Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 200 Crisis

VIP Volume] Chapter [-] Crisis

Chapter [-] Crisis

Xu Han has been studying the secrets of the yin-yang fish for the past few days.As we all know, this magic weapon is also divided into categories.The Yin-Yang fish is the inheritance magic weapon of the Yin-Yang Gate and belongs to the ancient times.The inheritance of Yin Yang Gate has gone through tens of thousands of years. Thinking about how powerful it was when it survived in the past.

Not only that, but what Xu Han also learned about the Yin Yang Sect from Linghu made him understand a truth now.That is, this yin-yang fish will not be what it is now, it probably still has some aspects that it cannot grasp.

Just after Xu Han revealed the yin-yang fish, Tang Chen's eyes gradually revealed a sly gleam, as if he was planning to cast some kind of conspiracy.Of course Xu Han wasn't as immature as before, so after seeing this situation, he waved Tang Chen wisely to let Tang Chen walk out of the room.

After Xu Han saw Tang Chen walking out of the room, he immediately relaxed, and he let out a long breath in the bedroom. This time Lin Buyu came with unprecedented violence!If it was still me in the previous life, if it wasn't for the nagging spirit fox watching over him, even if he wanted to do something, this spirit fox would not let him go?Hmph, this spirit fox looks at me like a monitor all day long, it really hurts, but without him, I don't seem to be able to do it!

The sky gradually darkened.Xu Han gradually collected his mind, walked out of the room with easy steps, and prepared for today's daily lecture. "Okay, Miss Lin! As the saying goes, morning is the best plan for a day. We must seize this precious time, because only in the morning, the fluctuation of the formation will become stronger." Xu Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Wu Wu. The letter of introduction from the Imperial Capital Academy was put back into the space kit, dressed and washed, a new day was about to begin, and only by making the best of the morning could one cultivate better.

When Xu Han began to seriously demonstrate and explain the art of alchemy to Lin Buyu, at a certain manor in the aristocratic area of ​​the imperial capital, several luxuriously dressed women were sitting together, but their eye circles were red, as if I remembered something sad.

He only heard a harsh voice say, "Hmph, isn't our son a human being? Let that woman from the Liu family and her adulterer continue to live happily? I can't take it anymore."

A echoing voice sounded from the side, "Yes! I don't believe it anymore. Why is it that Liu Menglin, a little girl, can come out of the secret realm and bring a man back after all our children are dead? It's not in line with common sense, it must be that little girl who used some dirty tricks behind her back! That's why our son died, woo... woo!" At the end, the woman burst into tears, and she looked okay. sad.

A more majestic voice said, "Okay! What's the point of crying and crying, what are we discussing now? It's not for you to complain? Besides, what's the use of us believing it or not? Even if we know it's that little bitch Liu Menglin So what if she and her concubine attack our child? He, Prime Minister Lin, is so powerful that he speaks harsh words directly and won't let us touch that kid, what do you think we should do?"

These four noble ladies, to say the least, are the relatives of Xu Han who killed the four rich nobles.From this point of view, they are all the mothers of those four people.As the saying goes, raising children for old age, although these four noble ladies have enjoyed all the glory and wealth, but in essence, they will eventually grow old one day, and their material life is rich and colorful, but they still need someone to take care of them in their old age of.After all, they are just ordinary people.

On the mainland of Kyushu, there will be a hundred out of a thousand people who practice aura, and only one out of a hundred monks can be promoted to a high-level warrior. Only at this level will their lifespan increase. If you just stay within the realm of the tenth level of spiritual energy, your lifespan will still be the same as that of ordinary humans, and what's more, some cultivators will also affect their lifespan because of the exhaustion of their minds.

As an ordinary person, how could they not love their son?When they heard the news of their son's death, they burst into tears one by one.At this moment, the four of them got together to discuss how to deal with their common enemy—Xu Han!From this point of view, the four families have the same goal. Although they have conflicts of one kind or another, at this moment, they put everything down.

Fang Yuxian saw that the sisters in front of him were all crying, and couldn't help but slapped the table hard and shouted angrily, "Hum! Is there such a reason? If he doesn't let us do it, can we let our son die in vain? There is no such thing in the world! The so-called owe Debts are paid, and murders are paid for!"

Yan Wuling glared at Fang Yuxian angrily, "Hey, keep your voice down! Don't think that you don't have eyes and ears here! You must know that this is the imperial capital, and our every move can't be hidden from someone with a heart."

Fang Yuxian continued chattering, "Why don't you let me say it! He Liu Fengtang is protecting his daughter, I have nothing to say, but why should he protect his son-in-law together? That old man Liu Fengtang clearly looks down on our four big families , How can we stay in the imperial capital, no way! I can't swallow this breath."

Yan Wuling thought for a moment before saying, "Oh! There's nothing we can do about it. Now we don't even know if that little bitch Liu Menglin did anything to that man. The old killer Liu Fengtang only let people tell us. The children of our four families just died. A simple sentence easily hit us..."

