After breaking up with Yu Linglong, Xu Han hastily rushed here. It is not an easy task to rescue his mother. After all, the Wang family is so powerful here that they can leave here without anyone noticing. Best, if someone finds out...

What should we do?Xu Han's eyes rolled, and he was thinking about it. When he came out of Dishamen, Xu Han was not thoughtful. After all, this is the territory of the Wang family. He didn't think about how to take his mother away. He just wanted to ask in detail. , what happened that year, but when he heard outside the courtyard wall that his mother had not been happy here these years, he suddenly made a decision in his heart

Since my mother is not living well here, why not take my mother away? It was at such a moment that Xu Han made this decision. When he saw Wang Ziyu again, the anger in his eyes also began to burn. It seems that he caused his father to separate from his mother.

Xu Han recalled the difficult days in Dishamen when he was young, and he finally found the source of all this, that is, the man in front of him. Xu Han asked Wang Keqing and Lin Buyu to wait in the guest battle, and he came here alone for convenience. , because relying on the strength of his Golden Core Realm, shouldn't he come and go whenever he wants?

It has to be said that Xu Han was a little overwhelmed this time, because no matter how he looked at it, it was impossible for him to break out of the siege so easily this time. His mentality is normal

After all, Xu Han has already reached the strength of the golden core realm, and the abundant aura alone is enough to make everyone frightened. If it is not as strong as before, then Xu Han will not be passive at this time. Beside, although Xu Han didn't know who this person was

However, when Xu Han saw the aura full of aura all over his body, he knew that this person must not be the generation of Yi Yu. Xu Han is a bold and careful person, but at this moment, he was still a little at a loss because There is his own mother behind him, although he got some news from Di Shamen

But after all, he hasn't seen his mother for so many years, and of course he doesn't know his mother's specific strength. If he doesn't need to worry about his mother's safety, then he can really give it a go. Seeing Wang Ziyu like this, it is impossible to let it go. So, then simply tear your face apart

What Xu Han thinks in his mind right now is the same, but things are not going as smoothly as he imagined. Not to mention that there are so many guards in front of him, this Wang Ziyu alone is enough for Xu Han to give Xu Han a headache. It is indeed a bit too long, and such a long time has passed, the strength of the Jindan realm has not yet fully recovered

"So it's you, little bastard, not to mention that it's impossible for you to escape alone, and you still dream of running away with your mother behind your back?" Wang Ziyu sneered, and suddenly punched a pair of fists without warning, raging flames It tossed violently, turning into a pair of fire dragons with big dark red mouths open, and you could still see the blazing tongue stabbing towards Xu Han.

Jindan Realm Profound Grade Xingquan Daofa Hunyuan Yiqi Fist A little bastard who has such strength at such an age, the sooner he can solve it, the more at ease; moreover, the pleasure of being able to personally destroy a genius in the realm of comprehension is very important to him. As far as Wang Ziyu is concerned, it is no less than forcing a big beauty

An extremely strong breath rushed towards his face. Although Xu Han himself was not afraid, but thinking of Wang Yufeng who was still extremely weak behind him, Xu Han did not take the blow forcefully, but stepped on the "stepping air" and dragged out a The long phantom, while avoiding the two fire dragons, brushed Luo Changzong's body and flew to the outside of the cabin

"Thinking about leaving so easily? It's not that cheap." Although Wang Ziyu was secretly horrified by Xu Han's speed, she still didn't take Xu Han, a little guy at the elementary Golden Core level, seriously. There are six more Xuanyi Shadow Guards with high-level golden core strength

Wang Ziyu came out of the wooden house slowly, and ordered coldly, "Come around and make him for me."

Xu Leng coldly looked at the six golden elixirs surrounding him, but let out a sneer with disdain, stomping his feet in the air, leaning down to avoid the attack of the shadow guard closest to him, he was standing tens of feet away in an instant. In mid-air, he shouted presumptuously and loudly: "My surname is Yang, don't you want your family treasure? I will go to Lingjiu Mountain to find the young master. I will remember it. If I find that people from the Wang family have followed, I promise you won't get a single hair."

This raging voice spread throughout the palace, and Xu Han's figure had disappeared into the night, "Little bastard" Wang Ziyu gritted her teeth and said, "Go, let's catch up!"

Wang Linqi and the others had already heard the sound, and when they saw Wang Ziyu, they hurriedly asked, "Nephew Wang Xian, did an assassin come here just now?"

"Uncle Wang, don't worry, the visitor is related to some private matter of my nephew, and my nephew has to rush to the appointment, forgive my nephew for being negligent." Wang Ziyu now can't wait to leave Wang Linqi and others immediately, but the scene has to be said, As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Wang Linqi to reply, and flew up, with his toes on the eaves, and galloped away in the direction where Xu Han disappeared. Behind him were six shadow guards who turned into six black lights and disappeared into the vastness In the night

"The private affairs of the Wang family can make Wang Ziyu so anxious, it must not be a trivial matter and it has something to do with the family treasure." Wang Linqi frowned

Wang Chong asked, "Father, do we want to follow?"

