During the interval between Xu Han and Linghu's conversation, the black smoke in the kitchen became thicker and gradually seeped out from the kitchen door. Xu Han already felt the strong fluctuations in the array hidden around the kitchen. .Every time is extremely turbulent!The black smoke gradually dissipated, and after it really touched the soul-elimination array four feet away from the kitchen, the black smoke instantly retreated into the kitchen as if retreating.After a short period of calm, the kitchen door finally opened without warning, and everything seemed so weird.

Behind this thick black smoke, there seems to be something still wrapped.Xu Han opened his eyes wide and looked carefully at the ball of blue light, only to see that the blue light turned into a human figure, and the blue light gradually dissipated on the innermost layer of the soul-elimination array that had not been broken. It's gone, this soul is obviously not the kind of ghost that Xu Han was used to seeing in TV dramas in his previous life.

This primordial soul gave Xu Han a completely different feeling, and what Xu Han presented at this time was a very ordinary appearance.A middle-aged man who is not tall, however.Just when the middle-aged man saw Xu Han, Xu Han was shocked.Because the eyes of this middle-aged man are very terrifying, that kind of eyes can't wait to eat Xu Han.

It's really terrible!Rao Xu Han had made some mental preparations. Seeing such a scene at this time, he was also surprised. Xu Han couldn't stabilize his mind and stared intently at the monster in front of him. With his current cultivation base, if he hadn't borrowed the strength of Linghu, it would be impossible for Xu Han to see what these primordial souls were doing.After seeing the face of this monster, Xu Han has already put away the contemptuous heart he had when he came here just now. I'm afraid this guy is not easy to deal with!

Xu Han and Linghu had a quick conversation in their minds, taking advantage of this gap, Xu Han acted as if he hadn't seen anything, and approached Yuanhun with blank eyes, looking like a strange person. Like a sensible child, this behavior made Xu Han's palms sweat, don't look at Xu Han walking so calmly.This is walking a tightrope, if one is not good, it will be attacked by this monster!

"This primordial soul has very strong aura fluctuations! It really is a primordial soul that may break through at any time." Linghu frowned slightly, after the primordial soul reached its peak in one of its stages.It is usually possible to break through to the next level when extremely angry or extremely sad, so it is not even a matter of trapping it.So at this time, Linghu was also secretly worried.

Linghu was also worried that if the primordial soul's gradually increasing excitement after seeing the creature Xu Han approaching step by step, would the primordial soul break through to the level of aura training, with Xu Han's current strength.As long as the spirit energy is trained and the other soul hits the long-range soul power skill consonant finger, it is impossible to even dodge, and it will be slaughtered directly!On the contrary, Xu Han was much calmer than Linghu. When he was about to approach the primordial soul, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and stopped with a questioning face.

All the excitement of the primordial soul also came to a halt, and the aura fluctuations seemed to be dropping sharply. It looked annoyed and glared at Xu Han. Why did this human suddenly stop now?How strange.What the hell is this human doing?

Xu Han pretended to have dropped something, and began to search on the ground, only groping and moving every time.They didn't even exceed the boundary of that soul-eliminating array, and this time and time again, the emotion of that primordial soul has been raised to a peak!Yuanhun was roaring, slashing and slashing the soul-eliminating array with a sharp hand blade. Is this damned human being playing tricks on me?No.I won't spare him, I'll burn my bones to ashes later!

Xu Han's approach is extremely dangerous. First of all, he doesn't know the current situation, nor does he understand the specific strength of this primordial soul, or his current behavior.It can be summed up in one word, provocative!If it was a living and intelligent life, seeing Xu Han's actions like this would at most make him laugh.However, Yuanhun is a form of existence different from human life!

Yuan Hun upholds the sins of the previous life, they no longer have human emotions, only the pure heart of killing.Only the original ability that is unscrupulous for the sake of evolution, which is why, why a soul can cause such a big storm.

To a certain extent, all those greedy people who took the Wang family's property were infected to death by the resentment emanating from this primordial soul.Although Xu Han hasn't gotten close to the soul yet, the blue light and black energy in the air are already affecting Xu Han's thinking.

The spirit fox passes through the yin and yang fish.You can clearly see what Xu Han is doing, but now you can't stand it any longer, and you can't help yelling, "Enough! Xu Han, it will be dangerous to continue playing!" Linghu didn't understand what Xu Han wanted at first. What are you doing, but after watching for a while, he finally understood Xu Han's true intentions.After understanding it, it also shocked his mind greatly. Xu Han actually wanted to artificially create an aura warrior?Didn't he know how dangerous it would be to train another spirit with aura?But then he thought again, he really didn't seem to tell Xu Han these things.

