Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 382 Retreat

At this time, it was almost evening, and the sunset glow began to emit dreamy brilliance, covering the earth with a dark yellow.In the distance is the camp of the barbarian army, behind it is the pass of the Song army, and in the middle is an endless battlefield. I don't know how many hot-blooded men threw their blood and shrouded their bodies here, just for that order.Xu Han wondered, "Why do warlocks get involved?"

Zhang Tianfang slapped him, "I'm asking you something."

Xu Han scratched his head and said, "Song State is Yunyi's home country. At the beginning, I rushed here because I was afraid that she would be worried. I really don't know how to do it." He was also preparing dinner, and said, "Why don't we have dinner too?"

Fang Jian was a little surprised when he heard the words, and interjected, "Are you still eating? No bigu?"

"Why don't you eat something? Why do you abuse your stomach?" Zhang Tianfang came to his senses after speaking, and stared at Fang Jian: "Aren't you really planning to come with us?"

Fang Jian pondered for a moment, and after careful consideration, he came up with the answer: "Master asked me to follow the two benefactors." Zhang Tian breathed out and said, "Your master told you to die, so you die too?" Fang Jian shook his head: "My master is merciful. won't do that."

Xu Han was happy, well, the team has grown stronger again, and my problem of walking all the way and closing all the way must definitely be corrected.

The barbarian army faced the Song army from north to south, and there was a high mountain in the distance to the east. Xu Han pointed to the high mountain and said, "Go there and rest." The three of them were monks, and they traveled very fast, and they reached the foot of the mountain in a short while.Xu Han and Zhang Tianfang chose a flat place, and threw each of them out of the tents to rest inside. After throwing them down, they turned to the left and looked again and again, not knowing which one to enter.

Xu Han lifted the curtain and said, "Come in." Fang Jianqiang restrained himself and refused and said, "To serve the Buddha as a monk, you must be able to endure hardships, practice Zen, and..." Xu Han interrupted him: "Come in, Dahei Isn't it boring to sit alone in the woods?"

Fang Jian wanted to argue again, but he was afraid that Xu Han would leave him alone and really leave him outside, so he agreed: "The benefactor is sincere. The poor monk..." Xu Han didn't speak to him at all. Seeing the opportunity, he grabbed his arm and dragged it into the room and threw it on the soft fur, and then said: "The bed is mine, and the rest can be slept anywhere." He had a strange feeling.He and Fang Jian seem to be very familiar with each other, and there is no need for those red tapes.

Fang Jian practiced in Qingmen since he was a child, and he has never escaped poverty until he was 19 years old.He is a genius, but it doesn't matter, he has no background, no money, and all he can come into contact with are the cheapest and lowest-level practice materials, exercises and utensils; Inside the Zen monastery.At this time, I fell into the thick and soft fur, and my body was lightly sunken. I felt extremely comfortable, and said happily: "It's really comfortable." Then he said: "You two are children of aristocratic families? Each of you is in a tent. I saw it once at Qingmen. Master said This thing is flashy and does not help in practice.”

Before Xu Han could speak, Zhang Tianfang lifted the curtain and entered.Talking while walking: "It's not fair, there are two of you here, and there is only one person on my side. Your place is lively, but my side is lonely, no matter, I'm sleeping here too today."

Fang Jian was surprised again when he heard the words: "Are you still sleeping? Since I have been successful in refining Qi, I basically use meditation instead of sleep, and I sleep every few days or more than ten days on average."

Xu Han smiled lightly and said, "Eat when you should eat, and sleep when you should sleep, don't torment yourself so hard." I was thinking in my heart, has this guy not eaten since the establishment of the foundation?

Fang Jian said, "I don't think it's hard."

Xu Han looked at him carefully, he was of medium height.With a handsome face, thin body, pale complexion, a 19-year-old genius who formed alchemy, he is such a young man. I think his life is worse than before.There is only practice in life.Pulling over the table, he took out a bottle of diluted spiritual wine and two kinds of dried fruit, and greeted the two of them to sit down: "Drink something, it's fate to get together." Zhang Tianfang snatched the bottle, opened the lid and smelled it, cried: "It's not fair, this wine is better than what was given to me."

Knowing that the bottle contained wine, Fang Jian hesitated, and said with hesitation: "I've never drunk alcohol, and the temple doesn't allow it." This guy was really stubborn, Xu Han persuaded: "You are not a monk! You are a monk! We're the same monks! What's a drink?"

"Why am I not a monk?" In Fang Jian's mind, as long as he shaved his head and lived in the temple, he was a monk. The only fly in the ointment was that the people in the temple did not recognize his status as a monk.

"Master Wuwang said before leaving that you have no connection with Buddhism." Xu Han was very patient with him.

