The monks cannot fly when they enter the Monster Beast Mountain. Their cultivation base is limited and they cannot display their normal power. However, more than a dozen high-level and top-level monks in the alchemy stage still venture into the mountain to search for Xu Han. But what about after being chased?After thinking about it, he asked the red wolf again and again: "Either take your children away or I will sign a servant agreement with them. Choose the first to nod and the second to shake your head." After speaking, he grabbed the other fifteen cubs and forced him to sign a contract. I don't like to do this, but life is precious and there is no other way because of the time rush. The cubs are weak in willpower and quickly agreed to finish everything and put them into the animal control bag. Xu Han looked at the red wolf again and asked, "Have you decided?" The three dogs Looking eagerly at the red wolf, it is still difficult to make a decision. It knows what the promise means, and it means that it will never become an item for monks, but if you leave here, you can't protect the cubs at all. The monsters will definitely not miss the delicious meal. point

Seeing the pitiful, hesitant, and loving eyes of the red wolf, Xu Han sighed and compromised, put the five little wolves into his arms, wrapped his clothes tightly like he used to pack the three stupid dogs, and said to the red wolf: "I can protect them, but you have to become a beast master." "Bag" with a wave of his hand, the three dogs were put away. The red wolf looked at Xu Han's little furry head in the lapel for the last time and nodded slightly.

Before he could figure out where to go next, he suddenly sensed movement in front of him, and Xu Han sent out his consciousness. In front of him, a four-legged beast stood tall, with a tall dragon head, antlers, a lion body, a leopard tail, and the whole body was covered with scales. His red eyes stared at Xu Han's shoulders. The crouching snake, the little crouching snake, curled up on Xu Han's shoulders and stared back at the beast. His body trembled slightly, as if he was a little nervous.

Seeing this, Xu Han didn't think about it at all, threw out Zhang's talisman, stepped back, retracted the little snake into his sleeve, and made a few movements in one go. He was so fast, the monster was fast, and the talisman hadn't exploded. Reflecting the shadowless knife "she" into the monster's mouth, the spell exploded and directly blasted Xu Han into the air, although the explosion was violent, but the monster didn't care, just treated the six-star gray "se" spell as a toy and let him explode while turning his head Seeing Xu Han being blown into the air, he closed his mouth and bit Wuyingdao, only to hear the sound of a click, Wuyingdao jumped out of its mouth and shed a few drops of blood

Xu Han fell far away and hung on a big tree. Fortunately, he was protected by the white snake armor and was far away from the explosion point, so he was not injured. He hung on the tree for a while and slowly recovered. Go back to the Wuying Knife for a closer look, luckily there is no damage

The ferocious monster was buried by the rocks and soil blown up by the spell. At this time, when it came out of the soil and stood on the ground, it still had a face full of disbelief. It didn't believe that the spell was so powerful that it would smash itself into the ground; it also didn't believe that a small knife could not stop biting. He was still a little injured, looked at Xu Han suspiciously, threw his body to the dirt, then became furious, and rushed again

Is this guy too hard to fight and escape?If you can't run but can't fly, then enter the ground quickly and make a decision. Push the trunk with both hands and let your body fall to the ground.Of course Xu Han would not "suicide" during the falling process, secretly thinking about the ground tactic, as soon as the body touched the ground, it disappeared and no monsters could be seen before reacting. It made a deep pit of several tens of feet, but it didn't dig it as fast as Xu Han. Walking underground was more convenient. Xu Han turned left and right and quickly dived. The monster followed this guy in a rage on the ground. It's too powerful to lock himself at such a distance?Xu Han continued to dive

I just ran for my life and ran far away, faintly aware that something was wrong, as if something was missing?I patted my chest and suddenly found that the five little wolves were gone, and three of them should have been lost when the spell exploded. I couldn't help being stunned, what should I do?what to do?Continue to run for your life or go back to find the little wolf?The ground is dark, but he seems to see a pair of eyes questioning my child in the mud?

With a long sigh, go back, work hard to identify the direction, put your mind to search, and finally return to the place just now Huh, the fierce big guy is not here?The three little guys were still busy jumping to the ground, quickly grabbed the little wolf and stuffed it into their arms, put a barrier around them to protect the little wolf, and then dived back to the ground

As soon as I entered the ground, I immediately felt a few strong breaths rushing towards this direction, except for the ferocious big guy, there seems to be someone else?But he didn't bother to care about these. It's important to look for a reason, dive, dive, dive and escape.

