..Zhang Tianfang smiled and looked closely at the wine, seeing Xu Han looking at him, he felt a little embarrassed, he put the smile away from the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "Just find a place to sit and tell you, you and I don't care about each other. Owe"

"Enenen, no debts, no debts." Xu Han looked back and forth, and found that the door leading when he came in was ahead, and there were two corridors before and after leaving the hall, one slowly ascending and the other slowly descending, which are easy to identify

"You don't owe what you said, so don't try to renege on it," Zhang Tianfang babbled after him.

The corridor was only a dozen or so steps long, and the three of them walked to the door in a short while and were very happy to see the blue sky and white sun outside. Xu Han shaded the sun with his hands and said with a smile: "It can be regarded as coming out." Seeing the sky again, Song Yunyi was also very happy, and asked Xu Han "Where are you going now? Pick up Xi'er?" She didn't want Xu Han to bully Zhang Tianfang, so she deliberately diverted the topic away.

While the two were talking, they stepped out of the ghost hole, only to find a young man with white eyebrows and white hair standing outside. He looked at the two of them with a faint expression, and said as if chatting with a neighbor: "Come out? You really have some strength."

After scanning his spiritual sense, he couldn't find out his cultivation level, but knowing that he was another master, Xu Han clasped his fists and said, "Senior, are you waiting for me?"

Just as the white-haired young man was about to speak, he was stunned when he saw the person walking out behind Xu Han: "Ghost knife? You actually stayed in the ghost cave for decades?" Zhang Tianfang didn't expect to meet his old enemy as soon as he got out of the ghost cave, and said coldly Said: "You are really patient." Holding the ghost knife, he walked up to Zhang and Song and stood still, coldly to the white-haired young man

Xu Han wondered, "You guys know each other?" Then he asked the white-haired young man, "Didn't you wait for me?"

The white-haired young man was also puzzled: "Why are you together?"

Zhang Tianfang was a little confused, and asked Xu Han, "Do you know him?" Xu Han asked him back, "Who is he?"

I didn't know him before, but Zhang Tianfang replied: "Aotian" "Aotian, the deputy capital of the holy capital?" The soundproof enchantment whispered: "As long as you help me block this guy and let Yunyi and I run away, we will owe nothing to each other."

Zhang Tianfang has always been troubled by the question of whether to owe or not. Dealing with ghosts has never been so troublesome. Seeing Xu Han whispering and begging, after a little calculation, anyway, he and Aotian are enemies, and he can't escape a beating. He immediately agreed: "Okay."

Aotian couldn't hear them talking, but seeing their familiar expressions, he couldn't help frowning, how did these two evil stars get together?Ghost Saber can block me for dozens of rounds without defeat, another guy can kill Feng Mian, the strength is extraordinary, they may not be able to fight together, and I am eager to think about countermeasures

Message Arrow looking for help?The deputy capital master couldn't hold back this face, so he had to hold out the magic weapon Senluo Sword. The Senluo Sword is three feet and two inches long. Luo Jian, with his backhand, threw another ghost net into the air, densely covering the area within Lixu

When Xu Han was speaking, he saw that Aotian not only took out a weapon, but also imprisoned this place with a magic weapon, intending to leave himself behind and said angrily: "Don't let me go?" He waved away the sound-proof barrier, summoned a huge black knife, and Zhang Tianfang said: "Don't leave now, I will deal with him with you." Zhang Tianfang despised him: "Can you do it?"

Xu Han was angry: "You are a hard iron knife, and I am also a hard iron knife, why can't you?" As he spoke, he jumped forward, holding the knife in both hands and fiercely slashing towards Aotian Aotian, and he was careful to be on guard. 』The giant knife, suspicious: "Hard iron knife? Can it be stored in the storage bag?"

At this time Xu Han made a knife, and Aotian carefully hid to the left, only to see a gust of wind blowing past him, and looking at the ground again, there appeared silently a long, tens of meters long, and about two meters wide At the same time, the giant pit and the net of ghosts in the sky were excited by the wind of the knife, and there was a loud noise, almost falling down, Aotian was shocked and lost his "se", how powerful is the hard iron knife?

When Zhang Tianfang saw Xu Han walking over with the ghost knife in his hands, he still laughed at him: "Is it okay? No, don't hold back."

Seeing Zhang Tianfang walk into the battle circle, Aotian's face became even more ugly. In the past, a hard iron knife could block me twenty moves. Now that two swords join forces, can I block their twenty moves?