Zhang Tianfang didn't bother to wait for him, took advantage of his unprepared glass of wine splashed on his face, and said: "It's done, he drank it, let's go together."

Fang Jian was furious: "Why are you doing this?" Zhang Tianfang was also angry: "Do you know what kind of wine this is? Spiritual wine! Spiritual wine that is helpful in spiritual practice and can improve your cultivation level! You drink it for you and lose your temper at me ?”

Fang gradually realized that the wine was unusual, but firstly, he was a little unfamiliar to them, and secondly, he had lived a poor life for many years, and he had been in the monastery for more than a month, so he learned to restrain his mind, forbear everything, and insisted not to ask. Zhang Tianfang lost his temper, and asked in surprise, "Is this spiritual wine?" Not to mention spiritual wine, he had never seen any spiritual medicine in his life, let alone a more luxurious spiritual wine.

Zhang Tianfang was a little embarrassed to lose his temper, so he poured a glass of wine and asked for reconciliation: "It won't hurt you, if you don't believe me, I'll drink it first." He threw his neck up and lost his temper at Xu Han: "It's just the wine that was given to me. Well, you are too much!"

Xu Han ignored this, took the wine bottle and said with a smile, "Do you want to drink?" Zhang Tianfang rushed over and snatched the wine bottle, making up his mind that he would lose his temper after drinking the wine. He kept saying: "Drink."

The two of them messed around, making Fang Jian feel relieved, trying to drink a few sips of wine, one side is spicy, the other side is a little sweet, and the spiritual power contained in it is like a fishhook, catching him directly, comforting himself: "I'm not a monk. , a little wine is fine."

He was originally a teenager, and it was rare for him to be freed from his suppressed life for many years. This night, he finally had a chance and an excuse, and finally got drunk.After waking up the next day, the relationship with Xu Han and Zhang Tianfang naturally took a step forward.

Because Zhang Tianfang intervened and killed the opponent's three warlocks, and he was the three highest-cultivated men in the barbarian army's front-line battalion, the barbarian army did not dare to act rashly, stopped their momentum, and sent back a message to wait for orders.So there has been no war for the next few days.

Zhang Tianfang lay on the grass and looked at the sky, muttering: "Do you want to fight or not?" Xu Han was flipping through the jade slips.

Fang Jian was meditating on the sidelines, and finally couldn't help but ask after a while, "You never practice?" In the past few days, Xu Han and Xu Han were in a daze except for drinking and sleeping.Nothing serious at all.

Zhang Tianfang said: "What should be practiced has already been done." Xu Han said: "This is not suitable for cultivation."

Fang Jian didn't want to make himself different from others, so he stopped and got up, and looked at the two giant tigers enviously: "This monster is awesome, it must be very expensive." After thinking for a while, he asked, "Are you from a family? Are you cousins?" Brother?" Both of them were surnamed Zhang.Staying together all day is easy to be misunderstood.

The two hurriedly shook their heads and spoke at the same time.Xu Han: "I don't have such a stupid brother." Zhang Tianfang: "I don't have such a rascal brother."

Xu Han was overjoyed, "Hurry up, get promoted!"

Feijian took his hand and flew up, pulling his legs out of the loess swamp...

Before it was Xu Han's turn to be happy, another thicker tentacle emerged from the loess.Wrap around Xu Han's waist at once, and pull suddenly!

This force was strong enough to drag Xu Han's whole body down the swamp, leaving only his head.

"Damn it! Old man Shi, what did your mother do!" Xu Han just opened his mouth to scold, when he saw another small tentacle stretched out from the loess in front of him, and it actually burrowed into his mouth!

**!Could this be the legendary yin beast?Think I, Xu Han, was raped sometimes?If a female cultivator comes to break through the barrier.Isn't that...

Old man Shi, you are too nasty!

Of course, Xu Han didn't dare to curse, so he used his free hand.Throw a fireball...

But it didn't work, the fireball hit the tentacles, and the tentacles paused.

Xu Han quickly switched out the wind blade technique again, a wind knife flashed out, and split the little tentacle into two sides like peeling a banana...

Suddenly, Xu Han had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Fire attribute spells are not very powerful against earth attribute objects. On the contrary, earth attribute has restraint against fire attribute.

Therefore, the use of fireball is invalid.

The wind blade technique is different, the wind attribute is mutated from the wood attribute and the water attribute.The wood attribute has a restraining effect on the earth attribute.

It's a pity that the water attribute of the wind attribute is restrained by the earth element. If there is a pure wood attribute spell, it must be more effective...

But Xu Han really doesn't know any wood attribute spells.

Xu Han's waist was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't resist at all. His mouth and nose were about to be torn off.In desperation, he grabbed a handful of various spirit grass seeds.

There are cage plants and low-grade mid-grade spiritual grass used to make talismans.