Dive into the ground for nearly ten thousand miles, choose a random direction, and decide to call himself Zhang Paopao. From the beginning of the downhill, when will the days of living underground or escaping be the end?

I didn’t think of checking the five little wolves until I didn’t even want to run. The little guys were not hurt by the explosion of the comfort spell. They just fell into a daze when they fell from the sky. It was a fluke, but I don’t know what the breaths just now were. what happend?I don't understand why the big guy didn't continue to chase me?

Walking non-stop for more than ten days, got into a cave, a few light bullets "she" came out, hung up in mid-air, looked at it slightly, the cave was quite big, [-] meters high, tens of miles across, there were rivers meandering and flowing, no signs of life activity, looking for blocks Sit down on a flat place, put down the little wolf, then let out the red wolf and the three dogs. As soon as the red wolf landed, he pounced on the little wolf, curled up to protect them and fed them "nai"

After a short rest, get up and watch the river go. Xu Han couldn't tell the direction. He only knew that the river flowed from one cave wall to the other cave wall. To figure it out, he had to go down to the river and put his hand into the water, which was cold and bone-chilling. It's a pity that the flying boat is too big to use in the underground river

Xu Han and Chi Lang said: "Little wolves don't know how to hide their breath. If it attracts experts to covet me, I may not be able to protect it." Chi Lang understands that it is better for children to live well than anything else. When they are adults, I will break the contract." When the cubs are full, Xu Han catches them and makes the contracts one by one.

Released all his spiritual pets, more than a hundred little snakes scared the red wolf and the twenty little monsters again. The little yellow rushed to the red wolf and barked low, meaning don't be afraid. To show that the snake is harmless, he ran to grab one With a slap, Xu Han said, "You're familiar." Fu Snake didn't bother to talk to the stupid dog, jumped up and lay down on Xiao Huang's body. Who is Hong lying on the three dogs and Xu Han, resting quietly, the red wolf looking at everything in front of him in amazement, how could this be possible?

There is nothing in the cave. I have fed the monsters. The aura pills have a short rest. Put them away and continue to flee. The river is not deep, so you can walk under the water. Xu Han learned to swim while walking. Not long after, he became as relaxed as a fish. After being able to have fun for a day, it's so tasteless, what kind of shitty life is this?Swim in the water instead of walking in the soil?I don't want to become a fairy, I don't want to be an emperor, I don't want to be rich, I just want to live well. Why is it so difficult?Suo "xing" hold his breath and sleep deeply, let the water flow lead him to walk

The underground river is quite long and I haven’t seen the end after two months of diving. Either I sleep with my eyes closed or I open my eyes in a daze. It’s really boring, so I meditate cross-legged in the water and pass a dozen or so caves of different sizes, all of which are completely dark. There’s no “chao” wet fart.

This day, the river was finally no longer lifeless, and there were fish swimming. Xu Han never thought that he would be so happy to chase them and play after seeing the fish, but this kind of strangeness lasted for two or two days, and then returned to the boring life of sleeping, dazed, and meditating. I really admire myself for being able to practice in Nitian Cave for decades

The river is getting wider and deeper, and half a month in the darkness, some light is faintly scattered in front of the sea?Speed ​​up and swim closer, only to find that the rays of light are fish flat, wide, more than three meters long, forehead, two long tendrils and horns emitting light, the big fish are very enthusiastic when they see Xu Han. Expressing intimacy in a bloody mouth did not drive Xu Han to death and was hunted down again?The shadowless knife in his palm divided the water and cut the big fish in two. Seeing Xu Han's strength, the rest of the big fish scattered and swam away without attacking.

This kind of life is completely enough. Xu Han Xiangyou met after a while, and he still wants to play me to death in the underground?The spiritual power of the whole body is reversed, "she" comes out from the soles of the feet, and the "she" moves forward like an arrow. The speed is unimaginable. After two hours, it exits the river and enters the sea. As soon as it enters the boundless sea, the huge pressure is overwhelming. Xu Han resisted with spiritual power. Live in the direction of the fast swim, the lower the pressure, the faster the speed. Half an hour later, a figure suddenly appeared on the calm sea, soaring into the sky, Xu Han looked up to the sky and shouted: "I'm finally back!"

