"The ancestor is going back to the city (). []" Wan Xuhan said.

Patriarch Huang Quan was depressed for a while, "So fast?"

Xu Han smiled and said, "The magic weapon has been refined and all kinds of spells have been used. The purpose of this trip has basically been achieved. Is there any reason to stay? Besides, I am worried that someone will come to check on me after we killed the people from the Bone Spirit Sect." I don’t want to wait for the adults to beat me up.”

What Xu Han said was also reasonable. It seemed that there was no room for refutation. Ancestor Huang Quan said with a wry smile, "What about the cellar? I still want to find the cellar."

"Then look for it."

"But I don't know where it is." Huang Quan Patriarch said again in disbelief, "Boy, I have checked all here recently, why not? You said you know, are you bragging about me?"

"Don't use the aggressive method, I won't take this." Xu Han yawned and said, "I said you are really stingy and can't see it, why don't you promise me that it will be good for me? You don't even know what the treasure is. What if the function is rubbish? At that time, if you want to share it with me, I won’t be able to read it.”

Patriarch Huang Quan said angrily, "You're stingy, and it's good to share with you. But Patriarch, I never like to be coerced!"

Xu Han smiled and said, "Really? Then I went to meditate and I will return to the city tomorrow morning." Standing up and stretching, he said to himself, "I've never been coerced by anyone. It's not the first time I want to save face like this."

As soon as Xu Han returned to the caged straw house where he lived, the ancestor Huang Quan followed him ().

"Okay, okay, I promise you, hurry up and tell me where the cellar is? If you lie to me to play with the ancestors, I promise to beat you until your mother doesn't even know you!"

Xu Han smiled and said, "Of course I know, why lie to you? I rarely do things that harm others or benefit myself."

Hearing what Xu Han said, he was sure that Huang Quan Patriarch hurriedly asked, "Where is it?"

Xu Han patted Patriarch Huang Quan's shoulder and said earnestly. "Children say that you can't see Mount Tai with a leaf. There is another place on this ground that you haven't found. Of course, the cellar is there."

"Is there anything I haven't found? I've searched all over." Huang Quan Patriarch muttered.But following Xu Han's eyes, he immediately understood.

It turned out that there really was a place in this land that he hadn't dug, and that was under the two cage plants where he and Xu Han lived.

"I'm so stupid that I'm looking for a horse on horseback!" Patriarch Huang Quan patted himself on the head.

Xu Han asked, "Then it's not my fault for blackmailing you, it's your stupidity."

"En. It's really stupid." Patriarch Huang Quan actually admitted that he was stupid, but immediately he became smart again, "Boy, you chose these two cage plants as the place where we live in the first place so that I can't find them! You are too vicious!"

Xu Han fainted, the good man has not been rewarded, in fact, he didn't do it on purpose at the beginning, it was really a coincidence.It was only after seeing that the ancestors of Huangquan couldn't dig it everywhere that I guessed it...

Anyway.If you find a place, dig it. Anyway, they are already preparing to go back to the city. These two cage plants are no longer needed, and they were uprooted by the ancestors of Huangquan.

Xu Han was not idle, manipulating the small sword magic weapon, and soon dug a black hole in the ground. The cellar is indeed just below, and it is indeed only a small cellar.A few square meters in size, when Xu Han and Huang Quan Patriarch walked down the steps, a musty, damp, sour smell filled his nose ().

"It stinks!" Xu Han raised his hand and a fireball appeared in his palm. After more than three months of practice, he has become more proficient in controlling these basic spells.

Descend into the cellar.Xu Han held up the fireball in his hand to illuminate it...and found that it was empty and there was no bones of the ancestor Huang Quan.But a small mound of earth on the side of the cellar caught their attention.

"There!" Patriarch Huang Quan rushed over quickly, but there was a sense of ecstasy in the simple two.

The reason why he was chased and killed by the eight masters of the Shadow Clan back then was because of this treasure, which shows how precious this treasure is. Now that 10 years have passed since the Shadow Clan was extinct, he finally got this treasure completely.

Although Patriarch Huang Quan didn't have time to understand the huge secret contained in this treasure, he also knew that its secret would be earth-shattering, so before Xu Han wanted to share the benefits, he would not let go.