Fang Yuxian's expression was even more angry, and he shouted angrily, "That's right! Sister! What did he mean when he finally warned the four of us to educate our disciples well? It was nothing more than telling us that our children did something wrong. Let the Liu family deal with it! She is the prime minister's daughter. Besides, our children have been educated and reasonable since childhood. Although they are a bit willful, I don't think they can do anything. Dare to do something to the prime minister's daughter? It's not obvious Is there something wrong with it? It must be that old man Lin is hiding something."

Yang Linhui interjected at this moment, and sighed in a low voice, "Hey! There must be something wrong with this, but what if we know about it? The problem is that everyone in our family admits to being cowardly, and they still What do you say that we are loving mothers and losers. When the child dies, he dies! They dare not do anything. What can we women do? Are we ordinary people fighting and killing others? ? Isn’t this hitting an egg against a rock?”

Fang Yuxian saw that the fire was almost ready, so he stood up and snorted, "Huh! Since this is the case, we should find a way to vent our anger. That's why I called the two younger sisters over. We sisters can't swallow this breath when our own children are serious! All sisters should have some private money? They dare not do it, and neither does our family, but there is a place where they dare to do it as long as they can afford it , and will never expose us! If something happens in the future, we will be able to escape unscathed! Why not do it?"

When Yan Wuling heard what Fang Yuxian said, a stern look flashed across his eyes.Yang Linhui also secretly clenched her fists, it seemed that she also agreed with Fang Yuxian's words.

Li Nian's eyes lit up immediately. She hadn't interjected just now, just to see if the three sisters could discuss something, but she finally found a way, "You mean, those gangsters from the Galaxy Club ?” But soon became depressed: “However, the private money we have on hand is not enough to hire a Galaxy Killer! This expenditure is not small…”

Yan Wuling also shook his head and smiled: "The savings in one person's hands are not enough to pay for a Galaxy killer, but with the savings of the four of us combined, we only have to deal with a kid at the fifth level of spiritual energy, and there is no need to hire Assassins who have already picked up the brand of the Galaxy Society, as long as they find a new member of the Galaxy Society who has just debuted, are they afraid that they will not be able to deal with a little beast with an aura level? The killers of the Galaxy Society, even if they have no name, at least have The strength of a junior fighter! When the time comes to kill that kid, wouldn't it be easy to catch? Haha..."

Yang Linhui's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a coquettish smile, "Sister is indeed a good planner! It turns out that sister has already planned it, why didn't I think of it?"

Yan Wuling laughed and said, with a hint of conspiracy in his eyes, "Sister Liao Zan, in fact, there is no good plan, but the fee we have to pay may be slightly higher, and we have to let that The killer took something out of the little bastard's mouth, he can't be so cheap! I want to make him suffer."

Fang Yuxian was very puzzled, "Why didn't we kill him directly? What else do you want to ask?"

"Oh, sister, you are so stupid! Don't think about it carefully, what else can you ask? You are sure now that the little beast must have joined hands with Liu Menglin to kill our son?" Yan Wuling glared at Fang Yuxian dissatisfied , apart from having a better face, she really couldn't understand how Fang Yuxian could sit on the wife of the patriarch of the Yao family for more than ten years?

Fang Yuxian nodded, showing a look of approval, and said in a low voice, "Yes, I didn't think carefully, and my sister is right."

Yang Linhui might be the one with the least private money among the four, with an embarrassing look on his face, he said embarrassedly, "

Now that all the sisters have discussed it properly, the younger sister should do her best, but my private money is not too much, I don't know...

The four discussed it properly, and everything went according to plan.This night, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and you can't see your fingers.Lu Ming squinted his eyes slightly, looking helplessly at the disc-like moon in the sky, tightened the dagger in his hand, and passed the bridge, and arrived at the noble area, although this was Lu Ming's first hunting , but there was no excitement or nervousness in Lu Ming's eyes, because the opponent he had to deal with was really stress-free!A little guy who lives in the noble district with only the fifth level of spiritual energy, even if he enters through the door openly, he is not afraid of the target escaping.

However, even with such advantages and confidence, Lu Ming still used the invisibility cloak unique to the Galaxy Killer to cover up his aura.The body lightly skimmed up to the roof, and the yard was not where he originally thought it was, but there was no one there.He was startled suddenly, he didn't know well, but at this time his target was already standing there quietly with a sword, looking in his direction, this made Lu Ming even more fearful in his heart, this person's speed is so good Hurry up, before seeing his figure, he has already flashed out of the room!

quick!It was so fast, it was as fast as lightning, as fast as a gust of wind.Lu Ming's expression froze, could it be that he just showed up to this kid when he came here?But still lying there quietly.Lu Ming is also a killer who has seen big scenes, so many difficult missions, Lu Ming relied on his own caution to complete the missions, although his name is not well known, but all the missions he took, without exception finished.