The sky is high and the sun is red, the sea is scattered and sparkling. Spread your wings and look at the sea from side to side. The sea is vast. Looking around, there is only the sea. Where am I?Xu Han is obviously more depressed than happy

This is Xu Han's first time seeing the sea, but this time it is enough to see the sun to see the direction. In fact, it is useless because he doesn't know where he is and where Lu Guo is. Look at it falling. Well, the toe of the shoe is pointing to this side. It makes sense and is very accurate. My shoes went to the sea to look for them. I saw the same water on all sides. The problem happened just now.

Throw out the fly and enter again to lose the shoes. En this time it will not be wrong. Go west. He is lucky. He is in the right direction. After half an hour, he sees Dalu and nods to praise himself: "It is quite accurate to distinguish the direction by throwing shoes."

Flying into the land to search for traces of people, looking for a foothold, and feeling around? Dozens of spiritual breaths are surging in the distance, flying from west to east, won't they escape to a place that they don't even know, and there are people chasing them?I'm so unlucky?After careful inspection, it was found that more than a dozen foundation-building monks were divided into two groups, with four in the front and 12 behind.

He was relieved to avoid any misunderstandings, stopped Feizhi and let them pass first. He never thought that the four people in front saw Feizhi and turned to fly towards him. It was a blessing or a curse or a disaster, but Xu Han sighed and waited while getting angry.

The four people in front flew up to Fei and stopped, all bowing and saluting: "I have seen seniors begging for help, seniors." Xu Han's head got big and he stood still, could he provoke right and wrong?I'm too capable, sighed and looked at the four people in front of me in a daze

Among the four people, two men and two women are handsome and handsome, and the women are beautiful and graceful, but they all look tense and exhausted, and one man is injured, Xu Han frowned, and a woman hurriedly shouted: "As long as seniors help me, I would like to donate a plant." The thousand-year-old mountain ginseng is a thank you gift." The injured man blurted out: "Fumei" Another man stared nervously at Xu Han for fear that he might have malicious intentions

After hearing the white-faced young man's introduction, Xu Han nodded. This square is full of temporary stalls set up by young monks to sell their own gadgets, and then they are closed. The small buildings behind are shops, which are dedicated to doing business. Of course, good things are better than others. There are many outside, but the price is estimated to be relatively expensive

Following the white-faced youth into the square, I saw various stalls with all kinds of animal bones and various utensils. Some put up a sign in front of it to explain what the item was. What

And the noise around you is endless, bargaining is just like a market in the mortal world

"Brother Dao, how many spirit stones do you need if you rent a booth here?" Xu Han thought that he also had something to sell. The seeds of the cage plant can also be sold for some money...

"Oh, these stalls can only rent five spirit stones per day when the market opens, and you can rent two spirit stones per hour at noon and three spirit stones per hour in the afternoon," the white-faced young man replied.

What a black price! Xu Han stuck out his tongue. He killed Fan Jiushe and got four spirit stones. He killed Xia Hui and got eight spirit stones. He collected five spirit stones from the folks in Nandu for a total of 17 yuan.

Later, when I went out, I gave each piece to Lu Qin and Xiaohong. I used up another piece while I was sitting in spiritual practice

"It seems that it is more cost-effective to rent for a day." Xu Han said with a smile

"Yes, yes." The white-faced young man nodded. He saw that Xu Han had something to sell and couldn't help but ask, "Brother, do you have something to sell? I'm familiar with this place. Tell me, I'll give you an estimate so you don't lose money." Oh... oh, I also know a lot of shop owners behind, and if it is a rare item, they will buy it at a high price."

At first, Xu Han was afraid that this kid would play tricks on him, but looking at the price of a hundred and ten spirit stones in front of him, shouldn't it be something that makes people envious?

"I have...the horn to control corpse insects," Xu Hanqi and Ai Ai said

"What?" The white-faced young man didn't seem to hear clearly, but he couldn't believe it.

"Corpse control horn" Xu Han repeated again

The white-faced young man finally heard it clearly, then he laughed and said, "Do you want to set up a stall to sell this stuff?"

Xu Han felt a little dumbfounded this time, "Why not?"

The white-faced young man laughed hard, "A live corpse controller only sells for three spirit stones, how much can you sell for a dime? You can rent a countertop and pay at least two spirit stones..."

Xu Han fainted and quickly asked, "Did you make a mistake? It's the corpse-controlling insect, that kind of horn that is one side down and one side up."

Seeing Xu Han's panic, the white-faced young man laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe and said, "I know, I know that the insect has a black shell and it can't fly very far."

"But I heard that a hundred and ten spirit stones are going to be sold." Xu Han didn't believe it.

