Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 268 Intercept 2

[-]th Volley Two

Xu Han looked forward, and suddenly found a scene that made him unbearable. It turned out that he was not the only one here.

But when Xu Han was standing there naked, before putting on his clothes, there were several screams of varying heights, and then, a group of extremely angry voices rang out, drifting directly into Xu Han's body. Han's ear: "Who is this person, why is he here?"

It's outrageous to be naked where we usually fetch water, huh?I don't want to see you, you stinky rascal." When Xu Han opened his mouth wide and felt like he was about to lose his mind, a group of girls with fluttering skirts, all aged sixteen or seventeen, appeared not far from the well. The place

And among these women, some were angrily shouting at themselves, some shyly covered their eyes with their hands, and some bold and enthusiastic girls kept laughing, chatting and laughing with the people around them. , while pointing at himself, there are really thousands of forms, and I can’t say it

"Oh..." Xu Han was seen by so many people, and it was probably the first time he had been stupid since he was born. After a while, he raised his head to the sky and let out a scream, and immediately covered his important parts with his clothes, and then hurriedly I found a hidden place and put the clothes on myself indiscriminately, and then I recovered a little bit from the flustered state.

But also because of this little time delay, the group of women had already come to the front, as if they had negotiated, they directly surrounded him who was already dressed. Under the bright sky, the body was shown by a group of women Completely, Xu Han is no longer in the state of keeping calm all the time, and even he who has advanced to Qi Refining doesn't know how to describe his mood at the moment

Xu Han saw that although the girls surrounded him, they did not denounce the hooligans. Of course, it was impossible for him to harden his heart and do something destructive, especially when there were still a few of them. After putting on the clothes, he still glanced at himself with his eyes, as if he had the power of perspective

Xu Han felt that he couldn't cover his body with such a suit of clothes. God was not helping me. Why did he encounter such a huge embarrassing incident? Didn't Xu Han never think about running away directly? Xu Han is the first This is the first time I have encountered such an embarrassing thing, and without knowing how to deal with it, running away directly to avoid further escalation of the embarrassment is indeed a good way

But when Xu Han had this idea in his mind, or when those girls were screaming, somewhere in the mountains, there were two absolute pressures that completely enveloped him. An aura that he can be sure does not belong to Wang Feng and the two, but it is thicker and fuller than Wang Feng's aura

Even, this aura is much more unpredictable than the aura of a strong man like Wang Feng he felt before.

"There must be a master of cultivation here." Almost instantly, Xu Han made a judgment, especially now that he is being chased by a powerful enemy, he is naturally unwilling to take the risk of offending such a powerful enemy and choose to run away So after Xu Han turned his thoughts around a few times, he had no choice but to bow his hands shyly, and bowed to dozens of girls around him. After holding back for a long time, he suddenly shouted in shock: "Well, thank you for your support, one tael of silver per person, thank you Patronage"

"Oh, this man is so shameless." When the words came out, no matter whether they were angry, stern, or without any attitude, they all burst out laughing.

It is estimated that a group of women look at a man with the same mentality as a group of men surrounding a woman. This not only reduces a lot of scruples, even the most timid people can use the situation to open their mouths and tease unscrupulously. In this case, the defense of men and women will also be extremely weak and even, the enthusiastic little girl, after Xu Han said this, laughed tremblingly and said: "Thank you for patronizing each of us for a tael of silver, Little dd, sister, I'll take care of you for a day alone, is ten silver pancakes enough?"

"Ten silver pancakes a day." Xu Han opened his mouth, and couldn't help being stunned again. Obviously, he felt that he seemed to be going in the wrong direction by talking in this way. After all, he was surrounded by a group of women. There are so many of them, and there are quite a few of them who are bold and enthusiastic. If you really want to talk so glibly, although I can't guarantee that I will be ashamed to be run by others in the end, but at least These girls can definitely do it to the extent that they make themselves feel ashamed

What a strange thing, if this matter is not handled well, it will be a nuisance

In particular, those two murderous auras that seemed to be real didn't evacuate from his side at all. Xu Han felt that he didn't recite a few words of Amitabha this morning, so that he didn't dare to run like this now, and he couldn't stand still. Knowing how to deal with things, of course, it is definitely not an option to let the situation go on like this, so Xu Han broke the bowl and threw it out, putting on a smiling face and saying: "Hey, that's really great, I wonder if this sister wants to start from now on?"