Originally, these spiritual grasses wanted them to grow quickly, and before using them, they had to be nourished with spiritual power.

But the strange thing is that in this swamp, as soon as those spiritual grass seeds were taken out, they began to whimper and grow crazily, at an astonishingly fast growth rate...

In the blink of an eye, Xu Han was surrounded by a cage, and the tentacles couldn't handle it at all. The roots of the spirit grass quickly got into the tentacles, and then took root and branched inside, causing the tentacles to shrink back quickly in fright.

"Gold is afraid of fire, fire is afraid of water, water needs soil to block, soil is afraid of wood, wood is afraid of metal cutting... Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive me!" Xu Han sighed and broke through the wood.

When he came out and took a look, he couldn't help being startled, only to see that the cage plant under his feet had grown to three times its previous size, and those other spirit plants had also grown several times larger than usual... Not only that, those spirit plants The grass is branching and growing new plants at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What's going on here?" Xu Han pondered for a while, and his face immediately beamed with joy.

Obviously, the reason for these spirit grasses to grow so wildly is the loess below. These loess must not be ordinary soil, and the soil is full of spiritual energy, which is of course suitable for the growth of spirit grass...

Unexpectedly, in the test of old man Shi, all of them are treasures!

With this thought in mind, Xu Han took out a storage bag and wanted to put some yellow soil in it without waiting any longer, but he was a step too late. In the blink of an eye, the loess swamp in front of him had been covered with thick and thick soil. Covered with spiritual grass.

"It's not easy to get here, go to the front." Xu Han didn't need to use the flying sword anymore, and stepped forward directly on the spiritual grass under his feet.

After running for a while, beyond the growth range of the spirit grass, Xu Han desperately filled the storage bag with yellow mud...

Although his storage bag is not as spacious as a storage bracelet, but this storage bag can be nested, that is, a storage bag within a storage bag.He robbed so many monks from the Spirit Bone Gate and the Bone Spirit Gate, there were already too many storage bags to use up.

"This is all treasure!" Xu Han hummed a ditty while pretending to be pleased with the yellow mud.

However, he was not happy for a long time, suddenly a yellow light flashed, Xu Han's eyes blurred, and he watched again.I saw that I was already standing in a large palace with luxurious decoration...

"Hey, old man Shi, why are you so stingy, just pretending you have some loess. Just pass me on, do you know how much risk I took?"

"Hmph, do you think this is ordinary soil? Let me tell you, these spiritual soils are called Xi Soil, and it is very difficult for outsiders to get them. You put 3 storage bags, but don't you think it's not enough?" A sudden cold snort.Echoed over the palace.

Xu Han murmured in his heart, old man, if it weren't for being precious, I wouldn't have pretended!Do you think I am a picker of junk?

Elder Shi didn't pay attention to Xu Han. In fact, he had a lot of soil, and Xu Han's three storage bags were just a drop in the bucket...

Elder Shi went on to say: "Okay, next is the third test and the last test. If you pass, you are eligible to receive my...no, my master's gift!"

"Your master?" Xu Han was inexplicably surprised.This old man Shi is so powerful, think about his master, what a character he must be.

"You don't need to know this for now... Have you seen the door in front?"

Xu Han looked up, and saw that on the steps of the palace, where the throne is usually placed, there was a door with golden light shining through it.

"Uncle Shi, is this third test difficult?" Xu Han asked after taking two steps.

"It's not difficult to say, it's easy to say." Old Uncle Shi said ambiguously again.

"Your answer is too general, why don't you reveal something first?" Xu Han refused to go in.

Old man Shi smiled and said: "Then I will give you a statistical result. So far, there are 650 people who have entered this cave, and [-]% of them can pass the first test, and more than half of these [-]% can pass the second test." Two tests..."

"So much?" Xu Han was depressed.He thought that he was smart enough to pass the test with so much daring, so he asked again: "Then what percentage can pass the third test?"

The old man Shi sneered, "How many percent? I tell you, so far there is not a single person who can pass the third test! Otherwise, why should I wait so many years? All those who passed the first test are in this third test." die!"

"Ah?" Xu Han opened his mouth wide, and said with a wry smile, "No, is this third level so difficult? Old man Shi, I will return everything to you. Can you let me go? I won't challenge these Can't you?"

Old Man Shi laughed and said: "Actually, going in is just answering a few questions. As long as you answer correctly, you can succeed!"

"What if you can't answer?"

"Eradicate immediately!"

Xu Han was waiting to say something more, but he felt a sudden force behind him, pushing him directly into the small golden door.

"Hey, old man! I'm not ready yet...I..." Xu Han yelled and stumbled into a room.

Fang Jian was full of curiosity about the two of them, and said with a smile, "You two are quite interesting, you should have a good family background."