The Ghost Knife is obviously superior to the Big Black Knife. Zhang Tianfang tapped his finger lightly, and the Ghost Knife danced across the air to weave a black net. With another finger, the black net slowly moved forward, cutting everything it touched into pieces. The shape stimulates the ghost net in the sky, the ghost net tightens, and countless black threads gush out, soft and lingering towards the black net woven by the ghost knife

Zhang Tianfang stood with his arms crossed after pointing his fingers, very leisurely, but Aotian was extremely nervous, the tension on their expressions was exactly opposite to his own strength Luo Jian gently slashed down in front of him, creating a small piece of darkness to cover his body. At this moment, Xu Han's knife wind slashed across his waist, cutting the air in half, but when he passed through the small piece of darkness, there was no response. also disappeared

Xu Han asked curiously, "What's going on?" Zhang Tianfang sneered, "His sword can break Yin and Yang, and direct the attack elsewhere."

Looking at the ghost knife in the air again, it slowed down after being entangled by the black thread, and the black net woven by the phantom also disappeared, but Zhang Tianfang was not afraid at all, and still said leisurely: "Is this thing specially designed to deal with me?" Aotian Don't speak, continue to push the ghost net, only to see that the black thread gradually becomes thicker, wrapping the ghost knife and can no longer be seen. Then the black thread suddenly burst into a large black mist, and many ghosts in the black mist bite the ghost knife

"First use the shadow array to trap the ghost knife, and then use the method of ghost bite to refine the soul or ghost spirit in the knife. The next step should be the gathering of all ghosts, and forcefully occupy the ghost knife for you to drive; it's a pity, you still don't know How do I sharpen this knife?" Zhang Tianfang spoke lazily, watching Aotian's tossing with a very disdainful attitude, and finally yawned

Aotian was enraged, the black and white sides of Sen Luo Sword were divided into two, holding the black sword in his hand, the white sword stabbed at Zhang Tianfang in the air Zhang Tianfang did not respond, but part of the black mist that wrapped and swallowed the ghost knife separated and held the white sword to watch Hei Wu pulled the white sword, Zhang Tianfang said seriously: "As long as the ghost knife is still there, no one in the world can hurt me"

The soul controlled by my magic weapon actually listens to others?Aotian was shocked and rushed to collect the ghost net, but it was too late, only a small part of the black mist released by the ghost net returned to the net, and most of it was still wrapped with the ghost knife, and then saw the black mist gradually thinning and thinning, and finally Hiding in the black "se" ghost knife, Zhang Tianfang swung the knife back, waved it twice and nodded, "It's a little more powerful."

Aotian was completely enraged by his indifferent and contemptuous attitude. With a clap of both palms, the white sword broke free and split into two, two into four, four into eight... Finally, it completely covered the sky and followed the black sword in his hand forward. A little bit of black pierces out of the white and then the black sword retracts, but the black dot still exists, floating up and down in the air as if alive Then move up and down; the black spots jump, and the mind also jumps

It seems that in this cave, it is true that there is death and no life, the real person in charge came up and asked, "Master, this..."

Shi Dingfeng shook his head and said, "He's looking for death, no wonder we are there" and then ordered in a low voice, "Let them keep the matter of Lu Zhen secret, don't spread it out"

It is said that when Xu Han walked into the cave, he saw an open space in the cave. The strange thing was that the cave was covered with all kinds of flowers and plants. The two rows of moonstones neatly inlaid on the top of the cave stretched into the distance like sunlight lamps.

Corresponding to the moonstone above the head, there is a neat cobblestone road on the ground, but the flowers and plants on both sides have not grown on the road at all...

Although there is no sunshine in the cave, the flowers and plants are growing gratifyingly, competing for splendor and colorfulness, which is pleasing to the eye.

Xu Han didn't dare to be careless, he took out a small sword weapon, and slowly explored along the cobblestone road

He looked back and found that no one followed him to guess that this hole might be really unusual, otherwise so many monks would not have chased him in.

Going in along the cobblestone road, after a while, I saw a black "se" stone pillar standing in front of me, and a row of red "se" characters were carved vertically on the stone pillar "Forbidden land of Qingming Valley, those who enter will die"

The blood-like big characters on the black "se" stone pillar make people feel chills when they see it...

Now that Xu Han has come here, he will not look back. He gritted his teeth and continued walking inside

After passing the stone pillars, the scenery changes immediately, and there is a broad avenue in front of you. The road is very wide, with rice fields on both sides, and green mountains in the distance, as if you came to the open field from a cave.

"Is it a hallucination? Or a maze?" Xu Han was taken aback. This cave was really magical. Looking back, he found that the road he came from was disappearing quickly, turning into pitch black...