"Open!" Patriarch Huang Quan yelled in a low voice, and the soil protruding from the ground was turned to both sides, as if there was an invisible plow plowing the ground.

"Fan Jiushe also knows how to repay your kindness by taking your inheritance and digging a hole to bury you..." Xu Han said after him.

"Didn't you kill the whole family in the end?" Huang Quan Patriarch hadn't woken up at that time, all these things were told by Xu Han.

"Well, you can just kill me to avenge him, and no one will share the treasure with you." Xu Han said, but he didn't guard against the ancestor's eyes, he just looked at the soil that was constantly turning over, waiting for what would come out of it. baby.

"You'd better be careful, patriarch, I will really kill you when I get angry someday." Patriarch Huang Quan was also absent-minded, he was more nervous than Xu Han, his eyes were fixed like an old ghost waiting for a beautiful woman to take off her pants .

But obviously these two people were unlucky today. When the soil was turned over, there were no beautiful women, nor treasures, but a mummy.

"Damn ()! Shocked me!" Xu Han's hand holding the fireball trembled, but the mummified corpse was not scary and it was expected.

The frightening thing is that the mummy suddenly opened his eyes and sat up...

The night is thick, a black cloud covers the bright moon, and in the corner of the clearing in the woods, there is a black hole like a big mouth. A skinny corpse with a dark body and a skinny body is staring at these two people. How weird and weird the scene is.

"Damn ancestor, I was frightened." Huang Quan's ancestor was also frightened by the sudden change and took a few steps back.

"Old Ancestor, is this... is it your corpse?" Xu Han felt a little tingling in the back of his head.

When he came to the Cangnan Continent, he saw so many strange things that even the ghosts had seen them, but it was the first time he saw a zombie, which made him feel a little hairy.

"That's right, this is exactly my ancestor's physical body unexpectedly turned into a zombie." Huang Quan's ancestor nodded and said, "You can observe his current appearance to guess how handsome and handsome my ancestor was back then."

"You're still handsome just like this? What's your aesthetic concept?" Xu Han said after sarcasm, "Talk about your skin. Can you let him lie down?"

Patriarch Huang Quan asked, "Is there something wrong with your brain, kid? It's already a zombie, so why would you listen to my orders?"

"Anyway, I'll leave it to you. Patriarch, pay for the sins you made yourself, and I won't shoot your body..." Xu Han took a step back and took out the animal bone magic weapon from the storage bag. [Just find the material of the novel]

This zombie is indeed terrifying and abominable. The whole body is shriveled and darkened, and the skin looks like it is wearing an ill-fitting gown.The most disgusting thing is that there is actually a pair of bloodshot eyeballs in a pair of eyes. The eye sockets have been sunken, and the eyeballs are more prominent.

Seeing Xu Han's terrified appearance, Patriarch Huang Quan wondered, "Isn't it just a corpse, are you afraid? I've never seen you so afraid like this. I haven't seen you afraid of the barbarian monks on the sixth floor of Qi Refining ()."

"That's because you haven't seen a horror movie! I wouldn't understand it if I told you." Xu Han stepped on the animal bone magic weapon and wanted to avoid it...

But Huang Quan patriarch grabbed his sleeve. "Boy, don't run away. We are good friends who are inseparable. How could you leave the ancestor and I ran away?"

Xu Han just wanted to say that I did not want to save the barbarian monk Xia Hui that day, did you?

But I heard Huang Quan's ancestor continue to say, "At least you have to stand by the side and cheer for my ancestor and cheer for me."

Since you are willing to make a move, Patriarch, I will not run away.

"Okay, cheerleader, I'm good." Xu Han put the animal bone magic weapon back into the storage bag and stood on the steps, ready to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Huang Quan gestured at the zombie twice.He ran back again, "No, I can't do it. It's fine if it's other zombies, but this is my ancestor's own body. I kill myself... I can't do it."

"Smelly bug..." Xu Han cursed even though he was afraid and disgusted.But after watching it for a while, I got used to it and felt that it wasn't that scary.

"This little thing needs to be done by the young master? If you don't do it, I will do it! Then don't blame me for being disrespectful to your corpse!"

