Xu Han just pretended not to hear that he was digging things out of the storage bag, dozens of baskets of unique fruits in southern Xinjiang, dozens of unique herbs in southern Xinjiang, five immortal trees and five immortal vines, a large pile of gold essence and silver liquid, and other high-grade mineral materials. A set of five-element attribute materials, a set of five-element knives, a few jade slips, a jade vase, a Buddha futon, and two cauldron furnaces; and monsters were released from the animal control bag to get rid of three stupid dogs, more than a hundred little snakes, and twenty little monsters and a big red one. Wolf.

Lin Sen looked at him and shook his head: "Are you really able to move things, I'm afraid I'm not busy enough?" Looking at a pile of herbs and fruits, he already understood what Xu Han was thinking.

Xu Han pointed to the Buddha futon and said, "This was given to Yunyi by someone else, so you can take a look at it." As he spoke, he put it in his storage bag and Lin Sen shouted, "You bastard did it on purpose." Look at the Wuxian wood and other items With a wave of his sleeves, he walked into Nitian Cave and walked out after a while: "It's all about storytelling."

A small portion of the fruit was picked, most of the seeds were refrigerated, and some tables were brought out. Thirteen dolls scrambled to eat something fresh.

It took Xu Han a few hours to tell the story before he roughly finished it.Lin Sen felt a little helpless when he heard it: "Why are you always being chased and killed? You are still counting on you to avenge me and being hunted and killed every day...I said, how can you cause trouble so much?"

"The magic weapon is disabled, let's make it stronger. I even got back the magic iron." Xu Han pointed to the huge black iron beside the table and said.Lin Sen thought for a while and said, "How long have these snakes stayed in Nitian Cave?"

"It has shed its skin four times in more than 100 years."

"Well, you and the girl rest first and I will think about it."

From the second day onwards everyone was very busy.The little monster brought back by Xu Han was bullied by the thirteen dolls as pets. Lin Sen provided various pills to help them improve their bodies and improve their cultivation.

Xu Han and Song Yunyi entered the Nitian Cave, and Xu Han practiced and comprehended the two five-element formations by himself.With Lin Sen's help, Song Yunyi refined Qi and built a foundation, and even asked Fu'er's thirteen dolls to cut off a beard each.Refined into thirteen pills and gave them to Yunyi.Xu Han looked at it with jealousy: "Didn't you say that if you have too much spiritual energy, you will explode your body?" Lin Sen despised him: "Talk if you want, but I just won't give it!"

Xu Han went on to say: "Spiritual Qi Explosion refers to the general situation. Fu'er, they cultivate body shape with psychic knowledge. The body's spiritual energy is pure and gentle, which is naturally not harmful to the human body. That's why monks all over the world were chasing after them back then. My reason." Xu Han looked at Lin Sen very seriously: "You said that I am always being hunted down, is it possible that I was infected by you?" Lin Sen answered him more seriously: "Get out."

The thirteen pills were divided into 13 years. I don't know what kind of exercises Lin Sen taught her. After 13 years, Song Yunyi became a junior monk in the alchemy stage.Xu Han yelled that it was unfair.Lin Sen enlightened him: "This is why people in the world look forward to adventures." Xu Han shouted: "I want adventures too! Why don't you give me a bite?"

In the past 13 years, Xu Han has thoroughly studied the big and small five-element formations. Under Lin Sen's oppression, he automatically and consciously refined the five-element formation flag. He stripped the black iron from the original formation flag and incorporated it into high-grade minerals such as gold essence and silver liquid to make it more powerful.Counting these formation flags, a total of [-] pieces were refined.There are [-] flags for each of the five elements and attributes. He and Lin Sen each have half of them.The big five-element phantom array needs [-] five-element attribute array flags each to complete the formation, and the extra array flags are kept for spare.Experiment a little.It is obviously more powerful than the Xuanwu Formation of the Four Elephants Formation.This is nonsense. It is conceivable that top-level refining materials are used to refine flags.

After ruining the gold essence and silver liquid and a small part of the five elements, he planned to ruin on a larger scale.Shentie is really a good thing. Click on a little bit of refining equipment to improve the attributes of the entire equipment.Now Xu Han stared at the 120 eight Godly Snakes in Nitian Cave all day, made various tonics and forced them to shed their skin for the fifth time.Lin Sen sighed: "Don't waste things, I will refine them."

Being able to make the big prodigal old man Lin sigh, it seems that Xu Han did waste a lot of things.

Dig out the pile of looted storage bags.Lingshi and jade slips were reclassified. I looked at them and shook my head: "It's too bad to be a headache." He took out his magic weapon and now there are two shadowless knives and 99 snake whips, one of which was the first to be refined. of.Xu Han scratched his head, I have nothing to do, why do so many whips?Meeting Xiang Kong's perverted Heavy Sand Snake Whip is useless.