Xu Han was a little helpless against Fang Jian's paranoia, and asked back, "Why do you think we have a good family background?" Fang Jian counted solemnly: "One person has one tent, he has two giant tiger monsters, and you have a bunch of kung fu jade. Jane, and spirit wine."

Xu Han didn't like talking too much, and Zhang Tianfang didn't bother to talk to others, so he didn't ask Fang Jian about his personal affairs. He didn't expect Fang Jian to be the exact opposite of them.Zhang Tianfang grinned and said, "We'll know if we stay with us for a few more days."

"Why don't you know if you stay a few more days?" Fang Jian was a troubled boy.

Xu Han didn't want to discuss this, so he searched in the storage bag for a while, threw out a tent, and said to Fang Jian: "Here you are, now you have a good family background."

Fang Jian couldn't believe it: "Really? Why did you give it to me? Such a precious thing?..."

Zhang Tianfang was overwhelmed by his chatter, and impatiently said: "If you give it to you, I will give it to you. Why?"

"But, how do you put it away? I don't have a storage bag."

Xu Han picked out another storage bag, which contained some spiritual stones and materials, and stuffed it to him, then continued to look at the jade slips.Fang Jian was very happy to get the storage bag and tent, and kept fiddling with them.Xu Han took a peek, as excited as when he got the first storage bag, with a gentle smile on his face.

After fiddling for a while, Fang Jian still had a lot of questions to ask, when the barbarian army sent troops.A team of [-] people lined up at Niangziguan with banners, and then marched out dozens of horses, surrounded by a donkey cart like stars holding the moon.The donkey cart is old and the donkey that pulls it is old and thin.But he was very arrogant, with his eyes turned to the sky, and he looked down on the majestic war horses around him at all.

The donkey cart looks older than the donkey pulling the cart, without a roof or walls.There is a circle of railings around it, and in the middle sits an old man with a thin beard and squinted eyes, looking listless.

After the donkey cart stopped, the old man opened his eyes a little wider and looked around.Just when he was about to speak, his mind was shocked, he turned his head to look east, looked at the position of Xu Han and the three of them, and ordered: "Three and four, go to the foot of the mountain to see, there are two monsters and three monks. "The voice just fell.Two middle-aged men sprang out from behind and hurried towards the mountain.

The mountain was far away from the battlefield. Xu Han found out that the barbarian army was sending troops, so he packed up his things and prepared to go there.I just went down the mountain.Two middle-aged men flew from the direction of Da Niangziguan, and their spiritual sense detected that they were warlocks, so they stopped to be on guard.

The speed of the two warlocks was extremely fast, and they came to the front in a moment.As soon as the spiritual consciousness touched Heihu, his complexion changed drastically, they looked at each other, got up and flew back without hesitation.This made the three of Xu Han nervous at first and then puzzled, what are these two doing?

The old man on the donkey cart saw two of his subordinates flying back, knowing that there was a problem, his face became more vigilant.Asked: "Did you see a monster last time?" There were dozens of riders around the donkey cart, and one of them was the general who led the army last time. He replied: "I haven't seen it before. There were only two people last time. Take a black knife. The other one is a little shorter, and seems to be the leader."

While speaking, Ah San and Ah Si flew back and reported, "My lord, those two monsters are at least rank six or above." Rank six monsters are equivalent to mid-level monks in the alchemy stage. The monsters have the upper hand.

Hearing this, the old man's expression changed, and he controlled two alchemy beasts, which is not something ordinary monks can do. He said in a deep voice, "Jing Qiu, it's your turn." Following his words, a donkey cart appeared out of nowhere The young man, wearing a red robe, spoke lazily, "I'm also the Venerable Master, why do I always listen to you?" He said so, but he still flew towards the east.

To be on the safe side, the old man ordered again: "Da Er, San Ah Si, Ah Wu Ah Liu, you also go."

Zhang Tianfang looked at these people tossing from a distance, and said helplessly: "Okay, we're going to fight again." As he spoke, he touched the ghost knife scabbard.

"Fight? Monks can't use swords recklessly, can't be arrogant, can't fight with others, can't..." Fang Jian was a little anxious, and wanted to persuade the two to be patient, but before he finished speaking, he sighed and said nothing when he thought that he was not a monk.

Xu Han kindly said: "Stay back, there are too many of them, and they don't have time to look after you when they fight."

Fang Jian said "Oh", stepped back a few steps, and felt uncomfortable. When he looked up and saw Zhang Tianfang looking at him with a half-smile, he felt as if he was being belittled. He took two steps forward and said, "I'm with you." He is The young man's character was originally impulsive and aggressive, otherwise he would not have betrayed the Qing family. At this moment, he is full of heroic spirit, and he is worthy of the title of genius boy.

