The entrance in the shape of an inverted gourd is really big, the three of them walked for another three hours, and it was not until half a month later that they reached the place.In front of him was a long and narrow path that could only accommodate three people, Xiang Liu said, "Go to a safer place to rest."

Walk a few hundred meters longer and enter the Shiwanda Mountain. The scenery is quite different from the outside. The mountains are high, the rocks are tall, the trees are tall, and even the weeds are surprisingly tall, at least half the height of a person.Xu Han was dumbfounded: "If there is a snake hidden in the grass, it will be bitten..." Xiang Liu took out a suit of clothes and asked him casually: "How do you know? You have been here before? Change your clothes and let your hair loose. "

"Ah? Are there really snakes?" Xu Han asked while changing clothes.

"There are not only snakes, but also a lot of beasts and monsters. Anyway, there are a lot of messy things." Xiang Liu put away his invisibility cloak, handed Song Yunyi a long black hooded cloak, and found a pair of animal leather boots, Let her change.

Xu Han changed his clothes, loose trousers, a short coat, animal leather shoes, and loose hair. He really looked like a minority. He asked Xiang Liu: "So many beasts? How do you live?" Xiang Liu looked at him contemptuously: "Idiot, not all places have That's it." "But where are the mountain people coming out of the mountain?" Xu Han thought of his brother and sister who had disputes between the white tiger skin and the salt gang.

"There are other ways out of the mountain."

"Huh? Then why did you take us this way?"

"I'm happy." Xiang Liu looked up after finishing speaking.

"What are you looking at? You don't need to be invisible now?" Xu Han asked curiously.

"I'm looking for night owls. The sixth-level monsters are very difficult to deal with. They are the boss here at night, and the invisibility cloak is useless to them." Xiang Liu spoke easily.

"They? How many are there?" Xu Han looked at Song Yunyi, who had changed into a new dress, put on a big cloak and put on a hat. With big eyes, he couldn't tell the difference between a man and a woman, let alone an ethnicity. cool."

Xiang Liu said: "Maybe, there are three or two less, and more than a dozen more. It seems that you are lucky. They are full today. Let's go." As he spoke, Xu Han hurriedly picked up Song Yunyi, While running, he asked: "Didn't you say come in and rest? Why are you running so fast?" "I mean come in and rest in a safer place! Is it safe here? Idiot." Xiang Liu did not hold back his contempt for Xu Han.Xu Han humbly accepted the contempt and continued to ask: "How long will it be safe?" Xiang Liu was busy looking around, and replied casually: "Dawn. According to the current speed, I can walk out of the grass at dawn, and I can take a proper rest."

"What? Why don't you hurry up?" Xu Han wanted to speed up.

"What's the rush? I still want to catch two black-armored beasts. The third senior brother said they are delicious." Xiang Liu spoke in a leisurely manner.

Xu Han was confused by him: "Are you, old man, in a hurry to avoid the night owl or not in a hurry to catch the black armored beast?"

Xiang Liu thought about it for a moment, then said impatiently: "Okay, let's go quickly, it's really troublesome to take you." He walked faster while speaking.Xu Han was so angry that he groaned in his stomach.No matter what you drag, you are one level higher than me.

After surviving for several more hours, or avoiding or killing many ferocious beasts, the three of them finally walked out of the weeds and entered a forest to rest.Xiang Liu was not always satisfied: "I have killed so many, but there is no black armor beast." Squinting at Xu Han: "You must be the reincarnation of the top broom star, and bring me along with you." Xu Han was speechless: "What does it matter to me?" Bringing water and food to Song Yunyi, Song Yunyi worked hard all night.Tired with no appetite, she took a sip of water and fell asleep leaning on Xu Han's shoulder.

Xiang Liu firmly believed in his own judgment: "It must be because of you. Aren't you always being chased and killed?" Xu Han didn't bother to refute: "You said yes." But Xiang Liu asked: "How did you offend the Red Light Inn? Ordinary people can't find a way to offend them, you really have the ability." Xu Han was helpless, none of the five brothers was normal, he threw a bag of fish slices and dried meat, and a pot of old wine and said: "I have no ability , It was the Salt Gang who offended, they helped the Salt Gang to kill me, but I killed them if they failed, and that’s it.”

"Oh, then how did you offend the Salt Gang?" Xiang Liu took a sip of wine and a fish fillet.Zan said: "Don't say it, the dried fish you Han people make is quite delicious, is there any more?"