Now, it was the turn of the one who teased him to be stupefied, and then the little maid blushed and spat, then quietly moved behind the others, not showing her face anymore The other girls obviously didn't expect that After Han said such shameless words, everyone was stunned for a while, and no one dared to answer the words

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Han immediately waved his hands and said, "Sisters, if there is nothing to do, I will leave. We will meet later." After finishing speaking, Xu Han glanced at the place where the breath rose from the mountain, and then turned around and left. open try

However, as soon as he finished speaking, all the girls seemed to wake up, screamed coquettishly, and then tightened the surrounding circle. One of them was a little older, about seventeen or eighteen years old. He stood up and said, "Hmph, little dd, since you're here, you can't leave. Sisters, the stepmother just sent me a voice transmission and said that we just need a labor force to carry water and chop firewood. Don't you think this is just right?" ah"

"Of course it's appropriate." All the women responded in unison, and he shuddered instantly. The sound transmission from the mountain range feels frightening

The scene at this time is very ambiguous, just think about it, you can understand, such a large group of young girls, Yingyingyanyan, and their delicate voices sounded at the same time, anyone would be in awe , making his body feel as if he was counting nine winters, that is, his body shook like this, and he was actually seen by this group of girls, so they came forward one by one with a smile, and wanted to give Xu Han to seven Grab it with all hands and take it away

To tell the truth, these girls basically only have the strength of the second level of Qi refining, even the tallest girl, who is sixteen or seventeen years old, is only at the third level of Qi refining

If Xu Han doesn't want to be caught by them, let alone there are only less than twenty girls, even if there are twice as many girls, there is no possibility of trapping him at all. In fact, Xu Han really doesn't want to be caught by these girls. Grab it, it's too embarrassing to say it.

This place is really mysterious and unpredictable. As soon as he entered here, he found these two great auras. Xu Han slandered in his heart: "It seems that the master of the two auras who secretly pays attention to himself is so high that he may have already to the point of perfection”

But that's good too, at least Wang Feng and his party who are following him behind, may not dare to enter this place due to the unknown situation in the valley

Xu Han adhered to the mentality of being safe when he came. Now that he has entered this place, all doubts and worries are useless. Besides, the "master" here doesn't seem to have much hostility towards him. If he really wants to solve himself If so, I'm afraid there's no need for a trick.

However, Xu Han's thought had just reverberated in his heart, before his body exerted any strength, an old voice sounded very clearly in his ears: "Boy, I don't care which expert taught you Disciple, if you are a proud disciple from some aristocratic family, I advise you to do less struggling."

Thousands of miles of sound transmission, Xu Han has always believed that this supernatural power can only be learned by spirit foxes, but he didn't expect that now in this remote valley, he saw the girls from another person and looked at the girls in front of him. He could only let the pair of white, tender and boneless hands grab his hands and feet, and then he heard the leading girl laugh, and the enthusiastic and bold girls lifted Xu Han up without hesitation. Get up, just like that, with laughter like silver bells, the group of people gradually left Hequan

This is a very steep cliff on the surface, but when you get closer, you find that it is not the case at all. This mountain is the kind of cliff with a fault every other section of the mountain road, but it is probably because these girls are used to walking So, carrying Xu Han was actually walking very fast, within the time it took for a cup of tea, Xu Han found that the girls had climbed over a mountain and came to the foot of the mountain between the other mountain

I don't know whether this flat place is formed naturally or artificially. It is actually a flat valley with several hundreds of feet in length and width. The two sides of the valley are next to two mountains, and there is a row of wooden houses on each side, which Xu Han feels. To my surprise, there are quite a few girls around fifteen or sixteen years old in this house, chatting in twos and threes, or gathering together to practice Taoism, and quite a few people are sitting around Beside a middle-aged beautiful woman, she seemed to be listening to her explaining something. In addition, there were some young girls who obviously noticed the scene here, so they happily ran over to greet her.

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