The white-faced young man smiled exaggeratedly and immediately attracted the attention of the people around him. Someone came over and said, "Little friend, I will sell you the horn of the corpse-controlling insect for 50 yuan. How much do you want for a spirit stone?"

Someone from behind shouted, "I only want you to get 30 yuan of Lingshi, and you can buy one and get one free..."

Many people smiled and shook their heads, "This is probably the first time a little monk who has been cheated does not know yet."

"Isn't it that the horns of corpse control insects are so worthless?" Xu Han blinked his eyes and hoped that this thing would sell for a lot of money and he could exchange it for a flying magic weapon.

Every time the ancestor of Huang Quan woke up in time, he immediately yelled in Xu Han's head, "Don't listen to their corpse control insects, they can't be so cheap, they are lying to you"

But soon the ancestor of Huang Quan couldn't shout anymore

"This is our own shop in Baichongzhai. Go in and see how many spirit stones there are for controlling corpse worms."

Xu Han was really dumbfounded when he saw the countless black "se" beetles crawling in the big crystal box and the price tag on the side of the box...

The living corpse-controlling insects only sell for three spirit stones. Just think about that corner, and I don't think they can sell a single spirit stone.

The troublemakers who followed behind also admired Xu Han's dumbfounded expression, and they all laughed. Some even patted Xu Han on the shoulder and said, "Next time, silly boy, find out the price before doing business."

When Xu Han and the white-faced youth got out of the crowd, they unexpectedly followed an acquaintance Xu Han had seen before.

The boy met again by such a coincidence, dare to scold me like that, I will never stop with you

"My fellow daoist, I'm sorry, I didn't expect so many people to watch." The white-faced youth dragged Xu Han to the street in the middle of Fangshi

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm not being lied to. I caught it myself. Someone told me that it was very valuable..." Xu Han explained.

The white-faced youth nodded and said, "The corpse-controlling worms have been raised by the Hundred Insects for a long time. Of course they are not worth much, but if they are far away from the prehistoric mainland, they might be worth a hundred spirit stones."

"Yes, that's right." Xu Han blushed a lot when he made a joke

"Then you just watch around by yourself and I'll go back." The white-faced young man probably saw that Xu Han was poor and stupid, so he didn't want to waste any more time

But Xu Han felt that this white-faced young man was quite enthusiastic, he was a "sexual" person in love, and he immediately wanted to make friends

"Okay." After Xu Han finished speaking, he hurriedly said, "Brother Dao, what do you call me?"

"My name is Zaji..." The name of the barbarians is similar to that of the minorities on the earth. The white-faced young man named Zaji asked again, "Then what sect are you, my friend?"

"I am Xia Hui from the Bone Spirit Gate"

A certain beautiful woman is worrying about how to teach this hooligan a little lesson. When she heard that Xu Han lied, she felt that the opportunity had come.

"Wow, isn't this the eighth young master who is famous in Xiaoer? When did he become Xia Hui of the Bone Spirit Sect?" Suddenly a dull voice sounded from behind Xu Han

Xu Han's heart skipped a beat. Mom's "revealed" stuff. Who is this? I actually know my own mother. I don't know any monks except for the ancestor of Huang Quan.

Xu Han hurriedly turned his head and saw that the person speaking was a thin man with two slender beards.

Who is her mother?do not know

"This Taoist brother has a very good face..." Xu Han said that he had already "touched" the small sword weapon at his waist, which was still hanging there, but was covered by a thin shirt...

This cricket-bearded man is not a few floors taller than me. I should be sure to kill him. Since he knows his true identity, then don’t blame me for being ruthless.

But the man was also very strange, the corners of his mouth curled up and he smiled and said, "I can't think of it, so I can take my time to say goodbye."

That skinny man is really strange. He said a few inexplicable words, so he lost his mind?

"Hey who are you?" Xu Han looked at his back as if he felt a little familiar

The thin man didn't answer, just turned his head and smiled, then walked towards the entrance of Fangshi...

"Your acquaintance?" Zaghi asked.

Seeing his smile, Xu Han recognized him and nodded and said, "Oh, I met him once when he was kicked in the head by a donkey when he was a child, and he often made inexplicable remarks, Brother Zhaji, don't mind."


That day when she failed to stab Xu Han, she sneaked back to Nandu City to inquire about the eighth young master. What she didn't expect was that the sinister she thought was so popular with the common people. Adults and children praised him.