Linghu and Xu Han have been together for more than a month.During this period of time, it can be said that he is becoming more and more familiar with Xu Han's temperament, and he gradually understands that Xu Han is actually a lunatic who is not afraid of anything, as long as he can improve his strength, he can greatly improve his strength. He would never listen to what he said was dangerous, so Linghu was also anxious at this time!

Linghu couldn't care less.Shouted loudly in Yinyangyu, "Little guy. You can't play any more! If he breaks the formation, just in case he doesn't go directly to you. Instead, he goes to Han Mengdie, Wu Zhenshan, and the others. What should I do if I go to a crowded place?"

Linghu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as expected he had to say that.Xu Han stopped his groping actions immediately, and slowly stood outside the soul-eliminating array, only one step away from the shadow of the primordial soul, close at hand!

Yuanhun's emotions have been lifted to the extreme, and Xu Han can even feel the black mist rolling in Yuanhun's body!Xu Han was also weighing up and down in his heart, is it worth taking this risk?Judging by the appearance of this primordial soul, it seems that it is about to advance, or in other words, it has already begun to advance?Xu Han's footsteps hesitated again. Once he advances to the rank, it will be spiritual energy training and other soul power!

Linghu had already seen a faint blue light beam gradually gathering on the finger of the Yuanhun, and immediately his eyes shrank sharply!Hastily shouted loudly: "Get out of the way!"

Xu Han's body was strong and he jumped away with a single leap.However, he didn't do what Linghu said, and stepped aside. On the contrary, Yuanhun thought it was being played.When he was in the midst of infinite anger and was about to teach Xu Han a lesson, he was surprised to see that bastard creature jumping in front of him, right on his head.This is the result of Yuanhun's longing for it.

Yuanhun suddenly changed from extremely angry to extremely happy, and his emotions changed violently, as if he felt something different in his body, and then, the cold aura on Yuanhun's body suddenly rose!Xu Han was startled.It is finally about to start advancing!

This soul suddenly released an extremely powerful aura, which even made Xu Han almost untenable. This aura of devouring the world finally made Xu Han's complexion begin to change. He was used to fighting kings like Linghu. After Xu Han knew that there was no difference between the original soul, the ghost and the spirit fox, he gradually didn't take Linghu's warning to heart. In his mind, he owns the yin and yang fish.It is simply the nemesis of all primordial souls. No wonder this primordial soul seemed to be quite afraid of him just now, and he had the yin and yang fish as his backing.The fear that filled Xu Han's heart disappeared immediately. He was so nervous just now that Xu Han almost forgot the trump card of yin and yang fish.

Xu Han had a clear understanding in his heart, so he became more confident. He raised his hand and was about to pull out the Chihong Sword, and rushed towards the soul, but at this moment, the soul changed. To be promoted.Even if he has advanced to the first level, it is just another soul with the first level of spiritual energy training, but the aura that escapes from the uncontrollable power makes Xu Han's body seem to be out of control.

Xu Han secretly thought it was bad.Suddenly his expression changed, and he quickly drew out two long swords and stuck them on the ground, fixing his figure.Staring intently at the primordial soul in front of him, wrapped in bursts of extremely chilly wind!He didn't care that the free wind blade cut heavily on his face, body, and hands, causing bursts of burning pain.This kind of pain is simply deep into the bone marrow!

The sky became even dimmer, and even the little moonlight just now seemed to be blocked by the black air. Xu Han's heart was beating violently, and the wind was getting more and more violent.It even made Xu Han almost scrape out the man, sword and even a layer of land together!However, Xu Han's reaction was also extremely fast. He poured spiritual energy into the sword immediately, and pierced it into the courtyard wall, so that his body could be fixed and had a support point.

"Okay! This is the time, Huangtian pays off, and this is the opportunity we have been waiting for!" Xu Han said solemnly, with the light in his eyes at this moment.It became more and more crazy and ferocious, with a faint murderous intent revealed!

Although Xu Han was in a critical juncture just now.Only then did he know how powerful this primordial soul is, but many years of life and death experience told him that the more dangerous the environment, the less regret and hesitation, and the more crazy and ferocious it is!In a near-desperate environment, only with enough confidence and fearlessness can there be hope of overcoming difficulties.If you are timid before fighting, wouldn't you cut off your hands and feet!

Only by persevering can you see the rainbow of victory, which Xu Han has already experienced in his previous life.He deeply understands that as long as he survives this most difficult time, he will be able to clean up this primordial soul and use the aura of the primordial soul to advance himself!

