Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 33 The upcoming special training

Chapter 33 The upcoming special training

Xu Han finally took the No.4 score. Of course, seeing that Xu Han only had the fifth level of Qi Refining, everyone was dissatisfied.But there was nothing he could do about it, even the group above the eighth level of Qi Refining knew about Xu Han.There is also endless discussion about Xu Han's perverted style of play.On the contrary, a monk at the ninth level of Qi Refining said disdainfully: "It's just a trick of some low-level monks. If it were me, as long as the shield was opened, I would be able to block as many talismans as he smashed."

After hearing this, Xu Han just smiled.

He only has the fifth level of Qi Refining now, so those monks can say that.Once he reaches the seventh level of Qi Refining, he can produce a large number of higher-grade talismans, and he promises to make the monk die ugly.

"Congratulations." Liu Menglin came shallowly.

As for his fiancée who had just divorced in name, Xu Han had never been able to figure it out.He had no choice but to reply lightly: "Thank you."

In an instant, Xu Han felt another murderous aura.Without looking back, Xu Han knew that it must be that Fang Tianci.This is Xu Han's most inexplicable thing. He doesn't provoke others, but others always come to provoke him.There are so many people now that it is difficult for him to do anything. If not, Xu Han is really not afraid of him.Using talismans is just a way to fool people, and what Xu Han is really afraid of is not talismans.

Liu Menglin didn't leave either, but sat quietly beside Xu Han.

Yang Qingye has already issued an order, the competition is over, and the rest is rest.When dawn came, he would assign the task.

In fact, day and night are the same, and the Yinmo Valley is pitch-black all year round.There is a black and strange wind blowing all year round, and the trees are all weird and strange, covering the desolate peaks on both sides and the entire valley.In the distance, there is a bottomless abyss that devours everything like a black hole, which is extremely scary to look at.

What worries the monks in the Qi refining period is that Yang Qing has already pointed out that they will go to the Demon Abyss next step. Thinking that these Qi refining period monks will go to the Demon Abyss, even though it is the smallest valley of Yin and Demon, they are also heartbroken. Straight frightened.

"Are you afraid?" Xu Han asked suddenly.

Liu Menglin looked back, under the dark magic light, Liu Menglin's two pupils were very clear and bright.Coupled with the fact that monks can ignore the influence of darkness, Liu Menglin's face can be seen clearly, and Xu Han's heart flutters for a while.

Of course, it's just a heartbeat.He was not the Xu Han from before, and he didn't have any deep feelings for this woman.

Liu Menglin didn't answer directly, but asked in turn: "Are you afraid?"

Xu Han laughed when he heard it.He was just bored, so he spoke.Unexpectedly, he was also generalized. "I'm afraid. Of course I'm afraid. This is the Demon Abyss, and anything can happen."

"You have changed." Liu Menglin suddenly said.

Xu Han's heart skipped a beat.It seems that women's intuition is incredible.He hurriedly said, "Can I stay the same?" For Xu Han, this is the only way he can hide it.

Hearing what Xu Han said, Liu Menglin didn't respond, but sighed softly.

In the silence, Xu Han began to practice, using his consciousness to capture the energy of the real demon, and sent it into the demon seed to speed up his practice.

The next day came quickly, and it was the second day that could be known in the valley of the devil, all in some dim stars.If there are no stars in the dark sky, it means it is dawn outside.Only at night, there are some dim stars hanging on the sky.

Yang Qing came to the center of the ruins again, and said: "The first stage of this special training will start now. From today to the beginning of next month, you will go to the Demon Abyss, kill monsters, and get their demonized crystals. Demonized crystals It can be used to exchange for points, among them, below the fifth level of Qi refining, one point is one point, the sixth level of Qi refining, one five points, the seventh level of Qi refining, and one ten points. Go up in order. What you have to do is to keep killing monsters , get magic crystals and exchange for points."

"Points have many functions. You can exchange for pills, instruments, arrays, and other things you want. All in all, points can be exchanged for things that you can't buy in Fangshi. Points are in my Exchange it here, if I have it, I can cash it in, if I don’t have it, I will notify the people in the sect to send it over.”

"In addition, you also know that there are actually several passages in the Yin Demon Valley, so you must not go out of this valley easily. Once you set foot in other valleys, you must be prepared to be resisted by other teams. Of course, if other When people from the team come to us, we have to fight back together. Don’t think that this has nothing to do with you, it has something to do with the whole team. Whichever team is unfavorable to guard, will give negative comments when evaluating the total points, and your points will be reduced a lot .The lower the points, the less things you can exchange, I hope you don’t make mistakes.”

"Let's start next! I want to see what the points can be exchanged for. I've already posted it there. You can go and see for yourself."

Yang Qing finally pointed to a wall in the center of the ruins, on which some characters gradually appeared.The eyes of the monks are very good, and they can be seen from a long distance.Xu Han was no exception, and looked at them one by one.

After looking for a long time, Xu Han didn't see anything he liked.

Before coming here, Xu Han himself was not fully prepared, but Zhang Zhongqi helped him prepare a lot of things.Including several instruments, a large number of talismans, and various elixirs.Although many of them were made by Xu Han himself, they had to be urged by Zhang Zhongqi, otherwise Xu Han would not have put in so much effort.

Due to the over-preparation, Xu Han hardly needed anything.

But after looking around, Xu Han still found something very interesting to him.

It is a kind of practice tent that can help monks of the magic path improve their cultivation.Since this is the Yin Demon Valley, it happens to be available here.What's particularly interesting is that improving one's cultivation level in the practice tent can greatly reduce the chance of going crazy.Of course Xu Han doesn't need this effect, but Xu Han needs to improve his cultivation quickly, but without enough cover, Xu Han's rapid improvement of his cultivation will definitely attract the attention of others, especially Yang Qing.But with a practice tent, it's different.

In the eyes of others, Xu Han used the practice tent to quickly improve his cultivation, and did not think that it was the reason of the exercises themselves.

After careful consideration, Xu Han was sure that it would be no problem to do so.

Only then did he concentrate on looking at the points of the training tent. What surprised Xu Han was that the points of the training tent were really not low, and it took a full two thousand points to use it once.Almost on par with the top pills.But Xu Han was still very satisfied.To him, that was a good thing worth more than any pill.

Xu Han had chosen his target, so there was no need to stay in the stronghold.And the time is only one month, if you don't hurry up, the practice tent will be available for less than a few times.Xu Han didn't want to miss such an opportunity for nothing.In his storage bag, there are many pills that improve his cultivation. He never dared to take them before, because he was afraid that his cultivation would increase too quickly and attract attention.Now that he has a practice tent, he can finally improve his cultivation freely.The only problem is whether there are enough points and whether there are enough training tents.

Getting rid of the stalking of people with malicious intentions, Xu Han disappeared among the trees in the strange and strange Yin Demon Valley.

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