Xu Hanxin couldn't cry, so he raised his breath quickly, and wanted to use the flying technique, but found that his spiritual power was empty. Then he went to pat the storage bag, and found that the storage bag had no response

Such a powerful illusion Xu Han has no choice but to move forward

After a while, the foreground changed again, and a fork appeared. The road was divided into two, one side was a green avenue full of flowers, and the other side was an extremely desolate desert...

Xu Han stood still, not knowing how to choose

"Which way?" an old voice asked.

"Let's think about it..." Xu Han replied reflexively, and suddenly realized something was wrong, "Who? Who is talking? Who is pretending to be a ghost? Come out."

"Haha" the old voice laughed exaggeratedly, "God? Ghost? They were all defeated by Shi Mou back then." Although he said it with arrogance, there was a hint of depression in his words

"Shi Mou?" Xu Han frowned, wondering if it was Shi Dingfeng, but the voice didn't sound like it, and even if he was a monk of Nascent Soul, he wouldn't dare to say that gods and ghosts were all defeated by him...

"Is there a god in this world?" Xu Han suddenly asked

"No," replied the old voice

Xu Han was startled. Could it be that the old man came from the upper realm, and hurriedly said, "Old Shi, boy Xu Han, I salute you, and please come out and say something."

"What's wrong with Shi and you, a little monk at the fourth level of Qi refining?" The old voice snorted coldly, "Since you keep admonishing me, break into this hole, and play this death game. Your time... no too much……"

The old voice disappeared afterward. Ren Xuhan shouted for a long time, but still no one answered.

"Old man, I didn't come to break into the cave, I was "forced" to enter." Xu Han regretted it now

However, the road behind has disappeared faster and faster. The place where it disappeared is pitch black, and the sky and the earth cannot be distinguished, just like a broken void. Xu Han dare not fall into it

Since they are all illusions, what is the difference between the Avenue of Flowers and the desolate desert?

Without even thinking about it, Xu Han stepped into the desert full of flying sand...

In the desert, there are strong winds, yellow sand is flying, and the temperature is very high. The hot air makes the distant sky seem to be distorted

Although none of these can cause harm to Xu Han, they are still quite uncomfortable. Xu Han regrets it a bit. Since both sides are illusions, it is better to choose a more comfortable path.

What did I really think, what did I come to, I saw a narrow path on the side of the road ahead, and that path led to another avenue, where there were many flowers and green trees...

"Hmph, the more you want me to go, the more I can't go." Xu Han didn't stop, as if he didn't see the fork in the road

I don't know how long he walked, Xu Han's mouth was dry, but this vast desert seemed to have no end

Xu Han walked a long way again, his mouth became more and more dry, while walking, his eyes were looking for water sources, and soon he found something

There are two more choices. One is that there is a big green lake in the distance. The river inside is like an oasis in the desert. Xu Han is really looking forward to it...

Another one is not far ahead, there is a big tree growing on a mountain top, the big tree grows on the top of the desert mountain, it is so lush and green, it seems that there is also a source of water

If you climb mountains to find water sources, the advantage is that if there is no water, you can still have time to go to the Great Lakes. The disadvantage is that climbing the mountains is laborious, so it is better to go directly to the Great Lakes to have a good drink, and there is a possibility that there is no water on the mountains.

And if you go directly to the big lake, there is not enough time to come back to the mountain, and the mountain will probably disappear

"Maybe the Great Lake is a mirage?" Xu Han thought, holding back the desire to rush towards the Great Lake with his dry throat, and strode up the mountain...

When I came to the top of the mountain, I saw a pit under the big tree, and the pit was full of clear water.

Xu Han was also extremely thirsty, lying on the edge of the puddle, gurgling and drinking

"Ah, this bird place is so cool, I don't know how long we have to go." After drinking the water, Xu Han collapsed by the puddle, wanting to take a rest

But suddenly, a soft female voice sounded in his ear, "Help, help!"

Xu Han was startled, jumped up, and ran away looking for the sound

Behind the big tree, there was a very beautiful girl tied up with a rope. The girl's appearance and figure were no less than any woman Xu Han had ever seen, especially when the rope was strung between her high chest. , protruding the bulging of the two mountains, eye-catching

"Help, help, little brother, let go of me, I'm so thirsty" Although the girl is as beautiful as a flower, her lips are white and puffy from thirst.

"Oh, okay." Xu Han hurriedly picked up a big knife on the ground and cut off the ropes tied to the girl's body.

