Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 323 Unable to 2

Linghu has not appeared in Xu Han's mind for a long time *book* (in the inheritance land of Dishamen, Linghu just gave Xu Han a little guidance on how to break the talisman formation. After all, it is Wu Jin's spirit, he put all his hopes on that formation, of course it is very powerful

Now that Xu Han recalled that thrilling battle in the place of inheritance, his heart is still unstoppably excited. This experience can really be capitalized and written in a close-up. If Zhang Zhongqi is here at this time , then the first thing Xu Han has to do is to tell him about this experience

Being able to share some important things with my most sincere friends, thinking about such things, makes people feel warm. Xu Han asked himself that he is not a cold-blooded person, although he usually behaves so

Everyone in Feng Yuqiu's family here cast contemptuous glances at Xu Han. The ridicule in those eyes was very obvious, and they seemed to want to express some contempt. in failure

The fight between men always comes very quickly, so silently that they don't even need a look or a provocative word. The two only need a woman's smile. This fight will become life and death.

Although Xu Han wanted to make a good impression on the Lin family, but at this moment, he had no choice but to give up. He was already being bullied, should he endure it?This kind of behavior, Xu Han asked himself that he couldn't do it, even if this person was Feng Yuqiu's cousin, he would not give in

The vinegar smell in Zhang Wuji's eyes is so obvious, which makes Xu Han feel a little uncomfortable. After all, Feng Yuqiu is his own woman now. Xu Han looked at Zhang Wuji coldly, but in his mind he was following Linghu communicated quickly, the aura on the yin and yang fish quickly circulated, and Linghu suddenly appeared in the form of a soul.

In the most prosperous courtyard of the Lingyunmen Mountain Gate in Wu State, a beautiful woman about 24 or [-] years old is sitting on a chair. In front of her are five young men dressed in the costumes of inner disciples of Lingyunmen, kneeling and respectful. , not even daring to breathe

Han Yu replied, "It's that woman. Our four senior brothers have all seen it with our own eyes. In terms of appearance, I'm afraid it's the same as Junior Sister Ling'er. But according to my research, the woman even has a spirit fighting talisman in her hand." It's a pity that Linhai City is such a rural place, and I'm afraid that only some people know that the woman is holding a Spiritual God Fighting Talisman, but they don't know what rank or level it is."

Hearing this, Feng Yuqiu's expression moved, and he slowly stood up with his slender body. The graceful figure swayed left and right, like a lake flowing past Han Yu's body. Said that the woman's appearance and stature are not inferior to my sister Ling'er? There is such a thing?"

This kid, it turns out that what the little girl said is not only good at formation and alchemy, but the sword just now, so close to me, a golden core and a bystander, I don't know when this kid took the sword It was stabbed out, and the sword that Xu Han used just now gave me the feeling that Xu Han was that sword. If it was me who just faced that sword, as long as this kid doesn't show any mercy, it would be the best The end is almost the same as that guy Zhang Wuji, that sword is so powerful

Looking back at the tears on the little girl's face, Wang Yuyan couldn't help feeling heartbroken. This girl grew up with him, so how could Wang Yuyan not understand her thoughts? But what can he do now?My first task is to revive the Han family, so I can only give up the vanilla workshop first, so I said decisively: "We will come back in the future."

The little maid said in a sobbing voice, "But what about Uncle and the others?"

Wang Yuyan sighed helplessly, "Hey, we can't bother Mr. Han too much, I know you are reluctant, if you want to stay, I won't force you to follow me {book friend upload}"

Hearing what Wang Yuyan said, the little girl immediately shook her head like a wavy drum, with a pair of ponytails swinging back and forth, with her big eyes open, she said forcefully: "Miss, don't abandon me, no, I want to follow Miss you"

This is the daily conversation between Wang Yuyan's master and servant on the way to Kyoto, and later, Han Linyun supported Han Mingjin and followed slowly, looking back at the direction of Linhai City from time to time. Even though his hometown is poor and backward, But no matter what, it's still my home. As the saying goes, it's very cheap for a person to leave his hometown. If there is no other way, who would be willing to leave the place where they raised themselves?

Han Mingjin's excitement when he heard that he could go to the capital was gone, and he sighed with a dispirited expression: "Yinqing, if your father dies in the future, if you have a chance, remember to send your father's body here Linhai City, send it back to our ancestral grave."

