Technology hits the high end. The two models are:
Nebula-Cepheus and Nebula-Andromeda, both are folding screen flagships, a large-size business flagship and a small-size boutique flagship.

We will update the completion status of the [-] products in real time. At that time, we only need to complete the corresponding tasks according to the product status. "

Liu Dalang paused for a moment, and then continued: "I hope our mid-range product line can enter the top five this year!"

He didn't plan how many mobile phones or tablets to sell. The pure quantity is meaningless, and the best mobile phones are the most powerful ones.

Whether it is Xinghuo or Xingyu, the net profit of a single mobile phone is more than ten times that of Dalang's mobile phone. The gap between them is too big, and making money is king.

"In addition to the consumer terminal business, Nebula Technology will also enter the PC field this year, focusing on the assembly machines with bright appearance in the early stage!"

Entering the PC field, on the one hand, is to share some of the computer market share, and on the other hand, it is preparing for the future Nebulas ecological chain.

In the early stage, the assembly machine was mainly used, and Nebula Technology was mainly responsible for product design, and some core accessories, CPU, graphics card, etc. needed to be purchased.

In the early stage, it is also divided into two series, Xingyu and Xinghuo. The Xingyu notebook still takes the high-value route, and the corresponding product is a thin and light office notebook.

The Spark notebook is the main game, and it also takes the high-value route, but the corresponding product is a game notebook, which has a very large market.

Liu Dalang remembers that Haier's Raytheon was established last year. In the past two years, there have been many [-]th-line game brands established by various companies.

Including the later Redmi, they all stepped in and entered the field of games, but in the end, few developed, and the first-line is still those few.

What others can't do doesn't mean that Nebula Technology can't do it, because Liu Dalang plans to expand Nebula directly-operated stores on a large scale this year.

"Last year, we opened a total of 30 Nebula branches, 87 Nebula after-sales service centers, and 1872 Nebula counters, but!

We have never had our own Nebula Mall and Nebula directly-operated stores. I hope that this year, we can expand the number of Nebula branches to 60!
The number of Nebula after-sales service centers has expanded to 200, and the number of Nebula counters has expanded to 3000. At the same time, I still need 30 Nebula malls!
There are still 1000 Xingyun directly-operated stores. It is not necessary to open more Xingyun directly-operated stores and Xingyun counters in every city, but there must be one! "

This is already a very large project, and it is not easy to operate. These figures seem to be very large, but in fact they are not many.

There are just a few thousand counters, a thousand Xingyun directly-operated stores, and any one of Huawei, Lenovo, ZTE, Oppo, and vivo is more than this.


A very spiritual but, Liu Dalang said immediately: "Compared with quantity, I think we should put quality first!
Setting goals is to give us a direction to work hard. In the process, we must take every step well in order to develop better! "

Soldiers are not numerous but refined. After the end of the New Year, the major mobile phone manufacturers are gearing up and preparing to do something ruthless in the new year.

There are many things Nebula Technology needs to solve. After the New Year's plan is over, the first problem Liu Dalang solves is raw materials.

Now Nebula Technology's D-grade recycling production line can no longer keep up with the demand, it is time to upgrade them and expand their production by the way.

 Thanks to Hailong Yiming and Lei Ting Gaba for their rewards!Thanks to book friend 20190716195733123, book friend 20210301105379460768, Meng Muxi, old driver departure fz, Leo Huanyu, Nanshan Menxia, ​​it's a dream or a fantasy, the early bird catches the worm for the 66 monthly pass!Thanks for the support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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