The girl didn't know how long she was tied up, but when the rope was loosened, she collapsed to the ground, as if she had lost all strength

"Help me...to drink water" the girl said weakly

"Oh..." Xu Han hurriedly picked up the girl's soft body and helped her to the puddle on the other side of the big tree

The girl had no strength at all, and was almost clinging to Xu Han. The girl's soft body and faint fragrance made Xu Han "confuse", especially the girl's two soft round peaks were firmly pressed against him. On the back of Xu Han's hands, the Cangnan Continent was not covered, and the soft and greasy feeling made Xiao Xu Han stand upright

Zhang Tianfang slashed out with a slash, and scattered the white swords all over the sky, but the black spot was still there, and continued to jump up and down. Zhang Tianfang pointed the ghost knife at the black spot and said coldly: "Are you really going to fight to the death?"

Xu Han shook his head again and again when he heard it from behind. It is too arrogant for a little monk who established the foundation to talk to the monk Nascent Soul like this.

Aotian's face was gloomy and cold, he was a little surprised to hear Zhang Tianfang's words: "Do you recognize my exercises?"

"Isn't it just a yin and yang seizing soul technique? It's nothing. Boss Ao, I solemnly advise you to take away the exercises, otherwise it's really hard to say who will live and who will die later." Zhang Tianfang became more and more arrogant, Xu Han called God, help save me it's a nerve

Being summoned by Zhang Tianfang, Aotian's face became cold, and he said in a deep voice: "How do you know the name of this spell?" No matter who it is, it will not be easy for a life-saving spell to be broken, let alone a famous holy city. Aotian

Zhang Tianfang didn't answer, the color "se" of the nine ghost heads on the edge of the ghost knife began to fade, and finally turned into a pale color "se" flew up from the jet black knife, arranged in a circle around the black spots in the air, and then came out of the ghost's mouth. Thick black smoke was sprayed out to cover the black spots, and the circle surrounded by the nine ghost heads was also painted black. It's too late to pay"

This guy wants to work hard?Although Xu Han couldn't understand how dangerous the situation was, both of them were nervous and cautious, and they shouted: "Tian Fang put away the knife, we won't fight him desperately" as they spoke, they rushed to the black spot with the big black knife in hand , with a knife

The big black knife is very powerful, let go of the ghost head, and slashed at the black mist and the black spots in the black mist, but the black mist was just like being blown by a breeze, gently tumbling, and the black spot in the middle did not move at all

These two brothers are indeed better than me. Xu Han held up his knife and complained that he was a little impulsive. Zhang Tianfang was surprised to see him rushing into the battle formation, and his eyes also changed. in situ

The expression on Aotian's face was constantly changing, he didn't know whether to accept the exercises or to fight with all his strength, he was not sure about the strength of the ghost knife, so he froze for a while

Song Yunyi walked up to Xu Han and said in a low voice: "Array" Xu Han slapped his head and cursed himself as a pig. Huge formations such as phantom formations are not enough to put out and pull out a hundred spells at random. This is a simple formation he specially refined. One spell is one formation. Although it is simple and easy to break, so many formations are accumulated together. The power increases, just to cause a little trouble to Aotian is enough

Seeing him take out the spell, Aotian knew that he was going to trouble himself. He muttered the magic formula secretly in his heart. The black dots in the black mist suddenly beat faster, and together with Zhang Tianfang, Xu Han and Song Yunyi's heartbeat accelerated, Xu Han suddenly felt flustered. Song Yunyi is fine, with a Buddha futon in his arms, an ancient jade that calms the nerves given by Lin Sen on his waist, and a calming pearl around his neck, which is most effective against evil methods

Zhang Tianfang snorted coldly: "Do you want to give it a go? I'll accompany you." As he spoke, he gave Guidao an order. Xu Han hurriedly persuaded him: "Wait a minute" Although he also wanted to kill Aotian, he really didn't care about Zhang Tianfang confidence

Zhang Tian felt displeased, and said coldly: "Don't bother me." He concentrated on watching the battle between Ghost Knife and Black Spot

He is him, Ghost Saber is Ghost Saber, as if two completely different individuals are connected together, he gave orders to Ghost Saber to do things, there is no need to bother and labor to control, who wouldn't want such a good magic weapon?

Provoked by his words, Xu Han said angrily, "You are sick, are you calling me?" Holding a black knife, he rushed towards Aotian, knowing in his heart that he and Zhang Tianfang were connected, and as long as he did it, he must work together to get rid of Aotian. If a genius succeeds, there will be endless troubles, he doesn't have a ghost knife in his hand

Aotian tried his best to activate the yin and yang seizing soul technique, Xu Han slashed at him without warning.

People use weapons for profit, Xu Han and Zhang Tianfang relied on the ghost knife and the big black knife to "force" Aotian into a mess, Aotian tried to use his trump card several times, but he was unwilling to make peace with him. The two low-level monks died together, a thought flashed in their minds, and they shouted: "Stop!"

