Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 318 Conspiracy

Chapter 310 Conspiracy

Although Linghu has been with Xu Han for so long, Xu Han is not very clear about his origin.But Xu Han never doubted what he said, because the other party had no reason to lie to him.Since he said that there was Zhang Zhongqi in the team ahead, no matter how strange it was, Xu Han had no doubts in his mind.

Since leaving Linhai City, he has never seen Zhang Zhongqi again. Xu Han has always respected Zhang Zhongqi as a friend.Because in critical times, it was this friend who helped him.Although people who cultivate immortals are somewhat indifferent to human feelings in their hearts.

But Xu Han was still very grateful to Zhang Zhongqi. What Linghu said just now gave Xu Han a clearer understanding of Taoism.If you want to advance again, you need too many panacea.And Zhang Zhongqi is in the Five Elements Gate, and now he is also a man of the hour.

I must be able to get some elixir from him, and use these things to refine the spirit pill, it must be successful.Although practicing Taoism and advancing to the realm, aura is extremely important.But between heaven and earth, the absorption of aura is not easy.That's why more people came to think of some ways to condense the aura.

Aura is the foundation of everything, without aura, spells cannot be cast.When the spiritual energy accumulates to a certain level, the spiritual energy in the monk's body will be sublimated into spiritual power. At first, this spiritual power will be uncontrollable in the body and run amok, but as long as it is reconciled, this spiritual power will truly Become the Supreme Spirit.

This spiritual power, commonly known as spiritual power, is two completely different ways of existence from spiritual energy.Because of their different natures, the two cannot be compared together. In short, spiritual power evolved from spiritual energy.The cultivation method of every monk is similar, it is nothing more than gathering spiritual energy and breaking through the barriers in the body.

This is just the preparatory process for monks. If you want to go to the next level, you need to study the way to use spiritual power, because only spiritual power can truly kill monks who are higher than yourself.In the process of cultivation, monks will inevitably have disputes and fights with others. How to ensure that their lives are not threatened is a headache for every monk.

The length of practice time is directly related to the final achievement of each monk.Looking at the mainland, even people like Tian Zijian rely on the endless years of their lives to be able to cultivate to the point of becoming a god.

Although at the beginning, they also relied on the amount of spiritual energy to fight people, but after reaching the level of fighting masters, the spiritual energy could no longer satisfy their fierce magic moves.

As the name suggests, this spiritual power is a spiritual power, and it also has clear categories, which are divided into seven categories: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin, and yang. At this time, Zhang Zhongqi explained to Xu Han that all these are The key point is also to let Xu Han understand which one should be concerned about at the moment.

Now that Xu Han heard this, he knew in his heart that the cultivation of this monk was not as simple as he thought before, and there were so many rules and regulations in it. It seemed that he really underestimated this monk.Fortunately, Zhang Zhongqi, a know-it-all, is by his side.

Xu Han asked in a low voice, "Old man Ling, if you say that, what kind of strange attribute is the spiritual power in my body? Could this spiritual power also have no attribute?"

Zhang Zhongqi looked at Xu Han with a strange expression and said, "Of course, you don't know, but this non-attribute spiritual power still has a very special benefit for you."

"Something special?" Xu Han frowned. "Your spiritual power has no attributes, which means that you don't have to suffer from the situation of ordinary fighters who cannot be promoted if you don't have enough understanding of the attributes and spiritual power. In the battle last night, you not only raised your cultivation to the level of a fighter, but also The degree of mastery of power, as well as comprehension of the sword spirit, can completely allow you to improve your cultivation level by four to five levels without continuing to comprehend power. That is to say, you can still continue to rely on the artifact in your mind to improve Cultivation."

This is good news!Xu Han smiled happily. In this case, doesn't it mean that he can continue to enjoy the rocket-like improvement in strength?Although it can only increase the spiritual power by four to five levels, it's not bad, isn't it?However, this sword still has the sword spirit that Zhang Zhongqi said, so what's going on?Xu Han asked again: "Then tell me about my two broken swords and what is the sword spirit you just mentioned? These two broken swords, I am actually reluctant to put them in the space kit a feeling of!"

"Your two broken swords, you have to treat them well." Zhang Zhongqi said with a complex expression: "It was these two broken swords that blew themselves last night after they developed their sword skills and let you survive. However, although the sword technique has already been born, it is a sword technique without the body of the sword after all, and it is just a sword technique that has just been born, so it is not very useful to you." Sword technique?Xu Han reached out and stroked the two scabbards lightly, closed his eyes, and seemed to really feel the pain behind the broken sword coming from the scabbard, and the joy when he just gently stroked it!These two swords seem to be my closest relatives, what a wonderful feeling!Xu Han felt that this life seemed to be inseparable from these two swords, "Can my Liuguang and Chihong be repaired?" Xu Han asked.