Xu Han rolled his eyes: "Do you think this is a teahouse listening to storytelling?" Xiang Liu said in a serious tone, "Then should I give you some reward?" Holding the wine pot in one hand, rummaging around in his arms with the other, he finally said: "I don't have any money, why don't I buy you a drink?"

Look at the way Xiang Liu tightly grips the jug.Xu Han sighed: "I'm bored, I'm cheap, help you barbarians to get ahead..."

"It's a descendant of the Celestial Clan!" Xiang Liu interrupted him solemnly.

"Well, I helped the people of the Celestial Clan to stand out. I killed a few people from the Yan Gang, and then I killed a few more because of disputes among the people, and then I killed a few more, and then I offended them."

Xiang Liu nodded: "I can't see that you are still a good person."

Xu Han said angrily: "Nonsense, I'm not a good person, your elder brother died long ago."

"Huh? How did you know that my senior brother would die?"

"All fools know that the words in the first water condensation bead are your master telling him to commit suicide. According to your senior brother's stubborn mind, it's no wonder he doesn't die."

Xiang Liu nodded again: "I don't see that you are quite smart."

One sentence didn't make Xu Han vomit blood. Is this also smart?Quickly close your eyes and pretend to sleep.But Xiang Liu didn't let him go: "Think I can't see that you're pretending to be asleep? Let's talk."

Xu Han said angrily: "You really think of me as a storyteller." Xiang Liu was unmoved: "I'll save you once if I'm sorry, the Red Light Inn is very difficult to mess with."

Xu Hanhun didn't care: "If it's not easy to provoke, it will be. No matter how difficult it is to provoke him, he can surpass three countries, more than a dozen family sects, and countless Nascent Soul masters?"

Xiang Liu became interested: "So many people are chasing and killing you? You are so capable! Tell me, how did you mess with it?"

Xu Han rolled his eyes and closed his eyes without saying a word, but he was calculating in his heart: "The Jin family, Qingmen, Wuliangpai of the Song Dynasty, the Yao family of the Lu State, the Yunlongmen of the Qiyun Mountain in the Warring States Period, the Hantianmen of the Northland, and Longdanzi and other groups of wealthier students. There are so many Yuanying masters and countless sects, and now there are many Hongguang Inns, I really don’t know, I was shocked, I actually offended so many people!"

Xiang Liu urged: "Tell me quickly, this story must be exciting."

Xu Han shook his head: "It's fun, try being hunted down, where are we going?"

Xiang Liu stared and said, "If you don't say it, don't say it! I'm going back to Yunwu Peak, I don't know where you want to go."

"Where do I want to go? Just take me in and leave it alone?"

"Why should I care about you? I kindly brought you in to help you escape, how would I know where you were going?" Xiang Liu was very irresponsible.

"The grass is deep and the forest is dense. I know where it is? What if I fall into a ditch and die?"

Xiang Liu smiled: "You can't die, you can fly. By the way, according to your current cultivation, it's best not to fly in the mountains at night. Otherwise... otherwise, it's really hard to say, why don't you try it tonight?"

Xu Han was completely speechless, and when Song Yunyi had rested, the three of them went back on the road.When it was dark, a valley appeared in front of my eyes. There were dots of oil lamps shining in the valley, and many wooden houses were vaguely built in the valley.Xiang Liu introduced: "This place is called Wulipu. There are more than a hundred families living there. I know the village chief very well. You can stay here temporarily according to me. The village chief will help you cover up your identity. You help their village resist Beast."

Xu Han thought for a while and refused, "No, it's running for his life anyway, it doesn't matter where he stays."

Xiang Liu didn't say much, and clasped his fists and said, "Then I'm leaving." Song Yunyi didn't understand, so he interjected and asked, "Where is Senior Xiang going?" Xiang Liu explained with a smile: "I wanted to take you back to Yunwu Peak, But my elder brother and that kid don't fight each other, and they will definitely fight when they get together, and he can't beat my senior brother..." Xu Han stopped and asked: "Senior Xiang, is there a collection of magic medicine pills in Shiwan Dashan? Does the city exist?" "You're too thieves, you'll get things done as soon as you call me senior." Before he finished speaking, Xu Han flipped out two jars of wine and a large bag of fish fillets.Xiang Liu immediately took it and said with a smile: "Walking all the way to the west, there is a huge platform called Shanshentai. It is the place where the number one master of the Hundred Thousand Mountains lives, and there is a market there, which is the largest trading place for practitioners in the mountain. Free trade, even if you are a monster, as long as you modify your shape, you can still do business, and there is no need to go to other small markets."