Getting the ancestor's nod, Xu Han waved small fireballs with both hands to light up the dark cellar, more than a dozen small fireballs scrambled to hit the zombies.

After the zombie sat up, it kept looking around stupidly until the fireball approached and didn't know how to dodge it. After more than ten times, its whole body was surrounded by sparks.

"Used weapon! How can I be afraid of these fireballs since my body hasn't melted in 10 years?" Huang Quan's ancestor floated in the air and cursed ().

He was right. The fireball hitting the zombie had no effect other than splashing a ball of brilliant sparks.

The small fireball was in vain, but it aroused the frenzy of the zombie. It screamed and waved its hands indiscriminately, then jumped up like a spring...

Don't look at the zombie's slow movements, but it jumped a long way and rushed towards Xu Han directly.

"Ri, you immortal, if you die, you will die and leave your body to harm others!" Xu Han nimbly jumped down the steps, and heard a bang behind him, bricks, sand and stones splashed in all directions, and the blue square brick steps were unexpectedly dug into a big hole by zombies.

"The fist is quite strong." Xu Han didn't dare to delay and quickly sacrificed the small sword weapon.

The little sword left like a bit of coldness!Attacking the zombies that rushed over again.

puff!Han Mang instantly hit the zombie's throat and made a hole the size of a fist.

But the zombie didn't realize it, screaming and jumping over, in mid-air, his shriveled mouth opened mouthfuls of black corpse breath.

"Hurry up and open the spiritual power shield! I said, are you stupid? Where is your cleverness when you usually plan on me?" Huang Quan Patriarch floated in mid-air like a normal person, and it was quite pleasant to watch the jokes and swear...

"Damn it, it's my first time dealing with this thing that you said is easy, try it yourself!" Xu Han commanded the small sword magic weapon to grow bigger while dodging the corpse aura, and at the same time released the spiritual power shield in a hurry.

But as a result, some small sword magic tools turned into white horses several feet long and split the jumping zombie in half with a sound of brushing.

"Ow!" The zombie opened its terrifying mouth and roared to the sky.

"Look at you jump again! You don't have legs to see how you jump!" Xu Han cursed, now that he has opened the spiritual shield, he is not afraid of anything. Although he is wearing armor, that thing can only prevent physical attacks but not the inhalation of corpse energy. ().

"You boy, don't be too happy. My body is the body of the Yuanying stage. After 10 years, the zombie must be extraordinary." Huang Quan's ancestor was sitting cross-legged leisurely hanging in the air...

really.Before Huang Quan's ancestor could finish his sentence, he saw that the zombie jumped up again with his withered arms, and just jumped to the side of the lower half.Then the black claws grabbed the lower half and took the body back.

"Aww!" The zombie who caught the body became more aggressive and agile, raised his head to the sky and screamed, and jumped towards Xu Han again.

"Will you pick up your own body? I cut off your hands and feet to watch you jump again!" Xu Han fingered the magic weapon to make Xiaojian attack again.

It turned into a small sword about ten feet long.Flying back and forth, chopping the white streamer for a while, chopping off the zombie's limbs.

Without limbs, the zombie this time has nothing to do, raised his head angrily and roared, screaming piercingly that humans can't make.

Simultaneously spit out boundless corpse gas.The black corpse gas filled the cellar at once.

Xu Han drove the animal bone magic weapon and flew into the air until the corpse energy dissipated before going down.

Huang Quan Patriarch cursed. "You idiot, take out the soul flag and suck it! These corpse breaths can also enhance the power of the soul flag!"

"Oh oh oh." Xu Han suddenly realized that it is different to have an experienced helper.

Quickly took out the Hundred Soul Banner and sucked in all the corpse breath, and in the blink of an eye, it was completely sucked, and it felt that the Hundred Soul Banner was a little stronger.

"How is it? Can I deal with a zombie?" Xu Han put away his soul flag and smiled.

Huang Quan Patriarch ignored him and said to himself (). "Strange, Ann said that zombies who have cultivated for 10 years won't be so easy to deal with?"

Xu Han was reminded of what he said and said, "There is no 10 years. If it has been cultivated for 10 years, Fan Jiushe will be killed by him when he touches it. How can he get the storage bag and bury it?" How about entering the soil?"

