Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 22 I refuse to accept, I will fight you

Volume 22 The Situation in Baihe Town]Chapter [-] I refuse to accept, I will fight with you (for collection)

Early the next morning, across the street, Xu Leshan, Xu Hao, and Xu Yang stood on the street opposite "Danxinju".Xu Leshan asked, "Is that the shop?" He was referring to Xu Han's "Danxinju".

"Yes." Xu Hao replied.

Xu Leshan was still thinking about it, Xu Hao hesitated to speak, and finally didn't say anything.Xu Yang behind couldn't help shouting: "Third Uncle, I don't accept it. Why recommend Xu Han, that trash, but not me? I have five levels of Qi refining, one level higher than him, and I should be recommended the most Me, not him."

Xu Leshan heard it, turned around and gave Xu Yang a cold look, and asked, "Then you open a shop for me? If you can open it, I recommend you."

Xu Yang choked, but then refused to admit defeat and said: "I don't accept. He, Xu Han, is deceiving people by relying on some low-level alchemy techniques, and he really has no ability at all. I want to fight him, and I won. Third uncle, you must I have to be recommended."

Xu Leshan didn't answer. Demonic monks entered the country quickly. Although their strength was relatively strong, in fact, many demonic monks restricted their own skills.Don't dare to use all your strength.Otherwise, if it is not done well, it will be polluted by the real devil's energy, which will harm itself instead.In Xu Leshan's mind, Xu Han was no exception.Xu Yang was a level higher than Xu Han, once Xu Yang made a move, Xu Han would definitely not be his opponent.Then his painstaking efforts in recommending Xu Han will be in vain, how could he agree?

The Xu family has only three places, and another monk of the Xu family who is at the ninth level of Qi Refining has already taken up one place.Another spot was taken by Xu Hao, and the only remaining spot was either Xu Yang or Xu Han.Originally, the eldest brother intended to recommend Xu Yang, without counting Xu Han at all, but he insisted on asking for a spot from the eldest brother, how could he send it back for nothing?

Of course Xu Hao saw Xu Leshan's helplessness, for Xu Yang and himself, he wanted to suppress Xu Han.So he interjected: "That's right! Third Uncle, it's too unfair to Younger Brother Yang."

With Xu Hao's support, Xu Yang was even more unconvinced.

Xu Leshan snorted coldly, and the prestige of the foundation building period suddenly dissipated.The two teenagers didn't dare to talk anymore.Although they were still dissatisfied in their hearts, they at least understood that they couldn't change the meaning of their Uncle Zhuji.

In private, when Xu Leshan was not paying attention, Xu Hao gave Xu Yang a wink.

This was discussed between the two of them before they came here. If Xu Leshan did not let go, then Xu Yang would make a fuss after entering "Danxinju".In Xu Hao's words, as long as there is a quarrel, Xu Han will definitely accept the challenge.At that time, as long as Xu Han is defeated, what can Xu Leshan do?

Xu Leshan didn't know the plan of the two nephews, so he led them to Xu Han's "Danxinju".

Xu Han is meditating in the store, cultivating breath.Although you can't practice in depth, you can also improve your cultivation.As long as it is past noon, Xu Han will close the shop.For him, opening this shop is just for show.

"The name is good, but the store is not that good." Standing under "Danxinju", Xu Leshan gave a very low evaluation.

Seeing that it was Xu Leshan, Xu Han got up quickly. "Third Uncle, why are you here?"

Xu Leshan said angrily: "You also know that there is a third uncle like me. Now that I have grown up, even the pharmacy has opened, I probably don't remember your third uncle."

Xu Han smiled and said, "How can that be?"

Then Xu Han invited Xu Leshan in, and the Xu family agreed that Xu Leshan deserved Xu Han's smile.No one else can.

Just like now, Xu Han didn't pay attention to Xu Hao and Xu Yang at all, as if Xu Leshan didn't follow them.After Xu Leshan went in, Xu Han followed and refused Xu Hao and Xu Yang from the door.

"Xu Han, don't be arrogant. I'm here today to tell you that no matter how much my third uncle recommends you, I won't accept it. So I will fight you. If you lose, you will automatically give up the recommended spot."

What made Xu Leshan furious was that before Xu Leshan was ready to speak, Xu Yang revealed his intention.

"Xu Yang, what are you doing?" Xu Leshan's momentum in the foundation building period was released instantly, making Xu Yang breathless.Xu Yang was taken aback, and Xu Hao was also taken aback, so he hurriedly tried to smooth things over: "Brother Yang is not convinced, so I ask Third Uncle to calm down."

Only Xu Han was puzzled and slowly asked, "Third Uncle, what's going on?"

Glaring at Xu Yang fiercely, Xu Leshan withdrew his momentum, and said helplessly, "You should know that Lingyunmen is opening its gates and recruiting newcomers! But before, the big families of Lingyunmen decided to find some good seedlings and focus on cultivating them. The quota recommendation is recommended by our Xiuxian family. Our Xu family has three quotas. One is Xu Zhan, one is Xu Hao, and the rest I prefer to you..."

"But I'm not convinced, Xu Han, I want to challenge you." No matter how Xu Leshan suppressed him, Xu Yang still spoke out.Xu Leshan was surprised, and then sneered with anger. "Sure enough, she is a good mother. She even used the talismans from the Foundation Establishment Period."

Before Xu Yang opened his mouth, Xu Leshan pressed him with momentum.

With Xu Yang's cultivation of the fifth level of Qi Refining, he couldn't resist Xu Leshan's aura at all, and couldn't say anything.Xu Leshan has suffered a loss once, but he won't suffer a second time.But Xu Yang actually blocked his momentum and finished the whole sentence.

Only then did Xu Leshan speak out in surprise.Later, it was discovered that the reason why Xu Yang could make a sound was that Xu Yang had a magic talisman that was enough to isolate the aura of the foundation establishment period.And the only one who could afford such a talisman was Xu Yang's own mother, Wu Yehong.Xu Leshan really admired his sister-in-law's calculations, so he sneered, but of course he was furious.

Xu Han finally figured out that the Xu family also got the same recommendation qualification as the Zhang family.It's just that because of his relationship, the Xu family has a shortage of places.Xu Leshan forced Xu Han to recommend him, causing Xu Yang's dissatisfaction.So Xu Yang challenged him.

Xu Han glanced at Xu Yang mockingly, and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"Han'er, what are you doing?" Xu Leshan shouted loudly.How could the quota he won so hard be lost in vain?In his view, Xu Han's agreement was a waste of the quota.So Xu Leshan was very angry at Xu Han's insistence on going his own way.

A smug smile appeared on Xu Hao's lowered face, he thought he had calculated Xu Han.

Xu Yang was also extremely proud. As expected, Xu Han really agreed.He even began to fantasize about defeating Xu Han and then participating in training.

Only Xu Han knows clearly, is he afraid of Xu Yang?He is not afraid at all.And he didn't need a place in the Xu family either.The reason why he agreed was that his strength could no longer be hidden, so he simply let go.Second, he wanted to make Xu Yang give up completely by winning Xu Yang. Not only that, but he would also occupy this spot, so that Xu Yang would not get a chance.

"No, I don't allow you to compete." Seeing that Xu Han and Xu Yang were eager to try, Xu Leshan forcibly stopped them.

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