There are too many things and I am not in the mood to tidy up. I fiddled a little bit to find Song Yunyi, but she is still practicing.Turn around and go down the steps to Wuling Pool. The five big pools are still steaming and full of five kinds of spiritual power.Xu Han sat down cross-legged and immersed his mind in the tears of God, urging the five spirits in the tears to speed up and absorb them, echoing the five spirits outside his body, keeping them running at the same speed to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, five spirits suddenly jumped out of the five pools and flew towards Xu Han like five colored threads, the tears of God on Xu Han's chest flickered lightly, and also shot out five colored threads, but it was much thinner.Ten colored lines, five thick and five thin, are connected in pairs in the air according to their respective colors, just like five colorful bridges are built to connect Xu Han with Wulingchi.At this moment, the five spirits are no longer distinguished whether they are in the five spirit pool or in the tears of gods, and they jointly fill this world and also fill the tears of gods on Xu Han's chest.

This kind of feeling is very strange. It can vaguely feel that the appearance of Wuling Pool is not a pool but a ball that keeps rotating.Xu Han didn't understand why the five spirits poured into the tears before, but this time they were connected to each other. He just wanted to savor this feeling carefully. The whole body followed by five kinds of aura rushing towards the golden core in his mind, as if the golden core was entangled and wrapped by colorful threads. As the spiritual energy surged, the golden core was wrapped more tightly, more solidly, and became bigger and bigger. A full hour passed and Xu Han was covered all over. The trembling spirit no longer rushes to the mind, the golden pill has become a colorful pill, and the colorful pill bursts out suddenly, and all kinds of brilliance shoot out from Xu Han's seven orifices, which looks very strange.The colorful pill continued to spin faster and faster, all kinds of light gathered together and slowly turned into one color, and when the colorful pill stopped again, it became a golden pill again, but it was ten times larger than before.

Xu Han was full of curiosity, looking for the location of the golden elixir in his mind. Wouldn't the elixir with such a large size squeeze out my bones and deform my brain?But I found that looking around from the golden elixir, there was nothing but darkness and nothingness.hell!He was full of displeasure.When he stopped thinking about it, he realized that he seemed to have advanced again!He looked down and saw that the colored lines on his chest were still connected together. He didn't even understand that this could also advance?It's a pity that the Advanced Pill hasn't been eaten much yet!Take back the multicolored thread.The five spirits of the five paths seem to have spiritual wisdom, and they are slightly reluctant to part with the five spirits outside the body.Xu Han muttered, "What a hell."

Walk up the steps and go back to the Nitian Cave to see Fuer and other dolls having fun with the monsters.These monsters are young and intelligent.The masters of alchemy formed by Linsen's domestic animals have more innate conditions and are not as terrifying as the crouching snake, so the relationship between spirit grass and monsters is extremely harmonious.Xu Han canceled the heart contracts of the twenty monsters and asked them to re-sign the heart contracts with Fu'er and others.Although the big red wolf was a little bit reluctant, he also saw that Wuling Fudi had a lot of benefits for the monsters, so he didn't stop him.Xu Han asked Chilang: "Is it okay to leave them here after leaving here?" Chilang hesitated for a while.nodded.Xu Han asked again: "Then will you go out with me?" Chi Lang couldn't answer.Xu Han said: "To stay here, you need to sign an agreement with Uncle Lin to rest assured that he is not a bad person." Chi Lang hesitated even more.Xu Han smiled and said, "Think about it slowly and stay for a while."

It is not an exaggeration to say hello to those big cows, big sheep and big pigs out of Nitian Cave. After all, they have helped me as a training partner or combat teacher for a long time.Steal Lin Sen's spirit wine.Lin Sen rushed over excitedly when he successfully poured them down.When he saw the big guy lying on the floor, smelling of alcohol, he said angrily, "I'm not scolding you, you are uncomfortable." Xu Han pretended to be innocent and asked, "What's the matter?" Lin Sen rolled his eyes and smiled treacherously. : "Hey, I don't have the same knowledge as you to tell you the good news. The girl has advanced again and is now at the same level as you in the middle stage of the alchemy stage! Haha. I don't know. This is luck, this is adventure, I will piss you off."

Advanced again? 13 years?From no foundation at all to the middle stage of alchemy?First calculate the fourth level of Qi refining and the fourth level of foundation building.The second level of knotting... suddenly shouted: "Entering the tenth level in 13? Old man, you are too much! You are biased!" Lin Sen was complacent: "I am biased! I am mad at you! And oh, the girl is going against the law!" The 13 years spent in the cave are only thirteen days and thirteen days to the outside world, and it took only thirteen days to cultivate to become an intermediate master in the alchemy stage. Tsk tsk, aren't you jealous?"

