Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 378 Disappearing

With his spiritual consciousness released, he only found a ground-moving monster in the distance, but he didn't pay attention to it, and sprang out of the ground lightly.But before he could take a closer look at his surroundings, he suddenly felt that there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, and he didn't know what was tightly wrapping himself and Zhang Tianfang together, making them tightly entangled.I understand in my heart that something has happened!

The Ghost Saber is fierce, and automatically chops the unknown object wrapped around Zhang Tianfang, but that thing can regenerate, the faster you cut, the faster it regenerates, it is difficult to escape with Zhang Tianfang's foundation-building cultivation.

Xu Han didn't have that good luck. The little pig was right on his chest, but he was too close to set it on fire. What if he roasted himself?My mind was full of random thoughts, when a light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, I opened my eyes, and there was a cheeky face in front of my eyes, looking at Xu Han with a sinister smile: "Boy, you are quite capable." A palm hit the top of Xu Han's head, sealing his whole body Lingxi, and then continued to ask with a smile: "Where do you get the magic weapon? Where is the ten thousand year herbal medicine?"

Xu Han lowered his head and didn't answer, and found that what bound the two of them was actually endless white fine hairs, what is this?The ghost knife flew around Zhang Tianfang's body, easily chopping off the fine hairs, but just after the ghost knife left, the fine hairs were heavy and tightly bound together, tightly binding the two of them.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the mouse slapped him hard, and said viciously: "Say it quickly, or you will be exhausted and make you suffer all day long, even if you want to die."

With a slap full of blood, Xu Han stared at the mouse desperately: "I'm going to kill you!" The mouse chuckled, and put its face in front of Xu Han's eyes: "Kill, I'll kill you, I'll kill you standing up, why don't you kill me?" Don't do it..." Before he could finish speaking, he fell to the ground and died with a thud.

A white jade bone spur appeared on Xu Han's forehead, dripping red blood.He took a sip and said, "So what if I kill you? A broken Nascent Soul cultivator." The bones snatched from Fengmian actually saved his life.With a thought, the bones of the whole body burst out, like a hedgehog stabbing at the fine hair, but this thing was extremely hard, after a long time of effort, it finally broke free.Look at the fine hair again, but it has returned to its original state.

Take out the spiritual energy pill and take it.He also drew the inner spiritual power of God's Tears to break away the sealed spiritual breath, and then looked at the fine hair that wrapped Zhang Tianfang, it was a good thing.He touched the fine hair with his hands, only to find that it was a piece of fur, which was white and thin, and he did not know what kind of monster it was. He sent it into his consciousness to try to control it, and the fur shrank and jumped out, falling into Xu Han's palm.

Ghost Saber was trying to save the savior, its fur swished away.With a single slash, the dead body on the ground was chopped into two pieces, and blood flowed horizontally.Zhang Tianfang finally broke free, and cursed: "What kind of crap is this?" Xu Han pointed at the dead man: "Ask him."

After the water dragon finished speaking, it threw Xu Han out, and then a dragon swung its tail, and Xu Han flew out.

Damn, this female dragon must be playing baseball.She's so far away!Xu Han flew a long way, and finally wiped a hundred battles on the water before he stabilized his position.

The water dragon's blow was really unambiguous.Not only broke his golden light talisman, but also shattered the spiritual shield of his body. If it weren't for the ink shark's inner armor, Xu Han would be disabled even if he didn't die.

However, the defeat of the spiritual power shield also caused the spiritual power in Xu Han's body to backlash, causing him to suffer some internal injuries...

"Damn it, mother dragon, I'm fighting with you!" Xu Han patted the storage bag again, took out a mahogany box, and took out a jade talisman inside.

"Treasure Fu?" The female dragon was quite knowledgeable.But she continued to sneer, "Take out a broken talisman to show your eyes, and I will stand up and let you fight, and let you lose your heart!"

"Then be careful." Xu Han chuckled, put his fingers together, and silently recited the formula.

I saw the bone ruler on Fu Bao suddenly flew up.Then it hovered over Xu Han's head, spinning around like a compass...

"Divide!" Xu Han gave another order, and saw that the bone ruler turned into two, two into four, four into eight, and more and more.

"Idiot, don't you know that the more you divide, the less powerful you are?" Shuilong Yuning looked at it coldly.

Xu Han pointed at the water dragon and said, "Hit!"

I saw hundreds of small bone rulers flying out like a swarm.This bone ruler talisman is much more powerful than the Hundred Bee Cone obtained by Lian Ruolan...

But against the demon cultivator who was about to transform into form, it was not enough. A group of bone rulers crackled on the water dragon, but it had no effect.

The water dragon laughed loudly, "Can a bunch of flies do enough damage to this dragon? Are the scales of this dragon's leather armor white?"

But what is surprising is that Xu Han was not worried at all, but smiled harmlessly, and said, "Guilong's skin is quite hard, but I wonder if your asshole is as hard?"