Xu Han was a little surprised, secretly praised that he was a man, and said in his mouth: "Be careful." With a flick of his fingers, he held a Wuying knife in each hand.

The red-robed youth Jing Chou flew over with six people. He looked at the three of them first. Warlocks and monks practiced differently.Then he inspected the black tiger at close range, and Yuanshen came into contact with the black tiger. Jing Chou's expression froze, a seventh-rank monster?How can it be?Immediately retreat 20 meters, and send a sound transmission to the old man on the donkey cart.

When the old man heard the news, his face became tense, and he also ran towards the mountains to the east.

Zhang Tianfang introduced his experience to Fang Jian when these warlocks were facing a formidable enemy: "It must be a fight. I have seen too many greedy people, and most of them have this expression." As he spoke, he touched the scabbard. A little uncomfortable.

Xu Han said: "It's not going to end well. The two tigers are of high-level cultivation of alchemy. These people didn't leave after finding out. They must have some skills." Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian were surprised when he said this.Fang Jian was surprised that the tiger was too powerful, Zhang Tianfang was surprised that he knew the strength of the tiger for the first time, and asked angrily, "Why didn't you say it before?"

"It's all yours, what's the difference?" Xu Han evaded the question.It doesn't matter if Zhang Tian put it down, he thought about it and said: "That's right." After slapping the big tiger, he praised: "The small sample is quite fierce."

The two black tigers were particularly aggrieved. Not only were they forced to sign a heart contract by a monk whose cultivation level was much lower than theirs, but they were also despised by this monk, so they howled wildly.Zhang Tianfang comforted: "Don't yell, don't yell, I'll ask that guy for some meat for you to eat later." The guy he was talking about was thinking about what to do, and after thinking for a long time, he finally decided on one thing. After today, there will definitely be another powerful enemy .

The old man came, looked carefully at the three people and two tigers, narrowed his eyes and asked, "The name of this old man is Jing Zhen. The Master of the Heavenly One God Sect, I don't know why these little friends appear here?"

Xu Han coldly replied: "This place is within the territory of Song State, what's wrong with me waiting here to play? On the contrary, it is a big mistake for your sect to openly lead troops into Song State."

A seventh-rank monster is equivalent to a high-level alchemy monk.The old man Jing Zhen and the red robe Jing Qiu are high-ranking alchemy monks. The two had doubts about taking down the monsters, but they were a little bit reluctant to let them go. Looking at each other, they could see the firmness in each other's eyes, and they gritted their teeth cruelly. : "Do it." Let six of his disciples besiege the three of Xu Han, and he and Jing Qiu each deal with a black tiger.

The old man seriously misjudged.Of the three and two tigers, only one was the scariest. That guy was tall and burly and bloodthirsty. After taking off the scabbard, he only cut one knife. The old man's six subordinates were all cut in half and died on the spot.

When Xu Han went in, he was stunned because of the scene in front of him.It's not like this world at all.

I saw that the ground was covered with glass, and there were rows of sun lights under the glass.The most outrageous thing is that in the center of this circular room, there is a small transparent table that looks like plexiglass...

God!On the small table, there is actually a computer!

"Have I returned to the earth?" Xu Han wiped his eyes, walked over in a daze, and sat on a round high chair beside the round table...

If there is another beautiful host on the opposite side, it will be exactly the same as Happy Dictionary.

"Creator, can we start now?" A pleasant female voice suddenly came out from the computer.

Regardless of whether Xu Han started or not, the female voice continued: "There are three questions in this level, and the questions are in the form of multiple choice questions. The answer to each question will be displayed on the screen in front of you. The passers only need to choose the one they think is correct." One item is enough... If you answer all the questions correctly, you will be considered as a successful test, if you answer one question incorrectly, you will be sent to Death Valley immediately... I wish you success!"

When he saw the first question, Xu Han finally understood why he hadn't been successful in so many years...

"Looking up at the bright moon is a quatrain written by Li Bai, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. Please choose the next sentence from the answers below. a, express love for thousands of miles of light. b, look down at my hometown. c, look down at my hometown. d, suspect frost on the ground .”

Seeing this mentally retarded problem, Xu Han almost vomited blood, do you think I am a primary school student?Please make it difficult and in-depth?

But this kind of question is easy for Xu Han, but it is as difficult as heaven for people in the Cangnan Continent. Not to mention whether they have heard of this poem, but even if they talk about the Chinese language that is full of eyes, no one can understand it...

No wonder no one has succeeded for so many years. The key is that there is no visitor from Earth.

"Please answer the checkpoint, the countdown starts, 9, 8, 7..."

Xu Han smiled, quickly chose c, and sighed: "Thousands of passers-by before were probably sent to Death Valley to die inexplicably..."


