Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 203 Down and Out 2

Volume II Lingyunmen Fighting Skills] Chapter [-] Lost II

Chapter [-] Downfall II

Xu Han has encountered such danger many times, but this time the danger was born because of a woman.In the world of monasticism, although there are many people, there will be Taoist companions.But after all, it was for joint research on the Dao.It's not for the enjoyment of a single pass. Besides, as long as a cultivator like Xu Han reaches the golden core state, his life span will be very long, so the enjoyment of some human sensuality will of course become diluted.

As for Liu Menglin's relationship, Xu Han asked himself that he would not be able to get through this emotional hurdle. You must know that after the golden elixir, there is still the difficulty of overcoming the catastrophe. I am afraid that the emotional hurdle at that time was the little things with Liu Menglin.

There is no record of such things in the ancient books of the Yin Yang Gate, so Xu Han doesn't quite understand these things.

The waiting time is always very long, because of waiting, so the mood will be extremely impatient.Seeing Lin Buyu's confident expression, Ou Xiaoge felt even more confused. If he was only a little worried just now, now his heart is full of fear.

This woman must have something to rely on, otherwise it would be impossible to smile under such circumstances.It was terrible!Ou Xiaoge looked at Lin Buyu suspiciously. He really couldn't figure out what kind of background a woman from other places like her had. Besides, this is a slum, and he knew exactly who owned this yard.

Before Ou Xiaoge could think carefully in his heart, it seemed that after 1000 years, the two monks who had left finally came back. Their faces were pale and hurried, as if they had encountered some strange things .Whispering anxiously in Ou Xiaoge's ear.

After hearing a few words, Ou Xiaoge couldn't help exclaiming, "What? There is such a strange thing, take me to see it quickly, you stay here and watch those two women, by the way, no one is allowed to leave their posts without authorization !"

After Ou Xiaoge finished speaking, he turned his head and ordered in a low voice to the remaining monks, "Go, let's go in together! Also, you stay here, and let me keep an eye on these girls first. Also, You bitch go in too!" Immediately after, a few more guards were led over.Lin Buyu's beautiful eyes flickered for a moment, she was waiting for this opportunity, and followed in without saying a word.

As soon as he entered the backyard, Ou Xiaoge was shocked by the scene in front of him. It was as if there had been a major earthquake. There were many potholes, and there were many scorched marks on the ground that were obviously left by the intense heat!The crushed stone powder stretched all the way to the door of the backyard, and the bluestone floor was cracked inch by inch under Ou Xiaoge's feet!Surrounding this courtyard, there are more than a dozen giant trees that are as thick as five feet and the thinnest are two feet thick. Only the part that is buried on the ground is left!

This fight seemed to be extremely tragic, but the scope of its impact was not very large. The courtyard wall and surrounding houses were not damaged at all!The sound of fighting didn't come out for too long, that is to say, they didn't fight for a long time, but how much strength would it take to achieve this step?Ou Xiaoge took a deep breath, at least, it is absolutely impossible for him to be a warrior with a first level of aura!

Ou Xiaoge is also a knowledgeable person. He has seen the superiors of his immediate bosses, the Lord Patrolman of Bada Hutong in the aristocratic district, and the people of the junior Doushi rank, but even the Lord Patrol has such destructive power, it is not so amazing , and just the right amount of control!

Ou Xiaoge asked in a concentrated voice, "You mean, is this what your young master did with that assassin?"

Tang Chen interjected at this moment, "Why do you need to ask, my lord? There are only a few of us here, except for the young master who just chased out, who else can destroy the entire backyard like this?"

Ou Xiaoge squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil. Even though he had been in the yard for a while, the soil was still warm!Forcibly suppressing the turbulent waves in his heart, a stern look flashed in his eyes, isn't your young master very powerful?But no matter how powerful he is, he is still a foreigner!This is in the imperial capital, on his own territory in the aristocratic district, as long as tonight is over, no matter how powerful he is, he won't be able to dance for a few days!