The water dragon was startled and tried to hide in a hurry, but Xu Han had already mobilized the bone ruler and sneaked into her tail...

"Stab!" Xu Han ordered decisively.

"Ow!" The water dragon Yu Ning let out a long cry, like a rocket launching, straight to the sky, and the painful cry resounded through the sky.

"Hmph! So what about the female dragon? I'll still explode your chrysanthemum!" Xu Han snorted, put away the magic weapon, and yelled at the direction where the female dragon was escaping, and then drove away on the flying carpet.

"Mother dragon, this is the price you pay for not being civilized. Next time you go out, remember to wear pants!"

In fact, Xu Han wanted to take this opportunity to kill the female dragon, but the female dragon flew too fast, and the bone ruler couldn't keep up with it, so she escaped...

When Yu Ning returned to the cave, the two daughters were alarmed by her cry and rushed to inquire.But Yu Ning is a female dragon after all, she is about to transform into shape, and she already knows how to be ashamed, how can she tell her daughter that someone stabbed her ass?

"Leave it alone!" Yu Ning said angrily.

"Mother, what's the matter? Who bullied you and let your daughter skin him and cramps!" Xiaoyu roared angrily...

Dayu, on the other hand, was more reasonable and persuaded, "Is the mother seriously injured? If it's not serious, it's fine. There are already regulations in the restriction. Once we are defeated once, we are not allowed to take another shot."

"Damn it, what rules did this old dog Shi Laoer set? Why can't he take revenge? Why should he deliberately lower his realm?" Xiaoyu roared angrily.

Yu Ning also sighed, "Forget it, the prohibition cannot be violated, besides... I didn't get hurt..."

But Xiaoyu felt uncomfortable not teaching this kid a lesson. After thinking about it, she asked again, "Mother, didn't this kid mention Huaikui?"

"I mentioned it. Before I finished speaking, I interrupted, and then I started fighting."

"This is the best!" Xiao Yu said happily: "He still doesn't know that helping Huai Kui is also a test, so let's not go to him and let him leave with the ancient treasure. Shi Er must think that he is greedy and untrustworthy, and activates the ban. It directly wiped out his primordial spirit."

The kind-hearted Dayu disagreed: "This is not good, we should at least give him a chance. Mother didn't let him finish, maybe he forgot about it?"

"Forget it!" Yu Ning snorted coldly, and said again: "Da Yu, you are not allowed to remind him secretly! Go back to my room!"

Water dragon Yu Ning drove her daughter Xiao Shuilong Dayu into the room, added the restraint, so she was relieved...

At this moment, Xu Han was flying.Seeing the end of the water surface, the misty magic circle was not far away, and he suddenly remembered the matter of Huai Kui...

"No, Brother Huai is still waiting to deliver water here. It was just that nasty female dragon. I forgot about it." Xu Han stopped the flying carpet.

But in his heart, there was a voice that said: "Forget it, it's not your fault. It's the mother dragon who is unreasonable and won't let people talk. Why go to it? It's better to take the ancient treasure Leave. Gu Bao, it can be used for self-defense and killing people.”

In fact, Xu Han was also moved by this ancient treasure. The ancient treasure was refined by ancient monks, and its power is amazing. It is far from being comparable to magic weapons. Even ordinary magic weapons are not opponents. It can make Nascent Soul monks die Items up for grabs...

Xu Han thought for a moment, and finally shook his head. "I will treat others as people treat me. Brother Huai is such a friend. He personally sent me out and gave me precious materials. How could I break my promise and abscond with treasures?"

Afterwards, the flying carpet suddenly turned its head, leading Xu Han to draw an arc in the sky.Insert straight into water.

Having lived here for nearly 20 years, Yu Ning's cave is quite luxurious, like a dragon palace, and very easy to find. After a while, Xu Han has already arrived outside the cave.

In the cave, Dayu was slamming on the door and shouting: "Mother, let me out! Mother, please go and remind me, it's so unreasonable to harm people like this..."

"What a silly dragon, the life and death of a little monk has nothing to do with us, don't lose our dragon face!" Yu Ning's back door was still hurting, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

Xiaoyu also shouted outside: "Sister, stop shouting, that little monk will definitely become greedy when he sees the ancient treasure, even if he is given a chance, he will not hand over the treasure."

While talking, I heard something hit the formation outside the cave, and there was a loud bang, and then Xu Han's voice came in, "Xiaoxiu Xu Han, please see Miss Xiaoyu."

Hearing this sound, there was a sudden silence in the cave, and then Yu Ning rushed out, saying, "Xiaoyu, wait for me in the cave!"

Outside the formation, Xu Han was holding a big drum-shaped fan, fanning a big stone. With each fan, the big stone would be rolled up by the strong water flow, and smashed hard on the formation outside the Dragon Palace, making a loud bang sound. ring.

The defensive power of this formation is extraordinary, and it is impossible to break the formation with Xu Han's ability. He just used this method to notify the female dragon inside.