"I even use English!" Obviously, this is to check whether he is Chinese. It is estimated that the elder brother who came first was afraid that his inheritance would be taken over by foreigners, so he designed this question...

But having said that, if a buddy who doesn't understand English travels here and doesn't know how to answer, wouldn't he just miss it?

Of course, those were not within Xu Han's consideration, so he quickly pressed a again.

"Congratulations, you answered correctly!" The computer prompt said happily again, "The next question is the third question, which is the last question, level breaker, you are the first person who can answer here so far... ..."

Xu Han almost smashed his head on the table, this Cangnan Continent is too stupid?This kind of question, if you get confused casually, someone will get it right?

In fact, Xu Han's thinking is simple. Thinking about those people in the Cangnan Continent, they have never seen a computer, and they don't know the words on the computer. I know, how could they be deceived?

Therefore, most of the previous passers-by were inexplicable, shouting: "Where is the problem, where is it? I didn't see the problem!" Then they were teleported into Death Valley and died. They didn't know how to die. of……

The third question is simpler.There are only two answers to choose from. The question is, "Hi, fellow. Welcome to the Cangnan Continent! The last question is, do you want to inherit my career? a, yes. b, no."

At this time, the female computer voice reminded: "Crosser, if you answer a, you will inherit the master's career and treasure... If you answer b, then you will be teleported out of the formation immediately without any damage. "

Xu Han was depressed, "I don't even know what career you are, so let me inherit it. It's really fainting. If it's the cause of saving all the girls in the Cangnan Continent, then you can barely accept it. If you sacrifice your life for the Cangnan Continent, this kind of cause... ...or find someone else."

Although he said so.But I am still very interested in the word "treasure" behind it.What's more, he didn't want to send it out.He still has to find old man Shi to revive Dayu?How can I walk away?

"I choose a, I hope...it is a career with a lot of wealth and beautiful women..." Xu Han pressed a without hesitation.

When Xu Han decisively chose a, a burst of exciting music immediately sounded in the circular room, as if celebrating his victory.

Then, I saw the small space cabin-like door at the back of the room open, and a tall old man walked out. The appearance of the old man was exactly the appearance of the third one in the row of sculptures that Xu Han had seen before.

This is the old man Shi who has only heard his voice.The old man Shi smiled and said, "Young man, you are welcome to inherit our cause. This is a great cause, this is a just cause, and this is a cause that will dedicate one's life to all human beings in the north and south..."

Xu Han fell down on the small round table with a bang... I was really afraid of something.After working on it for a long time, I still dedicate my life to the Cangnan Continent. Please, I am a hooligan with no noble sentiments.

"What's your expression?" The old man Shi, who was about to continue his poetry reading, noticed Xu Han's expression.

"No, Xiaoye, I am willing to dedicate my life to the female compatriots in the Cangnan Continent." Xu Han chuckled and said in his heart, and immediately took the treasure and quickly dodged.

"Female compatriots? And male compatriots!" Old man Shi obviously didn't understand what Xu Han meant.

Xu Han didn't explain to him, and hurriedly asked, "Old man, what exactly is your so-called career? Xiaoye, I can't do big things, and I don't want to do small things... If you throw your head and blood, the old man will still Also please Gao Ming."

Old Man Shi shook his head and said, "Our career...can't tell you yet, and it's useless to tell you."

Xu Han was depressed, "You guys are cheating, letting me inherit a career, and then not telling me what it is, so what exactly is it that I inherited?"

The old man Shi laughed, "You don't have to worry about that. The purpose of the so-called career is actually the same as the purpose of your cultivation. Cang, fight for the right to speak for mankind!"

"Oh." Xu Han seems to understand, since it is a career that allows him to improve his cultivation, there is nothing to worry about.

"Old man, are you also from Earth?" Xu Han asked again.

But old man Shi shook his head, "No."

"Then...there is Chinese here?"

"Our master is from Earth."

Xu Han suddenly thought of something, and blurted out, "Is that the first statue by the pond?"

Old Man Shi nodded.

Xu Han guessed again, "Is he called Wuxing Sanren?"

"How do you know?" Old Man Shi was shocked...

"It's like this..." Xu Han took out the Five Elements Ascension to Immortal Scripture, and explained the cause and effect.

"It turns out that there has been a long history, and it seems that it is really God's will." The old man Shi looked at the Five Elements Ascension to Immortal Scripture in his hand, shook his head, and said, "This is an annotated version compiled by the master just after Mahayana, and it is an incomplete version. I will give you the Five Elements Ascending Immortal Sutra recreated by your master after his ascension, that kind of exercise is more stable and more powerful."

"Is there an updated version?" Xu Han was overjoyed, and asked again, "The Five Elements Sanren are still at ease in the upper world?"