If it wasn't for the sake of advancement, Xu Han would not have taken such a big risk. After all, in personal cultivation, ** is the number one priority.If the body is damaged, then what about cultivation?Be careful in everything.In such an uncertain situation, it is better to take a step back.

crisis!The crisis is scary though.But there always seems to be opportunity after a crisis.Xu Han was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He also knew how reckless he had done just now. If he hadn't been backed by the yin and yang fish, the aura vortex of the primordial soul would have swallowed him alive. Lose.

Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, yes, it was indeed extremely dangerous just now, but what is gratifying is that he finally escaped a catastrophe, and if he survives a catastrophe, there will be future blessings. Xu Han believes in this sentence like a creed.What he needs in this unfamiliar place in the capital is strength. The background of Liu Menglin's family is too breathless. There is no way to do it. If Liu Menglin's family is to be recognized, strength is the first.

Xu Han withdrew the formation knife and the mustard space one by one, and then carefully checked his own strength. He was shocked by this look. It turned out that he had already broken through to the tenth level of the warrior. Liu Fengyang couldn't find where he was compared to!And I still have a powerful way of Taoism. Now I am afraid that it is easy to challenge a level or two.

Xu Han's face was full of joy, Linghu also looked at Xu Han quite jealously, it turned out.The artifact in the center of this guy's eyebrows can not only transform the source of power of fighting beasts, but also provide Xu Han with the purest aura power, such as the magic core and demon pill, and when Xu Han needs the source of power most, this stele can also be used. To convert the soul energy of the original soul into the pure source of soul energy and aura without impurities and provide it to Xu Han!He also finally understood why the little guy only practiced Qi level.The power of the soul can be compared to a character of the fighting king level like himself!

It's really unfair, Linghu yelled loudly in his heart, but he still said meaninglessly, "Hmph, don't be too happy, this is the tenth level of spiritual energy, and it's only for monks. Let’s start! There are still countless mountains waiting for you to climb. You must know that if you do not advance, you will fall back. You can’t be complacent just because you have achieved such achievements.”

After Linghu finished speaking, he saw that Xu Han seemed to have listened to his words, so he couldn't help reminding: "In Linhai Continent, as long as your talent is not too rubbish, you can have a good skill. You can reach the early stage of the tenth level of spiritual energy before the age of 35, but if you go up to the tenth level of spiritual energy, your strength will improve even more. It depends on your understanding of power. Although your artifact is very powerful, but in terms of understanding of power , you can only rely on yourself. You don’t have to look at me, and you can’t rely on anyone. After the tenth level of spiritual energy, everyone’s understanding of power and the path they take are different. If you follow the path I walked, just It may be that you have disabled yourself. You know, all roads lead to the same goal.”

Xu Han had never heard anyone warn him like that.Linghu's words made him agree greatly, and he couldn't help nodding his head. It's already very good to be able to use the yin and yang fish to improve his strength to this level in such a short period of time.I believe that his current strength should be very good among Di Du's peers.

"I'm really sorry for disturbing Li Daoyou's healing." Jiang Wulin said politely after entering the room.

"It's okay. The past three days have made me feel much better, at least I don't feel dizzy and headache." Xu Han has indeed improved a lot, which made him realize the importance of pills. A monk with a fixed supply of pills and a pill Casual cultivators whose medicine is unstable are completely different.

"Then congratulations to Li Daoyou for recovering early." Jiang Wulin said with a smile.

"Brother Jiang, if you have something to say, just say it..." Xu Han believed that Jiang Wulin must have something to do when he came to spare him.

"That's it...the boat is about to reach its destination." Jiang Wulin said with a smile.

"Oh, hehe, it's time to stop." Xu Han also laughed, it seemed that he had to find a place again.

But then, Jiang Wulin asked again, "Does Fellow Daoist Li have any plans?"

Xu Han shook his head, "An Guo can't go back for the time being. My enemy is a core disciple of a cultivating family with great influence. It seems that he can only hide in Wu Guo for a while..."

Jiang Wulin nodded, and then said, "To tell you the truth, Daoyou Li, in fact, when I return to Wu Kingdom with my sister, I just want to join the Yunfu Sect... If you don't mind Li Daoyou, why don't you come with us? I believe that with the help of my sister, It should be accepted...just..."

Xu Han thought about it, it was a good idea to hide in a high school and practice.It's not Tu Dan medicine, which is enough for him now.The key is stability. It is very difficult to find a place with sufficient aura and safety outside these great sects...

"Li also wants to join these famous sects. If you need Brother Jiang, it's okay."