Walking over to find the storage bag on the corpse to control the animal bag, the storage bag is full of things, but the animal control bag is empty, a thought flashed in his mind, the chanting of the movement formula sank back into the ground, and the spiritual consciousness fully Searching, found a weak monster not far away, sneaked over to catch it.Floating to the ground, it was a white fine-haired mouse, about the size of a palm, and its fur was very similar to the one that bound him just now.I knew in my heart that the fine white hair belonged to this thing, so I took advantage of its serious injury to forcefully sign the contract.

Zhang Tianfang came over to take a look: "White mouse? Is there such a thing underground?"

Just as Xu Han was about to speak, he suddenly felt several powerful auras rushing towards him. He was startled, grabbed Zhang Tianfang and said, "Don't move." He led him into the boundless dark land again.

Not long after they sank into the ground, five Nascent Soul cultivators including Jin Si and Angzang Dahan flew there almost at the same time. When they saw the corpse on the ground, Jin Si was a little surprised: "Even I dare not say that in such a short time Quietly killing rats, this ghost thing is greedy for life and afraid of death, and there are many ways to save its life, but it just died like this."

Angzang Dahan and the others searched with all their spiritual senses: "It's strange, those two guys disappeared again?"

"Search!" Jin Si took the lead and flew to the north to search, and the other four looked at each other, each choosing a different direction to investigate.At this time, Xu Han and Zhang Tianfang were hiding three thousand miles underground among the five monks, setting up an isolation barrier to hide their breath.After the five monks left, Xu Han did not move, and meditated patiently.Zhang Tianfang is not always happy: "When we were there, although there were many enemies, most of them came one-on-one; but it's good to come to you, good guy. They hunted and killed in groups. We have known each other for so long. Let's make friends." In the end, how many people have you offended? Although I am not afraid of trouble, I don’t want to be hunted down every day.”

Xu Han comforted him: "Don't worry, I can't die, isn't it just a hunt, what's the big deal, I have been hunted and killed for many years, and I haven't seen me die yet."

How many years have you been hunting?Zhang Tianfang opened his mouth and asked: "These people have been chasing and killing you for several years, but you are still alive?" "Well, so many people are looking for me today. This is also the first time I have seen you." Xu Han was very modest.Zhang Da breathed out: "Why don't you die? Are you still looking for you? Tell you, I will return to the Holy Kingdom when we go up. This place is more dangerous than a ghost cave."

"False!" Xu Han pointedly pointed out that his exaggeration was exaggerated, Zhang Tianfang defended: "I am exaggerating, it is not a lie."

The two bickered for a while, then didn't know what to say, and looked at each other in a daze.A few hours later, Jin Si and the others flew back one after another.Looking at each other is nothing.There is no doubt about this, if someone found Xu Han, he would have thought of a way to kill him to seize the treasure and escape.

The big man Angzang was not reconciled: "Just let this kid run away like this?"

Jin Si smiled slightly: "The Palace of Heavenly Kings will also lack elixir?"He said coldly: "Don't mess with me!" He turned to look at the dead mouse.

A poor generation of Nascent Soul masters was stabbed to death by a white bone protruding from Xu Han's forehead for no reason, and then cut in half by the ghost knife horizontally.Except for these two places, there is no scar on the whole body.The more the big man watched, the more frightened he became. One move killed the enemy, and it happened to pierce the Nascent Soul in his brain, causing his death. He had no chance to save himself by violent Nascent Soul. How many powerful magic weapons does that kid have?The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to capture Xu Han alive and ask what happened.

Jin Si looked at the people around him, it would be absolutely unwise to start a conflict here, he smiled and said, "Farewell." He walked slowly towards the west.The big man Angzang watched him leave.He thought to himself: "The Jin family, the Mangu Jin family." Looking at the remaining three people, a small Tianlei Mountain actually attracted so many masters.But so many experts insisted on letting that kid run away, feeling aggrieved in his heart, Yu Kong flew away.

The remaining three left and two left.There was only one woman in black clothes left, her face was pale, and her almond eyes were full of evil.Like everyone else, she couldn't trace Xu Han's whereabouts, but she stubbornly believed that Xu Han must not have escaped far, and she might find out if she waited here for two more days.So he threw out a tent and went in to rest.

Xu Han didn't want to stay in the field all the time. The reason why he didn't come up or go far was because the efficacy of the Qiankun Pill had passed, and what followed was that the soul was injured, the body was injured, the meridians were injured, and in short, the whole body was seriously injured.All kinds of pills were ruined enough, and after a week, they finally recovered, and then took Xu Han to the south to look for Song Yunyi.

He was recuperating and accidentally escaped the tracking of the woman in black.The woman only stayed for three more days before leaving, thinking that she guessed wrong and didn't wait any longer.Only Zhang Tianfang nagged all day long, locked him in the dark underground for seven days, and asked Xu Han to make up for it.