After the three parted, Xu Han and Song Yunyi chose a leeward place to rest.Woke up early the next morning and continued to the mountains.Xu Han planned to stroll and play in the mountains. After strolling enough, he would go to the Shanshentai, and then fly back to Song City with Feizhi.Song Yunyi had no objection.

There are many races in the Shiwan Dashan, which are collectively called the Celestial Clan to the outside world, but there are no fewer factions and races than the countries on the mainland.There are also many cultivators, and most of the spiritual veins of the Lingshan Mountains have been occupied. The most famous one is the Eighteen God Mountains, which are divided up by each of the Eighteen Venerable Masters, leaving only a few dangerous places that no one dares to go to.

Spiritual grass and elixir in the mountains are also rare, and occasionally they are still young or immature at all. Xu Han originally planned to hunt for treasures in the mountains, but he was disappointed that the mountains were barren.Released three stupid dogs, borrowed their sensitive noses to search around, and finally dug up a few young herbs that were not available in Wulingfudi, and planned to hand them over to Uncle Lin for cultivation.

Song Yunyi walked happily, red wolf Xiaohong and twenty little monsters played by his side, busy picking wild flowers and fruits.The slightly troublesome thing is eating and sleeping, Xu Han can make do with it, but Song Yunyi can't, and Xu Han is not willing to let her make do with it.The meal was hot, and he didn't dare to let out the tent at night, so he dug a hole in the ground. Song Yunyi was considerate and he always refused to allow it. Xu Han was moved and worked harder.The happiest thing was the group of little monsters, who rarely ran around, Xu Han was not worried, the twenty little guys had a heart-to-heart appointment with him, and under the cover of his powerful soul, ordinary monsters were hardly a threat.

After wandering in the deep mountains for more than a month, I collected many fresh wild fruits and special herbs, killed many provocative wild beasts, and fed the little monsters.Xu Han was afraid that they were not eating well enough, so he gave them one Lingqi pill every three days, which made the group of guys extremely strong and lively.

Looking at mountains, trees and flowers all day long, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, Xu Han and Song Yunyi headed towards the altar of the western mountain.Xu Han didn't dare to use Feizhi, and he didn't dare to fly around. It took more than three months to reach the mountain god platform.The first time I set foot on the altar of the mountain, I felt the abundance of spiritual power here. Looking around, the entire platform is just a big rock, unimaginably big, flat and seemingly endless, at least much bigger than Yong'an County.This is the first spiritual mountain he has encountered since he entered the mountain for more than four months. Although the spiritual power contained in it cannot be compared with the five spiritual blessings, it is also abundant and frightening.Xu Han couldn't help feeling that in the world of comprehension where the strong are respected, such a spiritual land belongs to one person, which shows how terrifying this person is.

The platform is full of spiritual power, and there are many low-level monks meditating in the open air in the corners.Xu Han walked closer and took a closer look, and found that the monks had a simple shading barrier around them, which cut off external noise disturbance.Xu Han sighed again, the mountain god is so generous, he opened the door of convenience to help low-level monks practice!The shady enchantment is very simple, it can only block the disturbance of sound and smell, but it cannot stop a light blow. Obviously these low-level monks have quite confidence in the mountain god, and I believe that no one would dare to make trouble here.This is indeed the case, the platform is full of people and bustling.No one dared to go too far.

This is strength!After practicing for so long, it was the first time Xu Han had the feeling of looking up from a high mountain.Strength is not how many people you kill, or how famous your reputation is, but what you say casually.Others have to obey!

Occasionally, there were a few men in red battle armor walking around the crowd. Passers-by greeted them with smiles, and they responded with smiles.

Xu Han was full of curiosity about this place, so he led Song Yunyi to the central yang of the platform.There are stalls in a radius of ten li in the center of the platform. Here, countless monks are as casual as ordinary people shopping in the vegetable market. Gold essence and silver liquid and other high-grade ores are scattered on the stalls.Just leave it casually, without fear of being snatched by someone.Xu Han sighed for the third time, this is the trading market that cultivators should have!This is the pride that cultivators should have!

The mountain god is just a name with only two words, but it represents a kind of power, authority and guarantee!Xu Han wants to see this person.

