Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 31 Debunked by Yang Qing

Volume 31 The Situation in Baihe Town]Chapter [-] Debunked by Yang Qing

Rumors and gossip kept coming from around, talking about this and that, but Xu Han didn't listen to a word.What Xu Han cared about was Yang Qing's attitude.Yang Qing was obviously influenced by Xu Zhengtian, so he paid some attention to him.

Xu Han realized that going on like this was not good for him, so Xu Han decided to do something to correct it.

Xu Han thought for a long time, and his only flaw was to teach Xu Yang a lesson.Originally, he thought that there was no major problem with the shot, but now it seems that is not the case.Xu Han was going to solve this problem. The way to solve the problem was to find ways to paralyze Yang Qing.Xu Han sat in a ruined temple, thinking quietly.

In order to find a way, Xu Han also took out all the items in the storage bag.

Xu Han laughed when he saw a magic talisman.He thought of a way.

Standing up, Xu Han walked outside.

The monks outside in twos and threes are all resting. It should take a day to come here, and the monks are a little tired.Yang Qing took advantage of the gap between the fights to let the monks rest.

Xu Han keeps looking for his goals and realizes his plans.

"Then Xu Han is a soft bastard who has no strength at all and relies on talismans to bully people..." A voice came to his ears, and Xu Han smiled slightly.He has found his purpose.It was on top of a pile of chaotic rocks, and several monks from the fifth and sixth floors of Qi Refining were huddling together and discussing something.One of the monks at the fifth level of Qi Refining said the words just now indignantly.

Without further ado, Xu Han stepped forward and interrupted, "Who are you talking about?"

The monk on the fifth floor of Qi Refining was still very young, with some pimples on his face, he was suddenly interrupted by Xu Han and was taken aback.Seeing that it was Xu Han, thinking about what he said just now, and thinking that Xu Han is a powerful talisman, and he is really at the fifth level of Qi refining. He is as strong as him, and he has friends around him, so he is not afraid.He boldly said: "I am also at the fifth level of Qi refining, and I am still a spiritual practitioner. You are not as good as me as a demon practitioner. You rely on talismans to take advantage. What ability do you have that you can be proud of?"

Xu Han sneered inwardly, yes, he is looking for a rookie at the fifth level of Qi refining like you.

Xu Han said contemptuously, "I'm a talisman-making cultivator, so what's wrong with relying on talismans?"

Being choked back by Xu Han's words, the little monk at the fifth level of Qi Refining was choked.The world of cultivating immortals has never stipulated that monks who make talismans cannot use talismans to win people.But ordinary talisman-making cultivators are not as perverted as Xu Han and as powerful as talismans.The little monk on the fifth floor of Qi Refining groaned for a long time, but couldn't say a word.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Xu Han smiled and said, "Don't talk about using talismans, even if you don't use talismans, I can easily win against trash like you."

Hearing Xu Han say that he is a waste, the little monk at the fifth level of Qi Refining was extremely angry. "If you have the ability, don't use talismans."

"So what if you don't need it." Xu Han looked enigmatic.But in private, Xu Han had already secretly released a talisman.This kind of magic talisman is called Qi Gathering Talisman. After it is released, it attaches to the monk, continuously accumulates the monk's aura or magic energy, slowly increases the monk's mana, and finally allows the monk to fight at a higher level.If you don't inquire carefully, you can't see the way at all.But Xu Han is sure that there is one person who will definitely perceive it.This person was none other than Yang Qing who was meditating under a shrine in the center of the ruins.

Xu Han didn't dare to observe Yang Qing's own reaction, otherwise it would be self-defeating.

What Xu Han needs to do is to rely on this magic talisman to teach this monk who is on the fifth or sixth level of Qi Refining a hard lesson.In essence, Xu Han can do it without this talisman.But now he has to rely on the magic talisman, what he wants is to make Yang Qing misunderstand and paralyze Yang Qing.Xu Han was sure that it was absolutely impossible for Xu Leshan to tell Yang Qing the real situation, so based on the dictation of Xu Yang and others, Yang Qing would definitely make a wrong judgment and mistakenly think that Xu Han used the Qi Gathering Talisman at that time.