Back then Xu Han had the help of Nitian Cave, and it took him several months to jump six steps in a row. The girl who jumped ten steps in thirteen days was obviously with the help of Fu'er.Staring at Lin Sen with bright eyes, he said sweetly, "Uncle Lin, hello, Uncle Lin, just give me a bite." Lin Sen snorted, "Dream!" Suddenly, he felt that Xu Han seemed a little different from before. Said: "You have advanced too? High-level alchemy stage? What happened?" Xu Han said helplessly: "I don't know if I was confused, but the leveling up seems to be related to the five spirits." Then he said: "Bite me With one bite, I am one level away from your enemy, and I can take one bite to become the top level, and I can avenge you."

Hearing the enemy Lin Sen's face darken: "That guy is still alive?" "I forgot to tell you that Hu Zheng is now the patriarch's top master in the alchemy stage. This time, if you go out this time, no matter what happens, you must kill him first and bring his head back. Here you are." Xu Han said seriously. "Patriarch? It's even more difficult to kill him. I didn't expect him to become a patriarch. I didn't expect such a despicable person to live for so long!" Lin Sen was very angry when he was hunted down by countless people but betrayed by his most trusted friend. This pain will never be forgotten.

Xu Han said suddenly: "You will always be my Uncle Lin. If I do something wrong to you, I will die!" Diverting his attention, he asked, "Have those stupid snakes shed their skin?" Lin Sen said, "Leave the snakes alone and find a way to let you advance. It seems that I really want to give you a bite." Xu Han hurriedly waved his hand and said seriously: "Lin Sen Uncle, I was just joking! Don't take it seriously!" Lin Sen jokingly smiled: "Really?" Xu Han said seriously: "I swear! Uncle Lin, you must not be confused." Lin Sen nodded without speaking and turned into the Nitian Cave .Feeling faintly uncomfortable, Xu Han chased after him and shouted: "Uncle Lin! If you do something stupid, don't blame me for not taking revenge for you!" Lin Sen didn't turn his head and didn't speak, and went straight into Nitian Cave.

Xu Han became anxious, what should I do?Quickly follow up Nitian Cave from now on and stay close to Lin Sen.For several days in a row, Lin Sen persuaded him with a smile: "Do you want to be my shadow without rest, sleep, or food?" Xu Han pretended to be cool and silent, Lin Sen was forced by him and had no choice but to whisper, "I promise you." Xu Han He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Really?" Lin Sen nodded with a smile and Xu Han said happily, "Don't worry, I will use my strength to quickly advance to help you avenge you!"

Lin Sen returned the Celestial Pill to Xu Han: "I have carefully researched that this pill is rich in spiritual power, so you can't take it in your practice now. At least you need a high-level cultivation of Nascent Soul to take it, which is even more advanced than the advanced pill I refined. Powerful." Xu Han put away the pill and asked, "I can't eat it even if I have God's Tears?" Lin Sen shook his head and said, "You can't transform the power of medicine into the energy that is released instantly by spiritual power. It can already support your body, but it's too late for God's Tears Attractive." Xu Han curled his lips: "It's kind of scary."

Lin Sen warned again: "If Wannian herbal medicine is used sparingly, even if there is a cave against the sky, it will take more than 30 years to take shape. In the future, it will be ruined if it is inconspicuous for more than a thousand years." Xu Han agreed: "This is necessary, but just in case. If you encounter materials like Shentie, you can only exchange them with Wannian herbs."

Lin Sen took out the piece of magic iron and said, "Such a big piece is enough to refine the unworldly magic weapon. Can the magic weapon of the magic iron be damaged again? I also looked at the magic weapon of the five elements and I should be able to make a few." Xu Han was a little greedy: "I want to have a magic weapon made entirely of divine iron." Lin Sen laughed: "You have also learned alchemy from me. Forging a weapon is not forging a sword. The better the material, the more powerful the magic weapon is. Forging requires the fusion of several materials. Make use of their respective strengths and combine them into a magic weapon." Xu Han argued, "I know that I want to use snake egg shells, golden spirit essence and divine iron forging to make it as powerful as the Shadowless Knife."

Song Yunyi is still practicing.The dolls were still playing with the monsters, and the little snake was still lazily crawling on Lin Sen and said, "We'll wait until those little guys shed their skin."

While waiting for the snake skin.The little monsters grew up one after another and successfully built their foundations.Xu Han told Lin Sen: "The monster stays to play with Fu'er and the others." Lin Sen agreed.Xu Han practiced the Divine Comedy again, but unfortunately he still didn't make any progress; he had to switch to the small five-element sword array and the big five-element phantom array.