Han Linyun nodded heavily, a pair of big bright eyes were also foggy at this time, the opportunity for her to go to the capital this time was won by her father's life with the disappearing fighting spirit, even if her father was there How can I not be moved by leaving the hometown where I have lived for decades with myself when I have lost my cultivation?Father is the harbor of your soul; father is the light when you get lost

Once again stepping into the secret realm set up by Master Zhenyuan, Xu Han felt a little bit like a lifetime ago. Before that, Han had to tell himself to be more careful, but now it has been buried deep in the ground, and he couldn't help but look sad. She was still fifteen or sixteen years old, she was innocent and lively after all, she was quickly attracted by the beauty of this cave, and gradually forgot the reality of being away from home, "Oh, miss, have you noticed that? The place is very strange, I can't even use a trace of fighting spirit, I feel like I'm stepping on a cloud"

Wang Yuyan looked at Xu Han helplessly, she couldn't do anything about this noisy little maid.

Linghu said in a low voice, "Hey, I'm very moved to come here again, I can't help but recall, Xu Han, you press the bump on the white jade pillar at the back, okay, let's go again Step on the square in the lower right corner, it’s good, then stand in the middle, and use the Jiugong Bagua method to walk along the direction once, and the formation will be automatically activated.”

Feng Yuqiu and the others didn't know what Xu Han was doing. They saw him walking a few steps to the left and a few steps to the right, and turned around in the hall.

Feng Yuqiu looked at the unpredictable magic formation stone in front of her, and couldn't help cheering, "Look, it's a teleportation magic circle, there really is a teleportation magic circle!" She has stayed in Linhai City for a whole month, and now she can finally go back For a young lady who grew up under the care of her parents and never traveled far, leaving home for a month, I don't know what Feng Yuqiu's parents will worry about?So in this group, she is the happiest

Everyone stepped into the circle of light exuding mysterious douqi one by one, and everyone felt as if they had a sweet dream of Chen Xiang. As soon as they opened their eyes, they were burned by the dazzling sunlight.

Xu Han narrowed his eyes slightly, "Is this the unnamed mountain in the suburbs of Kyoto?" Looking at the lush valley in front of him, and then looking at the bones behind him, he had to admire Master Zhenyuan's ingenuity. In a hidden place, there is a secret cave near the capital that has not been discovered for thousands of years. What kind of wisdom is hidden in it? Naturally, it must be said that Master Zhenyuan is too powerful. The formation method is simply seamless and amazing

The imperial city and the prime minister's mansion of Wu State are located in the Binhe District, which is the most prosperous place in the capital. From the unnamed mountain on the outskirts of Kyoto to the Binhe District, one must pass through the white people's district known as the 'slum', and wait to cross this road. The real bustling capital can only be visited in a place with a relatively large population density

Xu Han didn't delay in the teleportation secret realm, and then a group of people rushed over without stopping. On the way, I don't know how many people's eyes have been attracted. Although there are two women who have been covered with veils, they are slender. The body and the pair of eyes like the bright stars in the night sky outside the veil can also tell that these two veiled girls are not likely to be ugly women. As for the other one, although she is also very beautiful, but They have lived in a big place like Kyoto for a long time, and of course they are used to seeing some beauties

Everyone couldn't help sizing up these outsiders again, only to see that the man standing at the front was self-cultivated and dignified. Any man would be jealous of this kind of glamorous enjoyment, not to mention that this man has nothing but good looks. What special place did he find that such a temperament could attract these two otherworldly beauties?It was just a joke, especially the woman who was wearing a dress and wearing a white veil was holding the man's arm very intimately. This scene made the men who were watching furious

Looking at the attire of this line of people, even the lowest-ranking civilians probably don't know how to wear such clothes?Isn't this obviously redneck?Looking at the girl dressed as a maid in the back, it is obviously the first time she has come to this kind of metropolis, with the attitude of grandma Han entering the Grand View Garden, and the injured adventurer in the back

Onlookers, I didn't expect to be surrounded by people as soon as I entered the capital. Xu Han had to sigh again for the charm of Feng Yuqiu and Wang Yuyan. It seems that sometimes being with beautiful women is not a good thing. At least the goal is too big

The two people in the crowd whispered a few words, and then one of them continued to stare at Xu Han and his party, while the other ran in one direction. These two guys with ulterior motives naturally did not hide it from Xu Han. Jing mentally scanned, but Xu Han just smiled coldly, and said nothing. The banditry of these two people, it seems that they are the kind of people who do evil, and they just happen to be idle. The little thief has made a contribution to the harmonious life in Kyoto

Xu Han thought of it this way, the four disciples sent by Liuli dealt with the Han family, and even killed Han Bu and Han Yunjin, the patriarch of the Han family. Of course, Xu Han would not let go of such a good opportunity at this time, not to mention that now that Menglin was by his side, could it be possible that some disaster could be caused by cleaning up a few hooligans and scum?Besides, besides those two hooligans, there is another group of people following Xu Han.

However, Linghu laughed and said, "How about it, Xu Han, aren't you afraid at all? Among this group of people, the most powerful cultivation is at the level of the Xuan class. You know, this level is not just relying on fighting The amount of skill you have can determine the outcome of the battle."