As long as there is such a misunderstanding, Yang Qing will relax his vigilance against him.

From now on, if Xu Han does some things again, he won't be under such intense surveillance, lest his true strength will be exposed if he fails to do so like now.Xu Han fully imagined that once he reveals his true strength, all kinds of troubles will definitely follow.As for the Xu family, there will definitely be fierce conflicts, especially Wu Yehong. Xu Han has a vague feeling that Wu Yehong intends to be unfavorable to him.

If Wu Yehong was just an ordinary woman, Xu Han would not be afraid.

But Wu Yehong also has a cultivating family behind him, and it is said that there are powerful monks in another sect in the family.The power of the family is far beyond what the Xu family can match, and Xu Han is not qualified to compete head-on with Wu Yehong at all.

All these forced Xu Han to choose to keep a low profile. Only by keeping a low profile can he survive.

The world of cultivating immortals is not the society of the past. There is no law in the world of cultivating immortals. It is common for monks to prey on the strong.In the absence of absolute strength, a high profile just makes him die faster.

"You really don't use talismans?" The little monk at the fifth level of Qi Refining seemed not to believe it.

Xu Han showed his white teeth, and said harmlessly, "Of course not." In private, Xu Han added: "It's no wonder you don't need it."

The little monk on the fifth level of Qi Refining laughed triumphantly. "Then don't blame you for asking for trouble, watch the sword." Hit as soon as you say, for fear that Xu Han will regret it.

Xu Han smiled, and with a movement of his consciousness, the huge physical force from the gathered energy burst out.Then, under the surprised and horrified eyes of everyone, Xu Han sent the fifth-level Qi-refining monk flying with a single palm.In mid-air, the little Qi-refining fifth-level monk spat out a big mouthful of blood, apparently seriously injured.


To Xu Han's satisfaction, Yang Qing stopped him.As expected, Yang Qing was paying attention here, so was his plan successful?

"You kid is not strong enough, you rely on the talisman to win. However, using the talisman is enough. But you clearly promised others not to use the talisman, but secretly used the Qi-gathering talisman. You are so vicious to deceive people like this. "Yang Qing rebuked Xu Han loudly while treating the little Qi-refining fifth-level cultivator.

"This junior knows his mistake." Xu Han hurriedly begged for mercy.

In private, Xu Han was secretly glad.This shows that Yang Qing has already been deceived by him, and Yang Qing has already mistakenly believed that Xu Han is using the vicious Qi Gathering Talisman to fool outsiders.This is what wins over others.Naturally, Xu Han taught Xu Yang the last time, so it can be understood in this way.Even if the Xu family mentioned it in the future, Yang Qing would have something to say.And Xu Han also believed that Yang Qing would definitely not take the initiative to tell the Xu family.

Who is Yang Qing?Is it necessary to explain things to the Xu family?

The conspiracy was "exposed" by Yang Qing, and the gas-refinement period monks around were shocked to understand.Xu Han has such a strong strength, it is not his own strength at all, but the talisman.It's just that Xu Han was really "insidious" and secretly used the Qi gathering talisman, and then said that he didn't use the talisman.If they meet, maybe they will also suffer a big loss.

For a moment, the monks looked at Xu Han differently.

In the past, I only thought Xu Han was shameless, but now I think Xu Han is even more sinister.This made Xu Han dumbfounded, but he had no choice but to do this in order to paralyze Yang Qing.Even if it hurts a little reputation, it's nothing compared to Yang Qing's attention.

Yang Qing turned around and left after giving the little Qi-refining fifth-level monk a simple treatment and handing it over to his friend.Before leaving, he took a hard look at Xu Han, but he didn't say anything after all.

Xu Han secretly let out a big mouthful of foul air.The secret path finally passed this level by accident.

I'm sorry to be out late.

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