There are cultivators of all races in the market, the Celestial Clan has the largest number, followed by the Han Chinese.There are also some strangely dressed cultivators who don't know where they are from. What makes Xu Han most strange is the existence of those high-level humanoid monsters, or the unicorn on their heads.Or with a tail behind the buttocks, strolling leisurely in the market.Uncle Lin said that monsters need at least eighth-level top-level cultivation to modify their shape, and they are usually ninth-level monsters, which are analogous to human monks and high-level monks in the Nascent Soul Stage. There are at least a dozen Nascent Soul high-level masters!Tie Guan, the patriarch of his master, is the middle-level cultivation base of Nascent Soul, Xu Han shook his head again and again, the most important thing here is to keep a low profile!

He brought Song Yunyi into the market, and was shocked to see it all the way.From magic treasures to materials and herbs to exercises, as long as they are needed by cultivators, they are all sold here.But one sale is not another sale, strictly speaking, it is a barter, just throw a piece of animal skin and put something on it.Write down the items you need, and then just sit in a daze.Everyone needs different things, and there will often be a situation where a group of people gather together to trade with each other, you want his, he wants mine, and I want yours.Only a small number of stalls actually sell things in exchange for spirit stones.

After looking around for a while, the most in-demand are high-year herbal medicines, high-grade elixir and high-grade monster inner alchemy. It seems that the biggest dream of immortals is to seek immortality.There are also herbal medicines for sale in the market, but they are all of a low age, most of them are around a few decades or a hundred years old, fewer herbal medicines that are hundreds of years old, and even fewer that are more than a thousand years old.Xu Han suddenly remembered the first person he killed. That guy had four herbs on his body, and another one that was a thousand years old. He also had a flying tent and other things.

Xu Han felt a little bit at a loss when he got the blood of the green dragon snake. Thinking about buying so many seeds with 20 yuan of spirit stones, and now spending 600 yuan of spirit stones to buy a large plate of blood, it was a big loss. To cultivate Dou Qi, I really don’t know how to buy it. Not only have I used up my free quota, but I also paid 20 yuan for spirit stones. I wanted to save some spirit stones to buy good fortune pills, but now I have no money... I only hope that the blood of the green snake is really powerful It's going to be bigger.

Xu Han doesn't want to pay more attention to that female cultivator, can't we afford to provoke her or hide her?It also pulled Gao Yuanyang again.

"Old Gao, bring me some of your ice berries."

Gao Yuanyang was not stingy, so he asked his buddy to fetch some.

While the man was going to fetch the ice berries, Xu Han asked again: "Is this fruit effective for women's facial beauty?"

"Of course, this fruit is for beauty and beauty, and it tastes delicious. It's best to take it to please female nuns..." Gao Yuanyang thought that Xu Han wanted to give it to a certain female monk he liked.

Xu Han did not explain, and continued to ask: "What if it is a scar on the face?"

"Scars?" Gao Yuanyang thought for a while, and said, "It should be ok. What kind of freckles and acne are the invasion of evil fire. This ice berry is a cold food in a cold place, and it has miraculous effects."

"What about big scars? Black scars, the kind that cover half of your face?"

Gao Yuanyang was stunned for a moment, looked at Xu Han curiously, and thought, which female cultivator did he fall in love with, half of his face is covered with scars... My ri, is this still human?

"I don't know, I haven't tried it..." Gao Yuanyang wasn't sure.

"Then is there any elixir to treat this kind of scar?"

Gao Yuanyang thought about it again, and said, "Although our Yijia store sells everything, I have never heard of what you want, but I have a suggestion."

"Tell me." When Xu Han heard this, he was fascinated. Even if the Yi family didn't have one, it would be good to find out the source.

"Did you know? The cultivating sect behind Anguo is Lingyao Mountain. The monks of Lingyao Mountain are very proficient in pills, especially those female monks, who are very good at pills such as beauty and beauty. If you have the opportunity Go to Lingyao Mountain and ask for it. Maybe you will get something."

"Oh..." Xu Han nodded. He knew that every country had sects of cultivating immortals. He didn't expect that the sect of cultivating immortals in Anguo turned out to be Lingyao Mountain. It seems that he really must go to Lingyao Mountain to see it.

"Where is the location of Spirit Medicine Mountain?" He asked again.

"Just fly north in Andu for three hours a day, and you will see a mountain surrounded by purple air." It was not Gao Yuanyang who answered, but the female cultivator who was standing next to her.

Just at this time, the man brought the ice berries, and Gao Yuanyang also took the opportunity to say, "That's all I know. I still have something to do, so I'll go get busy first."

Xu Han felt a little bit, put the ice berries into a storage bag, squeezed out of the crowd, and walked out of the Yijia store.