Xu Han missed Song Yunyi, and his heart was like an arrow.But she didn't dare to show off, so she could only go back to the small town cautiously, sneaked into the house, and saw the girls playing in the house, Cheng Xi'er was standing far away to watch over her, with a serious expression on her face.

At this time, the door of the side room opened, and Song Yunyi ran out anxiously.As soon as Zhang Tianfang entered the door, she found it. It is estimated that the two of them came back and hurried out to have a look.

Xu Han and Zhang Tianfang were originally standing behind the shadow wall, but Song Yunyi came out to look at it and attracted the attention of the maids. When they saw Xu Han coming back, they rushed over shouting, but Cheng Xi'er stopped him and scolded: "Go back to the house and meditate." " The girls left reluctantly pouted, and Cheng Xier looked at Xu Han a few more times with affectionate eyes, and then entered the room.Only Xu Han, Zhang Tianfang, and Song Yunyi remained in the courtyard.

Song Yunyi asked concerned: "Are you okay?" Xu Han smiled: "Of course I'm fine, I won't come back if I have something to do." "What nonsense!" Song Yunyi didn't like to hear it.Zhang Tianfang interjected: "If I hadn't been brave and invincible, your man would have died [-] times long ago."

After saying a word, Song Yunyi's face flushed slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Xu Han kicked Zhang Tianfang far away: "If it weren't for me, you would have died [-] times." Throwing out a bottle of spirit wine: "Go back to the house and drink." Zhang Tianfang took the wine and shook his head: "No No, drink alone and tasteless."

Xu Han was stunned when he heard the words, Uncle Lin seemed to have said this too, it's time to go back and have a look, but what about people like Xiao Zhu, Zhang Tian, ​​and Cheng Xi'er?Especially Xiaozhu and Zhang Tianfang, they are definitely two living treasures, who knows what troubles can be caused.

In the past few days, because there were no men in the yard, they were afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, so the girls did not go out.Even the food is bought and stored in advance.Now that Xu Han came back, Song Yunyi discussed, "Take the girls out for a walk? How uncomfortable it is to be stuck in the yard all day."

Xu Han thought about it and said: "This is a trivial matter. I will go back to see Uncle Lin in two days. Do you have anything to bring?" "Going back? What should they do? Take them back too?" Song Yunyi was worried about the girls.

"I originally planned to place them in Tianlei Mountain. But I didn't expect this to happen." Under Tianlei Mountain, Xu Han has a house.

"Hey! Little monk, don't bully me too much! Do you really think I dare not kill you?" A blue shadow flashed, and a woman in a blue palace dress appeared at the entrance of the cave, but she had a woman's body, but With the head of a water dragon, this is Yu Ning who has transformed.She is already close to the transformation stage, part of her body can already change into a human shape, but her head and face haven't changed yet.

When Xu Han saw Yuning come out, he smiled, "So you have clothes, really, you are not young, and you still like fruit. Your hobbies are really special..."

Yu Ning was annoyed: "Have you ever seen a dragon wearing clothes?"

Xu Han smiled and said, "You don't have any clothes on, so you have to wear a trouser top." After the kid finished speaking, he purposely looked at Yu Ning's ass with his eyes.Xin Dao, if you want to say that this Longhuacheng Ren has a really good figure, with a bulging front and a curved back, a standard S-shaped curve.

"What are you looking at! Be careful what you say to me. If it spreads, I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth!" Yu Ning roared angrily. If it wasn't for the prohibition rules, she couldn't make another move. She would have killed this kid a long time ago. fish...

"So you want to save face." Xu Han stroked his chin.Having an idea again, he said, "Senior Yu, why don't we make a deal, you can supply water to Brother Huaikui's valley as needed, and I will keep it a secret for you, how about it?"

An old man who is approaching the transformation period.To be threatened by a little monk at the fourth level of Qi refining, this world is too crazy.Yu Ning was furious, opened the dragon's mouth, spit out a round and shiny dragon ball, and shouted: "You think it's beautiful! I don't care about the restriction, and I will try my best to kill you today! I want to kill you!" Let's see if Shi Lao Er can cure the root of the dragon's crime!"

Xu Han thought, no, I can't offend this female dragon too hard, I have already offended old man Shi, even if the female dragon really kills me, old man Shi probably won't avenge himself...

"Senior Yu, don't be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil, so be calm and calm." Xu Han took out the water and fire gourd and said, "In this way, senior, I will not only keep a secret for you, but also give you the ancient treasure that Brother Huaikui gave me in exchange for you Supply water to him on a regular basis...Senior, you didn't see that the trees on his side are so dry that they have big mouths waiting for water. It's really pitiful. It's horrible. Those small trees are all descendants of Brother Huai. Grandson..." He didn't say anything, he even dug up the roots of Brother Huai's descendants and set them on fire.

This kid is quite trustworthy.Yu Ning snorted coldly, and said: "Before being brought here by Er Er Shi, that kid Huai Kui was on the top of the mountain, dragging it like something, and said that as long as it rains, it will be fine, and we don't need our help at all. Want water now, no way!"