Only then did Jiang Wulin continue, "It's just that this time the Yunfu Sect is recruiting talisman paper apprentices from the outer hall. Not only are the offerings of spirit stones and pills rare, but they are also not allowed to enter the inner hall to learn high-level exercises and talisman-making techniques."

"Oh, it's all right." Xu Han waved his hands generously.I have no shortage of spirit stones!For the pills, I used all the good pills made from the Spirit Medicine Mountain!As for the talisman making technology, don't worry, the talisman collection in my brain is a hundred times more advanced than yours!

Hearing that Xu Han didn't care about these things, Jiang Wulin was also very happy, and said with a smile, "That's good, I have a companion after joining the Yunfu Sect..." After he finished speaking, he comforted Xu Han, "Don't worry, I will My younger sister also knows some alchemy cultivators in Yunfuzong, and after a few days, I will persuade a certain alchemy ancestor to accept us... Haha, we will also be counted as internal disciples by then."

"Then please take care of Brother Jiang and Sister Ling." Xu Han thought, since he wanted to make some progress in the talisman making school, it would be good to go to the Yunfu Sect for a while, after all, it has more than [-] years of history. School, there is always some experience...

Not long after Jiang Wulin went out, Jiang Wuyi in red appeared.To say that this girl's breasts are really bulging, when she entered the door, before seeing other parts, she saw two tall and straight beautiful peaks appearing.

"Hey, Heidan, I heard that you also want to join the Yunfu Sect?" Jiang Wuyi walked in and looked around, but he didn't look at Xu Han directly, which was very impolite.

The little girl owes her training.Xu Han smiled, then put on a surprised expression, and said in surprise. "How do you know my eggs are black?"

Jiang Wuyi heard those sailors yelling the name Heidan, so he didn't know what it meant, anyway, he knew it was not a good word, so he used it to deal with Xu Han...

Seeing Xu Han's expression, Jiang Wuyi was a little stunned, and said, "Your face and hands are so dark, and your whole body is black. Of course eggs... er, men can lay eggs too? Hehe." Jiang Wuyi laughed, "Aren't you stupid, black egg? Only animals can lay eggs. Where did you get the eggs?"

Xu Han shook his head seriously and said, "You are uneducated now, men don't have to give birth to have eggs, they are born, and there is a couple..."

Xu Han already felt that he was shameless, so he waited for Jiang Wuyi to run out shyly.But who knew that this girl was so innocent, she stared wide-eyed and said, "Why don't I know? People can have eggs too?"

"Oh, it's all caused by the lack of sexual education." Xu Han sighed and said, "Of course there is. If you don't believe me, ask your brother."

When Xu Han said this, he had already imagined Jiang Wulin's flushed face and embarrassing speechless expression, so he couldn't help laughing...

Xu Han smiled, Jiang Wuyi felt something was wrong, and cursed. "Liar! You black-faced liar, you don't have a single word of truth in your mouth! You lied to my brother first, and now you lied to me!"

Xu Han fainted, "How could I lie to you?"

"You lied to me, men have eggs!"

Xu Han is about to vomit blood, why is it so difficult to tell the truth these days?But it's not easy to get entangled with this problem, why can't you pull down your pants and let her see it?Although Xu Han doesn't care about face, he really can't do such shameless things...

"Alright, if you call me Heidan, I'll call you Little Pepper." Xu Han changed the subject.

Jiang Wuyi was a bit eccentric at first, and her thinking was beyond the imagination of others, so I heard her laughing, "Little pepper, I like it. Hehe, fried black eggs with pepper."

Hey, I like making sentences with words.But scrambled black eggs with chili is not good, it is better if you caress my black eggs and I rub your peppers x...

Although Xu Han had a shameless idea, he didn't have the nerve to say it, but smiled, "I dare not get involved with you, you are too hot, I can't stand it."

Jiang Wuyi gave him a blank look, and snorted, "Tch, do you think I want to get together with you? With your black head and black face, I wouldn't be happy to take another look at you!"

"You little girl, you know nothing! My name is Healthy Se, Bronze Se, the most popular color! In my hometown, many fair-skinned men and women intentionally tan like this on the beach!"

"Nonsense!" Jiang Wuyi naturally wouldn't believe that there are so many boring people who intentionally tan their white skin to black, and she spit again, "It will be difficult for a black bastard like you to marry a wife in the future, it's so ugly! At that time, a litter of little black boys will be born, all named big black, second black, little black..."

"Hey, hey, stop, I'm a human, not a dog." Xu Han immediately protested solemnly.