They waited for the snake to molt and accidentally waited for more than 50 years.Good guy, it took more than 60 years to molt this time, wouldn't it take a hundred years next time?The little snake that had shed its skin five times already had the length of an arm, but still lazily liked to lie on Xu Han's body.Xu Han took them together and brought them together.They formed a big ball and the little snakes didn't even resist and let him mess around.Lin Sen looked shocked and said: "Turn it lightly, if you annoy them and kill you, I will also be buried with you."

Lin Sen put away the snake skin.He and Xu Han came to Huolingchi.Xu Han took out the shell of the snake eggs and tidied up the storage bag by the way.

The little snake shed its skin five times in total, except for the fourth time, all the skin was wasted. The skin from the first three times had a lot of surplus, plus many other medicines, herbs, jade, spirit wine, dried meat and silk, sorted them into several storage bags, and then emptied them out 99 snake whips, thousands of talismans, more than 7000 array flags in Feizhi, Feizhou, and tent houses.Lin Sen said with a smile: "Whoever is lucky enough to kill you will be rich." Xu Han ignored him and then dumped out a lot of normal food that he had prepared for Song Yunyi in a storage bag; Unfinished spiritual stones, low-level ores, broken magic tools and other things were also released, and a khaki clay bottle was found in it. Xu Han thought about storing the clay bottle separately, and found a few animal control bags, but it was empty and threw it to Lin Sen directly. After tossing and tossing for a long time, I finally cleaned up and started refining the weapon.

"What should I do?" Xu Han rubbed his hands. If the monks of the Bone Spirit Sect recognized everyone, he would doubt his identity. If he had admitted that he was a monk of the Northern Race, it would be fine. Now he would be recognized as a Baichong Village Doubt his purpose.

"What else can I do? Kill him directly!" Lian Ruolan said with a cold snort.

"But people are not allowed to kill people in Fangshi. If I kill my fellow disciples in Fangshi, I'm afraid that Baichongzhai will not be able to explain to Bone Spirit Sect. They must detain me and wait for the elders of Bone Spirit Sect to deal with it." Xu Han said sadly. Said that he regretted impersonating Xia Hui.

"Then it's easy to lure him out of the market and kill him!" Lian Ruolan suggested again.

"But what if he refuses to go out?" Xu Han suddenly thought of a solution but asked Lian Ruolan to help.

"What? You want me to do this kind of thing?" After listening to Xu Han's method, Lian Ruolan's beautiful eyes stared at the boss. This girl is a core disciple of the Mingmen sect. Sacrificial appearance?unacceptable?

Xu Han pleaded, "Sister Ruolan, the girl who practiced, just help me out. Actually, you don't need to sacrifice any appearance. It's just a wink and you don't want to show your arms and thighs..."

"That's not okay. Why should I wink at a little monk from the Bone Spirit Sect? How can I see people if it gets out?" Lian Ruolan threw a white eye angrily.

"Oh, it's fine if you don't wink, but you have to talk to him a few words and then use this secretly." Xu Han took out a green silk thread sachet from the storage bag.

This is exactly the Qiluo sachet that was snatched from the woman surnamed Lu earlier.As I said before, the function of this sachet is to make people have strong physiological needs and even hallucinations.Its way of transmission is aura, and ordinary monks will get it if they don't pay attention...

Waiting for this monk to be lost by the sachet and then killing him without spiritual power can be described as unknowingly.

PK is prohibited in the formation of Baichongzhai, which is detected from the aspect of spiritual power.If there is a strong fluctuation in spiritual power, the disciples defending the formation will find it.

And if you don't use your spiritual power and use mortal means to kill the formation, you won't be able to sense it.

"Hehe, if it's just a few words, then I'll help." Lian Ruolan took the sachet, looked at it curiously, and cursed. "You shameless little thief, you use this thing to harm women?"

Xu Han explained, "Miss Lian, check it out. I haven't used this thing since I got it! Besides, it doesn't work on mortal women..."

"Oh, then you just happen to be able to harm female monks." Lian Ruolan said angrily.

Xu Han smiled wryly, "What harm is it to a female monk? I haven't played with a female monk before."

"Shameless and obscene!" Lian Ruolan blushed at what he said, unwilling to talk to him about this topic, put the sachet away and walked outside the formation, saying, "Send a voice transmission for him to come over."

Xu Han hurriedly called out from behind, "Miss Lian. It's better if you use your original good looks. If it's a beautiful woman, it will work faster... A natural beauty like Miss Lian's appearance will definitely fascinate that kid to death. The only ones are honest and responsible people like Xiaoxiu. Seeing Miss Lian, she loses her mind and loses her mind."

