Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 35 Murder

Volume 35 The Situation in Baihe Town]Chapter [-] Murder (Happy New Year)

Xu Han had already prepared various talismans, including the Traveling Light Talisman, which can escape light very quickly.He immediately stopped the young monk with the lowest cultivation level. The young monk was only at the fifth level of qi refining. When he saw Xu Han approaching, he was shocked, and a flying sword flew out in a hurry.But when Xu Han squeezed his stone-skinned palm, he pinched the flying sword without slowing down, and directly patted the young monk.


The young monk spurted blood from his mouth.I fell down.

"Xiao Yi."

The old monk probably had a better relationship with the young monk, and exclaimed.He yelled loudly: "I'll fight with you." But he was stopped by a monk dressed in Confucianism and shouted: "Quick back."

"Where to retreat?" Before the old monk could say anything, the monk in Confucianism costume heard another voice.

"How is it possible?" the monk in Confucianism costume exclaimed, and he heard that Xu Han had already arrived behind him.And just now Xu Han killed the young monk in front of him, and he was behind him in a blink of an eye, he couldn't figure it out.

"Guangguang Talisman." The old monk was well-informed and guessed the reason right away.But what he wondered was, when did the effect of the Traveling Light Talisman become so good?But he couldn't ask why.Because he had already seen a black flying sword pierced through his chest, he touched it, and then his consciousness went dark, and he didn't know anything.

"Old Hu." The monk dressed in Confucianism was terrified.At the seventh level of Qi Refining, he had completely lost his size, he threw out his flying sword in a panic, and attacked indiscriminately.But he didn't know where Xu Han was?

"It's sad."

The monk dressed in Confucianism only heard this sentence, and then his consciousness went dark, and he didn't know anything.Only the female monk who had just turned around saw what happened.Behind the monk dressed in Confucianism, Xu Han raised a black palm print, and silently slapped the monk in Confucianism on the head.Like smashing a watermelon, the head of the monk dressed in Confucianism was smashed.

Looking at the devil-like person again, the alluring female monk no longer had the seductiveness of a woman, but panicked panic.

Especially the devil smiled at her, and the alluring female monk was even more puzzled for a moment, what was he laughing at?Then she heard a bang, her consciousness went dark, and she didn't know anything.

Xu Han was stunned for a long time before he realized the devastated ground and several dead bodies.

Although it was the first time to kill someone, he did feel some discomfort, but he still felt nothing.After adjusting his breath for a while, he felt as if nothing had happened. "It seems that I am really suitable for this bloody world of cultivating immortals." Xu Han could only comfort himself with this.

Although Xu Han didn't care much, he still swept up the storage bags of the next few people.

Probably because of the frequent robbery, the storage bags of several people are not bad, and there are some low-grade spirit stones, but there are not many.Especially the young monk, who only has dozens of low-grade spirit stones, which is much less than others, so it can be seen that he is usually the worst.There are also some magic tools, but for Xu Han, these magic tools are useless, just put them in the storage bag and ignore them.

There are only two things that Xu Han finds interesting.

One is the beast-monitoring secret book of the barbarian monk. This book is called "Strange Beast Book", which can guide monks to learn many basic beast-controlling skills. Xu Han flipped through it a little bit and found it very interesting, so he focused on his own. in the storage bag.The other is a secret book in the storage bag of the gorgeous woman, but this secret book was almost destroyed.

Xu Han didn't think he could kill five people at once, so he buried several exploding talismans.Especially on the road, as long as he is willing, he can activate it with a sweep of his consciousness.At that time, he killed the monks dressed in Confucianism costumes, and there was only the last one left, that is, the gorgeous female monks, who had already escaped to tens of feet away, and it was impossible for Xu Han to catch up.

It's a pity that the gorgeous female monk didn't expect that she had already fallen into Xu Han's trap, and when she hurried back, she happened to fly over Xu Han's hidden talisman.With so many Explosive Talismans, the power of the sudden explosion nearly shattered her to pieces.Fortunately for Xu Han, the storage bag of the female monk was not blown up, but flew out early.

After Xu Han opened it, he found some things for women, as well as some spiritual stones, pills and the like.But in the end, he found something that Xu Han was very interested in.That is a psychedelic exercise.

"Luan Confused Love", this psychedelic exercise is tailor-made for women.After a beautiful woman practices, she can make a man fall into a state of disorientation in a short period of time.Xu Han guessed that the few of them who dared to deal with him must be relying on the female monk's "Luan Confused Love" skill.

It's a pity that Xu Han's attack was too quick, and the female monks had no chance to use it, and their team collapsed.Then, he was almost smashed to pieces by Xu Han's explosion talisman.How can I deal with Xu Han?

However, female monks have no chance to use it, and Xu Han attaches great importance to this skill.

It's good not to be able to practice, but Xu Han can study this exercise to prevent someone from using this exercise to plot against him next time.In particular, Xu Han was still behind the secret book, and saw the weaknesses of some of the confusion and emotion exercises emphasized by the secret book.Although the cheats are all from the perspective of female cultivators, it reminds female monks that when encountering, for example, men with strong spiritual consciousness, they are not afraid of the confusion of the exercises, or in an emergency, it is possible for men to attack themselves with spiritual consciousness and temporarily wake up their consciousness. What should female monks do in the event that the exercises fail to work.

Conversely, as a male monk, Xu Han can know how he should deal with these exercises and restrain them accordingly.

Xu Han realized that it was very useful, so he also solemnly put away this cheat book.There is nothing else that Xu Han can pay attention to.Xu Han looked again to see that there was nothing missing, so he threw a few balls of flames and burned the bodies of several people.

Although Xu Han killed someone for the first time, he was still very clear about what to do.

After all, he killed the barbarian monk just now with a single blow. As long as he is willing to investigate, others can completely infer the depth of his mana from the barbarian monk's body.Then the secret of his exercises will be exposed.In addition, if these traces are not destroyed, someone will track him, maybe these people have accomplices, and he will be troubled.

The only way to get rid of it is to completely eliminate it.

Xu Han thought of doing it, three times, five divisions, and two, completely eradicating all traces.Then go to the depths of the devil again.It takes [-] points to use a practice tent. He doesn't have any points now, and it's almost too far away. He has to speed up his progress.

I wish you all a happy new year, good health, smooth work, happy family and good luck in everything!

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