Old man Shi shook his head, with a gloomy expression, and said, "They're all dead. If not, who else would we find to inherit the business?"

"Ah? They're all dead? Isn't it possible to live the same life as heaven and earth after ascension?" Xu Han asked puzzledly...

"Don't ask, you will understand one day." The old man Shi didn't want to say more, and he said, "You can say the master's name in this world. Don't mention it to others, or you will get into big trouble...'

It seems that this fellow Wuxing Sanren is very famous in the fairy world.Xu Han smiled wryly, "'I'm only on the fourth level of qi refining now, and I'm far away from flying.I don't know if it is really possible to ascend. I heard that in the last 1 years in the Cangnan Continent, there have only been two ascenders. '

''It was not like this in ancient times. The old man Shi replied, "At that time, ascension was not so difficult.There is a reason for the current situation, it is because the upper realm is disgusted with the Zicang people, deliberately suppressed them, refused to give complete exercises, and even opened the space channel to let the demons occupy the Cangbei Continent, which is most suitable for cultivating immortals..."

"It turned out to be like this!" Unexpectedly, the Cangbei Continent was captured by evil spirits, and it was because some people in the fairy world deliberately did it.

Xu Han thought about it and asked again, "These people can have this ability. I'm afraid they are not ordinary people in the fairy world, but what I don't understand is why they do this, and what kind of hatred do they have with Zi Cangxing?"

Old Man Shi sighed, "Isn't it because of us?"

"No!" Xu Han now understands that the so-called career is probably against some powerful characters in the fairy world!

Thinking about his own cultivation, Xu Han quickly waved his hands. "Old man Shi, you are all immortals after ascension, and you can't beat that opponent. You want me, a little monk at the fourth level of Qi refining, to do it with them? Isn't this an egg hitting a rock?"

"Don't worry about that. Your cultivation level can be improved. Since the destiny sent you to this world, you have no choice but to take this path! Even if you don't want to inherit our business, those enemies who know your origin will not You will be merciless, so your only hope is to trample them to the ground, so that they will never be able to stand up!" Old man Shi said, his eyes shining coldly.It seems that the hatred between them and that enemy is extraordinary...

After the old man Shi finished speaking, he comforted, "You don't have to worry too much, these are still far away from you, you can practice with peace of mind, and you will have a bright future. And. At that time, the fairy world, including above the fairy world, will also be There are people who support us."

It seems that it is impossible not to accept it, Xu Han said helplessly, "Well, I will accept it for the time being, but I don't guarantee that I can go any further... Also, I don't even have the means to protect myself now, you let me What are you going to use to fight those guys?"

"I've prepared everything for you..." Old Man Shi said as he took off the storage ring on his finger and handed it to Xu Han, "This is the present I gave you."

Xu Han was overjoyed, took the storage ring, but evaded, "The old man is so polite, I feel embarrassed for Xiaoye, it's too bad, I can't have it."

Old Man Shi laughed and said, "Can't you just grab it so fast?"

"No, I'm afraid I'll break it..." Xu Han replied hypocritically.

After old man Shi took off the ring, he erased his spiritual consciousness, but Xu Han easily put it on and put his spiritual consciousness on it.

Using his spiritual sense to probe into the ring, Xu Han fainted, and he realized that he had been cheated.

"No, there are only two things in it!" In the huge storage space, there was a jade card and a flat palm-sized golden token...

"It is enough to have these, here is the painstaking effort of all of us."

"The painstaking efforts of all of you? Are you too poor? Give me some panacea to improve the realm...or ancient treasures, treasures of heaven and earth...or you can give me some top-quality spirit stones!"

The old man Shi didn't pay attention at all, and said, "Okay, I should go too, because this part of the soul is here, and the old man can't even reincarnate."

"Hey, old man Shi, I still have a lot of questions... and what is this golden sign, and there are words on the back, the avenue is divided into yin and yang, and Zicang is shetianlang... What is this mess?"

The old man Shi left as soon as he said, his figure had gradually become transparent, and he said calmly, "Zicang is the star of Zicang, Tianlang... is a mountain, and you will know it when the time comes..."

"Old man, don't worry, there's... and Dayu!" Xu Han thought about Dayu again.

"In the back room, you can take her away when you go."

"Also, once you leave, what will happen to this cave? Can Brother Huaikui free you in the cave? Oh, and the most important thing is, where do I get out from?" Xu Han quickly asked several questions , this old man is really too much, the gift is too little, and he doesn't even want to say more.

"There is a teleportation array in the back room, you can leave by yourself, and you don't have to worry about the rest." After the old man finished speaking, the transparent figure that had faded and disappeared in a flash.

"Ri, he's an immortal. No wonder people scolded people for rushing to reincarnate. If you dare, you really rush to reincarnate." Xu Han snorted, and put the storage ring on his finger.

