LOL: why is OMG a god

Chapter 260 The numb 957!

Chapter 260 The numb 957!

In fact, Ye Shangming felt that they were not far-sighted enough.

The ones mentioned are just fathers beating their sons in name, but they are not related by blood.

But the Desert Reaper and the Desert Butcher are brothers.

There is an old saying in our country that goes well, an older brother is like a father.

This is the real solidarity, father relationship.

So everything else is false, this one is real.

Of course, this kind of deep meaning still requires them to understand it in a flash of inspiration.

Once you understand it, you will naturally find that Ye Shangming didn't show it. In fact, he is a big-bellied black man. Simply put, he is boring.

As the lineups of the two sides were determined, the coaches of both sides also came to the center of the stage to shake hands.

The audience shouted and cheered for the teams they supported.

Of course, omg is more powerful in terms of momentum. After all, the previous games won too much boosted everyone's morale.

Not only the players, but also the fans at the scene.

The big screen is also switched to the image reading interface.

The lineups on both sides appeared in front of everyone.

Blue Fang we: top laner Alligator, jungler Qing Gangying, mid laner Galio, bottom lane duo Verus with Fan Mom.

The red side omg: top laner Goutou, jungle prince, mid laner clockwork, bottom lane duo with Big Mouth and Lulu.

At first glance, the lineup on OMG's side is better.

In the second wave of competition between the coaches of the two sides, Mingzhe was slightly better.

It can be regarded as regaining the position of the first game.

The bp directly crushed the opponent. Of course, a good bp does not necessarily mean that the game has been won.

However, the overall strength of omg seems to be stronger than that of we, so it must be more comfortable to play games here.

"Hey, isn't Redmi always good at bp, why is it so poor this round?"

"There is no way, the pressure on the top road is too great. Under such circumstances, the resources are naturally allocated to the top road. There are more targets on the top road, and the follow-up BP will be difficult to do."

"Indeed, in this situation, I think there is a ban position that can be perfectly solved. It is to move the motofu, so that there will be no waste of so much, and the tactics can be done well."

"Hahaha, according to what you said, go directly to the offline solo kill."

"How many people in Ma Tofu can kill him offline? With his stature, I guess our entire team will be beaten back if we charge up."

"He is really the only man who is invincible online and offline. I really don't know how a teenager with Internet addiction can train such solid muscles. It's too outrageous."

"Don't talk about playing e-sports, I thought it came out of a bodybuilding competition."

As more and more bullet screens were posted, the floor naturally began to drift.

Things that don't have much to do with the game were also spoken out by everyone.

But this is indeed a point that everyone is more curious and concerned about.

Why do people who play e-sports have such a good figure.

Could it be that he really planned to practice bodybuilding?

After this practice, I discovered that I was a professional genius, and then switched careers to play professionally.

Why doesn’t the official interview me about this question? It would be great if I could do an interview to satisfy everyone’s curiosity.

Maybe we can dig out some insider things.

Of course, as the two sides entered Summoner's Canyon after reading the picture, everyone's attention also came to the big screen.

Let's take a look at this crucial game.

If omg can win, half of his feet will enter the finals, which means that he will also get half of the tickets for the global finals.

If we win, the two sides will play one to one, and the two sides will return to the same starting line. If we successfully win a round, the morale of we will be high.

Then this game will look much better in an instant, full of suspense.

Then the director also gave the camera to the dog's head.

The main thing is this going out outfit, Dolan ring plus two reds.

This kind of outfit may seem useless, but it is actually the strongest line-dependent outfit of the dog head.

The two bottles of red medicine are combined with the upper passive, which is extremely durable.

Immediately afterwards, relying on Dolan Ring's blue recovery, he continuously released e skills to consume the opponent's blood.

The range of the dog's head's E skill is still large enough, and the casting distance is relatively long, so it is still smooth.

In this case, it is almost impossible to avoid by walking.

So can be very disgusting opposite.

Some laning abilities are not very strong, and the first choice is the AP dog head style of play.

If you don't stack Q, rely on E skill to disgust people.

Of course, the ability to end the game in the middle and late stages is not strong. If you fail to end the game quickly, you will basically go far.

Therefore, AP dog head is not the mainstream gameplay, and it is still possible to use it for entertainment. It is basically impossible to rely on him to score.

Not to mention AP, it is very difficult to score on AD.

