Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 255 Rewards

Chapter 250 Reward

Xu Han's position in this team is very embarrassing. Although he was introduced by Wang Si, from a certain point of view, Wang Si can't take care of him all the time. Wang Si and his subordinates need to be supervised. , his help to Xu Han was also negligible.

Each team will be in charge of a escort car to ensure safety on this long journey. When bandits attack, these people will be connected end to end to take care of each other. Usually, it is difficult for two people to get together. Si looked at Xu Han and knew that he was thinking about this question, so he could only say helplessly: "As for changing the route, it is not up to me alone. If you don't take this route, you will definitely go around the mountain. Then it will be much farther away.”

Xu Han was not making trouble for no reason, he knew that what Wang Si said was correct, because this road was the closest official road to the destination, but now he was a dumb man eating Coptis chinensis, unable to express his suffering, because On this road, there are so many Liang family members in ambush. He believed that what Linghu said would not be a lie to him

There are also rewards that can be seen everywhere on the road, which is not something I can escape

As soon as the reward came out, except for some of Wang Si's subordinates in the entire bodyguard team, the people under the two of them suddenly looked like cats smelling fishy, ​​not only were they all energetically searching for clues, And there are still a few guys who stare at the surroundings of the cars that Wang Si is in charge of, as if they can confirm that the people who secretly played tricks on Li He and Wang Tian belong to these people under Wang Si. But even so, they It is also impossible to tell who is behind the scenes.

After all, Xu Han is a master of qi refining. Not to mention he is a god-like existence in this team, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to detect his method. And once the elixir made by the poisonous fly is used, it will turn into a red thread drill Into the skin of the human body, the combination of the two, not to mention that second- and third-rate cultivators like them want to find some clues, even if they are really masters of qi refining, they may not be able to find any suspicious things.

But it was precisely because of this that Li He and Wang Tian's people had no results after three days, and after the two people's physical pain became more intense, they looked at Wang Si with endless hatred in their eyes, and the two Although this guy is hateful, he is not a guy without a head, so after thinking about it for a while, they decided to attack Wang Si to play a trick of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, eh, it should be a trick to lure the snake out of the hole

So in the next few days, Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates frequently started provoking some low-level practitioners in Wang Si's team and took advantage of the large number of people. , there are still a lot of people watching from behind, it seems that as long as the people in Wang Si's team dare to make any changes, they will swarm and beat those who dare to resist them

At the beginning of this kind of thing, Wang Si sent everyone to be patient for a while, but later everyone participated, which he couldn't control no matter what. But fortunately, during the day, there was Lin at the helm. Although He Wangtian's men were domineering, they didn't dare to make a big fuss. But once it was night, the people from the two sides gave up their scruples and began to fight with each other.

Especially on the eighth day, Xu Han also found that even Ma Fei went out late, and when he came back, although his nose was not bruised and his face was swollen, he looked a little crooked when he walked, which was obviously eaten by a fight. some small losses

"What's the matter, the people on the other side are very powerful today, even you were injured?" Knowing that every night these days, the people on Wang Si's side would fight secretly with Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates , Xu Han originally wanted to follow along to see, but after a few days in succession, the people on Wang Si's side generally had higher fighting power and state, so they always lost less and won more, so Xu Han also faded away from this thought. But today It seems that Ma Fei didn't take any advantage

"Don't you have the guts to say it? You people with high realms always act like you don't care about your own affairs. Every time we, the practitioners who only have the second level of Qi refining, go, how can we be the same every time?" I can beat others." Ma Fei seemed to be very angry because of his injury. It happened that he also knew that Xu Han was a practitioner of external skills a few days ago, so he came back to complain after suffering a loss, which is of course unavoidable.

So, he came to Lin Ruoyu's bedside and muttered, "Old Ma, you have to follow me to go with me tomorrow, but all the second-level qi refining practitioners here have gone, and you are the only one left. I am the same, but you have been in the second level of qi refining for nearly ten years. How can you say that, whether it is actual combat experience or eyesight, it is better than the ordinary second level of qi refining, although you alone People can't play the role of controlling the scene, but after all, they are a part of fighting power."