"It is possible, but, after all, they are swords that have given birth to swordsmanship. The person who repairs the sword body must be their owner. The sword body repaired by others is equivalent to two completely different swords for them. Different broken swords are put together, they will not admit it." Zhang Zhongqi explained.

"Well, in a few days I'll have to find a blacksmith's shop and learn how to forge iron." Xu Han said with a smile. As soon as he finished speaking, two more words of gratitude from the two swords appeared in Xu Han's mind!

"Little guy, are you kidding?" Zhang Zhongqi was taken aback: "Little guy, you have to think clearly, you have the artifact in your mind, and you have learned the art of formation, it can be refined completely." There is no need to spend time cultivating these two low-level swords step by step after producing high-level swords, and then use the artifacts in your mind to upgrade them into divine swords! They allow you to comprehend the spirit of the sword. For you now Since they saved you, why don't you just treat them well?" Just kidding, this kid's talent is really good, but there's no need to be distracted by blacksmithing?With the art of formation, blacksmithing is simply useless. I have already comprehended the spirit of swordsmanship, so why bother with a newborn swordsmanship?From the point of view of profit, these two broken swords are really useless, but it is also because Zhang Zhongqi himself has never felt the blood relationship with the sword!

But Xu Han shook his head and said: "I must learn how to forge iron. Let's not talk about it. Tell me what is the sword spirit? I think I seem to have mastered one more sharp and powerful thing, but I can't say it. It's the feeling of magic."

Since Xu Han didn't want to talk about this issue anymore, that is to say, he was determined to learn blacksmithing, Zhang Zhongqi could only sigh and said: "You must learn, that's up to you, but these two broken swords are also It is really worth you to learn to forge iron for them and forge swords for them."

"As for the sword spirit, little guy, do you know that in the era I live in, apart from the God Transformation I mentioned who comprehended the element of space attributes, there is also a God Transformation who can barely match the holy rank of Spiritual Qi at the time of God Transformation strength?" Other super-powerful characters!" Zhang Zhongqi sighed in a low voice.There is one more thing he didn't say, that is, if the weapon used by the Spiritual Qi Saint is the same as that of the Transformation God, the difference in strength between the two will be almost equal to zero!Another super powerhouse?Xu Han was startled.

"You have heard of the nickname of Huashen before." Zhang Zhongqi said.

'I've heard it again? "The super-powerful characters that Xu Han knows now are all related to Zhang Zhongqi!What kind of character was this old man 5000 years ago?But he quickly calmed down, because the formation of Wumi Peak was arranged by the old man himself. With the old man's terrifying cultivation, the world can be shaken by force, and there are probably no five people. Of course, this is just Xu Han's speculation. If he knew the true identity of the old man, he would probably lie down and sleep soundly.

"What is the identity of grandpa, and why did he attract such a powerful enemy? From the power he exuded just now, it can be seen that the person in front of him has at least the ability to transform into a god, or even stronger." Xu Han wondered, Outside the formation at this time.

"Sovereign, since that person hasn't appeared for such a long time, he probably left already." The man in black didn't know when he appeared in front of the young man.

"Probably not. After all, with his status, it is impossible to escape," the young man frowned, uncertain. After all, the old man is a very terrifying existence. To say that he fled without fighting, is really different. Unbelievable.

"If that person is still the same person from back then, he will never escape, but now, he is a defector from our world. Even if he is strong, he can't resist the pursuit of our world." Black clothed People speak their minds.

"In that case, you should go down and have a look first. After all, based on his status, he probably won't attack you." The young man decided, after all, standing here like this is not an option.

"Yes!" After speaking, the man in black turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the formation.In the array

"Hmph, even if your cultivation base is as strong as Huashen, if you want to forcibly create this formation, you are just courting death." Looking at the person who came, Xu Leng said coldly. The power of this array.The black shadow landed in front of the formation at this time, with purple flames shining in his eyes, he stared at the formation motionlessly for an unknown amount of time, maybe it was a moment, maybe it was an hour.The man in black suddenly moved, his whole body seemed to turn into a puff of black smoke, and directly entered the formation.

"Yes, Li Fengyu's movement is getting faster and faster. It has reached the state of atomization." The young man nodded with a smile. The moment the man in black entered the formation, he immediately condensed into his real body, What caught his eyes was a world of blue sky and white clouds, and he could even smell the fragrance of the soil.

"How is it possible?" Li Fengyu was shocked. He had heard the news from the young man earlier, saying that this big formation was arranged by that person, so he dared to rush in with confidence.But everything in front of him has already exceeded his cognition.

"A large array arranged at random can actually hide a whole world." Li Fengyu's head gradually seeped cold sweat. He stood there, not daring to move at all. He planned to respond to all changes without change. .But is it really safe for him to stand there without moving?He quickly said the answer.At this time, a huge meteor was flying towards him. Of course, with Li Fengyu's cultivation base, he would not pay attention to a mere meteor, but when he was about to move, he was horrified to find that his body had already been covered by countless trees. The vines were entwined, and what surprised him even more was that those vines actually imprisoned his skill.