"That's right! The one surnamed Fan came here more than ten years ago and it hasn't turned into a zombie yet, so wouldn't it be so fast..." Patriarch Huang Quan suddenly thought of something and said, "Split its head off!"

"it is good!"

The little sword weapon flew over like a spirit snake and blasted out a fist-sized hole in the head of the still screaming zombie.

The zombie immediately fell to the ground as if dead. []

"Let you split its head, but you didn't blow a hole!" Huang Quan ancestor cursed again, but his figure was fast enough to fly down quickly, "Light up the little fireball and follow me!"

Xu Han didn't know what he meant, but he didn't have time to ask, so he quickly raised the small fireball and followed.

The zombie's head has dried up, and there is no blood or brain in the hole, and there seems to be nothing.

"Spit!" Patriarch Huang Quan spit on the corpse. It's really tragic that the dead is still being spat on, but luckily he spit on himself.

What surprised Xu Han was that there was a slight movement in the zombie's head hole, which was startled by the spitting of Huang Quan's ancestor!

"Xiaoqiang?" Xu Han looked at the black reptile crawling out of the zombie's head and stepped on the cockroach crawling out of his mother's disgusting head.

"Boy! What are you doing?" Huang Quan's ancestor quickly pushed Xu Han away with sharp eyes and scolded, "You eat less pig brains, which is a good thing."

"What good are cockroaches? You have eaten too much pig brains ()." Xu Han snorted softly and went to look at the cockroach and found that it was different from ordinary cockroaches.

The hard shell of this cockroach was black and bright, and under the light of the small fireball, it reflected a metallic luster. It was obviously well-nourished, and it seemed that the dead man's head was still a little greasy.

Another significant difference is that this cockroach has a T-shaped horn on its forehead, which looks very imposing, maybe it is the king of cockroaches.

After the cockroach came out, it didn't run away in a hurry, but fluttered its wings as if to demonstrate to the two people in front of it...

"I've never seen such an arrogant cockroach." Xu Han was very upset, he hated others more than him, even bugs!

"You are the cockroach! I don't know anything!" Huang Quan patriarch gave him a blank stare and said, "Old patriarch, I will teach you to hear it clearly now. This is a spirit insect that controls corpse insects. Look at the flat horn on its forehead is the main organ for cao to control corpses." Those evil cultivators who like to use corpses as a badge are of great use."

"Corpse control bug?" Xu Han is not a fool, he knew the meaning after hearing this name, and suddenly realized, "Oh, that means your corpse is not a zombie but controlled by this bug?"

"Yes! Otherwise, how can a 10-year-old zombie be so easy to deal with?"

"So that's how it is..." Xu Han nodded and said, "If I take this corpse-controlling bug for my own use, then can I use this bug to control corpses?"

Huang Quan Patriarch finally laughed. "It's easy to talk to smart people."

"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and catch it!"

Huang Quan patriarch stopped Xu Han and shook his head, "Although this spirit worm has low intelligence, it is hard to tame. It is useless to catch it. Only by catching the female worm or obtaining eggs to hatch can it obey your orders."

"Then we are waiting for it to return to the nest." Xu Han finally understood what Huang Quan's ancestor meant, but he was worried again, "Should we hide? Does it think we will return to the nest here?"

"Didn't I just say (). Its intelligence is very low, and you are as smart as you when you think this bug?" Huang Quan's ancestor said, picking up the formula and throwing a fire bird...

"Hoo!" The Firebird uttered a cry, spread its wings and flew towards the Corpse Controlling Worm.

Insects are not afraid of tigers, and birds are afraid of birds.The corpse-controlling insect saw the firebird flying.Hei Chi was so frightened that he tucked his tail between his legs and ran away.

"Quick. Follow!" Patriarch Huang Quan waved his hand to annihilate the fire bird, and then he and Xu Han followed the corpse control insect to see where it was going.

I saw the corpse-controlling insect crawling through the wet wall from the ground, and soon arrived at the destination, quickly pawing and pulling with its two little claws, making a small hole and slipping in.

"Dig!" Patriarch Huang Quan never used his mouth to move his hands.