In this case, she didn't have any killing intent, but the bad words that Xu Han scolded her that day still made her heartbroken...

She is a female cultivator, why can't you be more polite? You don't have to use so many swear words to swear?Not even barbarian monks would curse like that

So when I happened to meet Xu Han today, she naturally wanted to get back some ground, but she didn't want to fully reveal that Xu Han was just going to stop, hehe, to make you feel a little bit uncomfortable

"You dare to scold me for being in a good mood today, just charge me a little interest, next time it won't be so easy." Thinking of Xu Han's panicked and tense look just now, the female monk couldn't help feeling complacent, covered her mouth and smiled, and walked towards the gate of Fangshi

This female cultivator made such a fuss, but Xu Han was baffled. He recognized that this female cultivator was the one who wanted to plot against him.

But why didn't she want to kill herself today?And she could clearly say her real name to hurt herself, but why did she just stop talking about the Eighth Young Master?

Xu Han couldn't figure it out, so he heard Huang Quan's ancestor say, "Is this female cultivator really having a problem and wanted to kill you this time without any grudges or grudges? It's strange that she doesn't care if she has grudges or grudges."

Xu Han looked at her back and walked out of the market and sighed, "I haven't seen this woman for more than half a year. Her ability to disguise is a bit higher than when I first met her. But why did her cultivation become lower?"

Ancestor Huang Quan said, "Why is this difficult? There are many pills that can hide your cultivation. It is not difficult to press from the middle stage of foundation building to the middle stage of Qi refining."

Xu Han thought about it and said, "Hey Patriarch, do you think that woman will hide outside Fangshi and wait for me to go out to plot against me?"

"I don't think so. You see, those three late-stage Qi-refining men who walked out must want to kill that woman to seize the treasure."

Hearing from the ancestor of Huang Quan, Xu Han found that there was something wrong with those three men.

"Then do we want to follow?" Xu Han asked

"What are you going to do? What else do you want to pick? The woman is in the middle stage of foundation establishment and has a top-level magic weapon. These three boys are dead."

"Then don't do our business, let's continue to visit Fangshi." After talking about the female nun, Xu Han remembered the embarrassing scene just now and said angrily, "Hey ancestor, didn't you say that thing can be sold for a hundred yuan of spirit stones? It’s not you who dare to embarrass others.”

"Don't quarrel with my ancestor, I'm talking about the prices of 10 years ago, okay? Do you want to go back to 10 years ago with my ancestor?" Huang Quan's ancestor replied a few words and then muttered aggrievedly, "Who knows that this hundred thousand years ago? The insect village raises the corpse-controlling insects like domestic animals, and of course it’s not worth the money.”

"Ah..." Xu Han sighed and grabbed the ten or so spirit stones in his hands, but he couldn't think of anything else he could sell.

At this time, the twelve monks who were chasing after them rushed to see Xu Han, and they became suspicious and stopped far away, not daring to go forward. A white-haired middle-aged man stepped on a gourd flew out of the crowd, clasped his fists and said, "Wu, a disciple of the Yunlong sect of Qiyun Mountain. Haven't seen seniors before?" Qi Yunshan?Cloud Dragon Gate?I've never heard of it, my God, where have I been?Thinking wildly in his heart, he didn't have time to reply, Wu Fei said again: "Dare to ask, senior, how many people do you know?" Xu Han shook his head, Wu Fei was overjoyed, and said: "Senior, I still have some grudges against these little thieves. ..." Xu Han was not happy: "What does it matter to me if you go to the side of the fight?" The woman who spoke just now said anxiously: "The seniors saved me and the others were framed by others." Xu Han turned his head and looked at her with a blank expression. He gritted his jade teeth and said cruelly: "As long as senior is willing to save me a few people, I am willing to be a concubine for senior." The injured man stopped him and said, "Sister Fu, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Wu Fei interrupted and said: "Li Fu misses you and I being in the same school, just follow me back to the mountain and don't harm others." Li Fu smiled bitterly: "Brother Wu, don't you believe me?" Wu Fei shook his head slowly: "It's not whether you believe it or not. Someone saw you kill Junior Brother Yun with your own eyes, and you came back to the mountain with me." Li Fu said tragically, "Go back to the mountain? Do I still have my life?" Suddenly, Liu Mei stood upside down and glared at one of the opposing monks, shouting: "Fang Tiancheng, kill me!" Brother Shiyun framed the crime on me. If you don’t take revenge, you won’t be a human being.” Fang Tiancheng is a very handsome young man. An explanation? Besides, how can you explain the Wrathful Soul Curse issued by Junior Brother Yun before he died?” Li Fu shook his head sadly and said, “I can’t explain it, but I definitely didn’t kill Junior Brother Yun, you did it.”

