Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 241 Rescue 2-

Tofu Novel No pop-up window to read the latest chapter After Liu Menglin returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, she made arrangements for Feng Wanwan and asked Lin Buyu to support Xu Han. She knew very well that it would not be so easy for Xu Han to break out from here Lin Buyu lived up to everyone's expectations, and he really came to Xu Han's side, but now there is a small episode

"Han Yu" Lin Buyu was shocked. When she saw Han Yu for the first time, she fell in love with this cute, soft little beauty. The feeling of sisterhood was born in her heart the moment she met. She didn't want to lose this feeling. , gritted his teeth and rushed into the mid-air. Unfortunately, it was too late. Suddenly—another black shadow, which was several times faster than her, rushed towards Han Yu

It is impossible for Xu Han to see death without saving him. At this critical moment, the spiritual energy in his body is flowing rapidly, and he wants to rush to Lin Buyu's side as soon as possible

"The universe is one" Xu Han immediately realized that something was wrong when he saw Han Yu's swaying figure. Almost [-]% of the spiritual power in his body was concentrated on his feet, which made Xu Han's speed increase by [-]% immediately, and he beat Lin Bu in one fell swoop. Yu, like a streamer, arrived before the attack aimed at Han Yu came

He hugged Han Yu's weak and boneless waist, and his fingertips followed a trace of mystery at the moment when the world first divided-the trajectory crossed the void, with a sort of momentum to point the world. The power core was broken in an instant, and then dissipated in the wind

"Sister, have you seen it? Yu'er can also kill those thieves who harmed you. Yu'er is very powerful. Yu'er misses you, Yu'er misses you so much that you take me outside the village to count the stars." Han Yu quietly leaned against Xu Han His chest, his eyes were already blurred with tears, and his expression had suddenly come to a sudden. Seeing it, Xu Han couldn't help but feel sore. He controlled the force fluctuations in his body, so as not to disturb the poor man, and slowly landed on the ground.

"Is it cool to hold? Hurry up and give it to me." Lin Buyu choked up and looked at Xu Han. Xu Han could see a glint of crystal hidden in the corner of Lin Buyu's eyes. She gently hugged Han Yu and gently stroked Han Yu's faintly trembling body. Jiaoqu glared at Xu Han immediately: "What are you looking at, I've never seen jealousy before."

Xu Han rubbed his chin in embarrassment and thought to himself: "This Lin Buyu really looks like a man when he talks."

At this moment, all the killer moves of the prepared soldiers from the Lingyun Sect were also killed, and they charged towards the bandits in an instant. The bandits had been killed by Han Yu for more than half, and only half of them were left. The mace is like a spirit snake, one stick at a time, killing very happily and Tian Zhen also took out his weapon, which is a three-section stick, which has been connected into a black and blue mace when he charged. The robbers with black and blue maces were all shaken to meat sauce

Beside Tian Zhen is a white shadow. Every time the white shadow flickers, it brings out a large amount of blood. Xu Han can see clearly that the person is Wu Chen. After five breaths, the robber is dead. The last robber to attack Han Yu is the leader. Wang Mu was also killed by Xu Han

In this military training, Han Yu is undoubtedly the most dazzling one who killed most of the robbers by himself, causing hundreds of reserve soldiers to return empty-handed, and even the blood was not stained with many elite disciples. The impression of Yu has also changed greatly, and a kind of respect has been vaguely cultivated.

Moreover, a kind of cohesion appeared among the disciples of the Tiansha Sect, a kind of cohesion of the sect

"Huh?" Han Yu woke up and turned around, and found that she was leaning against Lin Buyu's arms, opened her pitiful eyes to look at Lin Buyu, and said softly, "Thank you, sister" and then turned her head. Looking at Xu Han, he smiled sweetly, "Thank you brother." Xu Han smiled a little embarrassedly. He was only a few months away from eighteen, and he might not be older than Han Yu

"Would you like to be my sister?" Lin Buyu looked at Han Yu seriously, Xu Han could read feelings of pity, affection, love and so on from her eyes, and he could see that she really wanted to be kind to Han Yu and couldn't help feeling cold in his heart: " Could she be Lily..."Me?" Han Yu's eyes dodged a little, she could also see the meaning in Lin Buyu's eyes, and clearly remembered Lin Buyu's anxiety when she was attacked by bandits Mood immediately nodded fiercely: "Sister Lin Buyu" Then she hugged Lin Buyu tightly, and she felt the long-lost family affection and warmth

"Haha" Xu Han couldn't hold back for a while, and laughed

"I'll go to you little girl." Lin Buyu stretched out his small hand and touched Han Yu's leg.