The meteor was getting closer and closer, and Li Fengyu even felt the heat of the meteor.Li Fengyu slowly opened his eyes. When he saw the young man in front of him, he knew that he was saved, because no one knew the horror of young people better than him.Wanbi thought that the young man was just an ordinary person. In fact, he didn't know how old he was, but after reaching his level of skill, he could change his appearance at will.

Judging from the strange man himself, Xu Han must be dead this time!He sighed slightly, but he didn't return to the mustard space. He must return, but not now. Xu Han died in the big di du this time. Even if everyone in this yard died, as long as That little girl from the Lin family is still alive, she will definitely come back to tidy up Xu Han's belongings, and at the same time tidy up this mustard space, this time the weirdo doesn't have to worry that she will fall into a coma for thousands of years again.

This can also be blamed for the head guest's lack of affection. After all, Xu Han is just his most common host for thousands of years, but the strange head guest still wants to see the last moment. After all, Xu Han is not dead yet, is he?But at this last moment, the strange head guest widened his eyes and looked at this young boy in disbelief.

At this moment, Xu Han actually sealed all the so-called repairs in the mustard space that Xiaoyaozi had not yet reached the yellow level of aura, and until the attainment of formations broke through to the master level of formations, it is impossible to unseal the seal and study Throw out all the five-element spiritual rings of the new knowledge, including all the heaven-level rune knives, array knives, and seal pens of the array-breaking set series, all of which are evenly thrown out, just before the trapped dragon is shot out, overwhelming Covered in front of him, such a formation can make even the strange heads feel ashamed.The strange head slapped his head, and then suddenly remembered that this sleepy dragon is very powerful, but it is only a soul attack skill. Since it is a soul attack skill, it can be used when encountering people with stronger strength or people with sealed energy. At that time, its effect will drop to zero indefinitely. At that time, Xu Han has the final say on everything?

It turned out to be like this, the strange head guest couldn't help feeling annoyed, why didn't he think of this just now?In such an extremely dangerous and crazy situation, he can still make the best defense in time. This little guy really has crazy capital!The strange head guest praised, but looking at Xu Han's eyes, he was a little more admirable. It seems that this little guy can get to this point, it is really not accidental, he has unparalleled fighting energy.

The power of the strange head guest's soul is very strong, so his mind is also very fast, and he can immediately think of the solution, which is not too surprising, but from the appearance of the trapped dragon to the time when Xu Han took out the impossible aura The soul of the soul of the formation of the yellow rank attacked the broken sealed item, which was almost the same time!What kind of environment does the little guy need to develop such a sensitive reaction?Or, he is really God's darling, born with such a sharp view of the big picture?

The subsequent scene can be said to be even more confusing to the strange head. It is not only the strange head who does not understand, but the black light that is struggling to see the dragon touches one of the five-element spirit rings. In the middle, the five-element spirit ring just trembled twice and fell to the ground. The sleepy dragon didn't pass through that five-element spirit ring, and didn't even hurt that five-element spirit ring at all!

Then, it actually saw that humble and self-confident human being, dared to show a terrifying look to itself, and wanted to clenched his fist and beat him to reveal it?Is this human being crazy?This is the most direct thought in the mind of the soul of Formation, so he smiled even more disdainfully, and just stretched out a hand lightly, it will let that ordinary human being who humiliates himself again and again know something It is an absolute gap in strength, and then let this human being be my food tonight, let him pay the price for playing tonight!Let this tiny human being know that our formation souls are not easy to bully.

The almost materialized pale hand of the formation soul quickly squeezed Xu Han's fist, without the expected bone shattering sound!The soul of the formation was even horrified to find out that at this moment, it seemed like a mouse saw a cat, it couldn't use any more strength in an instant, and collapsed!

Xu Han was overjoyed when he saw that the soul of the formation had become like this. Just as he was about to move forward, suddenly a mechanical voice came from the yin and yang fish. The voice was very cold, "I found Xuanjie Level [-] soul power source, it is recommended to seize it, currently the third charge is full and cannot be seized, do you want to use the third energy level? Warning, the first-grade soul power source of the mysterious level is extremely dangerous to the current cultivation of the host, please choose carefully !" Xu Han has prepared carefully for so long, risking his life, isn't it for this?How could such a good thing be obliterated?Hurry up and take out the stack of yellow papers that recorded the Dao Heart Demon Art from the mustard space. Without any surprise, after bursts of faint white light, the yellow papers disappeared, replaced by a brand new book, on the pages The four bronzing characters of Overlord's Sword appeared immediately.

The extremely fierce sword intent was revealed from the eight characters!The yellow-level earth-level peak swordsmanship and Taoism marked below it made Xu Han's bulge almost stick out!

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