Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 257 Infighting

Chapter 250 Seven Infighting

These people have always been domineering, if it wasn't for Wang Si being in this team, and his face was big enough, I'm afraid those guys would have been unable to hold back their desire to do something long ago. These people are very xenophobic. It is also to squeeze them as much as possible

With such an aboveboard opportunity this time, how could they give up?Seeing Xu Han's obsequious look, their grinning laughter became more unscrupulous. Xu Han didn't mind these people and treated him as a prey

Xu Leng looked at these people coldly. There are already enough conflicts suppressed by a group of people. Taking advantage of this opportunity, these people also want to explode completely. Ordinary people at the level of second-level qi refining practitioners may help them cover up this matter under such a threat, so that they can leave unscathed. However, in front of Xu Han, this kind of thing may happen ?Seeing Ma Fei, Lin Ruoyu and others' eyes focused on him, Xu Han seemed to be unable to feel the pressure in the atmosphere, and still threw two pieces of jerky into his mouth

Then he met the expectant eyes of those people and said: "I just said, don't disturb my appetite, even if you four guys are so ignorant, if you are going to surround and beat me, then I have no choice but to Let the brothers give you a long memory." As soon as he finished speaking, he quietly moved a few steps out of the center of the crowd's encirclement, and said: "These guys who came to make trouble, everyone see how to deal with it" said After that, he didn't care what kind of scene these people were going to make, so he walked to the side and found a place to sit down, and continued to feed his unsatisfied stomach. For him, this kind of dispute among low-level cultivators I have no interest in letting him do it at all.

Unless those guys had no eyesight and touched his bottom line, Xu Han didn't even bother to talk to them. So for the current situation, he only needs to ensure that the people around him who can see the past are not wronged, and that's already enough

It's not that Xu Han is too weak to care about it, but that he feels that what Linghu said is right. There is really no need to have the same knowledge as such people on weekdays. Han will kill people if he makes a move now, so usually, he really doesn't want to expose himself casually. However, he has no intention of doing it, but Ma Fei and the others are quite different.

After Xu Han retreated, these guards who had long wanted to find someone to vent their anger rushed away in an instant. It seemed that whoever beat them less would be despised by everyone. Xu Han didn't mean to sympathize with them. Those who are beaten deserve what they deserve

Seeing the righteous indignation of the crowd, Xu Han understood, it seems that Li He and Wang Tian are really unpopular. He didn't say any more words, and silently retreated to the side. Not long after, the crowd had already beaten the troublemakers to the point where they didn't know where to go. Even if they rested for a few days, it would not be easy for them to recover.

Wang Si's men, who have been running darts for many years, are very measured in their strikes, that is, they will not kill people, and they all have a bad breath in their hearts. Fortunately, these people are aware of current affairs, and they did not dare to resist when they saw such a situation. Otherwise, the beating might get worse, but even if everyone did not hit hard, after everyone dispersed, those people would still be lying on the ground moaning in pain, and they would not have the strength to get up by themselves.

Seeing this situation, Ma Fei and others found someone to inform Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates to come and carry them away. Li He and Wang Tian's subordinates obviously knew that something happened in this boundary So when they came to carry people, there was no verbal dispute, but when they walked far away, someone turned their head and cursed: "Who did this, dare to beat our people like this? Let's see if Uncle Ben doesn't kill those bastards."

As soon as this person said this, there were a few good guys who wanted to chase them to show them off, but under the scolding of Ma Fei and others, it was nothing in the end. Fortunately, Li He and Wang Tian's men suffered a loss. He also knew how to avoid the limelight, so although there was a local commotion about this incident, it still didn't reach Lin Ruogu in the end, so the incident at noon didn't make a big fuss in the end.