"Hey, I said that you are not polite. I saved your life before, and I didn't hear you say thank you. Just now, you kindly reminded you of the location of Spirit Medicine Mountain, and you left without even being able to say hello?" Behind, the female cultivator followed up lingeringly...

Xu Han was annoyed by her, if it wasn't for her.I wouldn't buy the blood of that green snake in a rush.

"Thank you." Xu Han snorted angrily and continued walking.

The female cultivator stomped her feet angrily, and followed her again.

Now Xu Han was annoyed, "Hey, let me tell you, is there something wrong with you? I didn't recruit you or provoke you. Why do you keep following me?"

Seeing him annoyed, the female cultivator felt comfortable, so don't mention that energy, hehe boy.I just want you to suffer.

"Looking for you to buy the Lightning Fire Curse, I bought it last time and it worked well..."

"Oh, you bought it last time?" Xu Han breathed out, and when the nun was about to put on a smug expression, he said again: "I knew it was you. I wouldn't sell it."

The female cultivator stared angrily, and then sneered: "Cut, don't sell me? You don't sell me, I know you want to raise Yuan Dan, but if you don't sell me, let's see where you can find Yang Yuan Dan!"

Xu Han thinks about it too, although the Yi family must have it, but that guy is too dark, and the fortune pill sells two spirit stones, and the Yangyuan pill is not sure how expensive it is.

"Okay, how many do you want?"

"I already bought two at that stall, take two more."

"Come and pick it up tomorrow." Xu Han left after finishing speaking, leaving only the female cultivator staring at him angrily...

"Hmph, I wanted to tell you about the Spiritual Medicine Mountain, but forget it if you don't want to know."

Back in the small building where he lived, Xu Han hurriedly set up a formation, preparing to make a low-grade mid-level talisman.

He took out the seeds of the Dew Grass and let the ancestors of Huangquan grind them into ink, while he went back and forth to look through the spells in the Lingtai. Rong.

Low-level middle-level spells and low-level spells actually have basically the same meaning, but they are more powerful and have a wider range. For example, the low-level low-level ice bullet spells, and the middle-level ones are ice needles. The needle-shaped magic weapon in the world of cultivating immortals is still very powerful. , although it is small, but it is hard to guard against. Others, the Fireball Curse has become the Fire Bird Curse, and finally the Thunder Fire Curse is also powerful, and now it has become five thunderbolts, probably from one lightning bolt to five, amazing...

Seeing these talismans, Xu Han was in a good mood. These are very powerful talismans, and because of the high price, those monks in the Qi refining period would not be willing to put one away, but he really could draw as many as he wanted.

"How's the preparation going?" The ancestor Huang Quan had already made the ink, and he was very willing to help Xu Han. After all, he also learned a lot from it. He can also use Fu's craftsmanship.

"Well, well, let's make ice needle spells and water-light talismans." Actually, Xu Han wanted to draw Wuleihong first, but since he was stolen by the Yi family to learn the talisman, he also learned jing, like Wuleihong. A powerful spell, I still keep it for myself.

As for the Ice Needle Curse, it doesn’t matter, everyone is selling it anyway, and the water-light talisman is a defensive talisman, and it’s also a popular commodity, so it doesn’t matter if you make more...

Familiar with the pattern, Xu Han took out the wolf eyebrows, sat down, dipped in the spirit ink, and filled it with spiritual energy. Because it was of the ice attribute, the wolf eyebrows of the spirit brush immediately shone, emitting a dazzling light blue color, and the light came from the tip of the pen. The word wolf eyebrow shot out sharply, which means that the aura in the psychic talisman pen is full.

Then he moved the brush with spiritual energy, letting the ink of the spirit grass draw deep lines on the talisman paper, sometimes straight, like a blade cutting across the talisman paper; Uniform wavy lines, gaps between waves, neat as if measured.

Patriarch Huang Quan looked at the talisman pen in Xu Han's hand, and then went to look at Xu Han again.I couldn't help but smile on the corner of my mouth. Indeed, watching him make talismans is a kind of enjoyment, just like watching a court painter painting.The movement was fast and slow, and it was so rhythmic...

However, the success rate of low-level middle-level spells is much lower than that of low-level ones, and it was Xu Han's first time making them, so he failed to succeed after several spells.However, he drank a few sips of spirit wine, continued his efforts, and drew 3 more pictures.Finally, an Ice Needle Curse was successfully made.

"Wow! It finally succeeded!" Xu Han shouted joyfully, then lowered his head and said, "I don't know how big the difference in power is between the low-level mid-level and the low-level low-level."