"Ah." Xu Han sighed and persuaded, "It's been almost 20 years since I came here, thanks to you still remembering these sesame and mung beans, women... oh no, female dragons, they are really vengeful animals..."

Xu Han persuaded Yuning, but Yu Ning persuaded him instead: "Little monk, I think you are a talisman besides the magic weapon of the fan, and your attack methods are still very lacking. Why don't you take that ancient treasure and leave? Things can absorb water and fire, and it will be very helpful for you in the next level... Don't worry, Huai Kui will never look for you if he is trapped in the valley, so you don't have to be afraid of him."

Xu Han shook his head, "I will treat others as people treat me. Brother Huai treats me like a brother, how can I use his trust to do despicable things? Don't try to persuade me about this, I will not break my promise ,never!"

Seeing Xu Han's resoluteness, Yu Ning knew it would be useless to persuade him any more, she scolded the kid for his hypocrisy, raised her hand and said, "If that's the case, then give me the water and fire gourd..."

Xu Han hesitated for a moment, then sent the water and fire gourd over, and said, "Brother Huaikui asked me to give it to Xiaoyu."

Yu Ning snorted, "I'm Xiaoyu's old lady, am I still corrupt?"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand again, and saw the water and fire gourd turn into a green light, penetrate the formation, and fly into the Dragon Palace...

A small water dragon in the Dragon Palace opened its five claws, caught the water and fire gourd, and said to itself, "I never thought this kid would actually send this ancient treasure here."

Not all the passers-by in the past would abscond with their treasures, but they kept their promises.Most of them are high-ranking monks with profound cultivation and many treasures... like Xu Han, who has low cultivation and few treasures, and can still insist on sending ancient treasures.not much.

At this time, Dayu was heard asking in the room: "Sister, did the little monk send the ancient treasure? I said, not all monks are so greedy and forgetful."

Xiaoyu looked at the water and fire gourd in her hand, and suddenly showed a mischievous smile.

Outside the Dragon Palace.

After Xu Han completed Huai Kui's task, he clasped his fists together.Said: "I have already delivered the things, I hope Senior Yu can keep his promise, don't forget to bring water to Shehuai Valley, I will bid farewell..."

But who knew that Yu Ning smiled coquettishly, "When did Benlong promise you? I'll take the things, but if you want to deliver water, it depends on how Benlong is feeling."

Xu Han's heart sank, he didn't expect this female dragon to be so dishonest.It is really shameful to collect things and do nothing.

"Senior Yu, don't go too far! Since you accepted the gift from Brother Huaikui, you have to send water to Shehuai Valley..."

"That's right..." Yu Ning interrupted Xu Han, but then said: "Originally, I could bring him water, but what about the fact that you hurt me?"

"Then what do you want to say?" Xu Han said as he took out a few healing pills from the storage bag, and said, "That's all I can do."

"Who wants your rubbish pill?" Yu Ning snorted coldly and said, "If you want me to deliver water to Shehuai Valley, that's fine. But you have to accept my test. If you succeed, we can talk about it together; but if you fail... You must be in my Yu Ning Dragon Palace. Be my slave for ten years!"

Another test, why does everyone like to test people?Xu Han felt dizzy for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Senior, I admit that I can't beat you, so don't make things difficult for me, a little Qi-refining practitioner."

You kid still knows you can't beat me.Yu Ning smiled and said: "This test is not a fight, but a test of whether your brain is smart. To put it bluntly, it is to guess a riddle. If you guess it, you will win. If you can't guess it, you will be my slave. Ha ha, just right Neither of my daughters have any playmates."

Xu Han thought it was a test at first, but now he heard that it was a riddle, and he was relieved. In the past on Earth, he was a master at guessing riddles. He could guess the answers to word puzzles, couplet riddles, meat and vegetable guessing, and brain teasers. .

"Okay, you say."

Yu Ning didn't wait, and directly shouted to the cave behind her: "Dayu Xiaoyu, come out."

Afterwards, Xu Han saw two small water dragons swimming out, the same as Yu Ning's main body. These two small water dragons are crystal clear and transparent, with sparkling water all over their bodies. The only difference is that one of them has a neck. A water and fire gourd with green jade drops is hung on it.

"Benlong's mystery is very simple, that is, please tell which of them is Dayu and who is Xiaoyu?"

Back safe and sound, Xu Han was in a good mood, and set up three banquets in person for everyone to get drunk.The table is nothing more than some honey-diluted spiritual wine and ordinary dishes. The girls have just started to practice, and they naturally feel that it contains spiritual power. , why don't you drink it to your heart's content?

At the end of the banquet, there were only three sober people left in the hall, Xu Han, Song Yunyi, and Cheng Xi'er.Cheng Xi'er has always been drinking lightly, focusing on the maids, so everyone can't get drunk and let benefactor clean up the mess.At this time, she had pushed the cup and got up, and wanted to carry the maids back to the room to rest.