The big black knife was too heavy, and Xu Han was a little tired. He stopped his hands and said loudly: "Why? If you say you want to fight, you can fight and if you don't fight, don't fight. Aren't we very shameless?" I want to do something

Zhang Tianfang has been paying attention to the black dot in the sky. Now, the black dot has started to grow bigger, and its beating is heavy and powerful. However, before releasing the ultimate move, Zhang Tianfang holds back the ghost knife and looks at Aotian coldly, to see what he has to say

Aotian nods his finger, and the black dot in the air jumps back to his palm, and he asks: "Why do we fight?"

Xu Han said angrily: "Nonsense, you are waiting for me outside the ghost cave, do you want to invite me to dinner?"

Aotian didn't argue with him, and directly cut to the point: "You killed Fengmian, I can't wait for you?"

Zhang Tianfang listened, and praised: "With a bit of skill, you can kill a master in the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

Xu Han likes to talk: "Your surname Feng wants to kill me"

Aotian smiled slightly, and at this moment he returned to his lofty posture, with white hair and white eyebrows, he had a special demeanor: "There are always grievances, and you two are considered young and promising, how about this, you can leave the Holy Kingdom and never come back. give up everything"

"Okay" Xu Han rushed to answer

"Not good" Zhang Tianfang was dissatisfied, why did he have to leave?

Aotian spoke calmly: "I can go now, you can't stop me; I can also follow you, as long as you avoid it, you can't kill me; I can also send a message arrow to find someone to help chase you, the holy capital is not far away For three thousand miles, there are plenty of people who are stronger than me." Speaking of this, he stopped talking, looked at Zhang Tianfang and waited for him to express his opinion

Zhang Tianfang snorted coldly, "Am I so easy to kill?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's easy to kill or not, as long as you send an arrow to the sky, you will definitely die." Aotian said the truth: "In the territory of the holy country, no monks who disobey the orders of the holy capital are absolutely allowed. Last time you broke into the holy capital, Because I am the only high-ranking monk, and the rest of the people have important business to go out, so I let you go; I wanted to find you later, but you disappeared."

Aotian's words clearly understand that both of you are thorns in the eyes of the Holy Capital, you must surrender or die, now I will give you a way to go, you can leave and never come back

Xu Han originally wanted to leave this ghostly place, and persuaded Zhang Tianfang: "Just leave, it's no big deal, just pretend to go out and play, if you want to come back, let's come back secretly, or wait until you become stronger and then kill back."

When he said this, Aotian didn't respond but said: "It's okay, but next time I see you, I will use all the power of the Holy City to kill you."

Zhang Tianfang was really difficult to deal with. He asked coldly, "Why don't you ask someone to kill me now? It's easier."

"Just be wronged, drink some water in this puddle." Xu Han protected the girl to drink water by the puddle. He seemed to be concentrating, but one palm was already pressed on the girl's soft buttocks, so soft and easy to flick

The girl is drinking water, Xu Han's heart is flying to nowhere, this girl is so beautiful that one can't help but want to be frivolous

If I can have a fight with this girl in this desert, even if I die, I am willing to die.

Xu Han was thinking like this, but something strange happened right away... After the girl drank the water, she immediately regained her strength, smiled at Xu Han, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Gong, for your help. The little girl doesn't know what to do. repay"

The girl's smile is extremely touching, especially the trace of sensuality in the purity, which makes people fascinated. Ye Mou never thought of repaying people for saving people, and it was just a matter of convenience."

Although Xu Han's words were strict, he murmured in his heart that no other rewards are needed, just make a promise with your body...

The girl seemed to understand his heart very well, sticking out the tip of her tongue and teasing the water at the corner of her mouth, she said, "Then you, Ye, why did you secretly 'rub' my ass just now?"

Xu Han was left speechless by her question, he was embarrassed when he saw the girl suddenly pulled his gauze skirt, the clothes on his upper body were torn apart, and two balls of white meat that could make people vomit blood popped out

Xu Han fainted, this is too direct, your clothes are too easy to tear?

Originally, he was just thinking about it, but the other party was really so proactive, which made him immediately vigilant...

The girl on the wasteland is already strange, but now she is so active, it makes people suspicious

However, the appearance of those two balls of beautiful meat made his mind blank again, as if he had crashed, and let the girl post it.

"You have such a big reaction, haha" the beautiful girl exhaled like blue, and grabbed Xiaoye. She grasped the position very skillfully, and it was the front end where the man felt most keenly.

When Xu Han was pinched, it felt like an electric shock, which was extremely refreshing, but Xu Han still shied away...