As long as tonight is over, send this beauty to the district inspector, and ask him to go to the inspector, who is as strong as the Xuan rank yellow rank!

Ou Xiaoge straightened up abruptly, and shot towards Lin Buyu beside him like lightning!But Ou Xiaoge's blow made Lin Buyu dodge easily...

"Spiritual energy is fragrant. As long as the inhaler has not reached the warrior level, the inhaler will die within an hour. For the warrior level, the low-level fighters can last for four hours, the middle-level fighters can last for six hours, and the high-level fighters just lose their strength for a while. For a short time. However, the strength of an adult should not be a high-level fighter?" Lin Buyu's voice was still neither sad nor happy, as if she did not do all of this.

"Aura fragrance?" Ou Xiaoge's pupils shrank.As if to prove Lin Buyu's words, the mercenaries who followed Ou Xiaoge fell down one after another!

Ou Xiaoge checked his body carefully, but found nothing. There must be something wrong with the scent, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve this level.

"Hmph, don't challenge my patience, you'd better hand over the antidote obediently, and don't force me to grab it!" Ou Xiaoge said in a deep voice, money, status, women, all of these are not as important as life, if there is no If you lose your life, how can you enjoy those things?So he also understands what is the most urgent task at this time.

Lin Buyu took out a medicine bottle as promised.Ou Xiaoge's pupils lit up instantly. He thought that Lin Buyu was going to give him the antidote directly, but he didn't want to hear Lin Buyu say coldly, "This is what you want? It's best not to come and grab it, otherwise , I will smash it directly! In the end, none of you can leave here alive!"

Ou Xiaoge had no choice but to hold back his body, not to mention how the girl burst out at such a speed just now, with the strength of this girl's tenth level of aura, he really wasn't sure how to rush over before the girl crushed the medicine bottle Grab the antidote!

Ou Xiaoge said directly, "What do you want? Don't forget, this is not any other place, this is the imperial capital, where there are countless pharmacists! Do you think you are the only one who has the antidote for this poison?"

"Hey, the little girl might as well tell the lord that this spiritual energy pill is a medicinal powder prepared by the little girl herself. This is the only one in the family. Maybe the lord thinks that among the pharmacists you can find in the imperial capital, someone can kill the little girl within four hours. After analyzing the ingredients and medicinal properties of the Lingqi Pill, and formulating an antidote, adults can try it.”

Ou Xiaoge's heart sank. He had been the head of the guards in the aristocratic district of the imperial capital for many years, and the pharmacists he really knew were just trainee pharmacists, or doctors. How could people of the real pharmacist class look at it? He was a little soldier, the little leader of the guards in the noble district.

Ou Xiaoge knew that this woman was not an ordinary person, so he could only say helplessly, "You make an offer, but don't make it unacceptable to us!"

As a person who has traveled all over the world for many years, how could Ou Xiaoge not understand Lin Buyu's mood at this time.This woman has such a deep strategy, she has been forbearing from just now until now, she seized the opportunity and succeeded in one blow.Really great!Ou Xiaoge thought about it in his heart, how can he escape from this woman's clutches now, is it wit or strength?

Lin Buyu looked at Ou Xiaoge's flickering face, how could he not understand what he was thinking, so his expression became even colder, and he snorted, "Hmph! I also know what trick you want to play, but this Only I know the medicinal properties of the scent, if the time passes, you will understand the consequences!"

Looking at the situation in the yard, Ou Xiaoge felt sore in his heart, he blamed himself for being careless just now, and made those other monks wait outside, if they were here, things would be easier.But as long as this woman is still living here, as long as his life is still alive, then everything will be fine from now on.As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood.What is it to suffer for a while?As long as I can survive, then...