Sure enough, women like others to praise her appearance, Lian Ruolan burst into laughter, wiped her face and turned her head to smile...

"It seems that this girl also needs to refine a soul-calling banner to collect the souls of people like you whose souls like to run around."

When Lian Ruolan turned around, she had already peeled off her disguised face, revealing her original peerless face. The combination of curved eyebrows, full eyes, high nose bridge, and pink lips is simply wonderful.

Seeing Lian Ruolan disappearing outside the spiritual cultivation formation, Xu Han's eyes became concentrated.

"It's really Bai Meisheng looking back and smiling. That smile just now really took my soul away."

Patriarch Huang Quan interjected, "Why don't you just use Qiluo sachet to give this girl."

Today is not the day when Fangshi opened, the city is empty, but there is a stall in the empty square, but people are still coming and going. This is Jiang Wulin's stall...

Standing by the side of the booth was a monk dressed as a barbarian. He was young, good-looking, and tall, with red lips and white teeth. Although he was wearing a barbarian's indigo costume, he was waving a folding fan just like the wit of the northern tribe.

From a distance, he was handsome and unrestrained, and the sun caused many girls to turn their heads to look at him. When they saw his cultivation level, he turned out to be a Foundation Establishment Immortal.

"How can Xia Ji, the most promising disciple of my Bone Spirit Sect, see you?" Xia Ji snorted contemptuously and ignored the rotten spinach in autumn.

Indeed, an immortal who successfully established a foundation at the age of 25 should be proud. Xia Ji, as a leader among the three generations of disciples of the Bone Spirit Sect, naturally has his eyes high...

This time, he went out for training after foundation establishment, and happened to be doing an important task for a teacher. He came back through Baichongzhaifang City, and happened to hear that there was a senior talisman master named Xia Hui. Xia Ji was overjoyed, so he inquired.

In fact, he and Xia Hui are still distant relatives, and the relationship is not bad. Xia Hui's qualifications are mediocre, and he often gets help from him. In the past, he used to help this distant brother by himself.

Looking at the booth, people bought Fu Xiaji from time to time and said with a smile, "Jiang Daoyou's business is good."

Jiang Wulin didn't know that Xu Han was pretending, and thought that the relationship between his brothers and sisters was really good. He also apologized and said, "The business is not a big deal now. The business is booming in the days when Fangshi opened. Now Xiaoyou Xia is famous, and many people admire him." here."

Indeed, an immortal who successfully established a foundation at the age of 25 should be proud. Xia Ji, as a leader among the three generations of disciples of the Bone Spirit Sect, naturally has his eyes high...

This time he went out to practice after foundation establishment.I just happened to do an important task for a teacher, and came back through Baichongzhaifang City. I happened to hear that there was a senior talisman named Xia Hui here. Xia Ji was overjoyed.Then inquired over.

In fact, he and Xia Hui are still distant relatives, and the relationship is not bad. Xia Hui's qualifications are mediocre, and he often gets help from him. In the past, he used to help this distant brother by himself.

Looking at the booth, people buy talismans from time to time.Xia Ji smiled and said, "Jiang Daoyou's business is good."

Jiang Wulin didn't know that Xu Han was pretending, and thought that the relationship between his brothers and sisters was really good. He also apologized and said, "The business is not a big deal now. The business is booming in the days when Fangshi opened. Now Xiaoyou Xia has become famous among many people." I came here admiringly."

Xia Ji nodded.Xin Dao has been seeing his cultivation base improving, but he is studying the art of making talismans...

"How many spirit stones can I earn that day?" Xia Ji asked again.

"The key to the stability of 300 yuan spirit stones a day like now is that the slow supply exceeds demand. If Xia Xiaoyou can make it faster, there will be thousands of spirit stones in a day." Jiang Wulin said honestly.

Xia Ji stuck out his tongue, is it too fast for her mother to pay?As the most promising disciple of the Bone Spirit Sect, Lao Tzu's monthly spiritual stones are only 30 yuan a month.It's only 360 yuan a year, but I dare to feel that I can't compare with him a day a year!

While Xia Ji was jealous, he had already made up his mind that this time he would not get his principal back with interest. Hehe, he is so rich.Is it not too much to "borrow" a few thousand spirit stones from him?

Wow, thousands of spirit stones were unimaginable before!

Xia Ji was drooling over there when he saw a golden meteor flying in the distance. Jiang Wulin raised his hand to take it...

Taking a brief look at Jiang Wulin, he said, "Little friend Xian Changxia is making talismans in the VIP building, so it's not convenient to welcome you by yourself."