What happened to Xu Han's "chaotic" death?He took off and spread his wings and stood in the air and said, "I want to say something, but I don't know what's going on."

As soon as the words came out, everyone had different expressions of happiness and worry. Li Fu lowered her head and thought for a while, raised her head and said to the injured man: "Thank you, senior brother Liu. If there is a next life, Fu'er will be a knot to repay you." Then he said to the other two: "Senior Brother Wang, Senior Sister Wang also thank you for being innocently involved. I'm sorry." Senior Brother Wang waved his hand and said, "What's the matter? I'm close to Liu En. If his business is my business, please don't thank me." Senior Sister Wang said nervously, "Sister Fu, what are you going to do?" ?”

At this time, Xu Han has already seen how many people have been cultivated. Liu En is the top-level foundation-building senior brother Wang, who is the high-level foundation-building junior sister Wang, and Li Fu is the middle-level foundation-building opponent. Wu Fei is the top-level foundation-building Fang Tiancheng. A few of them are high-level foundation-builders, and the rest are all middle-level disciples. There is such a huge difference in strength. No wonder they want to run away?Why do you seem to be the same as me?

Li Fu turned to Wu Fei and said, "Senior brother Wu just wants me to pay for my life for Junior Brother Yun? There's no need to go back and I'll give you my life here, just beg you to let Senior Brother Liu and the others go." He took out a jade box and Said: "This is wild ginseng, as long as Brother Wu agrees to return the wild ginseng, I will give my life to you too."

When Liu En and the others yelled loudly, Senior Brother Wang hurriedly said, "Don't do anything stupid, and everything will be resolved when my uncle leaves the customs." Liu En flashed to Li Fu and said nervously, "I can't go back." Li Fu smiled miserably. He said in a low voice, "Thank you." He raised his hand and stroked the wound on his body and continued, "I have escaped for more than ten days, day and night, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to keep going. I'm sorry for hurting you." After finishing speaking, the palm of his hand flashed across his throat, and he stepped back and said to Wu Fei: "Senior Brother Wu, as long as you promise that the ginseng and mine will be yours."

Wu Fei bowed his head and pondered for a long time, "Okay, I promise you, but you don't have to die, I will take you back to the mountain and let the master send you down." He clasped his fists to Liu En and said, "Don't blame me for offending Senior Brother Liu these days." Fang Tiancheng said anxiously, "No, Senior Brother." Wu Fei gave him a cold look: "When will it be your turn to speak?" Fang Tiancheng backed away with a blushing face.

Seeing that Wu Fei agreed with a wry smile, Li Fu tremblingly said: "Thank you, Senior Brother Wu, disciple Wuyan returned to the mountain, so I would like to thank you, Master." As he spoke, he bowed in the direction of Qi Yunshan and threw the jade box into Wu Fei's hands The sword "jawed" towards his chest, Liu En was in a panic, but he didn't dare to act rashly. Seeing Li Fu committing suicide immediately, he rushed over like a lunatic to stop him.

The quarrel between these people, Xu Han probably understood that it was nothing more than someone murdering someone and someone taking revenge. I didn't want to care about it, but I heard that they had fled for more than ten days and shared their illness with him; the little girl had a strong temper and wanted to commit suicide; Flying in front of Li Fu, he snatched the sword in his hand with a flick of his right hand and exhaled, "If you die, you will never live again."

As soon as he intervened, Wu Fei's face turned pale and he asked in surprise, "Senior, what do you mean by this?" Xu Han rubbed his head, feeling a little embarrassed and said, purely looking for trouble for himself: "This dead man always Is it okay?" Wu Fei put the ginseng into his arms and asked again: "Senior, you want to 'intervene' in Qi Yunshan's affairs?" Xu Han hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, I just think dead people are not good." Wu Fei looked at Xu Han carefully, but couldn't see the depth He bowed and said, "Senior, since he intervened, the disciple is ordered by his master to ask for advice, and return the senior's advice." Wu Fei knew that he couldn't beat Xu Han, but he had to catch up with him, so he could only try his best to say good things so that the other party would not let him down. The killer Xu Han was stunned: "Want to fight? No, I won't fight with you." Wu Fei couldn't figure out what Xu Han wanted to do, and asked again: "Senior, did you say you won't intervene in Qi Yunshan's affairs?" Xu Han nodded repeatedly: "No I have nothing to do with you." Wu Fei was overjoyed: "Thank you, senior, I'm leaving now." Before speaking, he wanted to take Li Fu away