Tang Chen and Han Xiangwu couldn't help at this moment, they could only stand there blankly listening to what Lin Buyu had to say, but after Lin Buyu finished speaking, they couldn't help but show a relieved expression.They said in admiration one by one in their hearts, Sister Han is still thoughtful!

Han Xiangwu hasn't spoken since being tied up by these monks. At this time, when she heard Lin Buyu talking about the conditions with these scumbags, she was shocked and blurted out, "Sister Han, Don't trust these scumbags! If you give them the antidote, maybe they will regret it later?!"

It's not that Lin Buyu has never thought about this possibility, but now there is no perfect solution. From a certain point of view, although these guys have been poisoned by flowers and are controlled by themselves, what he said just now is also an exaggeration. The poison itself is just a fragrance, and it's not very powerful. When the properties of the medicine arrive, they will be fine, and then they will still be on their side... Sigh, it's helpless to act like this now.Lin Buyu felt helpless in his heart.

After hearing Han Xiangwu's words, Ou Xiaoge immediately became angry, "This girl, don't think so dirty of us. Although we are not good people, we also understand the truth of what we say and do!"

Ou Xiaoge thought well in his heart, frowned and listened to Lin Buyu's words quietly.I only heard Lin Buyu say coldly, "I only have two conditions. First, let go of my family and friends; third, when my son comes back, I will give you the antidote! If you don't do as I said , then..." Although Lin Buyu didn't say what he said later, anyone could hear the threat in the words.

Ou Xiaoge frowned and said, "I agree to the third condition. As for the first condition, what if your son comes back and you don't give the antidote? I have to keep at least two hostages!" Ou Xiaoge I have experienced a lot of things, and I am not so ignorant of the world. Although this is the imperial capital, when her young master comes back, if this group of people is really courageous, or if they are really spies, they will leave now if they are exposed. what to do?Wouldn't they have died in vain?

Lin Buyu pondered for a moment, nodded in agreement and said, "First one, let that Uncle Wu go; the third one..." Lin Buyu showed a trace of resentment on his cheeks, Uncle Wu saved his life at the beginning, but now Now his cultivation has not recovered, but what about the third one?If Xiaoyun was chosen, would Uncle Wu be willing to come over?But if Han Xiangwu is chosen, what will Xiaoyun do in a while?

Lin Buyu believes in Xu Han's strength, but that assassin's strength is not bad at all!If Xu Han hasn't come back for a long time, are these people in a hurry? "Miss Han, just leave me alone, just let my girl go over there." Sensing Lin Buyu's embarrassment, Han Yuyin suddenly shouted.

"No, Daddy, you go over there, you and Miss Xiaoyun go over, and it's the same if my daughter waits here for Mr. Xu to come back." Han Yuyin couldn't go over, how could Han Xiangwu agree?

"Miss Han, even if Daddy is willing to give up the spot to me, I won't go there either."

"Miss, just let them go, I'll stay here and wait for Mr. Xu!" Lin Buyu didn't want to embarrass Lin Buyu either.

Tang Chen was in a hurry, there were only two places, but since they didn't want to go, wouldn't it be more comfortable to have a knife on their neck?If they don't go over, can't they go by themselves?Immediately shouting: "Miss Han, I beg you, give me a name too, I can be your slave or handmaid in the future, you can also give me a place?"

"Oh! You just want to go there like that? Okay, brothers outside, push this girl over, beauty, you only have one spot left, whoever you choose, hurry up!" Ou Xiaoge sneered road.In his opinion, the best two people in the past were the middle-aged man and this most beautiful woman!

Lin Buyu glared at Tang Chen angrily for the first time, but it was easy to go further, Lin Buyu pointed at Han Xiangwu and said, "That's her, you send her here."

Although she was a little disappointed, she did not embarrass the young lady at all. The little maid was slightly relieved, as if all the burdens had been relieved. As for the knife hanging above her neck——she firmly believed that Mr. Xu would not let them down, and would definitely come back sooner or later. Come back!