The more sensible Cheng Xi'er was, the more Xu Han felt sorry for her. Such a gentle, beautiful and lovely woman, why did she have such a bad life?Sighing, she tore off Song Yunyi's sleeves, Song Yunyi understood, held the wine glass to stop Cheng Xi'er, and asked her to drink.

Xu Han took out a huge silk blanket from the storage bag, spread it on the floor, then hugged the girls one by one, set up a barrier to keep warm, and then grabbed Zhang Tianfang and sent him back to the house.

After everything was settled, I moved a chair and sat in the courtyard thinking.In the far corner lies a pig, a silkworm, and a white mouse.The white hairy mouse was rescued by him. Apart from being agile in the ground, it was far less ferocious than the little snake and little pig, but it was small and exquisite, and its whole body was white, so it looked very cute.At this moment, the cute little white mouse was lying pitifully and nervously in front of the little pig, afraid of offending the pig master, he ate it for dinner.

Xu Han went over and grabbed the piglet and scolded: "Don't always scare the children." Holding it and sitting back on the chair, he said softly: "Let's discuss something, let's sign a heart-to-heart agreement, okay? I'm going to a place, where It is very important to me, just like the Earth Fire Spirit Pool is very important to you; but the things there are just food to you..." Xu Han talked here and there for a long time, and finally asked the little pig: "Do you understand?" The little pig shook his head cooperatively.Xu Han was completely helpless, forget it.Anyway, with Cheng Xi'er and Zhang Tianfang, they just stay together.But where do they stay?

He remembered the small mountain village he lived in when he left Wuling Fudi for the first time, Pingcheng Li Village.It is neither far nor near from Tianlei Mountain.It is under the jurisdiction of the two major cities of Yue State. Tianlei Mountain is under the jurisdiction of Changcheng, and it is surrounded by forests and deep valleys thousands of miles away. Li Village is under the jurisdiction of Pingcheng. It is the first village in the east of Yue State, with a sparse population. , no one lives at all.The folk customs there are simple and honest.easy going.

Make up your mind, go out to the town to buy things, buy a lot of red bricks and blue tiles, as well as furniture and other things, fully prepared.Ask the store to send them back to the yard and put them all in storage bags.

At breakfast on the second day, let everyone go on the road.Cheng Xi'er is a child from a poor family, so she can't see it being wasted.Asked: "What about this house?" Xu Han didn't feel much about the building, and said indifferently: "Lost it." "Lost it? What a pity." Cheng Xi'er was a little bit reluctant.Xu Han smiled faintly: "Then what do you think we should do?" Cheng Xi'er bit her lips lightly, and said after a moment of hesitation, "You can invite poor people to live here. It won't leave the house empty, and it will take care of others."

Xu Han agreed to find someone to take over the house, and then a group of people left the town eastward.Two peerless beauties walking along the road with a group of yingyingyanyan little girls, which attracted many people's attention. If it wasn't for Zhang Tianfang who was carrying a ghost knife by his side, he would be troublesome.

Go out of the town far away, go straight to the place where no humans or animals are seen, and let it fly to the north.

After the battle of Tianlei Mountain.Xu Han and Zhang Tianfang are well-known, and they have messed up the Eastern Continent's comprehension world by fighting to death.After the incident, there were few people around Tianlei Mountain.So Xu Han and his party flew into the area under the jurisdiction of Pingcheng without any surprise or danger.

Looking for no one to fall down, I found the crop field in my memory, walked west along the road, and I saw the small village that I hadn't seen for a long time.Still old bricks and tiles.It is still a loess dirt road, and there are a few children playing at the entrance of the village.Seeing Xu Han and his party, they dispersed with a bang, and went home to tell the adults.Not long after, many adults came to the entrance of the village to watch from a distance, and Old Man Li was among them.

Xu Han hurried over to say hello. Old man Li hesitated for a moment, then recognized Xu Han, and said to the villagers: "My guest, don't look." He walked up to meet him.Xu Han donated money back then, of course it is a bit difficult to forget.

The following things are much simpler, explaining the purpose of coming.Old man Li consulted with the villagers, and the villagers agreed to build a house because they saw that she was a weak girl.To express his gratitude, Xu Han took out a large amount of wine and meat to please the whole village.Then choose land to build a house in the east of the village.Everyone has a room, and the villagers are hired to help build it.

In this way, the villagers are happier.Li Zhuang, the son of the old man Li, was working part-time in the county, and when he bought tools, he called back to the village to help.It was a joke to say that Xu Han bought everything he could think of, including beds, quilts, kettles and washbasins, but he forgot to buy tools such as axes and saws.

In the next few days, the village was toiling and busy all day, but there were constant laughter and laughter.There is food, drink and money, which is unimaginable in a remote mountain village, and the wages are definitely not low. Working here for a day is worth a month of hard work outside.