Holding the small magic weapon, Xu Han didn't dare to pull out the wet soil on the surface too hard.I saw a slightly larger hole in it.

Digging along the cave and soon reaching the end, I saw the corpse control insect again...

"As soon as the horse arrives, this worm is also affectionate and righteous, and he wants to protect his wife and children even if he dies." Huang Quan Patriarch said.

"That means it has no effect?" Xu Han got a positive answer from Huang Quan's ancestor.He wouldn't be friendly with the worm, swung his small sword and split the vicious corpse-controlling worm into two pieces.

Xu Han just heard that the worm's horn is a rare item, so he would not waste it and took out a wooden box from the storage bag.

The wooden box is a bit big. This is a box from the folk treasures collected by the brothers of the Lu family. The box contains garbage that is less than ten years old, the spirit grass, the three-leaf orchid, but this box is a good thing. The thousand-year-old peach tree. It is a good choice for storing spirit insects.

Cut off a small section of the mahogany box with a small sword, and picked out a groove from it to fit the corpse control bug's body...

The ancestor of Huang Quan naturally looked at him with disdain, "Hey, don't be so stingy, okay? Don't you also want to learn from others to make Yin corpses?"

"No, I definitely don't touch those disgusting things. I'm mentally bt dealing with corpses all day long... But I can sell this thing. Those who refine corpses must be very rich ()."

"I think you are really poor and crazy, but fortunately there are no outsiders, otherwise the ancestor, I can't afford to lose face, and a thing with a hundred and ten spirit stones will be a treasure."

Xu Han was even more overjoyed, mother, who is also cautious in his hands, you are not afraid of the wind, and your tongue flashes, can you not care about a hundred or ten spirit stones?This is the number of days for me, young master.

In fact, Huang Quan's ancestor was also joking with him. If this thing is really worthless, he won't let him get it. He kicked it and trampled it to pieces...

"Okay, dig quickly and wait until you find the female worm or eggs, and you will really get rich." Huang Quan's ancestor urged again.

"Yes!" Xu Han's eyes lit up.If you find a female worm, let it give birth to thousands of worms, each of which can be sold for hundreds of spirit stones...

"Damn rich!" Excitedly, Xu Han dug down two or three times, and saw a fist-sized hole inside, and a fat, white caterpillar-like worm appeared.

"It's the mother worm." Huang Quan Patriarch said.

"Haha, I depend on you to get rich!" Xu Han said with a happy smile, cut another piece of thousand-year-old peach wood and put it into the mother insect's bloated body...

Seeing his carefulness, Patriarch Huang Quan laughed in his heart and said, "Did you plan to let it have a nest for a lifetime and then sell the worms to make a fortune?"

"That's right! Patriarch, you really know me too well!"

Patriarch Huang Quan laughed and said, "Then don't expect this female worm to have a very limited lifespan and she will lose her braids after giving birth to a litter hahahaha ()."

It seems that the ancestor of Huang Quan liked to see Xu Han's disappointment and smiled endlessly.

"How many can only be born in one litter?" Xu Han belonged to the generation who never dies before the Yellow River, and he will ask questions to the end of everything.

"There will be no more than four in a litter of two or three. And the more they are born, the lower the quality of the corpse-controlling worms."

"Ah? So what should I do?" Xu Han's dream of getting rich came and went quickly...

"Don't worry about the weight and quality of good insects. My ancestor, I will teach you to cultivate a top-quality insect." Huang Quan encouraged him and said, "You can't put living things in the storage bag, and I will help you remove the storage bag of the barbarian monk. Change it to a spirit beast bag and now... let's get down to business."

The so-called business of Huang Quan's ancestor was that the treasure of the Shadow Clan, Xu Han, was holding the corpse control box that he had been obsessed with.There is also a kind of excitement in my heart, what is the treasure that the ancestors of Huang Quan cherish so much?

This time, Huang Quan Patriarch didn't let Xu Han do it, he personally cut off the black skin from the chest and abdomen of the zombie with a knife, and it was cut open like mud.

Cutting a hole, Huang Quan's hand reached in and took out a round shiny bead.

