Volume 14 The Situation in Baihe Town]Chapter [-] Huoyin

Today's fourth update makes up a chapter that was owed yesterday, please collect it! !Please recommend! !

Fangshi in Baihe Town was jointly established by the three surrounding Xu family, Fang family, and Liu family, and it has the highest status in the Fangshi.However, there is one exception, and this exception is Wanbao Building.Wanbao Building is the largest store in Fangshi, Baihe Town, occupying the most central location in Fangshi, Baihe Town, covering a whole street.And the reason why the three families can tolerate the arrogance of such an external force as Wanbaolou is because Wanbaolou was established by a big family in Lingyunmen, and the power is far from comparable to that of the three families.Xu Han did not choose the other three shops, but chose Wanbaolou, thinking that Wanbaolou was far from being comparable to the three shops, and could get what he wanted.

Walking along the streets of Fangshi, through the flow of people, Xu Han walked towards the center of Fangshi.When I came to the center of the square, I saw that the whole street was full of low-level monks.The lowest level is the fourth level of qi refining, and the higher ones even have the eighth and ninth levels of qi refining, which are not commonly seen on weekdays.This has become a scene in Fang City, Baihe Town.Only when you come to this place can you feel that Baihe Township is a monk's city.

There is no mortal, there are monks everywhere, even the lowest-level waiter in the shop is also a monk in the Qi refining period.It is worthy of being a big family in the sect, and its grandeur is far beyond that of the Xu family, Fang family, and Liu family, which are small cultivating families.

Xu Han walked deeper along the street.

Xu Han's destination is the alchemy shop provided by Wanbaolou in Fangshi. He can get the best ground fire from there, and he can also learn alchemy techniques that the Xu family can't have at all.

After a few breaths, Xu Han came to the place through the crowd.

This is an attic called Qingdan Pavilion on the side of the street. Although it is called Qingdan Pavilion, it has a very large area, with nearly a dozen facades, and monks come in and out.Xu Han walked towards a storefront where not many people came in and out. The signboard at the door had the word "borrow" written on it, and a big fire was painted on the bottom.

That is the place where the ground fire is leased, which is necessary for Qi refining monks to make alchemy.

Only when a monk has reached the Golden Core level can he rely on his own pill fire to make alchemy, and he also needs the earth fire.And the higher the quality of the ground fire, the easier it is to produce high-quality pills.Now, because of the influence of Heaven and Earth True Demon Qi, if you want to practice high-quality pills, you need one more thing, and that is a good Huoyin.Only by using fire to draw clear ground fire and exorcise the spirit of real demon can a high-quality elixir be refined.

"Shopkeeper, I want to rent a place." Xu Han added, "The quality is average."

The middle-aged shopkeeper's cultivation on the ninth floor of Qi Refining immediately saw through Xu Han's cultivation.Nodding his head, he said, "Ten low-grade spirit stones for a month." Without further ado, Xu Han's cultivation base is placed there, and it is normal to require earth fire of average quality.

In fact, Xu Han was making alchemy for the first time. Of course, it is impossible to need such a high ground fire. He only needs to practice his hands first.

Xu Han handed over the spirit stone, took a token from the middle-aged shopkeeper, and walked inside.Turning a corner and walking to the end of the corridor, a monk on the sixth floor of Qi Refining was standing there. Seeing Xu Han coming, he asked for a token to check.After confirming that it was correct, he opened the teleportation array at the end of the corridor.Without the slightest hesitation, Xu Han stood up immediately.

It is impossible for the ground fire to be inside Fangshi, and it needs to be teleported to go there.

After getting dizzy, Xu Han came to a valley.The valley is surrounded by barren mountains, with jagged rocks, no vegetation, and extremely high temperature.This is where the ground fire is located. Although it is buried deep in the ground, it still feels the high temperature.


Seeing that Xu Han hadn't come out, the eighth-level Qi Refining monk guarding the teleportation array reminded him in a low voice.Xu Han quickly walked out of the teleportation array and handed over the token.

