Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 405 Affectionate

Although Liu Menglin's true face of Mount Lu was not revealed from the beginning to the end. op But at this moment, God knows how many onlookers will be staring at Liu Menglin, because Liu Menglin is so beautiful.For these onlookers, being able to watch Liu Menglin here is already the best gift for them.

The little rascal laughed and said, it can be as wretched as it needs to be. "Boss, how dare I lie to you. There were indeed three girls here just now, but when they passed through the civilian area, they happened to meet that scumbag Liu Xingxing, who was going to grab a girl by force, so these people I rescued that girl, and now there are three girls. Brother, why do you ask such a question. Isn’t it better to have three girls here? If you play the rest, the brothers can also get a share ?Although this chapter 417 has formed a blood-losing blue and white "se", it is particularly eye-catching in the dark woods...

He is nervous!He was not stunned!

Xu Han retreated immediately.

"You're smart, but it's too late! Go to hell!" Bai Yanfeng knew that Xu Han had discovered him, so he stopped pretending.The golden light hoe that was held high slammed down!

A little golden light, and then, drawn into a golden line, as if this space was torn apart, and the dazzling golden light emitted from inside.

The golden light was so bright it lit up the woods.It also illuminated Bai Yanfeng's ferocious face...

I saw that golden light quickly turned into a golden crescent bud, and it flew over silently.

The power of the ancient treasure is indeed powerful, everything in the straight line that the golden light slash passed was cut in half.

"Golden Light Shield!" Xu Han kept calm while flying back, throwing the golden shield and broadsword at the same time.

Ever since he was damaged by Huo Lin, he didn't have any good defensive magic weapon. At this time, it would be too late to go to the storage bag to get the defensive magic weapon, and those garbage bone shields wanted to block Moon Bud. Cut, absolutely impossible!

Thanks to this golden shield and broad sword that I just got... I saw that the golden sword quickly disintegrated into small pieces of gold bricks the size of mahjong, and then quickly assembled again, with a square side and a delicate small shield with a handle underneath Appeared.

That Yueya Zhan came extremely fast, as soon as the shield was assembled, Yueya Zhan slammed into it!

With a sound of "boom", there was a random flash of golden light at the impact place, and golden flowers splashed everywhere, the brightness dazzled people's eyes.

And then, I saw that the Moon Bud Slash broke through the golden light first, and continued to slash out. The power of this ancient treasure is indeed powerful!

But I thought that after a pause, Xu Han had enough time to dodge the Moon Bud Slash. Fortunately, this thing has no tracking function...

It's just a pity that the golden shield and broad sword, I saw that the high-grade magic weapon had been cut in half.

Xu Han killed more than a hundred members of the dog-beating team, and a good magic weapon he had just acquired was destroyed, which made Xu Han feel pained.

However, the danger has not passed!

Bai Yanfeng was even more shocked than Xu Han. What he thought was a sure-fire blow, but he missed it... I didn't expect this kid's flying sword to have a defensive function!

That being the case, Bai Yanfeng didn't hold back any more, and waved the golden light hoe again, laughing wildly, "Ye! It depends on what you use to block this time!"

Another crescent sprout cut out at high speed!

Although this Moon Bud Slash only walks in a straight line, it is very powerful, and it will hurt if it gets close.Moreover, it cuts extremely far, flying dozens of miles away, without weakening its power.

Therefore, Bai Yanfeng kept chopping out dense moon bud chops, and Xu Han was really in a hurry.

"Where are you going to hide!" Bai Yanfeng laughed wildly, raising and lowering her arms, and at the same time shouted loudly, "Friends from Baichong Village! Come out and beat the dog! If you don't fight now, you won't get any spirit stone points!"

Bai Yanfeng was extremely cheerful at the moment, his bun was loose, and his hair fell loose, automatically without wind, adding a bit of ferocity.

"Boy! You pull it! Aren't you very arrogant! You have the guts to hide!"

"Brother Bai! Stop!" A woman's reprimand suddenly sounded from behind Bai Yanfeng.

But Bai Yanfeng turned a deaf ear to it.In fact, it wasn't that he pretended not to hear, but that he really couldn't hear. In order to defend against Xu Han's soul-stirring bell, he blocked his ears completely.