"Miss, stop making trouble, this wilderness..."

"Isn't it just right in the wilderness?" The girl giggled, stuck to it, and said with a smile, "The body can't be deceiving. If you know that your benefactor wants it, let the servants serve you."

This ecstasy girl is so attractive that no man would refuse her. Although she appeared strange and bizarre, Xu Han felt that his brain was a little muddled and he couldn't restrain himself. There was a voice in his heart that kept persuading him, "Go up. Ah, what a great opportunity, hurry up!"

Seeing that his excuses were getting weaker and weaker, the girl couldn't help but smile triumphantly, and began to strip off Xu Han's clothes...

"No" But at the critical moment, Xu Han suddenly became clear and pushed the girl away.

"Grandpa, why are you so vigorous? It's hurting my family." The girl frowned and said very sadly

Xu Han smiled, "I saved you, but you used charm skills to deal with me. It really is a good way, and it almost caught your way."

Xu Han's mind was about to be "confuse" and sink, but at the critical moment, the spell book in his mind covered his consciousness, allowing him time to think... This girl is obviously using it to seduce her. Otherwise, normal people will suspect all kinds of doubts in it. Xu Han's consciousness is under the golden light, and he will understand it when he thinks about it.

Seeing the failure of the charm technique, the girl immediately changed a fierce face, and rushed forward with all her teeth and claws, "Since you don't want to repay, boy, then make me lunch."

"Crack" blood flashed, Xu Han swung the knife and split the girl in two...

However, the girl was split into two parts but did not die. I saw her two corpses slowly changing. In the blink of an eye, the two corpses turned into two people, two women, one was Chen Jiuniang, and the other was Chen Jiuniang. Lian Ruolan

"Kongerer!" Chen Jiuniang walked over sadly

"Little thief, is that you?" Lian Ruolan also walked over with Tingting with a gentle smile on her face.

"Don't come here..." Xu Han stepped back step by step. Although he knew that the two were transformed by that girl, he couldn't do anything. One was his old mother, and the other was a woman who loved him deeply. Xu Han had a weapon in his hand. , but just can't cut it...

"Kong'er, mother misses you..."

"Little thief, don't go..."

The two women pressed Xu Han to retreat step by step, but the knife in his hand was indeed getting tighter and tighter.

"Don't come here again, I'm really freezing my hands."

Xu Han took another two steps back, but he stepped on the ground, and the sky fell in front of him, and Fang Fu fell into some kind of deep hole...

A moment later, after Xu Han regained consciousness, he realized that he was back in the cave, and behind him was the black pillar that was forbidden to enter. Obviously, he hadn't walked a few steps. It's all just an illusion

"This illusion is too similar, just like the real thing." Xu Han let out a sigh of relief, thinking about the transformation function of the banshee, he still had lingering fears. If the human body transformed by the two banshees got closer, he would not Be sure, will you cut it out...

After gathering his mind, Xu Han thought again: Where is that old voice talking to him?That Shi Mou who claims that all gods and ghosts are defeated by his subordinates is also illusory?

Before Xu Han could think about it, the old voice sounded from above his head

"Congratulations, young man, you passed the first test"

Xu Han was startled. This voice is the controller of the illusion. The illusion that was so real just now was created by this old voice. It seems that it is really not an ordinary person.

Xu Han hurriedly asked: "Old man Shi, dare to ask, is there any reward for passing the first test?"

The old voice laughed, "Young man, over the past 650 years, [-] people have entered the cave, and only you dare to ask me for a reward."

Xu Han felt that the old man was not so strict, so he laughed immediately and said: "Of course there will be rewards for passing the test. This is the truth that all children know. If you don't give rewards, then do I still have the urge to continue passing the test? "

The old voice said with a chuckle: "Of course there is a reward for passing the test, and the reward is... to keep you alive for a while."

Xu Han sighed, "No? What kind of reward is this?"

"Then look at the two sides, among the flowers and plants." The old voice became cold and severe, and then said: "Those are all people who have not passed the test, and some of them are in the Qi refining stage like you, and there are also great monks in the Nascent Soul stage."

Xu Han looked left and right, and saw many big black stones standing among the flowers and plants. Looking carefully, these stones turned out to be stone figures, but it was too long, and the stones were covered with flowers and plants. I can't see the human form anymore

"Are they dead?" Xu Han asked

The old voice replied: "The physical body will die, but the spiritual consciousness will be immersed in dreams forever."

Aotian did not hide from him, sighed: "I am the vice-capital of the Holy Capital"

Xu Han and Zhang Tianfang didn't understand. Song Yunyi, who was born in a noble family and was used to these tricks, explained to them: "If you two are high-ranking Yuanying monks, he will definitely ask someone to help; ..."