Otherwise, there won’t be all kinds of strategies in the Gotou Bar. Of course, since it is a Gotou Bar, it must have a different style of painting from other post bars.

The main question is how to make eating experience online safer...

I have to say that if you are more irritable and anxious online and always think about how to kill others alone, then the dog head can definitely train you, and then cultivate your morality and get rid of these bad things.

As for talent, he didn't choose the previous Thunderbolt, but the normal Grasp of Indestructibility.

Thunder and the crocodile are tired of fighting.

If you can't beat the front, just honestly mix in the back.

If you can Q, you can use Q, and if you can't Q, you can rely on E skills to make up.

Positioning is very important when laning, and you must not be caught by the opponent's second-stage E skill.

A Red Wrath W biting at least will be knocked out half blood.

The crocodile's burst damage cannot be compensated by the dog's head relying on EQ.

Be obscene when you should be obscene.

"The owner of the dog head bar took out the dog head again. I wonder if the members of the post bar have come to watch this game? It is probably another very classic online anti-stress teaching.

Playing against crocodiles is indeed a mainstream laning, you can look forward to it. "

Looking at the big screen, Miller said.

As for the aggressiveness of the first-level we lineup, it is very strong.

So he swaggered in.

But as long as they are not kept by Galio, there is no danger after all, and if the opponent chooses to fight forcefully, they can also switch wild areas.

In this case, we did not choose to forcefully fight to the end.

Going into the wild is just to see if there is a chance.

There is no need to force people to stay if there is really no way to keep them.

So the two sides also returned to the normal alignment.

As the pawn line on the road came to the center line, Ye Shangming did not move forward, but manipulated the dog's head to stand behind the pawn line.

The dog head hero is not qualified to compete with the crocodile for second place, or to fight any hero is not qualified...

The food chain on the road is like this.

In the early stage, it was just a puppy. In the middle and late stages, the equipment and Q skills were almost the same, and then it began to exert strength slowly.

That picture is very vivid.

In the later stage, it was completely deformed and became a desert god of death in the true sense.

If there is no accident on the crocodile's side, the first-level online must have learned the Q skill, and you don't have to think about Q with the opposite party, you must be earning money from the opposite party.

Anyway, when the crocodile comes up, it will retreat.

Don't think so much in the early stage, just be able to gain experience online.

The most fearful thing about playing Goutou is to keep trying to go up to the Q soldiers.

Whether this pawn can Q or not depends entirely on the pressure from the opponent.

If it's the kind where there is no pressure to make up for each other, naturally you can Q casually.

But how many people dare to let the dog's head grow casually?

Jiu Wuqi directly controlled the crocodile and pressed it up.

Not to mention that this is the first time, he has the upper hand against Ma Tofu in the lane.

If you can't seize this opportunity and get rid of your inner demons, then you probably won't be able to play any subsequent games.

In the future, if you encounter the id of Ma Tofu, you will have to stay under the defense tower.

Seeing the crocodile bullying him, Ye Shangming resolutely confessed.

Controlling the dog's head, he took two steps back.

If you can't beat it, look for opportunities to gain experience, so it's not shabby.

This is the way of survival on the road, no matter who it is.

However, this scene is still very interesting for everyone to watch.

Ma Tofu basically kills randomly in the top lane, and it is rare to watch him fight against pressure.

Almost nothing.

But in today's game, it was a rare scene to actually choose the dog's head and resist the pressure.

And everyone can learn from it.

Learn how top players resist pressure.

Ninety-five-seven did not expect to be able to do too many things at the first level.

The reason is simple, the crocodile is also stupid when it does not have the E skill.

Unless the opponent takes the initiative to fight with him, it is difficult to exchange blood at the first level.

But at the first level, the crocodile will take the initiative to fight and consume, basically the crocodile can't afford it.

Such as Nuoshou, Riven, Monkey...

Nuoshou and Monkey can understand that when the monkey's e skill goes up to reset the basic attack, Nuoshou relies on the passive bleeding effect to fight harder and harder. After all, it is impossible to kill a person in a second in the early stage.

Hitting the promise hand will inevitably stack up the blood rage.

As for Riven...

I believe that many people feel that the crocodile Conte Riven.

It really is.

But at the first level, even if the crocodile blunts his knife, it is impossible to beat Riven.

As for what many anchors say about learning from W, then don't believe his nonsense.