Patriarch Huang Quan said, "Just try it and you'll know."

Xu Han sighed, put the talisman on the table, and sighed: "Forget it, buddy is short of money now, and the aura you sucked has been refined. Next, I need to meditate and practice by myself. If there is no fortune pill, the speed It must be super slow. Sigh, it’s better to save money, just have some money to buy Good Fortune Pills..."

Speaking of this, he thought of that hateful female cultivator again, it was really hateful, if he hadn't been angry with her, the blood of the green dragon snake was so expensive, why would he buy it?

At the moment, I was going to use the blood of the green dragon snake to draw two Fire Bird Curse to try, but then I thought that the female cultivator would come to get the Thunder Fire Curse tomorrow.

"Forget it, I'll draw it for her." It took a lot of time to make the Ice Needle Curse just now.It is already late at night now, and the success rate of the Thunder Fire Curse is not very good, so Xu Han thinks about painting it for the female nun first, and making it for her tomorrow, so as to save her from bothering herself all the time. Headache.If he couldn't beat her, he would have shot first and then killed her.

Xu Han was angry, and someone in Baichongzhaifang City was also angry.

In the inner field of Yunfu Pavilion, a bald short man angrily threw a ruined talisman on the ground, cursing: "Damn it, come to bully me in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and even come in the middle stage of Qi refining!" Grab my business."

A buddy in the late stage of Qi refining, bowed his head and said a word. He is the accountant of Yunfu Pavilion. After checking out tonight, he found that today's turnover has dropped a lot compared to before.

Of course, the main reason here is the opening of the Yijia store. He sells everything there, and of course there is no shortage of spells, but Yingbald can't offend the Yijia store, so he hated Xu Han.

In fact, Yingtu already knew that Xu Han was selling array talismans over there, but array talismans did not conflict with him. In fact, he also bought two and came back to learn secretly.

But today, a good person came to report that not only array talismans were sold there, but also all kinds of low-grade and low-level magic talismans, especially escape talismans, and the monks there were queuing up to buy them.

Escape talisman is a kind of magic talisman that Yunfu Pavilion sells more, Yingtu must not let the other party mess up his business.

And what makes Yingbald most angry is that someone over there actually said openly that the quality of the talisman in Yunfu Pavilion is worse than that of other people's temporary stalls, so this makes him very annoyed. The guy who wanted to buy the Green Flood Snake Demon Pill was actually snatched away.

In short, he was very angry today, in a bad mood, and when he came back, he made frequent mistakes in making talismans. In this way, a vicious cycle, the more and more unsuccessful making talismans, the more angry he became.

"Damn it! In the mid-stage of Qi refining, I have to mess with your business tomorrow!"

On the second day of the opening of Fangshi, it was early in the morning.

Xu Han was not in a hurry to deliver the two Thunder Fire Curse to the booth, although he hoped that the female cultivator would take the amulet and leave as soon as possible, as far away as possible, but at this moment he picked up the airs again.

Hey, I want a talisman, wait a minute, my buddy is a talisman master, a decent person with skills, how are you in the middle stage of foundation establishment?You are capable of drawing yourself.

The female cultivator really had nothing to do. She came to the booth early in the morning and waited for a long time, but Xu Han still hadn't appeared.

She became a little impatient, and asked, "Did that kid not draw two pictures all night?"

Jiang Wulin was also anxious, and while calling for business, he hurriedly sent out a sound transmission talisman, but the sound transmission talisman was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response at all.

Jiang Wulin is in such a hurry, aren't you usually very agile?Why didn't you respond today?He's in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he's so rich, he can't be offended...

"Why don't you come later." Jiang Wulin said, wiping the sweat off his brow.

The nun stroked her slender beard and said, "Forget it, I'll go find him at the other side where he lives."

Unexpectedly, before this female cultivator left, someone shouted from behind, "What kind of formation are you guys? The quality is too bad, it can't be activated at all!"

The nun who wanted to find Xu Han stopped and looked back.I saw a monk in the late stage of Qi refining holding a formation talisman for spiritual cultivation, as if he had been fooled a lot.

"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel." Jiang Wulin quickly looked at the talisman in his hand and said, "Oh, fellow daoist. You made a mistake, this talisman is not ours..."

Jiang Wulin didn't know anything else, but he knew it when he saw the talisman paper. This talisman paper was white and green, and it was obviously an item from the Yunfu Pavilion.