The two remained motionless, staring at each other. After a few breaths passed, Xu Han finally couldn't help laughing and said, "Haha, my friend, you are so determined! Now that you are here, come down, you must lie on your stomach The smell on the roof is not very good. It is better to come down earlier. You are a hero if you hide your head and show your tail!"

Although Xu Han's words were extremely flat, without the slightest threatening tone, he secretly picked up the Hongjun sword, ready to strike a thunderbolt.Xu Han is no longer the ignorant and ignorant young man. Since he was reborn on the Kyushu Continent, Xu Han has put away the playful thoughts of his previous life and devoted himself to practicing Taoism, because he deeply understands that This world is a place where the weak prey on the strong, there is no kingly law to speak of, simply put, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.

This law is so cruel, so Xu Han's experience in the monster forest for nearly a year has already cultivated him into a fighting beast's unique intuition for danger. As soon as Lu Ming arrived on the roof, Xu Han had already stopped practicing. Swordsmanship, staring at Lu Ming, but after careful inspection, he really didn't find anything unusual. Although Xu Han said what he said just now, he was not sure whether there was anyone on the roof.

Xu Han showed a puzzled look, and said suspiciously in his heart, "Could it be that my sense is wrong, and there is no one here?" But from the heart, Xu Han has strong confidence in his ability to catch wind and shadow.However, no one was found at such a short distance, but his intuition has never been wrong!Xu Han still didn't believe it!

In desperation, Xu Han asked Linghu to investigate again, but there was still no one, which is strange, how powerful Linghu's soul power is, let alone one person, even dozens of people are hiding at the same time After getting up, Linghu might be able to spot and recognize them one by one.Could it be that my intuition was wrong?Xu Han shook his head, and was about to put aside these thoughts and continue practicing swordsmanship.

Linghu suddenly said with a serious expression in the yin and yang fish, "No, little guy, I also think someone should be there, but either this guy's cultivation level is too high, which directly cuts off our detection, or this guy's invisibility cloak is good. , not to be detected by us!" When his physical body was still there, he was indeed very powerful, but now that his physical body is gone, he can only detect it with the power of his soul. There is no other way. "There are only two professions with such a strong invisibility cloak, one is the most elite scout in the most advanced legion of the Wu Empire, and the other is the killer trained by the big killer group!"

Xu Han's heart moved, he came to his residence at this time, who else could it be if it wasn't a killer!If there is really someone in that direction, it is definitely a killer!Xu Han's expression froze, he has been in the imperial capital for more than ten days, finally someone can't help but jump out?Finally someone is going to deal with him!

Xu Han thought about this clearly, and let go of his suspicions. Since he is a killer, there is no need to be merciless. Only a one-hit kill can better protect Lin Buyu and Wu Yinqing..., But if that person endured it for so long, he still didn't come out?If there is really a killer, that killer is really calm!

So Xu Han said in a deep voice again, "Friend, if you don't come out again, I will use this sword to invite you down!" The sword edge deflected, and a faint golden light began to flow on the sword!

Lu Ming gave a helpless wry smile in his heart, hey!I didn't want to hunt all the year round, but let the fox turn the game over. It seems that he was really discovered!Actually, a little guy with a spiritual energy level discovered it, and he failed so much the first time he came out to do the task.Although Lu Ming was a little shocked by Xu Han's mental acuity, he still didn't show a trace of nervousness. Didn't he just let a little soldier show up and turn from the dark to the bright? As long as he was killed, who would know that his first A little soldier appeared in the second mission?Hmph, yes, just do it this way, so that you can not only preserve your reputation, but also better vent your grievances in your heart!

A stern look flashed across Lu Ming's eyes, and he jumped down from the roof very simply. He was completely black from head to toe, with a dagger in his back and a dagger in his right hand. He was indeed dressed as a standard killer.This person jumped down from the air, without saying anything, he drew his sword and slashed at Xu Han.

How could Xu Han not pay attention to it, only to see the black shadow flying past in the sky, this is a fierce killer move in the dark, fierce and unprecedented!It's like a dragon entering the sea.

"It's actually a first-class assassination method!" Linghu's heart was awe-inspiring, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Be careful! The assassination method is the most weird and fierce, and this assassin has the strength of a low-level fighting master, so you have to work hard!" ! If you are easily hit by him, it is likely to be fatal!"

Xu Han's heart shuddered. Is this the best way of assassination?Hmph, then let me see your power!With a wave of Xu Han's long sword, a blue ray of light swung out from Hongjun's sword, facing the black-clothed figure as fast as lightning.It wasn't long before Xu Han entered the advanced stage, and he couldn't stand his skills. He urgently needed to find someone to compete with. At this time, such a master came, Xu Han was very happy and very happy.


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