The beads continuously transformed into seven colors of hazy light.The complexion of Huang Quan Patriarch's face was changing according to the light, but his eyes shone with excitement and greed.This is what he was looking for...

"What is this? Ye Mingzhu?" Xu Han also joined in.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Huang Quan patriarch's face turned serious, he pulled Xu Han's gown and used it to wipe the stains on the surface of the beads.

"Hey, hey, can you talk about hygiene? Don't think that you can just wipe other people's clothes with bare buttocks!" Xu Han said very displeasedly.It's disgusting.

The ancestor of Huang Quan didn't have that awareness and scolded while wiping, "Boy. This is just a small lesson for me to remember clearly... The moment when the treasure appears is the most dangerous moment... Even the moment before. You still watch and help each other The moment when the treasure appears for Huzhu is likely to be the moment when the other party turns his face... If you don’t raise your vigilance and laugh like you did just now, and someone suddenly kills you, you will die!"

Patriarch Huang Quan finished speaking.He wiped his hands again and threw down the dirty skirt, then walked out on his own...

Throw down a sentence "burn the body."

This is a solemn tone that the ancestor of Huang Quan has never used before. Xu Han was taken aback for a moment, raised his hand and threw a fireball to burn the corpse, and then ran out of the cellar holding his nose.

The moon is as big as a table and emerges from the clouds.

The small body of Patriarch Huang Quan was sitting on a fallen cage plant, looking down at the bead.

"Old Ancestor, did you... have murderous intentions just now?" Xu Han walked over and sat beside him and asked.

Patriarch Huang Quan didn't deny it, "That's right, Patriarch, how can I let others know that treasures of this level are worth betraying everyone and everyone betraying me! So if I don't kill others, I will kill me!"

"Then why didn't you do anything?" Xu Han asked again.

"Because..." Huang Quan Patriarch suddenly laughed and said, "Because you are stupid and useless, you can just be my free coolie, Patriarch, so I will keep you for the time being, but you will still be a pig brain in the future." Eat less, if you become smarter, the old ancestor might not be so kind."

Knowing that Huang Quan's ancestor was just joking, Xu Han laughed and raised his head to look at the moon and said indifferently, "In my hometown, I have many friends who have played with me since I was a child...but here I only have you as a true friend." I'm not stupid, I'm smarter than many people, but I don't want to be careful with my only friend... Wouldn't it be too lonely and boring to live like that?"

"Oh, you're stupid and you don't admit it and you're talking stupid again ()." Huang Quan patriarch sighed and looked up at the moon and said, "I don't know if a smart person will become stupid after staying with fools for a long time? My brain is not working well, alas, a tragedy."

Patriarch Huang Quan sighed and raised his hand to hand the beads to Xu Han, "Give it to Patriarch, I will keep it."

Xu Han didn't answer and said, "Forget it, it's worth it. I would betray anyone and let anyone betray me. I don't dare to take it."

Huang Quan patriarch scolded as usual: "Damn patriarch, I don't even have pants, where do you tell me to put it? Besides, you have a share in this bead. If you don't save it, who will save it?"

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Huang Quan threw the beads to Xu Han and said, "Bring that barbarian monk's storage bag and I'll change it into a spirit beast bag for you."

Xu Han wanted to shirk, but suddenly remembered something and respectfully said: "If the emperor loves you so much, it would be hypocritical if you refuse." Song Quan asked: "What does the young hero want?" Xu Han said: "I don't want anything. I want to ask the teacher about it. Is it okay? "Song Quan looked at Song Yinglong when he heard the words, does that mean it's okay?Song Yinglong nodded curiously and said, "Just ask, young man."

Xu Han asked: "Does the national teacher know what sect and school in the world are good at formations? Is there a way to learn?" Song Yinglong wondered: "Do you want to learn formations?" Under normal circumstances, most low-level monks think about how to advance and live longer People of all ages have studied other things, and only the Nascent Soul monster who has lived for an unknown number of years has time to toss about those when they are bored.

"Just wanted to see more."

Song Yinglong sighed and said, "At the age of 17, Jiedan naturally has time to learn formations. The Tie family, one of the eight major families in the Lu Kingdom, is a family of formations. But if the family doesn't accept outsiders, you probably won't be able to learn it."