But the cultivator refused, and he was even more furious when he heard Jiang Wulin's denial.He yelled at the monks who wanted to buy talismans, "Look, everyone, this is their reputation. I obviously bought it here yesterday, but he won't admit it today! When you buy talismans here, be careful, don't buy them." Done!"

If this monk wanted to corrupt a good talisman with a bad talisman, Jiang Wulin would forget it.But this guy clearly came to ruin his business, so he won't tolerate it.

"Hey, don't go. Your talisman is obviously the talisman from Yunfu Pavilion. Why do you use the waste talisman from Yunfu Pavilion to talk nonsense? If you have the ability, then bring your waste talisman and put it down with me. Make a comparison!"

The troublesome monk was called out of his identity, and he became angry with embarrassment, "You are a shoddy dealer! Who doesn't know that you are the only one who sells array symbols in this market! If you say That’s all for the Yi family business, but Yun Fu Pavilion has never sold array symbols, are you talking nonsense?”

Many of the monks onlookers came here because of their reputation, and they heard what this monk said.Everyone nodded, yes, the Yunfu Pavilion did not sell array talismans, you said it was from the Yunfu Pavilion, it would be too nonsense...

Immediately, several monks became suspicious of the magic talisman at the temporary stall, and some of them shouted immediately. ''If you want to buy a talisman, you still need to buy a large font with a head and a face. The quality here is difficult to guarantee. Come on, give me back this talisman! '

Seeing that the trick was successful, the troublesome monk broke through the crowd, trying to escape...

"Don't go away, compare your talisman with mine!" Jiang Wulin shouted angrily, but he was tied up by a group of monks who retreated from the talisman, and he couldn't get out of the booth.

"Hmph, why don't you leave me for dinner?" The troublemaker monk was proud of himself, winking triumphantly at the distance, and signaled to the hiding Daoist Yingbald that the matter was settled.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, and a monk with two slender beards blocked his way.

"Since you bought a useless talisman, why don't you replace it with a new one that works?" The bearded monk smiled lightly, as if he had seen through this guy's trick.

The troublesome cultivator looked at the other party, he was in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he didn't dare to make mistakes, so he opened his mouth and replied, "This kind of temporary stall, I can't change it, I just need to vent my anger..."

The bearded monk didn't just let him go, and sneered, "Since the waste talisman is useless, why don't you dare to take it out?"

"Who said I dare not take it out!"

"Then take it out and go back with me, and we'll know after a comparison!"

The disturbing monk knew something was wrong, and dodged, "I have something to do now, so I don't have time to worry about these two spirit stones!"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to be leaving, but the long-bearded monk opposite him wiped the storage bracelet on his wrist, and held a gleaming golden octagonal magic weapon in his hand. On another look, it turned out to be a top-quality magic weapon.

"What are you going to do? This is Fangshi... No use of force is allowed!" The troublemaker monk shouted sternly. In fact, he was very guilty. I'm going to hang up if I make a move...

"I have a bad temper, I never think about the consequences! You can go back with me, if you don't go back... then try my uncle's star anise sand plate!" After finishing speaking, the bearded monk poured it into the magic vessel Spiritual power, ready to strike at any time.

That monk was really scared, this guy is so rich, he is not an ordinary person at first glance, he is probably a core disciple of a sect, even if the other party really kills him, Baichongzhai will not offend his gate for such a small repair Big pie.

"In that case, let's go back." The troublemaker monk reluctantly agreed, but he gave that corner a look for help.

Jiang Wulin felt relieved when he saw that the foundation-building cultivator helped him get ahead, and released another sound-transmitting talisman, then turned around and shouted to the crowd who were retreating from the talisman, "Don't be impatient, everyone, let me say a few words first. If you want to retreat, I will never say more!"

After hearing what he said, many monks stopped shouting to see what he had to say...

"Take out the useless talisman just now." Jiang Wulin stretched out his hand to the troublesome monk.The boy didn't want to give it yet, but he still took it out of the storage bag under the nun's stare.

"Look, everyone! This is the waste talisman he said, and look at the magic talisman we sell here." Jiang Wulin put the two talismans side by side.

Not only are the colors of these two runes different.The most recognizable thing at a glance is that the useless talisman is obviously smaller, even an idiot can see the difference.

Facing the speechless crowd, Jiang Wulin raised his hand and threw out a handful of talismans, and said, "Look! I have a talisman similar to him here? Take out the talisman you just bought and compare it. Is there one like him?"