Liu En stepped on the flying sword and flew in front of Li Fu to block Wu Fei and said, "You can't take her away, she didn't kill her." Wu Fei said softly, "Senior Brother Liu, get out of Qi Yunshan's matter, you can't meddle in it." Li Fu faced Se's white eyes resolutely walked around from behind Liu En and said softly: "Thank you" and said to Wu Fei: "I'll go with you"

Seeing her decisive eyes, Xu Han felt uncomfortable and interjected, "Did you only want to die when you returned to the mountain?" Li Fu said indifferently: "What's the difference between dying and dying? It's better than running for your life in embarrassment every day and implicating others." Xu Hanxuan She shook her head slowly: "But I don't want you to die" She ran for her life and so did I; if she was caught, she would die, would I die if I was caught?Xu Han doesn't want to think too much

Wu Fei's face became ugly again and he asked: "What do you mean by this senior?" Xu Han pondered for a long time and said, "Is it okay if you don't take her back to the mountain?" Wu Fei was stunned: "Senior must intervene. meddle in this matter?" Xu Han said: "I don't intervene just because I don't want you to take her away."

Wu Fei stared at Xu Han without speaking for a long time and suddenly opened his mouth and said: "I'm offended!" With a move with both hands, a big butterfly appeared out of nowhere At the same time, Xu Han drew a silver hook towards his throat. Xu Han raised his right hand and a gust of wind enveloped the pink mist with his right hand, and continued to lift his right hand to protect his neck to block the silver hook. move

Wu Fei used the two moves before and did not cause any damage. He knew that it was not good to drive the gourd to escape Xu Han, but he didn't even move. He raised a column of wind that rolled up the mist and exploded into the air. The mist scattered and disappeared, and he looked at Wu calmly Fei said: "I don't intend to be your enemy, but I don't want you to take her away"

Wu Fei came back quickly and saw Xu Hanwu's murderous expression and said with a bitter face: "Didn't senior play tricks on his disciples? He said he didn't want to 'intervene' in Qi Yunshan's internal affairs but detained that girl. Senior is an expert, of course we have to listen to it." Qi Yunshan wrote down this account and gave it to the senior to make it easier for the disciples to return to the mountain to pay."

Tell you the name to let you hunt and kill me?How stupid am I to do such a stupid thing? Xu Han shook his head and said, "You can't say it." Wu Fei was surprised and said, "Can you tell me your senior's name?"

This guy is also interesting to see his serious questioning appearance. Xu Han wanted to laugh but shook his head and said, "I can't tell you."

Before Wu Fei took people away from Li Fu, the four of them thanked Xu Han, waved his hands and asked, "Where is this? Where is the State of Lu?" Liu En replied respectfully: "Senior, this place is the territory of the Warring States Period. within ten days”

ten days?It's not too far away, and I have to take a look and see Li Fu's sorrowful expression "se" and asked, "Why don't you run for your life? What's the use of worrying about yourself?" Liu En explained: "Her sister is seriously ill and it will take a thousand years." Now that the spirit grass is used as "medicine"..."

Seeing the dejected looks of the four people, saving people to the end, took out a thousand-year-old ginseng and threw it over after thinking for a while, then threw out more than a dozen spiritual energy pills and life pills and asked, "Enough?" Li Fu was overjoyed when he saw these treasures se' said gratefully: "Thank you senior for your great kindness and great virtue, the little girl will always remember that there is nothing to repay but a promise with your body..."

Xu Han frowned and said, "What do I want your body for?" Flying towards the northwest, seeing Li Fu's sad appearance, he remembered how pitiful Song Yunyi was... Heartache?The scene when I parted with Song Yunyi came to my mind, the cute girl must not be as sad as Li Fu, but she seems to have been sad

I don't know how to think of Song Yunyi, but there is a sweetness in my heart. Although she is just an ordinary woman, the look in her eyes when she looked at me, the expression of genuine concern for her, and her delicate body like a flower can always make my heart move. He wants to see her.