Lin Ruoyu made a sloppy look, and said: "Hey, I'm almost an old bone. I'm not involved in the affairs of you young people. Besides, Wang Si didn't express that he wanted to talk to Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates. If there is a conflict between people, if this matter becomes serious, I'm afraid it will be bad. We all follow the brothers of Wang Si. I really have to draw my sword and fight desperately. I'm not the slightest timid, but I feel that this internal battle That's not the case"

Lin Ruoyu paused, looked at Xu Han, and said in a low voice, "Brother Ma, what do you think?"

Before Xu Han could speak, Ma Fei sat down on the bed and muttered like a rascal: "What is it? Yes, although Wang Si didn't say anything, he was still full of anger. We suffered from Wang Si. I don’t care about his aura anyway, you two will come with me tomorrow no matter what, even if you don’t really want to fight, just stand by and watch our aura grow, you have to do your best force"

Lin Ruoyu looked at Xu Han, saw that there seemed to be some kind of light flickering in his eyes, and agreed with his heart: "Okay, I will go with Brother Ma to help you tomorrow night, it will be no problem at all."

"Okay" Ma Fei agreed, and shouted loudly: "I want to see how powerful those second-level Qi refining practitioners under Li He Wangtian are!"

Xu Han originally thought that if Li He and Wang Tian didn't provoke him, then he wouldn't want to worry about it. Lin Ruoyu may be fine if he is united internally. This man who seems to have gone through a lot of vicissitudes may not have any special opinions on whether to go or not. Even if he doesn't say anything, he should be more or less dissatisfied in his heart

Thinking of this, Xu Han saw that Lin Ruoyu had agreed for him, so he didn't make any objections. After waking up the next morning, Xu Han found that the atmosphere in today's bodyguard team seemed to be because of last night. The reason why Ma Fei and the others lost seemed to be somewhat touchy.

Xu Han didn't know where their hatred came from, but he understood that if there was another fight tonight, most of the cultivators under Wang Si's subordinates would probably be more than half of them. Nothing came out, everyone looked calm and calm, but these people under Wang Si's subordinates looked at Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates, each and every one of them wanted to make life worse than death for those guys

This is probably because the person who was beaten yesterday complained to the other cultivators in his team just like Ma Fei when he returned, so in one night, some people who promised to help today have already sent Li He Those under Wang Tian's subordinates were regarded as thorns in the side and thorns in the flesh.

To say that Lin Ruogu didn't know that Xu Han and the others were fighting with these people is to deceive oneself and others. In this bodyguard team, it can be said that there is nothing that can be hidden from Lin Ruogu's eyes. Everyone knows that this food fight is caused by Xu Han But now that the two groups of people are confronting each other, it seems that Xu Han has disappeared, which makes people puzzled

"Hey, old Liu, why do you think the head of the Ma's bodyguard doesn't care about it, seeing that the two groups of people are about to start fighting?"

"What do you know, Mr. Ma's bodyguard is called sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, killing chickens to warn monkeys. You didn't see that kid Xu, who has only been in the bodyguard team for a few days, and has been doing things all the time. I see, the bodyguard is deliberately borrowing this time." Li He's hands, kill that kid's prestige."

"I see, no, you said it was introduced by Xu Li's family, so do our escorts dare to provoke Linhai Li's family? No, so I said this time, Xu Xiaozi has to win in the end."

Discussions like this in the bodyguard team kept coming and going, which is why Lin Ruogu didn't express his opinion on this matter. He is now in a dilemma, but it is obvious that even Wang Si's subordinates have a lot of people After getting up, the people on Li He Wangtian's side didn't have any intention of retreating.

Although Wang Si's cultivators are slightly higher in terms of quality and state than them, but the number of them who can't stand them is twice as many as here, so even if they really fight, Li He and Wang Tian's side People also looked relaxed, and it seemed that there was absolutely no possibility of losing. So during this day, those people under Li He Wangtian not only showed no restraint, but became more arrogant

Wang Si didn't know why things turned out like this. For him, he had always regarded these people as his brothers, but it was these so-called brothers who stabbed him in the back. How embarrassing was this for him?

Xu Han watched from the side, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart because he knew what Wang Si was thinking now, so he couldn't make a choice in his heart


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