The monks took out their talismans and took a look.It's really not the kind of bluish color... Some monks took out the talismans they bought in Yunfu Pavilion before, and compared them.

"It really belongs to Yunfu Pavilion!"

"He must have been sent by Yunfu Pavilion to make trouble!"

All the monks accused the troublesome monks one after another. At this time, a short man with a fierce face came and said coldly, "What does it matter to me, Yunfu Pavilion, if you sell your talismans?"

When everyone saw that the boss of Yunfu Pavilion, Master Yingtu, was coming, they all kept silent, offending a monk who was in the late stage of foundation establishment.Not a good idea.

Yingbald glanced coldly at the crowd, then glanced at the nosy long beard, and cursed inwardly.You snatched my demon pill yesterday, I will make you regret it one day!

Yingbald then picked up the waste talisman, looked at it and said, "That's right, this is the talisman paper from our Yunfu Pavilion, but our Yunfu Pavilion also sells blank talisman paper, someone bought the talisman paper from our Yunfu Pavilion It's normal to sell the talismans... why do you say that they were sent by the Yunfu Pavilion to make trouble!"

As Yingbald said, he looked sharply at the few monks who were making noise just now.He shouted, "I have a lot of customers in Yunfu Pavilion, so why use such shameless tricks to grab business with a temporary stall?"

Everyone was so yelled at by him that they didn't dare to make a sound, and Yingbald pointed to Jiang Wulin's nose and said, "I think it's you who bought the blank talisman paper from our Yunfu Pavilion. Then draw waste talismans to slander our Yunfu Pavilion Your reputation! If it weren’t for the fact that killing people is not allowed here, this old man will definitely wipe you out!”

Jiang Wulin was so yelled at by him that he didn't dare to answer, especially the last sentence, which was obviously threatening. It doesn't matter if you earn less spiritual stones. If you are targeted by late-stage monks, it's a dead end...

Jiang Wulin was afraid, but some people were not. The female monk Yi Rong came over applauding, and said with a sneer, "Master Ying's trick to call the thief to catch the thief and the villain to sue the land first is really wonderful, I admire it, I admire it."

Yingbald's face darkened, and he asked coldly, "Your Excellency is a disciple of which sect, may I let Ying know his name?"

Although Yingbald is only one level higher than this cultivator, that is the difference between foundation-building and post-foundation. Generally speaking, one foundation-building and two or three foundation-building are fine, so even if the other party has the highest-grade magic weapon , eagle bald is not necessarily afraid.

The female cultivator laughed, "Master Ying wanted to find out about Xiaoxiu's family, but failed to destroy it? But Master Ying was disappointed. I am a casual cultivator named Huodong. I have never heard of it, haha."

"Huodong?" Yingtu knew that the other party didn't give his real name, but he didn't want to cause trouble, so his attitude changed a little, and he smiled, "What kind of friendship does fellow Daoist Huo have with this stall owner?"

"It's just a customer, a customer who has seen a rough road."

"Okay!" Yingbald praised, and said again, "But how do you know that it is him who is wronged, and not me, Yunfu Pavilion?"

"Who is wronged, just ask him and he will know..." When the female cultivator named Huodong looked back, she found that the troublesome monk had disappeared into the crowd and disappeared without a trace.

Yingbald was extremely pleased when he saw the witness leave, and said, "Fellow Daoist Huo, if this troublemaker was really sent by me, why did he run away in fright when he saw me?" Huo Dong was speechless, pointing at Jiang Wulin and yelling, "This is all a deliberate play by you to brag about yourself and slander my Yunfu Pavilion! Don't you think so!"

Yingtu roared until Jiang Wulin's face turned pale, and he heard a lazy voice outside saying, "Just because of your Yingtu's three-legged cat-making technique, it is worthy of my Xia's slander? I don't want to see what else you have Reputation, your fake and shoddy products have already ruined your own brand!"

Master Yingtu looked at Xiaoxiu, who was in the mid-stage of Qi refining, who walked in, and he snorted coldly, "I am the three-legged cat technique, what kind of technique are you? I am a direct disciple of the Yunfumen, and I want to see the making of the Bone Spiritmen." method!"

After Master Yingtu finished speaking, all the monks couldn't help laughing. This Bone Spirit Sect is good at refining the bones of spirit beasts. In recent years, animal bones have not been refined. Where did the technique of making talismans come from?

Xu Han didn't respond. He scratched the back of his head and asked, "Does the real Yingtu mean that he wants to compare Xiaoxiu with my talisman making technique?" (To be continued...)


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