W crocodile can't beat Riven either.

The smartest way is to wait until the second level. After the second level, the hero Riven will be easily manipulated by you.

The premise is that the strength gap between the two sides is not very large.

If the difference in strength is too large, even if the level equipment is leading, it is possible to be solo killed by the opponent.

Jiu Wuqi saw the dog's head receding further away.

It's quite satisfying to turn around and eat the pawn line.

"Hahaha, the classic scene, Ma Tofu probably never thought about it, he actually waited in front of the defense tower for soldiers to come in."

"I chose the dog's head. Kangdi is more spiritual here. Go up the road and control the line, and then Kangdi will come up and grab it, and directly kill him by jumping over the tower. Wouldn't Ma Tofu collapse here?"

"Don't you omg know this? Look at Xiaoliu's wild farming route, which goes directly from the bottom lane to the top lane. Isn't that just a good preparation?"

Everyone naturally understands the game.

The first time is to look at the jungler's clearing route.

Brushing from bottom to top is obviously to keep on the road.

After all, going on the road is a dog's head.

If you don't pay attention to this, it will be completely gone once you are crossed.

This must not be the case.

In this game, the bottom lane is destined to be fine, because the junglers of both sides are going to the top lane, and if they want to collide, they will only meet in the top lane.

However, the combination of prince and dog head can't defeat the combination of crocodile and Qinggang shadow.

Although Qinggangying has been shaved, it is still very scary to hit an instant burst, especially the wild Qinggangying, who directly makes up for the damage with a thunderbolt.

The wild area needs two princes to fight against the opponent...

If the Ueno collides, there is no doubt that omg will be smashed.

At this time, a melee soldier on the blue side was disabled, so Jiu Wuqi stared at the dog's head, to see if the dog's head would come up to take the knife.

Seeing the dog's head moving, he quickly manipulated the crocodile to Q.

Blood consumption is also necessary for laning.

Pressed forward and pressed the Q skill, but at this time the dog's head did not move forward completely, but turned and walked backward.

Under such circumstances, Jiu Wu Qi still wanted to get a basic attack, but unfortunately, he couldn't hit it, because the distance was not enough, but he was pulled over.

Bai took two steps, but he didn't make up for that cut, and even missed a cut himself.

This is hard.

The guy opposite had completely calculated his own thoughts.

He didn't expect to fight him with a more powerful hero, but he was still shown in the end, which made him unacceptable.

Nine Fifty-Seven is only muttering in his heart now.

But this kind of thing is actually very normal. When laning, everyone will see the opponent come up and then pull back.

This is simply pulling.

By pulling, you can show the face of the opposite party, and it is also possible to be shown the face.

After all, there are many highlights in professional games, and many of them are because of their own pulling, and the basic attack is gone.

However, Jiu Wuqi now has a kind of fear of Ye Shangming, and under such circumstances, so many strange thoughts came into his head.

Simply put, I was terrified.

Obviously there are not so many things, there are so many things in his mind.

A little impatiently controlled the crocodile to take a step forward.

The crocodile doesn't even have the Q skill anymore, so it would be a bit outrageous for him to catch up again. Ma Tofu chose to fight back directly here.

One general attack followed by a Q skill.

These two strokes directly took away more than 100 points of blood from the crocodile.

Nine Fifty-Seven is just touched here.

Ye Shangming hurriedly pulled back, and Jiu Wuqi took another two steps forward.

Ye Shangming saw that his Grip of Indestructibility had been triggered.

Then he turned his head and shot the crocodile, and a green light filled the dog's head.

Some of the blood that was consumed before was replenished.

As for the crocodile being hit by the general attack of the Grip of the Undying, the bloodline dropped a lot.

And [-] turned around and directly cut off his own attack, so the gap between the two sides was a bit big.

Nine Fifty-Seven only used one basic attack, but Ye Shangming used two basic attacks, a Q skill, and an Indestructible Grasp.

In this case, [-] can be said to have been dragged numb.

Countless people were dumbfounded watching what happened on the big screen.

Can it be like this?
How could it be like this?
Can the crocodile lose so much in line?
You are too outrageous, right?
Is it true or false?
The audience in the audience opened their eyes and communicated with each other.

Express your own opinion...

The venue suddenly became noisy.

As expected of a brother beating a younger brother!
(End of this chapter)

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