A total of forty rooms are connected into a large courtyard, which is not very eye-catching on the outside, but it is really beautiful inside.A group of maids made random staffs, and they managed to make a scene out of their whims.Especially Zhang Tianfang, ever since he got drunk with the maids, he never said he was going to leave. He has hardly dealt with simple-minded people in his life. Suddenly, more than 30 innocent little sisters appeared, which moved his heart, especially knowing the girls. After passing away, he couldn't bear to leave and wanted to take good care of them.When building a house, he made the most noise.

After the house was built, the money was distributed clearly, and the remaining masonry tools were given to Old Man Li, and then told the maids to leave for a while.The girls were naturally unwilling, so Xu Han threw out Xiaozhu and Zhang Tianfang and said, "These two guys are here to accompany you." The little pig refused, and Zhang Tianfang took the opportunity to blackmail him. Just get it done one by one.Then he and Song Yunyi returned to the boundless grassland.

As soon as he set foot on the Land of Five Spirits, he felt a little excited. Lin Sen greeted him with thirteen fat babies.Xu Han's first words were: "Uncle Lin, I have avenged you." Lin Sen was smiling, but suddenly his expression froze and he asked, "Dead?"

"Dead, more than two years ago."

Lin Sen laughed loudly: "It's good to die, haha." He raised his hand and tore off his clothes, revealing a huge scar on his chest. He lowered his head and stared at it for a long time, and stroked it lightly, the scar disappeared.After returning to complete and smooth skin, he pondered for a long time, sighed, and looked up to see Song Yunyi's surprised expression.Repeatedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." As soon as he clapped his hands, a piece of clothing grew out of his upper body.

The old rules, banquet reception, listening to Xu Han's storytelling.This time I went out for a long time and experienced many things, so it was natural to speak much slower.After talking on and off for three days, Fu'er and the fat baby listened with gusto, but Lin Sen woke up drunk, drank drunk, drunk drunk.

Three days later, after fully waking up, Xu Han was asked to explain the process of revenge in detail.When he heard that Hu Zheng was voluntarily put to death, Lin Sen's expression became a little ugly, and he said in a low voice, "Why bother?" He took out the wine pot again.Drink and walk away.

Xu Han and Song Yunyi entered Nitian Cave and released big dogs and small snakes. The little monsters who stayed here last time had grown into adult monsters. When Chi Lang saw his five children, he was a little afraid to recognize each other.

Xu Han smiled.They toss their things and go to the Wulingchi to refine magic weapons.He was messing around outside, snatching and buying, and bought a lot of high-grade materials. He wanted to refine the five-element shield again.

Yu Ning said it was simple, but for Xu Han, it was not simple at all.

These two crystal clear little water dragons are exactly the same no matter in shape or size, and they want to tell who is big jade and who is small jade.Totally impossible.

Of course, the only difference between the two little dragons is that the left one hangs a water and fire gourd around its neck.But Xu Han didn't think it was a reminder to himself.

Although his water and fire gourd was given to Xiaoyu, it is very possible that they deliberately let Dayu hang the water and fire gourd to confuse themselves...

However, the possibility of suspicion cannot be ruled out.Maybe, the one with the fire and water gourd is Xiaoyu.

Seeing Xu Han's hesitation, Yu Ning smiled and said, "Little monk, let alone you, even a mother like me often makes mistakes."

Xu Han fainted, you will make mistakes every day when you are with them, this is the first time I see them, how can I tell them apart?

Xu Han was stumped, and the three female dragons laughed happily.

The little water dragon with the gourd on it smiled and said, "I'm Dayu, she's Xiaoyu, little bastard, just trust me!"

The other without a gourd shouted, "Don't listen to her, I'm the big jade! Little bastard, didn't you see that she was hanging a gourd?"

The one with the gourd retorted, "Xiaoyu, don't hurt him! You just hung the gourd on my side on purpose!"

The other one didn't answer, but shouted to Xu Han, "Little bastard, quickly choose me! I'm really a big jade!"

The two water dragons were at loggerheads, chattering so loudly that Xu Han got a headache from hearing it. He was still thinking a little bit, but it was also disturbed...

"Haha, little monk, I think you still have to admit defeat." Yuning stepped forward and smiled, "Why don't you just leave now, don't worry about this kind of thing, those locust trees are not related to you, why bother? Let me remind you, If you choose wrongly, you will be enslaved here for ten years."

Just leave like this?Anyway, the gourd has been delivered, so it can be regarded as worthy of Huai Kui.

But Huaikui's anxious eyes appeared before his eyes again, "The saddest thing about a tree is that it can't move... Everyone has two legs, and we also want to have two legs... If there is enough water , it will take thousands of years for them to practice to transform into form..."

"No! I won't run away." Xu Han said firmly.

Xu Han's answer surprised Yu Ning, she cursed "brainless", pointed to the two little water dragons and said, "Then you choose, hehe, ten years of slavery is actually very fast."

