Dao Xin Xiu Mo Zhuan

Chapter 56 Let them understand who is the real waste

Volume 56 The Situation in Baihe Town]Chapter [-] Let them understand who is the real waste

When Xu Han and the others came to the foot of the mountain, they saw a number of Qi-refining cultivators of the Lingyun Sect, each in charge of a teleportation formation.Of course, Xu Han and the others would not go to the deep place of the Demon Abyss, they chose a relatively nearby teleportation array and teleported out.

After the dizziness passed, the three of Xu Han came to the depths of the Demon Abyss.

It is no longer a pagoda resort full of aura, but a darker, more devilish aura, and a magic abyss where mana is stagnant. Even with the eyes of their monks, they can only see very close, almost entirely relying on divine sense.Looking around again, the three of Xu Han's expressions froze.It's just because there is a foundation cultivator guarding it next to him, and he is still a demon cultivator, sitting on the edge of the teleportation array, blocking the invasion of monsters.

"Hey, two demon cultivators." The Foundation Establishment cultivator snorted.

"What's your order, senior?" Xi Shuncheng asked hastily.They didn't dare to treat the monks in the Foundation Establishment Period slowly.

"It's nothing, you two, be careful. The monsters in the devil's abyss like the monk's two things the most, one is the mana of spiritual cultivation, and the other is the body of the magician. I don't want to see you turned into monsters again. "Foundation Establishment cultivator warned lightly. "What's more, if you are afraid, you can leave now. When you come back in the future, you can find the teleportation array according to the instructions of the Faith Talisman."

"Thank you for the reminder, senior." Xi Shuncheng thanked, and then the three turned and left.

A few days later, there was an empty place in the depths of the dark abyss where there was no light.The two teams are confronting each other.Most of the people in one of the teams are spiritual practitioners, which can be clearly felt from the mana.On the other side, there is a mixture of spiritual cultivation and magic cultivation. If you look closely, magic cultivation occupies the majority.It can be seen that the two sides are arguing.

"Why do you think they are arguing?" Xu Han asked, lying on the back of the distant hill.

"What else can there be?" Xi Shuncheng said angrily as he lay beside him. "Xu Han, you don't look like a demon cultivator at all. You don't know the hardships of our demon cultivators. After the disaster, although spiritual cultivation suffered a lot, it was our demon cultivators who suffered the most. The qi of the devil erodes, becomes mad, and turns into a monster without wisdom."

"Don't dare to advance, even the normal fighting skills are cautious, for fear of being careless for a while, the real devil's energy will take advantage of the loopholes. The more so, the more disadvantageous the fighting skills are. Especially in this place that is closer to the ancient demon world , we are more affected. Although spiritual cultivation has influence, it is far less than our magic cultivation. Once we come to such places, our magic cultivation will suffer even more."

"Originally, spiritual cultivation has an advantage over us, and demonic cultivation has always been discriminated against. It must be worse to come to this ghostly place. Looking at the situation ahead, it is obvious that our demonic cultivation has been bullied again, so we have no choice but to fight together. But often the result It doesn't matter, Moxiu will always suffer more, and he will definitely not be Lingxiu's opponent. I promise, Moxiu will automatically admit defeat later."

Although Xu Han knew that Moxiu had always been discriminated against, he didn't expect it to be so serious.

Zhang Zhongqi also added on the side: "Not only that, the current situation is also related to the situation in our Lingyun Sect. In our Lingyun Sect, the Yang family has risen very fast and gathered a large number of spiritual practitioners. Traditional families such as the Ma family We have to fight against it, but it's a pity that the Ma family is not as powerful as the Yang family, so we can only recruit some demon cultivators."

"The relationship between Lingxiu and Moxiu was already very tense, and with the addition of family strife, the relationship is even worse. This is why I dare to introduce you to the Ma family. The Ma family's tolerance towards Moxiu is far beyond your imagination. Just to be able to fight against the Yang family more, even though Moxiu is always weak, Ma family tried their best to help Moxiu, but the effect is not very good, Moxiu still suffers more bullying."

"Then shall we go there?" Xu Han asked.

"Forget it. We still can't pass. The three of us can't help much. And even if we pass, it won't affect the strength of Lingxiu. We still try our best to do our own things well." Zhang Zhongqi denied and stepped forward idea.

Even though Xi Shuncheng was clearly eager to try, he could only sadly agree with Zhang Zhongqi's judgment.

Xu Han didn't care, he didn't feel the plight of Moxiu at all.I was just asking, but since Zhang Zhongqi said it, he has no objection.

The three of Xu Han found the right direction and left quietly.

But two days later, the three of Xu Han had to get involved in a fight between spirit demon monks.

The three of Xu Han were tracking a monster on the twelfth level of Qi refining along the breath left by the monster, when they were suddenly blocked by a team of spiritual practitioners.There are five people in Lingxiu, all of whom are not very old, and all of them have the school mark of Lingyunmen.Obviously they are all monks in the Lingyun Sect.But the strength is average, the five of them are all at the tenth level of Qi Refining, but compared to the three of Xu Han, their strength is already far higher.

What left Xu Han and the others speechless was that the other team was blocked by five spirit cultivators and could not go to hunt monsters.

The monster is an enchanted cat-eyed feathered fox, and it is most likely a mother fox feeding her cubs.The three of Xu Han followed the aura to this valley, and the aura of the mother fox disappeared in the valley.Five spiritual cultivators of the Lingyun Sect on the tenth floor of Qi Refining blocked the entrance of the valley, and Xu Han and the other five were not allowed to enter.

The other five were very similar to the three of Xu Han, both spiritual and demonic.Similarly, there are three demon cultivators, all at the ninth level of Qi refining, and two spirit cultivators at the tenth level of Qi refining, with good strength.However, it was still not as good as facing the five spirits of the tenth level of Qi Refining, so they were blocked outside.

"Why let five of them block the valley? Let's call those five together, and then eight of us will join together and drive those five away." Xu Han suggested.In Xu Han's prediction, it should be easy for eight of them to drive away five of each other.

"Haha! Did you hear that? That trash with the lowest cultivation level actually wants to join forces with several other trash to deal with us. Don't you have anything to say?" Before the people here said anything, one of the five spiritual practitioners over there A tenth-level Qi Refining monk laughed out loud, as if he had heard a big joke.

The other four monks on the tenth floor of Qi Refining also laughed and looked at Xu Han with mocking eyes.

Xu Han was puzzled and looked at the others.It was found that the five members of the other team were all looking at Xu Han with surprised eyes, and their expressions were extremely strange.Let Xu Han think that he has become a fool.

Xu Han looked puzzled and looked at Zhang Zhongqi.

Zhang Zhongqi smiled wryly: "Xu Han, we'd better leave!"

Looking at Xi Shuncheng again, Xi Shuncheng also said bitterly: "Xu Han, it seems that you really don't look like a demon cultivator. Although I really want to work with you, but we..." Xi Shuncheng shook his head, obviously not agreeing.

Xu Han was really puzzled, and then looked at the other five people.The five people also shook their heads, ready to leave.

Seeing the expressions of the people on Xu Han's side, the five spirit cultivators on the tenth floor of Qi Refining laughed wildly: "A bunch of trash."

Holding Zhang Zhongqi who was about to leave, Xu Leng said in a cold voice, "Don't leave, I want them to understand who is the real trash."

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