"Then what should we do?" Song Yunyi anxiously asked for Xu Han ().

Xu Han looked over, smiled and nodded to express his gratitude, Song Yunyi was a little embarrassed and bowed his head shyly.

Song Yinglong continued: "If you want to learn formations, it's actually as simple as going to the mall to buy or bidding at an auction conference. I don't know how many formations have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, let alone formations. Only if you have money, what are the ingredients for exercises and medicines?" Can't buy it?"

Xu Han asked again: "Is there a merchant market in Song Dynasty?"

Song Yinglong smiled and said: "What? Is it possible that there are only Yue Shangji in the world and not Song Shangji? In mainland China, as long as there are many monks, there are merchants of different sizes. If you want to find a merchant, you can simply ask the local cultivation sect."

Xu Han chased after him and asked, "Where is the merchant market of Song State?"

Song Yinglong took a sip of his wine and said, "Young people are impatient. Are you here for dinner or for questions?" The old, slippery guy deliberately made things difficult for Xu Han.

However, before Xu Han could speak, Song Yunyi interjected, "Uncle Song, just tell Zhang Shaoxia." Song Yunzhi and Zhang Yiru also assisted Song Yinglong, who cocked his mouth.Reluctantly said: "There is a shopping mall three thousand miles to the west of Song City, if you are diligent, fly another one or twenty thousand miles to the shopping mall of Lu State." The three girls were frightened: "So far? It will take a few years to go ?”

Song Yinglong said disdainfully: "This is a small market, and there are not many auctions in a year. If you go to the holy capital, the market will hold an auction once every ten days. There are so many treasures, tsk tsk, you can't think of them."

"Holy capital? Where is the holy capital?"

Song Yinglong spread his hands and said, "I don't know, I just heard that the west city is full of monks, but I don't know where it is or how far it is."

"When will Song Shangji open?"

"An auction meeting will be held every two months

"Tomorrow's episode? Then go and see () the day after tomorrow."

Song Yinglong chuckled, "My national teacher will accompany you." Xu Han hurriedly shook his head, "Thank you for the kindness of the national teacher, I will go by myself."

Song Yunyi interrupted suddenly: "Father Huang Yunyi hasn't seen the market of cultivators yet, why don't you go with Zhang Shaoxia the day after tomorrow to see it and gain some experience. Zhang Shaoxia's spells are strong and protecting me, a weak woman, should not be a problem."

ah?She is going too?Xu Han was stunned.Song Quan seemed to be hoping to win over Xu Han, but he agreed: "Maybe Zhang Shaoxia is willing to take the little girl with him?"

ah?The emperor agreed?Xu Han was in a daze again.If you change to other monks, you don't care about your common people and me. But Xu Han hesitated and agreed: "Well, I will wait for Your Highness the Princess at the gate of the palace the day after tomorrow."

Hearing that Xu Han agreed that Song Yunzhi and Zhang Yiru would also like Zhang Luo to go, King Sheng and the prime minister just wanted to reprimand Xu Han, thinking that he would bring one, both, and Suo Xing. bit."

Xu Han's quick promise made several high-ranking people keep thinking: "Don't just kidnap and never come back." They were thinking wildly. The three girls are happy, and the young people like to be lively. If they have the opportunity to see something different, of course they will fight for it. participate.

On the second day, Xu Han went to the street to buy some daily necessities such as brocade quilt forging noodles to replace the old ones in the tent.On the third day, I came outside the palace early in the morning and saw a long line of knights and carriages. There were three girls in casual clothes standing at the gate of the palace. They were the princesses.Seeing Xu Han coming, he greeted: "The car is leaving."

Xu Han looked at the convoy going in a carriage?What year is this going to be.A few steps ago, he said: "Don't sit here." When he was about to take out the flying car, he saw many people around him and said secretly: "I didn't think about it!" He said to the three girls: "Enter the palace." What are you doing in the palace?Don't you want to go?With question marks all over their heads, the three women walked through the gate of the palace with Xu Han.

The two columns of guards inside the gate of the palace are much less than the number of people in the convoy outside ().Xu Han took two extra steps to a place where there were few people, threw out the fly, let the three women enter and sit down, and poured spiritual energy.Flying into the sky, it took off and shot west at a high speed.