Lian Ruolan originally wanted to dissuade Bai Yanfeng, but after all, they are brothers and sisters from the same school, and they have known each other since childhood.Moreover, his master Hongluan Patriarch was also very kind to Lian Ruolan.Lian Ruolan doesn't want to meet in battle.

But seeing Xu Han dodging left and right, Lian Ruolan didn't care about anything else, she touched the storage bracelet and a blue light.With a buzzing beep, it flew in front of Lian Ruolan.

"Hundred bee cones! Scatter!"

"go with!"

Everyone entered and exited from Lishui Lake. Fortunately, the fish head monster did not chase them out, and each escaped for their lives by luck.Unexpectedly, not long after that, a large number of monsters ran out of Lishui Lake, and the next step was to destroy the beasts, to calm down the "chaos" of monsters.Han Zheng, Han Fan and many masters thought of the bronze key, and searched for Long Danzi all over the world.It was not until three years ago that its trace was discovered, and it has been hunted down to this day.

Hearing Long Danzi clarify the origin of the key, Xu Han played with it and said with a sneer, "So what if you have the key? Can you enter the Dry Bones Forest? Can you kill the fish head monster?" Everyone said: "Get in the car, let's go."

They had fought against the fish head monster before, and knew how powerful it was, Zhang Tianfang laughed at Long Danzi: "You can't control yourself." Then he turned and left.Leaving Long Danzi who was seriously injured alone.Long Danzi still wasn't angry, he gritted his teeth secretly and said: "Boy who doesn't know how to die, I'll peel off your skin when I heal your wounds."No one will feel better if they change.

The carriage was on the road again, Xu Han sat on the roof and tossed and played with the keys, thinking about what Long Danzi said just now, the key to open the secret room, there is a fish head monster in the secret room, aren't these people stupid?What's the use of having a key if you can't get into Lishui Lake?If you can't beat the fish head monster, even if you go in, you will die.Suddenly a thought flashed by, Long Danzi didn't finish his sentence.

During the interrogation, he was cast with a discrimination spell, and there was no change in the whole process, which meant that he was not telling lies.Monks will be lured by benefits.They can be cruel and greedy, but there are no fools.The fish head monster is so powerful, who is willing to go in and die?This means that using the bronze key is not dangerous, at least not life-threatening.

Thinking about going back to ask Long Danzi, and thinking about it again, that guy had already disappeared without a trace after such a long time.What's more, you can't enter the dry bone forest with the key, so you put away the key and let the little snake tease it.As for the role of the bronze key, he didn't even think about it.

Fang Jian asked him: "Han Zheng and Han Fan's Liangyi sword array is stronger than the two of us, is it more powerful when used together?" Xu Han waved his hand indifferently: "How powerful can it be?" He placed his paper-thin knife in his palm and said, "This one is even more powerful."

Bukong interrupted and said, "Spells are not strong or weak. As long as you have a high level of cultivation and use them skillfully, no matter how ordinary a spell is, it will have infinite power."

Xu Han argued strongly: "My sword is powerful, what does it have to do with spells?"

When there are too many people, it is always lively. Forty people get together all day, and it is really lively.The girls wanted to ride horses and fly into the sky for a while, Xu Han pretended not to hear, and let them mess around.This day I don't know how to talk about the Shangji auction, Song Yunyi told them what he had seen and heard in Song Shangji, and a girl suggested: "Anyway, it's a random walk, so go and have a look." The other girls agreed.

The things the girls agree to are basically things that must be done.These days have been "randomly" walking around, turning around but not leaving the border of the Song Dynasty, after identifying the direction, let it fly westward, and go to Song Shangji.

Xu Han has participated in three auctions in total, one is Yueshangji, one is in the holy capital on the other side of the desert, and the other is Songshangji.In addition, I visited a market in Shanshentai.Back then, selling four Wannian herbal medicines in Song Shangji caused endless troubles. I saw Lang Wuyi of the Qingmen presided over the auction there, and I saw Han Zhenghan Fanlong Danzi, but at this time, Lang Wuyi came to the door. Xun Xun was beaten away, Han Zhenghan was killed by Long Danzi, and Long Danzi was seriously injured, barely counted as good fortune.