Because of such an episode, when they continued their journey in the afternoon, everyone on both sides glared at each other's people, and each of them seemed to be gearing up, waiting for Lin Ruogu and the others to rest in the evening. It happened to be late in the private settlement, and the bodyguard team was resting in a big city called Qinghe County, so after dinner, the temporary hires below all packed up to prepare for a good fight at night

In fact, the more ordinary a cultivator is, the less likely he is to back down. Even if he knew that the other party was numerous and powerful, the people on Wang Si's side did not show any fear at all. give each other some bitter taste

In the magnificent history of the mainland of China, there only need to be hundreds of people at the bottom, and some people dare to stand on the top of the mountain and be the king alone. However, most of the high-ranking officials or big shots are waiting for everything. Only after you grasp it will you act. Of course, this is not a question of who is afraid of death or who cherishes his life more than the other, but that in comparison, people at the bottom will appear more meaningless and passionate.

In Xu Han's eyes, Ma Fei and others undoubtedly belonged to this type of reckless people who can't use their brains, but Xu Han didn't want him to suffer any real losses, so when everyone armed themselves, he I had no choice but to tidy myself up with Daliu, and then under Ma Fei's strong invitation, I followed him and Lin Ruoyu out of the post station, and then gathered with thirty people, and came to the pre-agreed place aggressively

The fight between the two parties at noon had obviously aroused the hidden anger of Li He and Wang Tian. This can be seen from the fact that after Xu Han and others arrived, the people on the opposite side seemed to have been waiting for a long time. Ma Fei and others entered the arena, and a man in his early forties with a second-level qi refining cultivation base on the opposite side immediately raised his head and shouted: "Ma Fei, today is the same as yesterday, let's send out a few people to fight a few times, or everyone All together, each fighting according to the law and ability?"

What this person said was that, like the day before yesterday, everyone would send several people to fight each other for several rounds.

Although these are two very simple choices, when he said this first, his meaning was already vaguely pointing to the latter. People, but the number of opponents is at least fifty. It is really going to be a scuffle, which side will be at a disadvantage. Anyone can see that Xu Han thought that Ma Fei chose the latter for the sake of face on impulse. But obviously Ma Fei is not out of his mind

So after the other party asked this question, he immediately retorted with a sarcasm and smiled: "What's the matter? Don't tell me Lin Buyu, you are afraid that if you fight alone, you will lose as badly as before, so this time you are going to rely on the sea of ​​​​people tactics to have a wheel battle Come on, if you are really not as good as us in fighting alone, then we can let you go alone."

"Don't say anything, just fight alone." Ma Fei obviously wanted to irritate the middle-aged man, but the other party didn't realize that this was Ma Fei's trick for him, so he couldn't finish his sentence. The guy named Lin Buyu immediately waved his hand and made a choice for Ma Fei, but after choosing this, seeing that his companions behind him were a little scared, he shouted again: "Wait a minute, although we have chosen This is a one-on-one fight, but I still have one more request, I don’t know if you dare to agree to it, Ma Fei.”

Ma Fei was stunned for a while, but he didn't agree casually. He just said sarcastically: "It's really Lin Buyu, if you are afraid, then just say it, as long as you admit that the people on your side are not as good as us, How about those of us who are broad-minded, just treat all of you as farts and let go of everything, including your arrogance on our side before, and we can write it off, how about it?" After finishing speaking, he shouted something behind him. : "Guys, do you think so?"

This kind of tone and tone, of course, caused a lot of laughter behind him, and then looked at Lin Buyu, all of them looked unhesitating, staring at Lin Buyu with flickering eyes, as if they were complaining that he couldn't shock them, Let Ma Fei take advantage of his words

Seeing this unexpected situation, Lin Buyu knew that if he didn't get his face back, his prestige might be damaged, so he yelled and cursed: "Go to you, only a few second-level qi refining masters on your side are all There are no three, I will be afraid that you will not pay the request that the uncle just said, but just want to appoint one of your side to play, Ma Fei, are you afraid that your side's humanity is poor, so you dare not agree? "

When Ma Fei heard that the other party made this request, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, but he said with a half-hearted mouth: "You are really a killer, and you can also assign the other party's people to play. I heard that you have another one over there." Qi refining second-level cultivator, can I also designate him as one of the ten people on your side? Lin Buyu, Lin Buyu, you are missing a finger, why does it seem that you are missing a piece of your head?"

Lin Buyu didn't understand the situation now, he thought the situation would be under his control, so his expression was very calm, and he didn't care about what Ma Fei said just now

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