Seven days later, I fell down and took my breath away, and I became an ordinary person. When I met the city, I went to find a hotel to rest. By the way, I asked for directions. To Song State" for three months?Just eat something, go out of the city and head northeast, and when there is no one in the suburbs, run quickly; if there are people, then walk slowly, so stop and go, and finally enter the territory of Song Dynasty

Everything is low-key and safety is the most important thing. Buy a carriage at the market, buy old wine, buy stewed meat, and a bunch of secular novels and miscellaneous notes, and then travel leisurely in a carriage. Thinking of how cautious and careless these days are.

The horse-drawn carriage drove Xu Han around for 20 days and finally arrived at Song City. He searched for an inn near the imperial palace and stayed there. At night, he performed ground surgery and entered the imperial palace. Seeing Song Yunyi, he estimated that he arrived at the princess’ bedroom. cute

It didn't take long to find her, why didn't she sleep?Meditate and practice?Yuanshen felt that Song Yunyi was trying to gather the faintly invisible inner breath in the meridians, and it would be difficult to achieve it every time.

Appeared in front of her silently, seeing her eyes closed and concentrating on it, she didn't move for a long time, no matter how I looked at that face, I couldn't get enough of her eyebrows, shallow nose, delicate lips, soft cheeks, white cheeks, and those closed eyes Xu Han savored carefully Song Yunyi was working hard to refine Qi, and suddenly felt a strange feeling as if someone was watching her, her mind was "disturbed", and her inner breath became more and more difficult to hold back, so she gave up, sighed, opened her eyes and saw Xu Han covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Why are you here? "Pinch my cheek hard and feel pain: "Isn't it a dream, you, you, are you okay?" The expression of nervousness and surprise faded away, trying to maintain a calm tone, and speaking was just the desire of the eyes to express ""

Xu Han's voice sounded faintly: "Why are you practicing this? It's boring and tiring." Song Yunyi's big eyes flashed and he replied, "There's nothing left to do. I'm practicing and having fun." Suddenly he said nervously, "Why are you back? Many people are looking for you to listen. Said that you killed more than a dozen people in Lu country?" Xu Han was stunned when the news spread, and he smiled quickly: "I miss you, let's take a look."

Song Yunyiteng's delicate red face covered his face for a long time and said softly: "I miss you too" the voice was low and weak and inaudible, and when the words came out, I felt my face was hot to cover up shyness and got up to move the chair Xu Han stopped him: "I'll come" After sitting down The two looked at each other across the table, Song Yunyi wanted to see Xu Han but was too embarrassed to peek up at Ma and lowered his head

Xu Han asked her: "Are you okay?" Song Yunyi gave a gracious

The two of them spoke for a while and didn't know what to say anymore, the room was silent for a while

After staying for a while, Xu Han got up to say goodbye, and then someone answered outside the house: "What is Zhang Daoyou doing in the Song Dynasty Palace?" Following the words, a tall and burly man walked in. It was Song Yinglong, the national teacher of the Song Dynasty, and Xu Han was taken aback when he saw him. His cultivation base is quite the same as the middle-level alchemy; but his primordial spirit is definitely stronger than the opponent's, it is impossible not to feel that he is suspicious, and he searched around, only to find that he is trapped in the formation, and the entire princess' bedroom is completely covered by the formation. It's a little strange, as if he didn't threaten him, although he had doubts in his heart, he said calmly, "I've seen Song Guoshi."

Song Yinglong smiled: "I heard that Zhang Daoyou killed the "Yao" monks and robbed the monsters in the country of Lu. It is very beautiful."

Xu Han smiled wryly: "If I said they wanted to kill me and I was "forced" to fight back, would you believe me?"

Song Yinglong said: "Of course I believe it, not only I believe that everyone in the world will believe Zhang Daoyou, do you know why?"

Xu Han didn't speak, but looked at Song Yinglong questioningly, why is this guy's attitude so different from that of Ci?what happened?Song Yinglong's expression turned serious and said: "Song, on behalf of Wuliangmen, invited Zhang Daoyou to live in the mountain and enshrined him as a grand priest. He is willing to use his power to drive him. I don't know what will happen to Daoyou?"

Xu Han gradually understood and smiled, "If this is the case, why let me go?"

Song Yinglong said seriously: "At this moment and at that moment, the three seniors Long Danzi and Qingmen Han Zhenghanfan wanted to protect you, and the three masters of the Wuliangmen Yuanying are all in retreat. My disciples dare not Thinking wildly; this time the three different masters all left the customs and the disciples reported the matter. The masters ordered the disciples to leave a story if they see the fellow daoist again." To be continued)

The most complete novel

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