Although the harvest is not big, let's not say anything else.Just this storage ring is worth the old nose's money, plus the ant queen harvested earlier, cold fire, breath soil... It's not enough, you can't be too greedy, otherwise you will have to cut your body.

Walk to the room that old man Shi came out of before, the room is not big.There is a teleportation array emitting white light in the corner of the room, and the walls of the room are covered with switches and screens, just like a spaceship.

Xu Han didn't bother to check, he had to find Dayu first.But he didn't see Dayu, but saw a collar-like thing, flying in the air, Xu Han took it, and saw three small characters "Spirit Beast Collar" inscribed on it.

Black knife?Jing Zhen and Jing Qiu knew that the magic weapon used by the master who killed three warlocks on his side a few days ago was the black knife.Could it be the kid in front of him?Jing Zhen rubbed his hands together, and twisted out a limp rope, which seemed to be alive.Jump up and wrap around Zhang Tianfang.Jing Chou held out a dagger with his backhand, stabbed in the air, and countless dagger shadows shone towards Zhang Tian.

Both of them were targeting Zhang Tianfang, Fang Jian said anxiously: "He hasn't formed a pill yet, it's too dangerous." He bowed his head and groped around.Xu Han wondered, "What are you looking for?"

The ground was still dirt, except for the dirt, Fang Jian stomped his feet: "Fight it." He rushed forward, chanted the formula, rubbed his hands together and hit Jing Chou with a fireball.Before the fireball could make a move, Xu Han dragged it back: "What's the rush, take your time."

Fang Jian's fireball was extinguished as soon as it started to burn.He shouted anxiously: "Zhang Tianfang is dangerous." Xu Han said indifferently: "Look, is it dangerous?" Fang Jian hurriedly diverted his attention. The thousands of knife shadows were blocked by a black knife, and the two were obviously hit.His face turned pale and he turned around and ran away.On the other hand, Zhang Tianfang seemed very relaxed, he put his arms around his shoulders and watched them run away leisurely, instead of chasing after them, he said loudly: "Go back and discuss with your boss, stop the war."

It's not that Jing Zhen and Jing Qiu are incapable of fighting, it's just that the two of them can't win well together, not to mention there are two seventh-rank monsters and two monks who don't know how strong they are.Not long after they escaped, the general of the barbarian army noticed something unusual, and ordered the flag to be unfurled, and the barbarian army retreated to the camp.

Zhang Tianfang asked Xu Han: "Does this count as a successful truce?" Xu Han said helplessly: "Forget it, forget it, why not count it." Fang Jian said enviously: "You are really good." Xu Han suddenly laughed: "Just now I want to go up and fight for you with empty hands, and make such a big fireball." He gestured with both hands.

Zhang Tianfang looked at Fang Jian after hearing the words: "That's interesting, much better than that rogue guy, I'll cover you from now on." Then he turned his head and scolded Xu Han: "You won't help me if you hit two or one? It's not interesting!"

Xu Han still smiled: "Can I still show your heroism by meddling?" Zhang Tianfang thought about it: "Yes." He asked Xu Han: "What should we do now?"

"You let people go back to discuss, but you have to wait for the news and go back to sleep."

Can life be more boring?Watching two lunatics mess around every day, Fang Jian couldn't help thinking of this sentence in his heart.After the previous fight, they had been in a daze on the mountain for more than ten days in a row. Apart from bickering with each other, the two lunatics fought each other for wine.Fang Jian couldn't see it, and shouted that this is not the life I want to live.Xu Han was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly threw out a magic weapon in a storage bag and said, "Choose whatever you want, take as much as you want."

Fang Jian didn't have a magic weapon, and when he betrayed the teacher, he returned the only magic sword to Qingmen, which made him anxious and unable to use his strength when fighting.Xu Han originally planned to refine a magic weapon for him, but because he was croaking, he simply used a magic weapon to gag him.

Looking at the mountains of magic weapons in front of him, Fang Jian's eyes were straightened. After three days and three nights of selection, he finally chose a pretty good magic sword, and then asked Xu Han to return the storage bag.Seeing that he was holding only one Dharma sword, Xu Han asked, "One is enough?" Fang Jian nodded and said, "That's enough, it's much better than my previous sword." He took the sword and went to practice far away.

For a long time after that, Xu Han and Zhang Tianfang wasted years, Fang Jian studied hard and practiced hard, the barbarian army was still stationed in front of Niangziguan, neither attacking nor retreating.Finally one day, Zhang Tianfang was impatient: "For more than two months, neither fight nor retreat, what do those guys mean?" Discuss with Xu Han: "Come back, we will come back when they fight."

Xu Han was also impatient, and agreed: "Anyway, it's not far away, let's go back to Song City." (To be continued...)

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