Xu Han suddenly realized that it was a matter of face, so he grabbed Zhang Tianfang and said, "It's decided to follow me first, even if you want to come back, you have to wait until we are safe, you still owe me your life."

"Why do I owe you my life again? Are you so unreasonable?" Zhang Tianfang's paranoia about who owes whom is greater than his hatred for Aotian; "Just now you said that I would block Aotian for you. If you block it, you'll be cleared."

"It's about you blocking it for me, but now we're going to deal with him together, is it Boss Ao?" Xu Han turned his finger on Aotian, completely ignoring whether Boss Ao's noble status can bear his teasing

Aotian cares about face very much, he had already lost a lot of face by letting them go, Xu Han still dared to make fun of him, his eyebrows stood up, and the black spot in his hand rose into the sky again

Zhang Tianfang cooperated with him very much: "Want to fight? Then fight, this time I will deal with you myself." Turning his head and shouting to Xu Han: "Look, I will go up by myself, block Aotian and let us clear the two."

The Demon Sect technique is so weird that such a monster can be cultivated. Xu Han sighed repeatedly, grabbed his arm and said, "He's going to kill you, do you think you can let me go?"

"Can he kill me? Just kidding, can he kill me?" As he spoke, he wanted to rush forward

Xu Han's cultivation base was higher than his, so he grabbed him with both hands and continued: "Be steady and steady, this way, as long as you accompany me out of the Holy Kingdom, we will be cleared." He planned to use another method to encourage Zhang Tianfang

"Well, in this case, I don't need to fight with him, so I can listen to you again, remember, we will settle after this time." Zhang Tianfang was finally successfully tricked into boarding the pirate ship

Standing across from each other and listening to the conversation between these two psychopaths, Aotian suddenly felt very lucky, fortunately he tricked the psychopaths away, with their "xing" characters, ordinary people can't kill them, and extraordinary people can't catch them, if they look like that again Walking all the way and killing all the way, strolling around the holy country, how many people can escape from the ghost knife?What's more, the two ghost knives hurriedly answered: "Go quickly, but you must keep a low profile and go quietly. I don't want to see you two again."

"What does walking quietly have anything to do with seeing us?" Zhang Tianfang was simple-minded, lacking in contact with people, and he didn't understand what he said

Song Yunyi acted as an interpreter: "Now the whole world is looking for the three of us. If anyone finds out where we are, we will definitely report back to the Holy Capital. Senior Ao is the city lord who knows the horror of the ghost knife. He won't let ordinary monks come to die. Naturally, he brought the ghost knife to the city. Team departure"

It's still this girl who is sensible and can speak, Aotian looked at Song Yunyi admiringly

"That's it, don't worry, since you want to leave, I won't cause you any trouble, so let's go?" The latter sentence is what Xu Han said to Xu Han. He didn't even learn it, so he clasped his fists with Aotian and said, "As far as possible, your Eighth Battalion are not dummies, I hope you can avoid being hunted down."

"Don't worry about this, I know you entered the ghost cave, and I ordered the search to stop"

Zhang Tianfang couldn't wait to urge him: "What are you talking about, let's go" Xu Han clasped his fists at Aotian again: "Please step back a few steps, senior." With a pinch of the palm, the mighty black "se" dot disappeared into the skin, and then retreated gracefully, giving way to a little space

Xu Han released Feizhi, jumped in with Song Yunyi, and greeted Zhang Tianfang: "Come in." Zhang Tianfang looked at Feizhi in a daze, "You have all these things? It's ok, it's enough to be a prodigal." Remembering that he casually gave him two bottles of spirit wine , jumped into Feizhi and asked: "Are you a child of an aristocratic family?"

Xu Han sent his spiritual power into Feizhi, and said casually: "You killed hundreds of people, don't tell me that you didn't take a single storage bag." More than 400 monks who formed alchemy and several monks who were born in the soul died because of him. Under the knife, the contents of these people's storage bags together are definitely a huge amount of wealth Zhang Tianfang screamed: "I forgot" he took out a storage bag from his arms and said: "Everything you get goes to But he was chased and killed by the saints outside, and there were strange fish tore and killed in the ghost cave, and those who kept killing and killing didn’t have time to look carefully.” He poured out a lot of storage bags as he spoke, proving that he really didn’t kill less

"Put it away, we'll see it later" a formula was played, and it flew into the sky, waved goodbye to Aotian, and flew to the east

"Where are we going?" Zhang Tianfang put away the storage bag and asked

"Pick up" a distant city, there are 35 girls waiting for him

"No matter who you pick up, we will not owe each other when we leave the Holy Kingdom." Zhang Tianfang was brooding on this issue

It is a good thing that the Eighth Battalion stopped searching. The three of them flew for more than 20 days without encountering any interception and inquiries, and the journey was smooth, but Zhang Tianfang kept asking: "Have you left the Holy Kingdom?"