"No need, he, Wang Ziyu, has already said that it is their Wang family's private matter, so he made it clear that we don't want us to interfere, don't make fun of yourself." Wang Linqi waved her hand, looked at Wang Yufeng's small courtyard, the person who broke into the Wang family, It should have entered Wang Yufeng's yard, and then left from Wang Yufeng's yard. I don't know if the fight between the two sides has affected Wang Yufeng. Wang Linqi's complexion changed, and he quickly rushed into Wang Yufeng's dilapidated cabin. Where is anyone else?

no one?Wang Linqi was startled at first, no one, it's better than a dead person, but Wanwan is already weak like that, it may not be too late to leave by herself, but who will take Wanwan away?

"You Zi, tell me to go down and have someone search inside and outside the palace to see if there is any whereabouts of Wang Yufeng," Wang Linqi ordered

Wang Linqi is really good at handling things. He didn't show up at the right time until Xu Han left here, and he came to clean up the mess.

The high-ranking guards who had been following Wang Linqi all the time promised and retreated. Could it be related to Wanwan?Wang Linqi watched You Zi gradually recede, the fleeting worry on her face was quickly covered by doubts

Vulture Mountain?So what if you, a little bastard, deliberately chose Vulture Mountain to arrange some tricks?The methods I, Wang Ziyu, can only hide are many. Wang Ziyu grinned ferociously, and after the scream, the speed of the six black lights behind him, who were no more than the strength of the golden core, was no less than Wang Ziyu's speed when he was fully exerting his movement skills at the golden core level. It's getting closer, it's getting closer, Xu Han, who was flying in the air, didn't forget to spread out a stream of spiritual energy to protect Wang Yufeng's body, so as not to let the bitter wind whistling past blow to his mother.

Wang Yufeng was behind Xu Han. Although she was already extremely weak, she was clearly exhausted just now, and the sleepiness that she could fall asleep as long as she leaned on the bed disappeared. She shouldn't be picking her up. At this moment, countless black shadows passed by, Xu Han kept walking, with a slight smile on his face, he didn't respond to Wang Yufeng, this is the first time he heard his mother nagging. , the warmth gradually rising in his heart, it seems that at this moment, Xu Han touched the edge of some kind of quality, and the countless black shadows around him also began to release some kind of kind and mysterious power, converging towards Xu Han.

"Huh?" Linghu, who was still dozing in Xu Han's sea of ​​knowledge, was awakened by this force.

Linghu's complexion changed drastically, and he snarled at Xu Han anxiously: "No, what's going on? There have been such drastic changes, stop Xu Han, wake me up!" But, he was completely addicted to it What should I do if Xu Han turned a deaf ear?What if I can't wake him up?Linghu watched helplessly as more and more incomparably clear energy passed through Xu Han's sea of ​​consciousness and injected into his dantian. Once, Linghu gritted his teeth suddenly, as if the substantive primordial body swayed almost imperceptibly, a stream of gray-white energy flowed along the fingertips of Linghu's right middle finger, and shot towards Xu Han's Qihai dantian.

"Bang" After a sudden shock, Xu Han's steps in the air suddenly stopped, his dantian was injured, and Xu Han, who was blushing, couldn't help but spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the mysterious and clear energy flow stopped abruptly. Infused into Xu Han's body

Wang Yufeng asked anxiously, "Xiaohan, what's wrong with you, Xiaohan?" Wang Yufeng looked extremely anxious

Now Xu Han's dantian in the sea of ​​Qi has been hit like never before. At this time, he can no longer fly with his sword. The sneak attack by Wang Linqi just now caused Xu Han a lot of harm. is too dangerous

Linghu didn't know what happened, he was meditating in the yin and yang fish to recover his vitality, but he didn't want to but felt that Xu Han's life was threatened, so he recovered from sitting still, but things were really unexpected What he expected, it is said that Xu Han holds the yin and yang fish, even if he encounters any danger, he can easily resolve the past

I didn't expect such a thing to happen now, how could this not shock Linghu's mind?

How could Linghu not be worried?He and Xu Han are so cold-hearted now, how could he recover without Xu Han's spiritual power continuously poured into the yin and yang fish?Without Xu Han's aura to support Linghu's soul that was about to be broken, Linghu would have been wiped out long ago.

The treasure of the Yinyang Gate is Xu Han's last trump card. Although Linghu has been sleeping in the Yinyang fish for many years, it is surprising that Linghu did not recover during that long period of time, and his strength is the opposite. But he let the spiritual power in his body disappear little by little. From this incident, it can be seen that it is undoubtedly very difficult for a cultivator with a damaged body to return to the peak again.