Han Yuyin also took back her hanging heart. As long as her daughter is still there, what else is there to be afraid of?As the saying goes, if you don't raise a child, you don't know the kindness of your parents. Han Yuyin treated Han Xiangwu really meticulously. He was a daughter when he was old, and he was just such a daughter. Whatever his daughter asked for, he did everything he could.Even if he came to the capital this time, he followed his daughter's suggestion. If it was Xu Han's unilateral 'invitation', he naturally didn't want to come.

"You scum, let me go quickly, I won't go, I won't go! Daddy! Miss Han, you can either give the remaining one to Miss Xiaoyun or give it to Daddy, otherwise I will hate you even if I live Forever! You guys, let me go, I won't go!" Han Xiangwu struggled and shouted.Looking at Han Yuyin who was still lying on the ground, she couldn't help crying...

Han Yuyin looked at her daughter gently and said, "Yinqing, as long as you can live and live well, even if Daddy dies, he will rest in peace, but if you die, what's the point of Daddy being alive? You listen to what daddy says, huh? Go over there obediently." Han Yuyin said with tears in her eyes, but said with a smile.

Here, in fact, it is Han Yuyin who sees it most clearly. As long as the past is now, it is only possible that they will not be arrested when the young master of the Liu family returns. But if it is not the past, even if Mr. Xu comes, they will really Is it possible to let him go?When Mr. Xu came back, they probably brought the rescuers too?When the rescuers come here, it's still their territory after all!Mr. Xu can protect only those people from the past!

Unless Mr. Xu can produce any evidence to prove that he is Prime Minister Lin's person, but does Mr. Xu have it?Han Xiangwu was crying, but he was pushed over roughly!It's time for a cup of tea, and Xu Han, who was hiding in a hiding place to heal his wounds, didn't know that this kind of thing happened in the yard. When he fully recovered from his injuries, he got up and flew towards the noble area.

Although Xu Han's fight with Luo Ming just now was only for a moment, the spiritual energy released from his body made him feel unprecedented pain, so he wasted so much time at that time.

Time passed by one second, everyone felt anxious, and couldn't help thinking in their hearts, isn't it here yet?It was almost two cups of tea, and the cold sweat gradually disappeared from Ou Xiaoge's forehead, and he began to feel the power of the medicine in his body!But he forced himself to laugh and said: "What? What kind of young master in your family, won't you finish fighting with others outside?"

Lin Buyu remained silent. In fact, she was secretly worried, why Mr. Xu hasn't come yet?After such a long struggle, I hope Mr. Xu can come back without being injured. Although Lin Buyu looks calm and calm, she still cares about Xu Han very much in her heart.

The night was getting darker, and the moon in the sky looked more gloomy.The cold wind blew through the front yard in the middle of the night, but from where Tang Chen was standing, she could just see the kitchen in the backyard. The kitchen door was creaking, and she even saw a gray shadow slowly walking out of the kitchen.What it is?

Tang Chen's face turned pale in an instant, and the corners of her mouth trembled and said in a trembling voice, "Ah, it's a ghost!" After saying that, her body couldn't stop backing away.ghost?Lin Buyu and the others were shocked!Just now, Mr. Xu and that assassin were fighting in the backyard, so they couldn't break the seal.

Lin Buyu turned his head abruptly!As far as the eyes can see, except for a gust of cold wind blowing across the cheeks, where is there anything else?ghost?Ou Xiaoge's expression also changed, it is said that there is a house in Bada Hutong that is haunted by ghosts, could it be this one?However, at this moment, there was a muffled groan in front of him, and when Lin Buyu turned his head again, except for Ou Xiaoge, no one was still standing!

What kind of ghost is this? The ghost was sealed by Xu Han just now.The figure that flashed past just now was Xu Han!Xu Han rushed all the way back from the suburbs, just because he was afraid of what might happen here. After all, he knew how loud the fight was just now.

What exactly is going on?


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