The little water dragon with the gourd hanging on it shouted, "Hurry up, little bastard, I am tired from standing."

Those who did not hang the gourd were not willing to show weakness, "Xiaoyu, don't pretend to be me, I am Dayu, if you don't choose me, I will whip you five hundred lashes every day for ten years of slavery!"

"I'll whip you a thousand whips!"

"One thousand five!"

"two thousand!"

Xu Han's head was about to explode, and he wondered why these two little water dragons were so violent?Standard porn lovers!

When Xu Han thought of this, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his head, and Huai Kui's words appeared again...

"Dayu has a gentle temper and is polite and polite to others, but Xiaoyu is the complete opposite. She is even more unruly than her mother, and she just curses when she speaks."

Yes!Dayu is gentle and kind, while Xiaoyu is rude and rude!

These two little water dragons kept saying they were petty, and they kept showing their violent tendencies. How could one of them be gentle, kind, and polite?

Brother Huai Kui can't lie to himself, the answer to that question is obvious!

Xu Leng looked at Yuning with a smile, and said in his heart, this mother dragon has such a vicious mind, no matter which one she guesses, she is wrong...

Seeing Xu Han smiling, Yu Ning was a little flustered, did he guess it?How could this kid see through it?

"I count dozens of times, if you can't guess it, you will lose!" Yu Ning roared guiltyly...

"You don't need to count, I can tell you right now..." Xu Han shook his index finger and said calmly, "None of these two dragons is a big jade, they are all small jades!"

"You!" The three female dragons all stared wide-eyed, looking at Xu Han in surprise, not knowing how he could tell.

Afterwards, Xiaoyu sighed, and the two little water dragons approached each other, finally turning into one.

"Little bastard, how did you find out? I really suspect that your kid is having an affair with Dayu..." Xiaoyu asked unwillingly.

Xu Han laughed and said, "I heard that Xiaoyu was unruly and rude. I saw that the two dragons had the same virtues, so I knew it. Little girl, I finally advise you, you can't find a man like you...ah, no , I can’t find the male dragon, hahaha.”

"Little bastard, go to hell!" Xiaoyu became angry with embarrassment, and raised the water and fire gourd to attack Xu Han.

"What are you doing! Don't play tricks!" Xu Han quickly took out a small bronze mirror, and shouted at the water and fire gourd, "Deal!"

This bronze mirror belonged to Lu Zhennv's apprentice who was seized. Xu Han knew that it was useless when he took it out. The medium-grade magic weapon was not at the same level as the ancient treasure, but he had nothing else to use...

But who knows, when the bronze mirror shines on it, the water and fire gourd is fixed in the mirror light.

"It's frozen!" Xu Han was shocked, he didn't expect the bronze mirror to be so powerful.

But then I heard Xiaoyu snort, "Are you kidding me? Little bastard, you want to deal with ancient treasures with a broken mirror magic weapon?"

"Take it!" She said with a claw move, and the water fire gourd easily got rid of the golden light on the mirror and returned to her neck...

Xu Han blushed, and wanted to throw the bronze mirror into the storage bag, but Xiaoyu said, "Little bastard, this girl has taken a fancy to your mirror."

Xu Han was depressed, why is this female dragon so unreasonable? Now that the matter is over, it is useless to stay here any longer.

She made a fist at Yu Ning and said, "Senior Yu, don't forget to bring water, I won't bother you, let me go!"

After Xu Han finished speaking, he threw out the flying carpet and wanted to leave.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!" Xiaoyu scolded, and the crystal-clear water dragon shot out with lightning, and the hair came first, wrapping Xu Han tightly.

Xiaoyu coiled around Xu Han like a boa constrictor, strangling him so that he couldn't move.

Now even Yu Ning couldn't stand it anymore, and reprimanded, "Xiaoyu, a girl, how can you be so intimate with a man? Do you want to marry a dragon in the future? I can't understand what my mother told you about men and women, you Have you forgotten?"

Xu Han is about to vomit blood, what does her mother call intimacy?Whoever wants this kind of intimacy can try it for himself.

Xiaoyu was very arrogant and domineering, she didn't listen to Yu Ning's reprimand, but turned the dragon's head to Xu Han and said in a coquettish tone, "Little bastard, you see, this girl has lived so long that she doesn't even have a mirror for dressing up. When you see a male dragon you like, you can’t even look in the mirror to adjust your hairstyle. Oh, how sad, just show me your kindness and give me that little mirror.”

How can you get your hair done?Want to blackmail me, no way!

Xu Han hid her dragon beard, and begged, "Miss Xiaoyu, dragon..." Why are you so awkward? "You know, I'm a poor and useless little bastard. Although I also sympathize with you, I have to travel around to find the other half in my heart, so I also need a mirror... Well, but , Xiaoyu girl Long, if you can give me any of your dragon scales, dragon skin, dragon teeth, and dragon horns, then I, Xu Han, will be worth it even if I am a bachelor for a lifetime!" (To be continued...)


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