"In short, no matter whether you are a human or a dog, this girl advises you not to think of me, otherwise you will regret it one day."

"No, which eye of yours has noticed that I am targeting you?" Xu Han was so depressed that he was dying, this girl is too self-indulgent.

Jiang Wuyi said angrily, "Don't try to deny it! You... I know what you think with that look in your eyes!"

Xu Han thought in his heart, didn't he just look at your chest and butt a few times?What a little girl, this is the look I fully appreciate.

So Xu Han turned serious and said, "Miss Jiang, you can rest assured that I not only have mortal wives, but also confirmed couples of dual cultivation. They are not only beautiful and kind, but also gentle in personality, delicate in mind, Like some people, they are unruly and self-willed, and they yell and kill before they can say anything, so they don't look like a girl."

Zhang Tianfang asked him: "Do you want to do it?" Bukong interjected: "God has the virtue of loving life..." Zhang Tianfang cut off the conversation before he finished speaking, and said coldly: "If you are so alive, save him." Bukong looked Seeing the crowd surging ahead, he frowned and said, "Cultivators have always been annoying." He didn't say help, nor did he say no.

Hearing the conversation of several people, the left waiter ordered with a heartbeat: "Set up the formation in place, someone will break into the formation and kill without mercy." His eyes were fixed on the dark middle-aged man who was holding the fat baby hostage.

At this time, there were people walking out of the passage, and the people outside were trapped near the entrance of the passage. Many people crowded together, and soon tens of thousands of people gathered.Everyone is crowded in a narrow strip that is only a mile long but tens of miles wide near the exit of the Foggy Valley Passage.On one side is the dense white fog that Foggy Valley is famous for, and on the other side is the low and flat mountainous land, stretching to the high mountains.

Because it is too close to the foggy valley, it is restricted by the ban and cannot fly.Thousands of infant monks were forced to huddle on the ground and chase after the dark middle-aged man.The middle-aged man's movements are weird and slippery, and it is really difficult to catch him.Zuo Shi and others stood at the outermost edge, looking in through the crowd.Looking at the dark middle-aged man, and at the thick fog beside him, Xu Han suddenly remembered something. The foggy valley was surrounded by thick fog all year round, making it impossible to move forward.What if I mark the ground?

Calculating the time, there should be more than half an hour before the Fog Valley Passage will be closed.It doesn't take much time to go in and out, so it's worth a try.Talk to a few people around in a low voice: "You stay still, I'll go."

"Where are you going?" The five asked together.Xu Han pretended to be unfathomable and said, "I'll find out later." He ran forward and squeezed towards the crowd.

As soon as he made a move, the left waiter immediately found out, and he was suspicious: "He also wants to get King Shen? It shouldn't be so stupid. A monk who formed a pill wants to win a treasure from a thousand-dollar baby master?"

The fat baby was stunned again by the middle-aged man because of yelling and jumping around.The dark middle-aged man knew that he couldn't get out half the time, but he didn't want to give up his baby easily.While running, he shouted: "Don't force me! Otherwise, I will kill King Shen."

When he yelled, the Nascent Soul cultivators who were chasing him slowed down involuntarily, but they still insisted on refusing to give up.Everyone knows that the herbal elves who practice ** are extremely powerful, unimaginably powerful; but in case of death, the aura will dissipate immediately, and the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced.This is also the reason why the middle-aged man caught King Shen and didn't kill him immediately.But to take a step back, he was seen by many people when he was arresting King Shen, and it didn't help if he killed him or not. Anyway, there were many coveted people, and no one was willing to give up the treasure.

Xu Han shuttled through the crowd.Move closer to the entrance of the passage without showing any signs.The left waiter looked strange, what is this kid doing?The entrance of the tunnel is the place with the densest crowds. Many monks in the Alchemy Valley feared that the tunnel would be closed and die inside, rushing out frantically, but Xu Han went against the road and crowded with them enthusiastically.The left waiter glanced at Xu Han.Looking at the dark middle-aged man again, this guy has a good escape ability, and more than a hundred people can't catch him at close range.Of course, the main reason is that it is inconvenient to move in the crowd and is blocked.He hesitated in his heart whether to make a move, but worried about what to do after the move?You can't bring disaster to a hundred thousand mountains.

The front was very crowded and lively, and Xu Han suddenly lost his body and disappeared in the crowd amidst the crowd.The people around watched the Nascent Soul cultivator's chase with noisiness, but no one noticed him escaping into the ground.The left waiter also felt strange, Mrs. Gong disappeared in a blink of an eye?I wanted to search for him with all my strength, but then I thought again, King Shen is the focus, and I can't let others pick and choose, so I temporarily gave up on Xu Han and turned all my attention to Fat Baby.