"A good boy really gets rich, but he doesn't recognize his poor relatives and elder brother, and he doesn't greet him personally!" Xia Ji was a little displeased, but thinking about it, maybe he was actually making talismans?If you watch from the sidelines and learn to use one hand and two hands, can't you also enter a hundred spirit stones?

Xia Ji made up his mind to ask Ming where Xia Hui lived and went there by himself.

When he came to the VIP building, the guard at the gate greeted him, "May I ask if the Immortal Elder is Xia Ji of the Bone Spirit Gate?"


"Then Master Xia Hui is waiting for you inside..." The boy raised his hand and forbade a hole in front of the door.

"Master Xia Hui?" Xia Ji laughed and stepped into the restraint.

"Damn this poor boy really got rich and lives in such a good place." Xia Ji cursed jealously and entered the VIP building through a corridor with flowing water on both sides.

Xia Ji's eyes lit up as soon as he entered the door, wow beauty!super beauty!

I saw a beautiful woman standing in the middle of the hall. Although she was dressed in common clothes, she couldn't hide her peerless makeup and graceful figure.

The black and soft hair is like a beautiful waterfall pouring from the top of the mountain, draped naturally and freely on her charming shoulders and pink back. Standing still, she already shows a slender, graceful and charming figure.

What a fairy-like woman!Xia Ji praised him in his heart and thought, is this woman in Xia Hui's room?

However, when Xia Ji looked at the realm of this female cultivator, she suddenly felt that it was impossible for her to reach the peak in the middle stage of foundation establishment and be a bit higher than herself. How could she be tempted by a little cultivator like Xia Hui?

"Is this Fellow Daoist Xia Ji from the Bone Spirit Sect?" Xia Ji was thinking in a daze when he saw the fairy-like female cultivator greet him...

"Yes, yes, dare I ask where this sister is?" Xia Ji hurriedly put on what he thought was the most charming smile.

"I'm a friend of fellow Daoist Xia Hui, and I'm waiting for him to make amulets right now." Lian Ruolan grinned, seeing that most of Xia Ji's three souls had been lost.

"Oh, I'm Xia Hui's distant elder brother and his uncle." Xia Ji thought in his heart that although his cultivation level is a little lower than this female cultivator, he is also a foundation-building immortal. With his appearance, he might be able to embrace him. beauty.

Lian Ruolan smiled and said, "Oh, I'm Lian Ruolan from Lingyao Mountain."

Xia Ji was even more tempted when he heard it. He must know that this elixir mountain is famous for its alchemy. I don't have to worry about medicine.

Xia Ji was in a trance when Lian Ruolan laughed again: "Then wait a moment. Xia Hui is making amulets for me. I'm worried that he will be distracted knowing that the senior brother is coming, so he decides to come here first. I hope Brother Xia will forgive me." .”

Lian Ruolan and Yifu's charming posture and movements made Xia Ji's heart itch, and there was an urge to rush forward.

"It's okay, it's okay." Xia Ji quickly put away his wolfish eyes and said in his heart that he is not in such a hurry, even if he sees a beautiful woman, he will not be as excited as he is today.

"Then how about I chat with brother Xia?" Lian Ruolan suggested again.

"Okay, okay. I can't ask for it." Xia Ji felt his impulse became stronger and quickly mobilized his spiritual power to restrain it.

Xia Ji didn't know that he had already caught it, and said that the medicinal power of this Qiluo sachet was transmitted through spiritual energy, the more he used the spiritual power, the deeper the poisoning would be.

All men are like this.Lian Ruolan looked at the hungry expression in Xia Ji's eyes and found it funny.He held back his smile and said, "Brother Xia, go to the chair over there and sit down for a chat."

"Okay." Xia Ji also wanted to sit down because he felt something disobedient.Has seriously raised its head.

"Brother Xia, what would you like to talk about?" After sitting down, Lian Ruolan parted her red lips.Rourou smiled.

"Of course I'm talking about men and women..." Xia Ji was about to talk about men and women almost reflexively, and he was startled when he said the words.

The women of these great sects are most afraid of men making such appearances, so they must hold on!Xia Ji, as the core disciple of the Bone Spirit Sect, has also met many disciples of the big school on weekdays, so he knows the temper of these female cultivators.

He hurriedly changed his tune and said, "Talk about the differences between male and female cultivators in cultivation."

Lian Ruolan giggled and asked, "What's the difference between male and female cultivators practicing the same exercises?"

"Male cultivators and female cultivators. There seems to be no difference..." Xia Ji smiled awkwardly.

It can be said that he is working very hard at the moment, while restraining the excitement in his body with his spiritual power, he also pretends to be nonchalant and chatting with Lian Ruolan. It's really terrible.It's okay to be prudish, but you can still be prudish after taking spring medicine.Just asking for trouble.