The three women saw this thing for the first time, took the first ride for the first time, were extremely pleasantly surprised, called again and again, looked down through the fence, and saw mountains, rivers, fields, rivers, and cities.Everything flies under your feet and passes in front of you is a new world.

Song Yunzhi happily called out to Zhang Yiru, and Song Yunyi was also extremely excited.Xu Han was worried that they would jump out and cough when they got excited, and asked, "Do you want something to eat? There's still wine here."

"Is there any wine? Hurry up and take it out." Song Yunzhi withdrew her body and urged.

Xu Han opened the secret compartment and picked up a few jade cups, a pot of light fruit wine, and a few dried fruits, all of which were prepared by the original owner of Feizhi.Borrow flowers to offer Buddha.So the three women and one man were drinking and chatting at Feizhi, looking at the scenery, and Xu Han had to take care of the safety of the three of them.

Fortunately, Shangji is not far away.If the flying is too late, it will be an hour later.Outside the shopping mall, Xu Han walked towards the shopping mall with three beautiful girls like flowers and jade.

Women cultivating immortals will make themselves beautiful, but the appearance of three beauties is still very attractive. The four of them are regarded as the focus as soon as they enter the mall.Song Yunyi and Zhang Yiru were a little embarrassed, Song Yunzhi was careless, and she would look back at anyone who looked at her.Xu Han secretly said: "Be careless and don't let anything happen to you."

Songshangji and Yueshangji sell things at about the same price.All in all it's hard to find good stuff.It was also difficult for the three girls to be interested in these materials, herbs, and weird magic tools, muttering: "It's all rags, so boring."

Xu Han smiled and took them out of the shopping mall and threw them out of the tent to take them in to rest.As soon as they entered the room, the three women became excited again.He shouted: "It's so convenient to travel with the family." Seeing the jewels scattered around the house, holding them in his hands, he looked at them carefully and asked, "Why are such fine jewels thrown away?"

Xu Han said: "Rest first, take whatever you like."

"Take it casually? Really?" The three girls couldn't believe it ().

Xu Han smiled and said, "Yes, you guys rest first and call me if you have something to do." After speaking, he went out and meditated at the door.After a while, the door curtain was lifted to reveal Zhang Guose's beautiful face. When Xu Han heard the movement, he turned around and asked, "What's the matter?" Song Yunyi whispered, "It's cold outside, so come in."

Xu Han said that I am not cold.Song Yunyi thought for a while and wanted to get out of the tent and sit beside Xu Han.Xu Han smiled wryly, this girl is really stubborn, reached into the house, grabbed a futon, put it beside her and said to Song Yunyi, "Sit here." Song Yunyi sat down with a smile and played with a red jade hairpin in his hand, Xu Han said, "Take it if you like it."

Song Yunyi blinked and asked, "You mean give me this hairpin?"

Xu Han was confused, but no matter what you said, he nodded and said: "Yes."

Xu Han knows nothing about men and women!I don't even understand girls' worship of heroes.In the eyes of the three daughters, Xu Han is not only a hero, but also a hero who bravely saves the beauties. He is also a handsome, young, wealthy, and brave hero who saves himself from danger.

Hearing that Xu Han promised Song Yunyi carefully took out the incense towel and wrapped it carefully in his arms.Xu Han didn't understand and asked: "Don't you take it?" Song Yunyi's face turned red and he shook his head slightly.

The door curtain parted and Song Yunzhi jumped out: "Brother Zhang, where are your monsters?" Xu Han smiled and released three stupid dogs.Song Yunzhi yelled and rushed over to Xiao Bai and hugged Xiao Bai: "So white, so cute."

Xiaobai looked at Xu Han with gloomy eyes, clearly saying that I am a monster, not a pet. Xu Han pretended not to see Xiaohei's far away, and chuckled: "It's your turn to call you mad again."

Zhang Yiru opened the door curtain and said, "What are you doing outside? It's so scary for me to be in the house, big dog." When he found the new toy, he ran over to caress it and turned to ask Xu Han, "If there is any meat, did you feed them?" (To be continued. .)


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