In a short period of time, the fat baby's life will not be affected, and no one is willing to kill him easily.Xu Han also knew this, so he decided to go underground to mark it first, and then try to save him.

Sneak into the ground and release the gopher, let it move close to the ground, follow him in a deeper place, and make marks slowly.At this time, the monks on the ground, no matter inside or outside the passage, were a little flustered. They were either worried that they would not be able to get out in time, or they were focusing on the fat baby. In addition, the gophers were moving tens of meters deep underground, and they were good at hiding their spiritual energy. For a time, none of the more than ten thousand monks could find it.

The gopher-eating mouse is extremely sensitive to the sound of the ground. Relying on the inaudible footsteps of the monks walking out of the passage, they can identify the direction of the passage on the ground and quickly move forward into the foggy valley.Xu Han hid deeper underground, locked on the gopher-eating mouse with his soul, and followed it to mark it.

A quarter of an hour later, the gopher stopped still. With its keen senses, it could not detect any signs of people walking on the ground, which meant that no one existed on the ground.Xu Han floated up slowly and carefully, and at the same time ordered the gopher to come out of the ground to check the surrounding situation. After a while, a message was sent back that there was no one on the ground.

Xu Han hurriedly floated to the ground, looked left and right, there was a piece of green grassland, not too big but very long, it was obviously a road to a certain place, could it be that there was the Alchemy Valley in front?Xu Han was not in the mood to go in and investigate, and the first thing to do at this moment was to get out safely.Take back the gopher bite, and sprint outward with all your strength.

After a while, a small valley appeared in front of my eyes, and a small road stretched out in the valley.Xu Han didn't even want to cross the valley with all his strength.Suddenly, a huge platform appeared in front of him. There were two paths on the platform, one was under his feet.The other leads to the Nine-story Alchemy Temple.On the opposite side is a white fog, and there is a passage ten people wide in the middle of the thick fog.

Find the exit!Don't stop and rush into the passage in the dense fog.The passage is only more than ten miles long, and there are quite a few places to turn left and right.At this time, the white mist walls on both sides of the passage changed and were no longer smooth. From time to time, mist broke through the walls and filled the passage.Xu Han knew that the passage was about to disappear, so he ran away with all his heart and soul.

The passage is not long, and the distance of ten miles is nothing to him.He easily turned more than a dozen turns in one breath, and was about to run out of the passage when a person suddenly appeared on the opposite side, a dark middle-aged man rushing in with a fat baby in his arms.Seven Nascent Soul cultivators were still chasing after him.

It's really greedy for money, the passage will be closed immediately, and you dare to rush in?Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you, Xu Han instantly released more than a hundred subduing snakes.Attacking eight people on the opposite side, an average of a dozen small snakes besieged one person.The eight monks were a little surprised when they saw Xu Han, and they were stunned for a moment.After being pierced by a little snake, eight more corpses appeared on the ground in the blink of an eye. Xu Han moved extremely quickly. He called back the little snake, grabbed the fat baby, and dragged away the eight people's storage bags. The three movements were completed in succession, and then he pinched Fa Jue, the whole person disappears from the ground and escapes into the ground.Quickly find the mark you made, and then wake up the fat doll.By the way, remove the ban for him.

As soon as the fat baby opened his eyes, he yelled to let me go. Xu Han pointed to the mark and said, "Follow the mark, and you can return to the Valley of Alchemy Gods." The outermost direction of the upper monk.

Xu Han let go, but the fat baby was stunned.He said in a daze: "You let me go?" The fat baby is a stalk of grass and can hide in the ground, so he doesn't have to worry about not being able to go back. Xu Han didn't have time to talk to him, so he just said: "Go quickly." Follow the gopher slowly Move out slowly.

Of course, Jiang Wuyi didn't believe Xu Han's words. In her opinion, this boy was dark and poor in cultivation. It was possible for a mortal woman to marry him. Will you fall in love with him after a while?

So Jiang Wuyi decided to expose his lies, and she wrinkled her pretty nose, "Hmph, you're lying again. Then let me ask you, what level of cultivation is your Taoist companion?"

"The middle stage of foundation establishment, about to enter the late stage of foundation establishment..."

Before Xu Han finished speaking, Jiang Wuyi laughed, "You Xiaoxiu, every time you tell a lie, you are unreliable. If you want to lie, you should make up the lie a little more roundly. In the middle stage of foundation establishment, hehe, you are the only one who can do it yourself." In the mid-stage of Qi refining, there will be a female cultivator in the mid-stage of Foundation Establishment who will take a fancy to you? Have you woken up from your big dream yet?"