Xia Ji only felt a hot current surging through his whole body, getting hotter and hotter, as if he had a fever.The head is full of women, and somewhere in the body is swollen as if it is about to explode.

"Brother Xia, which aspect of your Bone Spirit Sect is your main proficiency in? I never heard that the Bone Spirit Sect also has research on talisman making. I wonder if Brother Xia can also make talismans?" Lian Ruolan said with a smile again. But she increased her spiritual power to move the sachet in her hand.

Xia Ji seemed to see countless women swaying in front of him, all of them naked, smiling coquettishly, swaying, white plump snow-capped mountains waving to him...

Hallucinations are hallucinations!Xia Ji shook his head to shake those shadows away, and then he heard Lian Ruolan calling him.

"Brother Xia is talking to you."

"Ah? What did you say?" When Xia Ji looked up, his eyes were already red, his breathing was audible, and there were abnormal beads of sweat on his face.

This sachet is really powerful. In just a few words, a Foundation Establishment Immortal looks like this.I don't know what that brat is doing with such an obscene and shameless thing?

Lian Ruolan scolded Xu Han for being shameless in her heart, but put on a surprised expression, "Brother Xia, are you hot? You're sweating."

"It's hot." Xia Jixin said terribly, what's going on today?Could it be that he has something to say?

But when he mentioned the aura, he checked his whole body and couldn't feel anything strange... This Yiluo sachet is really powerful. He was accidentally poisoned and checked his whole body, but he couldn't feel anything strange. Got it.

"Take off your coat when it's hot." Lian Ruolan said holding back a smile.

"No, no, no." Xia Ji hurriedly refused the coat, and as soon as he took off his trousers, an indecent tent would appear.

"Fellow Daoist, I'd better go out for a walk first." Xia Ji held back the hot breath in his nose, he already felt the weirdness here and wanted to leave first.

Seeing that he was going to run, Lian Ruolan gritted her teeth and said, "Brother Xia, I'm actually hot too..." Lian Ruolan turned her eyes to seductive glances after she finished speaking, and then unexpectedly raised her arm and rolled up her sleeves, revealing a white arm like jade come out……

Xia Ji was already fascinated by the power of the medicine. At first, he could barely restrain himself, but when he saw the woman's tender white arm that looked like a lotus root, he collapsed immediately.

"Ms. Lian, I really want to..." Xia Ji gulped and rushed forward.He was completely lost in the drug's power, and he rushed to hug that arm, kissed and gnawed with his big mouth.

"Hehe, Brother Xia. What are you doing?" Suddenly a man's voice came from above his head.

Xia Ji looked up and found that a young man appeared in front of him at some point and he was holding the man's arm.

Although Xia Ji was fascinated by the power of the medicine, he still could tell the difference between men and women, so he threw off Xu Han's arm and rushed towards Lian Ruolan beside him...

"Girl, beauty... don't run away..." Xia Ji muttered and rushed towards Lian Ruolan.

"Brother Xia. Didn't you come to see me? What are you doing here?" Xu Han stopped him.

"Go away! I'm looking for Xia Hui!" Xia Ji was very annoyed at this person who disturbed his good affairs.

Xu Han smiled and said, "I am Xia Hui."

"Are you Xia Hui? Who is Xia Hui?" Xia Ji blinked and pushed Xu Han away, then rushed towards Lian Ruolan and yelled indiscriminately, "Ruolan, Miss Lian. I really think I want to give it to me quickly..."

"Haha. Then you come." Lian Ruolan giggled and ran around the room while Xia Ji stumbled after her...

"It seems that this kid has completely lost his mind." Xu Han sighed and sat down on the chair next to him.

"Come on, come on, I'll give it to you if you chase after me." Lian Ruolan laughed and ran around the tables and chairs in the middle of the hall.Xia Ji ran after him panting heavily.

"Miss Lian didn't expect you to be good at seducing men." Xu Han sighed while drinking tea, it seems that every woman is born with the ability to seduce men.

"Hook your head, I'm just teasing him. Hurry up and do it." Lian Ruolan turned around twice, feeling a little annoyed, and raised her head to see that Xu Han was drinking tea and watching a play.

"Wow, let's play for a while. The beautiful woman teasing the evil wolf is really thrilling and exciting. It would be more like if you tore a piece of skirt or shirt..." Xu Han said with a leisurely smile.

Damn little thief, Miss Ben is helping you, but you're laughing at me.Lian Ruolan also laughed angrily, "Little thief! If you don't make a move again, I will feed him the refreshing pill from our elixir mountain. I guarantee that he will be fine once he eats it!"