Xu Han laughed, with a calm look on his face, "Old man Long, you are still so sinister. If you don't know what to say, no wonder you were beaten by Master Zhenyuan back then. Hehe, they have been beating you since we entered the city until now Except for looking at us at the beginning, there is always someone whose eyes are on Meng Lin during the rest of the time, and didn't you say that they didn't show any hostility? From this point of view, they should be from the Prime Minister's Mansion. Since they are from the Prime Minister's Mansion , what else do I have to worry about? Maybe this is the father-in-law I haven't met who deliberately arranged to protect Menglin."

Hearing Xu Han's shameless words, Linghu smiled happily, "Boy, you look shameless, quite like me back then, haha, then you are not afraid of this powerful and wealthy prime minister, knowing that you His daughter hooked up with you and said he wouldn't cut you apart?"

Xu Han laughed and said, "Linghu, don't be so obscene, okay? We are in a free relationship. Is there such a thing as a sincere love? After all, we have to face it. As the saying goes, an ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law, so let's do it now." It all depends on whether I can get my future father-in-law, the prime minister, to admit that if the prime minister insists on killing me, Menglin will probably fight her father to the death. You don’t know how important I am to Menglin’s heart? Hehe…” Xu Hanfeng lightly Yun Dan's expression made it hard for Linghu to retaliate. Thinking about that catastrophe and the last secret adventurers' threat to Menglin, these two things made Feng Yuqiu even more angry. Xu Han is desperate

Linghu really has nothing to say at this time, if the prime minister really wants to kill Xu Han, is it really possible that the girl from the Lin family will be willing to pay for it with her body?As the saying goes, once a girl is extroverted, once she has a man, she will probably forget who her parents are. Besides, this little guy's most terrifying talent should be to hook up with women. Helpless, my juniors may have fallen into Xu Han's clutches by now

A group of people, step by step, walked forward rubbing shoulders in the capital city. There are so many people in such a metropolis, the population density is self-evident. Wang Yuyan and Han Linyun are already a little dizzy. Well, the capital of the capital of the state of Wu, even if it is a slum, is far more prosperous than Linhai City at home

Such a place is also the most chaotic place. Xu Han didn't want to stay here too much, but it seemed that it was really unavoidable. Ever since he escaped from the magic rock forest, Xu Han became a little more cautious he can't stand this happening anymore

A cold light appeared in Xu Han's eyes, at this moment, he seemed to be the reincarnation of an ancient god

Seeing that the current situation is a bit complicated, Linghu reminded him aloud, "Little guy, a high-level yellow-level powerhouse can perfectly control every part of his body. You can never be his opponent, but he is a high-level powerhouse." The soldier should be the district inspector of the noble district. Those small soldiers can’t tell the authenticity of the seal of the prime minister’s mansion. It’s impossible for him to go to the inspector and not recognize it. You should give him your letter of recommendation from Wu Guo Academy.”

Aristocratic district, inside the Prime Minister's Mansion "What did you say? That little bastard Wang Siying has gone too?" Wang Yun stood up abruptly. Her original purpose was to test the little guy's strength and give him a life-saving thing. Also lured that embryo of Wang Siying over?

This group of people in the capital are just like local ruffians. No one would dare to provoke them. This time, if they hadn't met outsiders like Xu Han, I'm afraid they wouldn't have much chance to do whatever they want. After all, here , but anyone who is a local knows that they are not easy to mess with

Xu Han simply used his spiritual power to move the yin-yang fish, and saw that the crystal-clear yin-yang fish emitted a dazzling light in the crowd, making the whole crowd seem a little erratic. It seems that everyone is standing in the clouds and fog

Xu Han took a closer look and saw that this big man was five big and three thick, and he seemed to be an expert in martial arts, but ordinary people like this, no matter how many people there were, would not have much influence on Xu Han, unless they were some immortal cultivators. Threats of some nature

Now in the eyes of these people, Xu Han is like a fairy. No one dares to underestimate such a young person. At this moment, these mortals like ants finally understand a truth, that is, in terms of strength. The gap is really insurmountable

Xu Han gave these people a resounding mouth, that is, to use a little Taoism to convince these people, so these people dare not be presumptuous. Feng Yuqiu saw that Xu Han solved these problems with such a simple method. People, from the heart, still agree

The well-dressed young man yelled arrogantly, Xu Han frowned at no one in his eyes, how could there be such scum everywhere?At this time, the noble young man also noticed that there was someone on Xu Han's side, and immediately shouted angrily: "Boy, what are you looking at? Don't you know me?"

I really didn't expect that at this time, these people would still dare to be so arrogant, which made Xu Han a little bit uncontrollable, wishing he could rush up and teach them a lesson (to be continued)

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