Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 148 Yin Yang Demon Fish

Volume II Lingyunmen Fighting Skills] Chapter 140 Eighth Yin-Yang Demon Fish


The sea water in the sky exploded, and the water droplets slowly fell, revealing Xu Han's thin face.In front of him, the whale-like monster broke into two pieces and fell into the sea of ​​magic.The whale's blood was thick black, dyeing the water in the surrounding Demon Sea as thick as ink, slowly spreading to the edge of the small island not far away.

"It's really annoying." Xu Han said annoyed.

Entering the magic sea, it went smoothly at first.But then things got pretty rough.All kinds of monsters in the demon sea kept attacking him. One time, he encountered a group of birds flying over from nowhere. Looking from a distance, half of the sky was covered. Xu Han was shocked and fled quickly. .But he couldn't get rid of it anyway, so Xu Han had to hide all his breath and hide in the sea of ​​magic to barely escape.

It was only after entering the demon sea and being attacked by fish and monsters in the demon sea, Xu Han tried his best to escape from the demon sea.Even so, he was still being followed by several whale-like monsters and tracked all the way to the small island, so Xu Han made up his mind to stop and kill these whale-like monsters one by one.He was going to the island, and it was impossible to hide any longer.

Looking at the small island not far away, Xu Han pondered for a while before flying over.

In a few days, Xu Han went to some small islands.But there are terrible monsters on every small island. As long as Xu Han goes there, he will immediately be attacked by monsters on the small islands.There are bird monsters, and some unknown monsters. Every time Xu Han encounters them, he has to spend a lot of time.But he had to go again, and he would never get the loess if he didn't go to the island.

It was also because of these difficulties that he understood why the Ma family's ancestors only got a little bit of loess, and the younger generations never got a single bit of loess.Fortunately, it was him who had extraordinary concealment skills and many methods. If it was another monk, no matter how many people there were, he would not be able to come here easily.

In fact, the small island has only one mountain peak, and the mountain peak protrudes from the sea to form such a small island.

The island looks very quiet, and there are rare trees that have been enchanted.The demonized trees are no longer tender green, but miserable black.But life is still there, and it can grow, but it looks weird, and it looks like a ghost at first glance.


When Xu Han got closer, he was surprised to find billowing hot air from the mountain peak in the middle of the island.Although the hot air soon dissipated in the demonic air that filled the sky, there was no doubt that there should be a hot spring or something like that.This was the first time Xu Han encountered such a strange island since he entered the Demon Sea, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

Xu Han carefully flew away, with previous experience, he believed that there must be monsters in the hot spring.


Xu Han was surprised again, because he was very surprised to find that he flew to the mountainside of the small island, and saw steam billowing out of a cave that could accommodate several people, but he never saw any monsters appearing.

This made him unable to imagine that there were no monsters on such a small island.

He didn't dare to be careless, and went to the cave cautiously.He wants to confirm whether the island is really free of monsters, and if there are no monsters, he plans to rest on the island for a few days.After fighting continuously, he was extremely tired and needed a rest urgently.

Entering the cave, it is brighter than the outside.

In the steaming heat, Xu Han clearly saw that the cave was very deep.Inside the cave, there are rock lakes arranged in rows.Some of these rock lakes are billowing with hot air like hot springs, and the hot air flutters out of the cave and melts into the billowing demonic energy outside.

"Could it be that there are no monsters?" Xu Han was overjoyed secretly.If there were really no monsters, then he could rest on the small island with peace of mind to relieve the fatigue of these days.

Xu Han started to walk towards one of the steaming rock lakes, but halfway there, Xu Han's expression changed drastically.

"not good."

Xu Han's consciousness swept across the rock lake, and Xu Han was horrified to find that there were all black and two-colored demon fish in the rock lake.

The magic fish is very small, only as long as a finger, and its shape is no different from ordinary small fish. The only difference is the color of the magic fish.Starting from the spine, one side is black and the other side is white, mixed with yin and yang, very weird.

Seeing Xu Han, the demon fishes playing in the rock lake all paused suddenly, and then cast puzzled looks at Xu Han.

Xu Han's heart was darkened, and he stepped back slowly.

There are no monsters, these monsters are definitely the rulers of the entire island.He was so cautious that he still stepped into the territory of the unknown demon fish.How long will it take to leave before the demon fish can react?

It's just that before Xu Han took two steps back, there was a scene that shocked Xu Han.

Under Xu Han's gaze, the demonic fish spread a group of transparent wings one after another, flew out of the rock lake with a buzzing sound, and rushed towards them.

Moreover, there were so many demonic fishes that filled the sky, almost filling the entire cave.

"The devil fish can really come out." Xu Han had no doubt that the devil fish could fly, and the masters who ruled this small island must be these devil fish.

Xu Han stopped at a place only a few steps away from the entrance of the cave, motionless, with an extremely embarrassing expression on his face.

With so many demon fish, Xu Han's spiritual sense scanned them, and he was horrified to find that almost all of them were above the early stage of foundation establishment.Although Xu Han was glad to find that for some reason, the devil fish just circled around him and didn't attack him, but he was still terrified inside.So many demon fish in the early stage of foundation establishment attack, no matter what kind of attack, he has no other ending but to fall.