"Sister, you are cheating" Han Yu said and pinched her. Many men who looked at the two girls from a distance swallowed their saliva.

"My lord" Wang Han, who was holding his brother who was about to die, looked up at Li Liang, and said respectfully, "My lord, can you save my brother?" At this time, the cold pool sky spider that was originally stranded in mid-air landed, with its wings folded , manipulating the air to form an airflow to hold its huge body steadily, and landed on the plain like straw lightly, rumbling on the cold pool sky spider. in the dirt

"My lord, please save my brother!" Wang Han's respectful voice sounded, and he looked hopefully at Li Liang who was floating in the air.

"Bang" there was a loud noise, and a stream of light flashed across the sky. Everyone felt that Li Liang was standing in front of Wang Han. His long, slender palm with a dark red brilliance touched the man who was almost breathless in Wang Han's arms. A thin film of light covers him

"Zizi" An inch-deep wound on the man's chest exposing white bones healed with naked eyes. After a few breaths, the man's nasal breathing gradually became thicker, his chest began to rise and fall, and his face gradually turned rosy.

The reason why Li Liang intervened in this matter was not purely to save the woman Han Yu. What he cared about was why the woman in purple clothes in front of him had such powerful strength. If a group of people don't intervene, I'm afraid the woman in white will be able to completely defeat this group of robbers

After all, these robbers only have brute force, no moves, and their attacks are very messy. It is thanks to the woman in white that he didn't kill him

Wang Han is the leader of this caravan. What he experienced this time is probably enough to make him remember his whole life. The process was too ups and downs. He never thought that someone would come to rescue him in the end. And he rescued himself with thunderous means

Wang Han looked at the people in front of him in awe. He knew that even if these people moved their fingers a little now, he would have no strength to resist. Wang Mu's impromptu attack just now made him deeply appreciate the consequences. The true qi in the body is now running out, and I can't even feel it.

This change was beyond his expectation. Even his followers now have some ability to move, but he himself is still lying on the ground without moving, looking like a dead person. I am very clear, now only thoughts can move

Xu Han looked at the mess in the arena, and thought that this battle really made him amazed. How could this be a battle between monks? Is this obviously an ordinary fight between children?Everyone, you stretch out a punch, I greet you with a palm, it seems that everyone doesn't use realm moves anymore

Li Liang carefully looked at the body of the woman in white, hoping to observe something from the clues, but it was very strange. After observing for so long, Li Liang couldn't see what kind of cultivation the woman in white used. Li Liang felt very depressed...

You must know that he is now in the realm of Qi practitioners. In general realms, he can easily see the eyebrows. Although there are too many complicated cultivations in this world, as long as you observe carefully, you can find the source. Li Liang is still very confident about this, but seeing now, he has not found any clues, which made Li Liang feel quite incredible. He thought in his heart that this woman must be very special, otherwise it would be impossible to have such abilities. Can actually hide the state of his body

After experiencing this great war, everyone needs to digest the thoughts in their minds, Xu Han is no exception, but it seems that Xu Han's mood is more or less relaxed than others , which is why Xu Han chose to watch the battle when others were fighting hard

Li Liang did not express his contempt for Xu Han's strength to Xu Han's behavior. There is no need to prove it anymore, because in the battle in Lingyunmen, everyone can easily investigate and deal with the opponent's record. Since Xu Han He didn't choose to fight just now, so he must have his own reasons

At this point, Li Liang still believed that his judgment was as expected. Xu Han walked slowly to Li Liang's side, and said mysteriously, "Elder Wang, were you just looking at the origin of this woman in white?"

Li Liang looked back in disbelief and asked, "Hey 7, how do you know? Okay, you kid, you know what I'm thinking without saying a word? There is a huge potential to be tapped, as expected, you are a talent, so you can observe all the hidden movements."

After Li Liang finished speaking, he patted Xu Han on the shoulder and told him to look at Wang Han. The pills given to Wang Han showed their efficacy

"Oh, I finally came back to life." Wang Han blushed with excitement and kowtowed again and again, "Thank you sir, thank you sir" "It's a pity that the golden elixir in the dantian is broken, but I can live like an ordinary person in the future." Li Liang glanced sideways Wang Han then said, "You do it yourself" 1

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