"Forget it if you don't believe it..." Xu Han didn't want her to believe it at first, so he said, "little sister, you have never been in love, so I can't explain it to you! Love is not buying vegetables at the market, nor is it a martial arts competition. Competing on the field, love is about fate, if you don’t understand, don’t talk, and save yourself being laughed at!”

"Cut, anyway, I don't believe it!" Jiang Wuyi snorted, and walked out of Xu Han's room, muttering in his heart, would the female foundation-builder really fall in love with the little Qi-refining monk?Is love really all about fate?

Also, what is fate?

"It's a lie... Even if what he said is true, he must have been deceived by this kid's sweet words. That female cultivator will suffer in the future." Jiang Wuyi actually had a little affection for the female cultivator who had never met before. I was worried, but after she walked for a while, she remembered that she hadn't said anything about going to Xu Han's room.

"It's all this kid's nonsense, he forgot all the business..." Jiang Wuyi stamped his lotus feet and ran back.

In the room, Xu Han had just taken off his clothes. For the past few days, he had been wearing the clothes soaked in water.For monks, wet clothes should not be dried as soon as the spiritual power evaporates, so wearing them will not feel uncomfortable at all.

However, although the clothes are dry, the clothes soaked in water will inevitably have wrinkles after drying, which looks very unsightly.

Xu Han thought about going ashore to Yunfuzong soon, how could he change into a clean and beautiful body?It's still important to make a good first impression, so he went out to wet clothes, and then took out clean clothes from the storage bag...

Originally, it would be quick to change clothes, but when Xu Han looked at the magic weapon in the storage bag, he had another idea in his mind.

Now that I am Li Heizi, I don't want to use the magic tools that Xu Han used frequently in the past, such as the flying carpet, which is his signature magic weapon, and it is unique in the whole Cangnan.There are also ancient treasures, which cannot be taken out easily, these things are too eye-catching.Even those unique spells must be kept secret.

In order not to attract attention.He had to prepare a few trashy instruments, so Ye was naked and fiddled with storage bags...

Xu Han didn't know that Jiang Wuyi would go and come back, and Jiang Wuyi couldn't guess that this kid would suddenly take off all his clothes.So when this innocent girl walked into the room, what happened was an astonishing scene.

"Ah!" Jiang Wuyi yelled, so frightened that she quickly covered her eyes with her white slender hands.

In fact, Xu Han was also frightened by her. At first he thought there was something wrong with the storage bag, but when he was about to check it, he heard screams, and subconsciously used the storage bag to block the ugliness somewhere...

"Hey! Can you knock on the door when you come in! This is the manners taught in kindergartens!" It seems that there is no kindergarten in Cangnan.Xu Han cursed, and quickly took out a green shirt and changed into it.

"Big rascal! Black rascal!" Jiang Wuyi closed her eyes and kept cursing in her small mouth, but she couldn't help recalling the horrible scene and the man's things in her heart. In fact, she didn't see clearly. I saw it was dark there, and there was something else.So ugly.

"Okay, open your eyes, remember. Next time you come in, you have to knock on the door, especially to the men's room..." Xu Han said, hanging the storage bag on his waist, thinking, did this girl see it just now? What about the storage ring I wear around my neck?

In fact, Jiang Wuyi never saw the storage ring, she saw it.

"Shameless! Obscene! This girl has suffered a great loss! Are you still teaching me?" Jiang Wuyi opened one eye first, and found that Xu Han was indeed wearing clothes, and then took his hand away.

But her face was already blushing, so red that she was about to bleed, she looked pretty and shy.Really touching...

"I've been seen all by you, and you're at a disadvantage, my young master is at a great disadvantage!" Xu Han fought back mercilessly, of course, but he was thinking in his heart, wondering if this girl saw it?hey-hey.Heidan was finally seen by her.

"Who wants to see it? This girl is at a loss! Bah, what an ugly thing!" Jiang Wuyi spat, his face became even redder, and even a little peach blossom bloomed on his neck.

Xu Han laughed, "So you saw it!"

"I didn't see it!" Jiang Wuyi said mischievously. Although she was unruly and willful, she didn't dare to stay any longer at this moment, and asked quickly: "I came to ask you, what is your spirit?" root?"

"The miscellaneous spiritual roots of the five elements..." Xu Han said proudly.

"Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Root?" Jiang Wuyi had already guessed that this little spiritual cultivation root would not be very good, but it was so bad that it still scared her.When she came to her senses, she sighed: "I can only help you with this matter as much as possible. Your aptitude is really bad. If the door doesn't agree, then you can't blame me..."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine if you don't accept me." Xu Han also had the attitude of getting in if he could, and forgetting if he couldn't.

"Okay, dirty black egg, remember to lock the door next time you change your clothes!" Jiang Wuyi cursed again, then turned and walked out of the cabin.

When she walked onto the deck and was blown by the wind, the blush on her face subsided a lot, and the deer in her heart settled down.

Jiang Wulin was waiting on the deck, when he saw his sister approaching, he hurriedly asked, "Sister, what spiritual root is he?"

"The miscellaneous spirit root of the five elements." Jiang Wuyi replied, with blame in his tone, blaming his brother for nothing, and bringing this miscellaneous spirit root of the five elements back to the sect.

When Jiang Wulin heard this, he was shocked again.He knew that Xia Hui was a five-element miscellaneous spirit root, and this Li Heizi was also a five-element miscellaneous spirit root. Coupled with his previous suspicions, his doubts about this Li Heizi became even more serious at this moment.

"It's not easy to practice the five-element miscellaneous spirit root to the sixth level of Qi refining." Jiang Wulin sighed, looking in the direction of the cabin.This Li Heizi must not be an ordinary person, even if he is not Xiaoyou Xia Hui, he must not be simple.

"That's right, the Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots can still enter the sixth level of Qi Refining?" Jiang Wuyi had an idea this time, her brain had been occupied by wild thoughts just now, and now that she is awake, she also thought of this, but she said disdainfully: "Even if he has cultivated to the sixth level of Qi Refining, with his five-element miscellaneous spirit root aptitude, I'm afraid it will never be possible to advance to another level!"

Jiang Wuyi's idea was correct.Even Jiang Wulin had the same idea before, but since he met Xu Han, this fixed idea has been changed. He can see that Xu Han is not an ordinary person, and he also knows that the Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots want to break through the fourth level of Qi Refining How difficult it is, and those who can successfully break through must not be mortals.

It's just that this Li Heizi, is he Xiaoyou Xia Hui?

Not long after, the big ship docked at the wharf of Sishui City in Wu Kingdom.

Sishui City is located on the side of Wu'an River, and there is also a north-south river converging here, which is like a crossroads of waterways, hence the name of Sishui City.

To say that a country is a kind of customs, although this Wu country and Anguo are only separated by a Hengduan mountain range, but many places are different.

After getting off the boat, Xu Han was amazed to find that more than [-]% of the pedestrians and vendors on the pier were immortal cultivators, and even those who carried the sacks on the pier were monks... But these monks' cultivation base is not high, almost Among a hundred people, there are only a few people who are at the second level of refining qi, and the rest are at the first level of refining qi, and some of them only have some spiritual power, not even reaching the first level of refining qi, and none of them have the third level of refining qi.

Although the realm is not high, Xu Han was surprised to see so many at once.

Seeing Xu Han's surprised look, Jiang Wulin smiled and said, "Brother Li has come to Wu Country for the first time. Anyone who dares to come to Wu Country will be surprised to see so many monks."

Xu Han nodded and said, "I'm really surprised. How come there are more monks than ordinary people? And those monks are still doing ordinary work..."

"No knowledge!" Jiang Wuyi finally had a chance to hit Xu Han again, she said, "Actually, they are not monks, they are just mortals... You can see that they have aura and realm with the sky eye technique, that's because they practiced a kind called Lingwu's worldly martial arts."

"Lingwu? What kind of martial art is this?" Xu Han asked curiously.

Jiang Wuyi wanted to make a fool of himself, but Jiang Wulin was the first to say, "Spiritual martial arts is a kind of martial arts between immortal cultivation methods and secular martial arts... This kind of martial arts can be cultivated regardless of whether it has spiritual roots. The function is to absorb spiritual energy to refine the body, making the mortal body stronger and more powerful... However, practicing spiritual martial arts can only reach the height of the second level of refining Qi, and it is impossible to use magic spells, and it is impossible to manipulate magical weapons, so this spiritual martial arts It is still a kind of secular martial arts."

"So that's how it is." Xu Han nodded and smiled, "Although it's not considered cultivating immortals, it's also a kind of quasi-cultivating immortals. It seems that the atmosphere of cultivating immortals in Wu Kingdom is still very strong."

Xu Han thought, since this Lingwu doesn't use spirit roots, can Xiaohong Luqin and the others practice it?The second floor of Qi Refining seems to be too low...

He did not give up and asked again, "Can't you enter the Tao by training your body and set foot on the road to immortality?"

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