After checking, the young monk on the eighth floor of Qi Refining said, "Go to the left, the land number is [-]."

Xu Han didn't ask further, he still had some understanding here.The land number [-] is the location of the land fire he leased.

Following the guidance of the young monks on the eighth floor of Qi Refining, Xu Han quickly arrived at the place.In a cave, the heavy stone gates closed the cave.But in the middle of the stone gate, there was a gap, and Xu Han inserted the token into it.


The stone door opened, Xu Han put away the token and walked into the crypt.

After entering the burrow, there was a heat wave head-on.Xu Han used his exercises to block the heat wave from his body.After going down for about half a stick of incense, Xu Han came to a basement.There is only a ground fire in the basement that spews heat waves, and nothing else.

Xu Han didn't mind either, what good conditions did the alchemy room have in the average quality refining period.

After meditating and adjusting his breath, Xu Han took out the "You Yu Dan Jue" from the storage bag.Again, recite all the essentials of alchemy in the alchemy formula one by one silently, and confirm that there are no negligence or omissions.After finishing the meditation, Xu Han meditated and adjusted his breath for a while.When the state returned to the perfect state again, Xu Han took out the Dan Ding and some herbs that were going to be used for training.

After doing this well, Xu Han used his spiritual sense to guide the ground fire.

In an instant, the ground fire surged upwards.

Xu Han gestured continuously, and once he slapped the ding ding, the ding ding immediately flew to the sky above the ground fire.At the same time, Xu Han also put the prepared herbs into it.These herbs were prepared by Xu Han to refine Bigu Dan. The reason why Bigu Dan was chosen was because the materials were cheap and most of them were used by mortals.No matter how many alchemy failures, it will not have any effect.

Just like this, monks who practice alchemy generally start with Bigu Dan.

Seeing that it was almost done, Xu Han changed his gesture again, pointing to a point, and a five-color spiritual flame burrowed into the ground fire like a swimming dragon.In the fiery red ground fire, there will always be a trace of black that cannot be covered up, but after the five-color spiritual flame penetrates into the ground fire, that trace of black quickly dissipates.And that trace of black is the real devil's aura that monks have a headache.

The real devil's energy is the breath of the upper realm that was forcibly infused by the demon world during the demon disaster, when the world of cultivating immortals and the demon world were handed over.

Before the catastrophe, the civilization in the world of cultivating immortals was very prosperous, among which alchemy was even more prosperous.However, since the evil disaster caused the aura of heaven and earth to be mixed with the aura of real demons, the cultivation civilization in the world of immortality has plummeted.Especially alchemy, which was once on the verge of extinction.The real devil's qi seriously interferes with the ground fire, and the medicinal herbs contain real devil's qi, so the refined medicine cannot be taken at all.

It wasn't until more than 2000 years ago that there was a master of alchemy who used the monk's own flame to clear the ground fire, and the method of expelling the real devil in the elixir, and then there was a prosperous elixir civilization in the world of immortality again.And the monk's own flame is the "fire guide", and the wisp of five-color spiritual flame that Xu Han released just now is his fire guide.

However, even with the technique of fire induction, the medicine civilization is still much worse than before the disaster.Although Huo Yin can clear the fire and drive away the real devil's energy, but the effect of Huo Yin is all in the skills, and the skills are not good enough, so the effect of driving away the real devil's energy is not good, and the purity of the medicine is not high if the effect is not good .And how many superior exercises are there in the world?Therefore, the low quality of pills is a common problem in the world of cultivating immortals. For more than 2000 years, it has plagued the world of cultivating immortals.

Xu Hanneng knew that these were all from "You Yu Dan Jue".And the "You Yu Dan Jue" mentioned these things, it is used to guide the monks how to use the fire to drive away the real demon spirit of heaven and earth.However, Xu Han practiced Dao Heart Planting Magic Art, and all the techniques in "You Yu Dan Jue" were not very useful.Xu Han only needs to use his own Huoyin, which is the wisp of five-color spiritual flames.

Xu Han deliberately practiced the "Five Elements True Art" before alchemy, just for the five-color spiritual flame.

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