Flying speed is fast, half a day later to the market, only a small number of monks are setting up stalls.After inquiring, I learned that it will take another three months to open the mall, and the auction will have to wait another month.

Find a place not far from the market place and throw out a tent to live in, with an average of three people sharing a tent.Girls like to play around, Xu Han doesn't force them to do things they don't like, just let them play like crazy.Whether they were shopping in the market, or wandering all over the mountains and plains, Xu Han handed over three stupid dogs, a red wolf, two black tigers and a little pig to their hands. With these powerful guys accompanying them, it was difficult to think of anything wrong.

It didn't take long to go around the mountains and rivers, and came up with a new idea. They asked Xu Han for magic tools and herbs, and they wanted to set up a stall to play.Xu Han threw all the magic weapons he had snatched or picked up to them and went to toss them.

The time was getting closer to the opening day of Song Shangji, and the number of people in the market gradually increased. The cost of one spirit stone a day was really low, and the number of stalls gradually increased.Among the many stalls, the most dazzling and eye-catching ones are the stalls of the girls.

The girls rented three booths, and more than 30 girls crowded behind the booths and twittered to sell magic weapons.They don't understand the market, don't care how much it sells, and watch people shouting prices indiscriminately.Shout less when you see something pleasing to the eye, shout more when you see something ugly, and play business as a game.Even more naughty guys asked Xu Han for silk cloth, wrote three big characters "Snow Mountain School", and hung it on the booth.For a while, many monks asked each other, what kind of sect is the Xueshan sect?Where did it come from?

The girls are messing around, and the price of magic artifacts is very low. In the first few days of Song Shangji, their magic artifacts have been sold out. When they came back, they asked Xu Han for panacea and planned to continue setting up a stall, but he directly refused: " Worse than me? Too much!"

After staying in Song Shangji for another month, the maids ran around and asked for some news.

There are not many tricks for cultivators to quickly improve their cultivation. One is to take elixir and elixir, and the other is to find someone to double cultivate, such as yin and yang acacia.The problem is that there are very few women cultivating immortals. If you want to cultivate both yin and yang, there must be talents.Right now, more than 30 foundation-building female monks suddenly appeared, attracting countless old men to pester like flies.Countless people scrambled to offer their courtesies, and easily found out a lot of news.One of them has to do with the Bone Forest.

No one knows the origin of the Dry Bones Forest, but everyone knows that there are many treasures in the forest.There is only one passage leading to the Bone Forest, and the location changes constantly. When a new passage appears, the old passage disappears. It is really not easy to find the passage.

Fortunately, there are a lot of greedy people in this world. If you want to go in and search for treasures, you have to find the passage. After thousands of years, you have come up with a magical tool that can roughly detect the direction of the passage. This thing is called the fixed astrolabe.

Xu Han kept it in his heart, and often went for a stroll in the market, but is it so easy to get the astrolabe?Time flies, and soon the auction day comes, and Xu Han takes the girls in to buy things.During the three-day auction, there were not many good things, no high-level elixir, no high-level herbal medicine, and naturally no astrolabe. Xu Han was watching the excitement.Nothing interested him until the last day.

The thing that interests him the most is the black spirit orb, which is the spirit orb left in his mind after killing a high-level monster.Xu Han knew that this thing was easy to use, so he frantically rushed to take pictures, and finally kept all the black spirit beads.

Lian Ruolan raised her jade finger, and firmly pointed at Bai Yanfeng not far away.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" The sharp bee cones, as if singing a happy song, swarmed towards Bai Yanfeng.

In order to hide his figure, Bai Yanfeng didn't even open the spiritual shield, but he was still very sensitive, so he suddenly looked back.

But it's too late.He only heard the sound of the sharp weapon piercing the flesh. He looked down and saw that countless holes had been pierced on his body.

"Junior Sister Ruolan...you...kill me?" Bai Yanfeng's eyes were wide open when he was about to die, full of disbelief, and he asked... He was so unwilling, and grew up with Junior Sister Ruolan since childhood, even though Junior Sister Ruolan didn't He loves people, but he still loves her and doesn't even look at the other female cultivators in the mountain.

How can you kill me!

"You asked for it! If you want to kill him, you are my enemy!" Lian Ruolan walked over, tore off Bai Yanfeng's storage bag, and kicked him away.To be continued. . )

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