The Shanghai Xu Han suffered this time is unprecedented. He has never suffered such a serious injury since he practiced Taoism. This is not at all different from what Linghu originally imagined! After recuperating in the yin and yang fish and then leaving the customs again, Xu Han has already dealt with the scumbags from Dishamen.

Linghu still doesn't know what happened, but his heart is extremely heavy. Ever since he signed the contract with Xu Han, he really hasn't seen Xu Han suffer such a serious injury.

At this time, Xu Han was unable to separate the spirit from the soul and talk to Linghu. The spiritual power in his whole body at this time when Qihai Dantian was injured just now was no longer needed, and the golden pill in his dantian was gradually becoming dim. It's not as shiny as it used to be

This is already a very dangerous moment. If the spirit stones are not replenished in time to cope with the spirit energy that is about to be exhausted, then the qi sea dantian is very likely to lose all previous efforts because of this change. The cultivation base of the golden core realm is not so easy. In this crisis, Xu Han decisively summoned the spirit fox. Apart from this, he had no other choice.

Linghu was also at the critical moment, but when he heard Xu Han's primordial spirit calling, of course he woke up with a jolt. He knew that Xu Han would not communicate with him until it was absolutely necessary. At that time, since Xu Han sent out a signal for help, he must have been under great threat

Dishamen Xu Han clenched his fists tightly. At this time, he can't pass out. He still has his mother by his side, even if the spiritual energy in his body can no longer support him, he still has to hold back a mouthful of spiritual energy until the end. Replenish the aura by yourself, then you will be able to return to the original state

"It's okay, mother, the child has just entered another level of mental state cultivation, and spit out some waste accumulated in the past. Don't you think the child is more active?" Xu Han comforted, anyway, the mother's cultivation base is also I have never reached the golden core realm, but I can fool it

"Really?" General Wang Yufeng questioned, although she has not reached the strength of the Jindan realm, but in the Wang family, there are many people who have reached the Jindan strength. Except for herself, the rest of the brothers and sisters are all Jindan She has reached the realm, but she has never seen anyone who can say that when her cultivation level is improving, she vomits blood. What she is most worried about is that Xiaohan will carry her back, and she will get rid of Wang Ziyu and the others behind him, and she will use some secret skills to overdraw her strength.

"Of course it's true, mother. Do you know why my son chose Lingjiu Mountain instead of other places? My son chose Lingjiu Mountain just to give mother a surprise." Xu Han suddenly said mysteriously

"Huh?" Xu Han breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Wang Yufeng had turned his attention away, and continued: "Your future daughter-in-law is now at Lingjiu Mountain, my son is taking you to see her, if mother is not satisfied , I promise to kick her off with one kick," Xu Han said fiercely. Wang Yufeng was indeed surprised, and her eyes suddenly brightened: "Then do you have any children?"

"Mother, my son told you that she is only your future daughter-in-law. How could it be so fast?" Xu Han's face turned reddish, as if he was only a half-child now?

"Why can't I have you? When your mother and I were at your age, it's not the same as having you?" Finally, after temporarily coaxing Wang Yufeng, Xu Han sinks part of his mind into the mind of Xu Han. a great cause

"Linghu, what are you up to? Why are you attacking my Qihai dantian?" Xu Hanfu cursed as soon as he entered.

Um?After Linghu practiced for a long time, the primordial spirit has become so solid that it can almost be touched, but now it seems that it has returned to the state when he just took away a small half of the power of the primordial spirit. Look, no, it's darker than last time

Linghu was lying listlessly on the ground, just glanced at Xu Han, and said angrily, "What else can I do? If I didn't stop you just now, you almost comprehended the power of attributes and the power of nature. You think I'm easy Huh? This damn soul-breaking kit, the range where my soul power can move is only the soul kit and your sea of ​​consciousness, let my power of soul break out of the soul brocade The sac restraint prevents you from comprehending the power of nature, I just lost a quarter of the power of the primordial spirit in that blow, is it easy for me?"

Xu Han frowned slightly, "The mysterious feeling just now is that I am comprehending the power of the golden elixir? You mean I almost comprehended the power of nature just now? What is the power of nature? Why didn't I listen to you? pass?"

"Otherwise, what else do you think? The power of nature also does not belong to the power of the five elements, just like the power of the light and dark attributes, which can only be comprehended by the strength of the Jindan realm. However, the power of the light and dark attributes As long as you enter the golden elixir for strength, although there are very few people in the entire comprehension world who have not yet comprehended the power of the attribute after being promoted to the golden elixir and coincidentally match the power of the light and dark attributes, there are still some, but the natural attribute is xing I have only seen the power of people from other continents, and I don't quite understand how many levels of strength are needed to realize it. However, what is certain is that the power of natural attributes is far inferior to the attributes of primordial spirits. Otherwise, how could I prevent you from comprehending the power just now?" Linghu explained

It turns out to be like this (to be continued)

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