It took a lot of time to get back to the original city. I rushed to the inn in the post station. Cheng Xier and a group of maids were there. They honestly hid in the room and practiced. Seeing Xu Han and Song Yunyi coming back, I was very excited and jumped. Laughing and quarreling together, a girl cried with joy: "I haven't heard from you for so long, I thought you didn't want us anymore"

Xu Han hurriedly persuaded: "No, isn't this coming back?" They talked, Zhang Tianfang said impatiently: "Will you go?"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Cheng Xi'er went to open the door. It was a handsome young man with thin eyebrows. Xu Han caught a glimpse of him: "Yong San?"

Yongsan smiled and cupped his fists and said, "Sure enough, Brother Dao came back. Yongsan is downstairs to prepare a little wine for Brother Dao to wash away the dust and catch the wind."

"How do you know I'm back?" Some questions must be asked clearly, Xu Han has to be careful

"Brother Dao has a kind heart, and he will definitely not abandon his companions and leave alone; and brother Dao is hard to find in the holy capital, so it is really difficult to meet him; thinking about it, it is better to come back and wait for brother Dao, so I stayed next door Stay here, just now I heard the commotion in the house, guessed that Brother Dao came back, and came to see him, and sure enough, I saw Brother Dao again as usual."

He spoke politely, which made Zhang Tianfang even more impatient: "Who are you? Are you tired?"

"Who is this dear friend?" Yongsan continued politely

Zhang Tianfang is tall and burly, one size bigger than Xu Han, and he is carrying a very wide pole in his hand, which was processed by Xu Han using a ghost knife to cover up

I don't know why, Yong Sanyue was more polite, but Xu Han didn't want to talk to him, so he asked him sternly, "What's the matter, Fellow Daoist?"

Yongsan finally felt that talking like that was too tiring, he spread his arms and said, "I can't find you if I have nothing to do? Hurry up, you still owe me a drink."

Xu Han was confused: "When will I owe you a drink? I paid the bill in the holy capital"

"Did you pay for it? Then I should invite you back, go, sit downstairs"

Xu Han frowned when he heard this, his face became serious, and he said seriously: "Tell me, what are you trying to pester me for?"

Looking at those black and weathered stones, Xu Han couldn't help but sigh, if he had made a mistake just now, he might have turned into a black stone, standing here for thousands of years, never wake up

"Okay, keep going, young man" said the old voice and wanted to leave

"Uncle Shi, wait a minute." Xu Han hurriedly stopped him again, and asked, "I want to ask, what is the meaning of the test just now, and what do those choices mean?"

The old voice said with a smile: "Everyone who passes this test will ask me this question, okay, then I will say it again..."


The old voice paused for a moment before saying: "A person's life is full of choices, and every choice decides that you will go back to a different path. Some choices can turn back, but some choices can't turn back "

"Similarly, through various choices, I can see your character and weaknesses... First of all, the first choice, one side is full of flowers, and the other side is the vast Gobi. You chose the vast Gobi, which shows that you are not a People who are easily "deceived" by appearances, you are very smart, and you know that there are often great dangers hidden under flowers."

Xu Han smiled and said, "Hey, this young master has always been smart."

The old voice ignored him, and said again: "The second choice is in the desert, and I will give you another chance to walk on the Avenue of Flowers, but you still walk through it, which shows that you are a confident and persistent person." People, once they make a choice, they believe in their choice, and they won’t give up easily.”

"You're right, usually when I go to collect protection fees, I have to receive them..." Xu Han said with a smile

"The third choice." The old voice said again: "It's the big lake in the distance, and the nearby mountains. You saw the big lake and didn't give up on the mountains, which shows that you have a long-term vision and won't let go of an opportunity."

It seems that they are all good things to say, Xu Han couldn't help but smile, I didn't realize that I have so many advantages, I feel embarrassed...

But then, the old voice said again, "But after you went up the mountain, your behavior changed a lot. Although you are kind, you are impulsive and not cautious enough. Before you saved that girl, you never thought about the danger, and you didn't even ask about it." Why was she tied up, let her be untied"

Xu Han pouted, it seemed that what old man Shi said had some truth, the moment he saw the beautiful woman, he really didn't think of danger at all, and he didn't even suspect, how could anyone be tied up in this illusion?

"Many times, impulsiveness and kindness will kill you" To be continued)

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