"Sure enough, he is a high-ranking apprentice from Lingyao Mountain." Xu Han felt that he had seen enough of the show and stood up, with the little sword magic weapon in his hand, "Okay, then let me do it."

Even if Xu Han didn't use spiritual power, he was still a master of martial arts. He turned over in the posture of a shadow dancer, and saw a white shadow turning over the big table like a dharani, just hitting Xia Ji's back.

"Bang!" Xu Han had already put Xia Ji on the ground, turned his head and tossed his hair, "Does Miss Lian think this action of mine is handsome?"

"Handsome is so ugly..." Lian Ruolan said insincerely.

Xu Han laughed and said in a gentlemanly manner, "I'm going to kill a pig. In order not to do such a bloody thing in front of a beauty, the girl should turn her head away."

"Hmph, I've seen too many murder scenes." Even though Lian Ruolan said this, she still turned her head away.

In fact, she still has a good impression of Xu Han's movements. After all, it is the shadow dancing posture that has been lost for thousands of years. A single movement is so handsome, which is much more beautiful than those scenes of standing still and throwing magic weapons.

However, Lian Ruolan was very dissatisfied in her heart. She couldn't understand Xu Han's stinky fart all day long, but she also suffered from the fact that there was no way to torture Xu Han.

But when she looked back and saw the bowl of tea on the table, she suddenly had an evil thought...

Xu Han killed Xia Ji very cleanly. He raised his hand and wiped his sword across his neck. Xia Ji, who was in heat, didn't resist at all and didn't die.

After killing Xia Ji, he took off his storage bag without rushing to open it and hung it on his waist.Then Xu Han took out the soul-calling banner from his storage bag and moved it on Xia Ji's body, and the smoke-like soul appeared.

"Fellow Daoist, forgive me, I was killed by you, so you let me be reincarnated." Xia Ji's soul couldn't help pleading.

"Reincarnation? Your cultivation is wasted." Xu Han raised his hand and activated the soul banner to suck Xia Ji's soul. "Go in honestly and be the main soul of my banner! Maybe you can become a ghost after thousands of years. .”

Xu Han took Xia Ji's soul into the soul-calling banner, and the soul-calling banner had a foundation-building main soul, which suddenly became much stronger, but unfortunately, the production of this banner was too crude. After Xia Ji's soul entered, the soul-calling banner could no longer accept other things. alive...

"Why do you want to make such a poisonous magic weapon, the soul banner, which is not used by a decent family." Lian Ruolan said with an unhappy expression.

It is true that refining soul banners has caused too many killings. Generally, the northern people do not use them. Only demon cultivators and barbarians between cultivating immortals and cultivating demons like to refine this thing.

Xu Han threw both the soul-calling flag and Xia Ji's body into the storage bag, and then laughed, "Miss Lian is wrong, in fact, there is no difference between sinful and upright for the same magic weapon, only the user's good and evil magic weapons do not distinguish between good and evil. It’s like a massage vibrator, can you say it’s obscene? It also meets the needs of women. Many women don’t cheat because they have a massage vibrator…”

Lian Ruolan was at a loss when she heard it, she couldn't understand what a massage stick was or cheating.

"Forget it, I don't understand after I tell you." Xu Han waved his hands and looked up to see that Lian Ruolan was holding a bowl of tea in her little hand. Before Lian Ruolan could speak, Xu Han took the tea and laughed, "Miss Lian really knows how to serve people." .”

"Yes, yes." Lian Ruolan had an intoxicating smile on her face, but she was thinking in her heart that you little thief, hurry up and watch me deal with you later!

But Xu Han held the tea instead of drinking it and said with a smile, "There is nothing to be courteous about. It's either stealing or stealing. Is there a purpose for Miss Lian to be so nice to me?"

Lian Ruolan took out the Yiluo sachet and said with a smile, "This kind of sachet is too despicable and evil. You will harm women sooner or later. Why don't you just give it to me?"

"No, this sachet will harm women if I put it on me, so it won't harm men if I put it on you?" Xu Han retorted.

"Do you think I'm as vile and shameless as you? Does this girl need this thing if she wants to find a man?" Lian Ruolan retorted with her hips on her hips.

"On the surface, the girl looks pure and innocent, but there is a saying that a good man should not be fooled by his appearance. These days, there are many beasts in clothes who laugh in front of their faces and drug them behind their backs." Xu Han smiled and took a sip of water.

How dare a dead thief call this girl a beast?But since you drank water, haha, I can't help you.

Lian Ruolan asked with a smile on her face, "Then will you give it or not?"

"No." Xu Han rejected her unreasonable request.

Lian Ruolan laughed loudly, "You can't help yourself, haven't you noticed something wrong in your body?"

"Miss Lian! What did you give me to drink?" Xu Han roared.

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