In this way, Xu Han confronted many flying demon fish.

Half a stick of incense.

A stick of incense.

an hour.

Xu Han finally discovered something special. The demon fish didn't seem to have any malice towards him, but instead expected him to do something.

After struggling, Xu Han finally tried to release his magic weapon.First it was the Five Elements Pan, but after a few demonic fish bumped against him, they circled around him again, ignoring the Five Elements Pan.Afterwards, Xu Han released many kinds of magic weapons in succession, and the demon fish either tried it or turned a deaf ear to it.

"Could it be..." Finally Xu Han showed a strange gaze and released the Yin and Yang halberds.In an instant, the demonic fishes reacted eagerly, flying up and down around the yin and yang halberds, as if meeting a long time partner.

"Sure enough, it's related to the Yin-Yang Gate." Xu Han had no doubts that this rocky lake was definitely related to the Yin-Yang Gate.Otherwise, these yin-yang demon fish would never exist.

The Yin-Yang Demonic Fish is the name Xu Han gave these demonic fishes. At this moment, he has confirmed that the demonic fishes have no ill intentions towards him, on the contrary, they are full of expectations for him.After seeing the distinct black and white colors on the demon fish's back, it was given such a name.In addition, the Yin-Yang Demon Fish likes the Yin-Yang Double Halberd very much, and I am even more convinced that the Yin-Yang Demon Fish has a special relationship with the legendary Yin-Yang Gate.

Afterwards, the actions of the Yin-Yang Demon Fish became more definite.After a while, he returned to the rock lake, and after a while, he came back to circle him.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Han realized that these demon fish wanted him to enter the rock lake.

Not knowing the purpose of the yin-yang demon fish, Xu Han still walked slowly to the edge of the rock lake, and then slowly entered the rock lake.


Xu Han didn't feel it at first, but when he felt very comfortable and used the Dao Heart Planting Magic Art, he couldn't help screaming.It was because of his unbelievable discovery that when he practiced the Dao Heart Planting Magic Art in the rock lake, his practice efficiency was more than several times higher.Even his physical strength recovered faster, and within a short period of time, he felt the fatigue all over his body disappeared without a trace.

"This... Could this be a relic of the Yin-Yang Gate?" Xu Han would be too ignorant to think of this.

No one knows exactly where the Yin Yang Gate is, but the remains of the Yin Yang Gate are densely covered in the entire cultivation world, maybe there will be a Yin Yang Gate ruins in an unknown place.Xu Han's situation at this moment, no matter how stupid he is, he can understand that he must have encountered a relic of the Yin-Yang Gate.Before he came in, he also learned that the yin and yang halberds came from the Dark Demon Abyss, which is another side proof.

In particular, the change of the Yin-Yang Demon Fish made Xu Han even more convinced that this was a Yin-Yang Gate relic.He used the Dao Heart Planting Magic Art to recover his mana, and the Yin-Yang Demon Fish was practicing with him beside him.He also scanned it with his divine sense, and beside him, the mana in the Yin-Yang demon fish would flow along with the Yin-Yang mana in his body, which was very strange.

Then there was a very strange scene, a person sat in the middle of the rock lake and meditated, and there were countless yin and yang demon fish crawling beside him, filling the entire rock lake.The mermaids do not interfere with each other and practice independently.

It took a whole day for Xu Han to wake up.Afterwards, the Yin-Yang Demonic Fish also flew away.

Xu Han no longer had any doubts that the Yin-Yang Demon Fish had no ill intentions towards him.He began to search the whole cave.In the past, the pair of brothers could pick up the Yin-Yang Shuanghalberds on the first floor of the Yin-Yang Demon Abyss, so there is no doubt that the remains of the Yin-Yang Gate are in the Dark Demon Abyss, and there must be other remnants of the Yin-Yang Gate.Now he found a Yin-Yang Gate relic, maybe there will be magical artifacts and medicines left by the Yin-Yang Gate.

For him, the Yin Yang Sect is the most suitable for him.Especially in the situation where the natal spiritual weapon cannot be refined, it is what he longs for to obtain a more handy Yin-Yangmen spiritual weapon.

Passing through the rock lakes, Xu Han did not disturb the yin and yang demon fish playing in the rock lakes, and went to explore the depths of the cave.

But a few hours later, Xu Han came back with a strange expression on his face.

"Why not?" What puzzled Xu Han was that until he finally reached the end of the cave, he did not find the remains of the Yin-Yang Gate.On the contrary, the more you walk inside, the less likely there are traces of the Yin Yang Gate.This made him very puzzled. The rock lake and the Yin-Yang demon fish convinced him that this place was definitely related to the Yin-Yang Gate, but in the end there were only these, which was too unreasonable.

"What's going on?" Xu Han was puzzled and searched every part of the cave carefully, not letting go of any clues.

After a few hours, Xu Han had to realize that it was futile for him to do so.

Only the Yin-Yang Devil Fish and the Rock Lake are related to the Yin-Yang Gate here, and the others have nothing to do with the Yin-Yang Gate. Undoubtedly, this is not the real remains of the Yin-Yang Gate. "Where is the real Yinyangmen relic?" Xu Han had to have such an idea.

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